‘Jesus Christ’ appears in Malawi

Jesus shows up in Malawi

…man claims he is the Messiah

A video footage is circulating of a Malawian man who claims to be Jesus Christ and was born without his parents having sex.

Jesus shows up in Malawi
‘Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news’

According to the footage, the ordinary looking man made the claims in the presence of police officers.

He told them that he is the son of God who has not yet started performing miracles because his father, God, wants to remove the devil first.

When the officers ask him if he can prophesy about them by simply telling their names, Jesus refuses saying his time has not yet come.

The footage comes at a time when South African based controversial prophet Shepherd Bushiri claimed on YouTube that angels visited his church in September. The video has been dismissed as a hoax by Bushiri’s critics.

Meanwhile Malawi24 is seeking to establish the details of the local Jesus.

For the full video showing ‘Jesus‘ saying ‘I am the Son of God’ click the video below or click here:

'Jesus Christ' appears in Malawi - Video footage captures Jesus