…man claims he is the Messiah
A video footage is circulating of a Malawian man who claims to be Jesus Christ and was born without his parents having sex.

According to the footage, the ordinary looking man made the claims in the presence of police officers.
He told them that he is the son of God who has not yet started performing miracles because his father, God, wants to remove the devil first.
When the officers ask him if he can prophesy about them by simply telling their names, Jesus refuses saying his time has not yet come.
The footage comes at a time when South African based controversial prophet Shepherd Bushiri claimed on YouTube that angels visited his church in September. The video has been dismissed as a hoax by Bushiri’s critics.
Meanwhile Malawi24 is seeking to establish the details of the local Jesus.
For the full video showing ‘Jesus‘ saying ‘I am the Son of God’ click the video below or click here:
The man is mentally ill. Immediate action is needed to save him. Those who know his home please find time to escort him to a psychiatric nurse or clinician for assessment. He needs special attention.
The man is mentally ill. Immediate action is needed to save him. Those who know his home please find time to escort him to a psychiatric nurse or clinician for assessment. He needs special attention.
Malawi 24, I don’t care who you are serving but next time address My PAPA , as Major1 without adding the word controversy. because I can tell you like to mention my PROPHET in almost everything you want to publish even though irrelevant
Damn right?
Zitivuta kubwera guyz ayesu achuluka bwanji boma ligwirepo job fast otherwise musochera ambiri
Its time let it fulfiled
hahah yawa nuluwadziya yine Nokwenda omakhala kuvisaza ku Ntchisi tsano zakhabwanji kt okhale yesu omewa…mot ungamakane omako nkumat ulibe omako mmmm koma iwe Kwenda ndiwedi kwenda
Munthu ameneyu ndi wakumangochi ku Malombe I know him very well
Mugwire naye apachikidwe basi
kukhuta eti?
kkkkkkkkkk aneneli onyenga
Ayesu mwatchena bwino kodi ndiye malemba aja oti diso lilonse lizamuona iye ifetu takuonani pa fb chifukwa timamva kuti muzafikira mumitambo ,nanga athu ena sanakuoneni bwanji? Kodi ndiye tikhala nanube mpakaliti? Milandu yawanthu muweruza liti?
Anthu ambiri adzafika n’dzina langa nazasochelesa anthu ambiri
Jesus will never touch or land on earth and will never eat anything on earth but will eat with the rightious in heaven
Maloto achumba amenewo
Kkkkkkkk fodya wamkulu akupweteka anthu kumudziko eti chonde chepetsani
Ndichifukwa a Malawi sitidzasiya kukhala ovutika mpaka kale kale. Kodi wina siuja amati Jesus Matiki??? Ndife otembereledwa basi!
Apachikidwe basi
Yesu amavala zopanda msoka osati zako zapakaunjikazo ungotengapo thembelero mpala choncho.
Koma abale zina ukaona
Kukhuta msima ya ngumbi eti?? Shupit,,bulan faken kkkkkkk
Kkkkkk koma zinanzi guys
uyu ndi Yesu ndani?
uyu ndi Yesu ndani?
Crazy usiye fodya iwe akupweteka coz ukapitiliza mawa udzabweranso nkumati ndiwe Mulungu
Crazy usiye fodya iwe akupweteka coz ukapitiliza mawa udzabweranso nkumati ndiwe Mulungu
Eeee dziko likuthadi eti!
Thanks Yomba Lowole and 9 others for your support on my ccomment guyz.
Za Fodya basi wakhuta Kachasu ameneyo.
Anthu openga awa chamba chili bobobobo
ndiye zitiso pliz, tikufuna tilowe chaka china ife apa
Kkkkkk akuti mayi ake Anamuuza chani ali moyo? Koma galu ameneyu
Zayambikanxo izi kkkk. Malawi mavuto sadzamuthela, by the way, where is ur brox matiki?
Ulosi ulekeni ukwaniritsidwe pajatu Yesu iye mwini adati ambiri azidzati ndi a Yesu.Tili kumapeto kwa masiku otsiriza
what is he smoking there
Yesu okhala Ndi foni kumacheza pa fb Kkkkkkk
zausilu izi usayese Mulungu wako pachabe
Chikhulupililo chomwe ulinacho ukhalenacho mwaiwe wekha don’t worry about munthu
Crazy indeed
Yesu Matiki Anapita Nde Mwati Wabweranso Wina? Kkkkkkk Koma Nde Za Matsiku Osilizaditu Izi!
Ndyedi ma days omalidza.Eh eh!! Mpaka suit? akuba ndi olandadi,,,,, komabe pitilizani kuti malemba akwanilitsidwe kutinso wakusunga zinthu mmutu akumbukire.
Yesu wanuyu wayambila kulalikira ku police kaye!
Muli bho guys
Masiku womaliza awa abale anga inu
No no no no,anyway, i dont blame u,i know ndi umphawi,just give me your account number ndikutumizire tuma Rand
This guy is mad in head thats what I can only say
ubwino ake he knows he got parent whom can’t confirm to him they had sex for him
He was born without his parents having sex means he was born through Artificial Insemination kakakakakaaa!
Jesus in a suit, nonsessssss. Hi Jeaus where were u all dc tym??? u jst apear to day n tlng shit. Mpachiken.
Guys profit bushiri akuti akumaonetsa Angelo k satanic basi
Ufuna ubvekedwe unyoro wagolide?
Try to call yourself prophet Muhamad tione ngati ufika madzulo…. kkkk
Try to call yourself prophet Muhamad tione ngati ufika madzulo…. kkkk
Kkkk koma malodza enawa Yeah???
Mukakhuta mango ndibwino kumangogona basis zomalemba nkhani zofoirazo zichepe
mmpala wake umenewu ukhale jesus..chamba icho
mmpala wake umenewu ukhale jesus..chamba icho
Kod mumakhala kut mwakhuta chan?
km kumalawi kkKkkkkKkkkK
Yamikan fodya ,chamba
We shall see @ the destiny
nice try fool
Masiku Osiliza nzosadabwitsa izo kuno nako zilikuchitika
osadabwa zinalmbedwa kale kuti ambiri adzafika mudzina langa ndapanga zizindikilo zambiri zozwizwitsa .
Tikangomupachika bwanji pamtanda.Akaulula zambili.Amakhala kuti panopa?
Eash. Guys it’s too much. No comment on this. Amwenewa ngolakwitsa eash!!!!!
Wahlanya wena!kkkkkkk
Kodi chamba kapena chani?
Ubongo uwu bolanso wamphaka amaganizo kunya ndi kukwirirapo osati izi ayi. Mukakhuta matokoso musamatisokosere.
Afuse mzake Ku Zimbabwe uku anafa potsatila zomwe abachitapo yesu kukhala masiku 40 osadya kanthu mzake anafa atangokwani 31
Matsiku otsiliza
Pakunya pako wamva?bible likut yesu adzabwera ngat mbala,osat mujekete ngat lakolo.ndipo akufa onse adzauka napita mlengalenga,kupusa eti?mkofunika kumuotchaameneyi akufuna kusochelesa anthu.
Yesu wake wampala kumutu, wakhuta mnandolo uko mkumati ndine Yesu ndidakutukwana mpang,ono
Makunya pako wamva?bible likut yesu adzabwera ngat mbala,osat mujekete ngat lakolo.ndipo akufa onse adzauka napita mlengalenga,kupusa eti?mkofunika kumuotcha ameneyi akufuna kusochelesa anthu.
akaululi pagologota bwa. Ali n 4n iyeyo guyz
mmm dont wonder, end time is near, christians praymore
Looking for fame?shame!!!
Mwayi wa a Malawi!
palibe akuziwa tsiku lobwela yesu
Yesu wometa ndi wovala Jacket kkkkk shame on you
Paka phamvu ya big tobaco kkkkkkk yakuona big yeleyo
Misalatu iyi!
Blasphemous lunatic, who lied to him that his parents didn’t engage in sex,before he was conceived.
We musliums believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) is a revered Prophet among Prophets of Allah not his son,but we don’t accept that his name and person should tampered in this way.
Chamba malawi 24muzisuta bwino kumaona saizi yanu plz.
It seems that this dude misunderstand what Messiah really means,if you want to be famous please look for another way
Kameneka nde kachokaso kuti nanga wangokhuta nandolo uko nkumati mfwiii mfwiiii uona ngati dziko lonse lingamavutike kutchula za mpulumutsi kunena iweyo ngati watopa ndi moyo bwanji osakangodzigwetsera mu Shire ufe bwanji galu,nyani ,chitsilu iwe Futseck ,shit ……..zako.
Kakakaka hmmm vuto lomatulusa amisala osagenda mkumat achila nanga iziso nchan tawabwezeletseniso kuzomba asatiyitsepo apa nthaw.
wabwela limoz nd morgan heritage mphavu ya big tobaco
Sapato ndiye wavala yotchipa bwanji
Mark 5:5-13
Takulandiran man Yesu,anthu dzanadzanali amasangalala za birthday yako,ndikhulupilira wabwera kudzatolera mphaso yapa birthday yako
Hey stop ur nonsense pse can u be Jesus really?
mmmm some will come in my name claiming to be Jesus,it is really happening
Akadya fodya nkumati ndi yesu, amfuse mzake Matiki
I cnt evn wtch de footage bcoz dis is total bullshit
Take hm to mental then arest hm
hw cn we believe??we had yesu Matiki.now this is another yesu.things are getting worse day by day.
hehe african yeezus malawi’s own Sage Cannibal Jackson Mphamvu Gondwe Robert Nungu Lionel Kaphinde
hlongwane hihi
last time i saw u was in std 2 man
me am not moses mina
kijesu :v
nuti umangona ?
F*cK :v
Koma zinazi?
Idiotic stories
tawonani akacita chijekete! nanuso nkhan za anthu amisalawa tamangozisiyani!
Othawa zenophobia afna kukhara ma celeb kkkkkk masiku omaliza
Too good to be true.wow.
kkkkkk koma adha yesu wake opanda serious akuseka mix kutokosa mphuno. yesu wovala sapato top bobo. koma!!!!
Kkkkkkkk.wow.!! It’s ridiculous
Wadalatu Malawi…apa,Tiphempha boma likambe nawo ku amalawi onse apa atole zama khasu loripo baxi…chipulumutso
Tizamuwona akubwera kuchokera kumitambo
indedi mutsogoseni ku ndirande…kkkkkkkkkk…..akanene zoona
Perhaps he might hv donor comfidence to test Malwians faith,one thing they have forgoten..our guide its hollybible..
Mumangoti ndine yesu, ndine yesu, bwanji Muhammad ?
ndiye chonchi nkumati ganja should be legalised? apapa nkuti utsi wa marijuana ukuchita kutulukira mmakutu ndi paliwombo pomwe. tachionani kunkhopeko!
Ameneyo siuja yesu matiki , wakumachinjili uja .
Was he there to say that he was born without his parents having sex?i guess your mama lied to you mxii
Akamupime ku mental hospital
Iwe anakuuza ndani kuti unabadwa popanda makolo kukhalila limoza ngati kuti nthawi yomwe umabadwa unaliko. Beware , He is not Jesus we know , but the truth is that He is just warning people that anytime any moment The Son OF GOD is coming. Its just like , if you go without looking at the back , you cannot know that there comes a bicycle, but if it rings then you know .So this is just a ring of a bicycle to know that behind you there’s something heading over you. Eshhhiiiiiiiiiih zinazi kupweteketsa mutu. Please, ma dear friend notifying you there’ s only one JESUS NO MORE! OR even in the bible there’s no scriptures explaining of another Jesus apart from Him. Wena becareful. If you play with “GOD” YOU will recieve” VIPYO”.
Yes watchout man
Inu nde mwamaliza masewera simunafune kukhala Prophet man of God ai.kkkkkk
mukadzamva kuti ali kwakuti musatsatire
Thanks Christopher Manyamba,Austin Stam Kaphwiti and 7 others for your likeness on comment.
mmhh thay cant be Jesus those are false prophets……
Watopa Ndikhasu Kamulimi Iwe eti, Ndinakudusa Ukulima Nd Agogo Ako Fodya Ku KASUNGU iwe.
Hahahahahahhahahahahahaha chamba bas
انا عـرفت مين زار بروفايلي اعرف أنـت كمـان مين زار بـروفايلك بالـوقت والتاريخ و معرفة الوقت الذي يدخل و يخرج به اصـدقائك . شاهد الشرح ^_^
تأكد من تعليقات الزوار قبل اى شئ
من هنا ==> arnewst.blogspot.com/5 ↓
Ma last day or temptations!!!
Be careful of your mounth, you man said to be Jesus.
Thanks Epic Essau Chiheni and Raphael Thewe for your support on my comment.
koma abale dzikoli ai ndithu last dayz
Jesus haaaaaaa ,akufunika mayeselo ameneyu tione ngati angapilile
Chamba chimenecho.
Ma Last Days nde amenewo,owerenga khala maso.
Zili mmalemba ndipo sindikudabwa nazo mwana wamunthu wayandikira
Zili mmalemba ndipo sindikudabwa nazo mwana wamunthu wayandikira
Kukumuva ndikutoza mmomveka bwino iyeyu wangodzodzedwa ndi Mphamvu za mzimu mwa yesu ndifukwa akuzichula kuti ndiine YESU chifukwa cha mphamvuzo zikumuimilira mwaiyeyo
Kukumuva ndikutoza mmomveka bwino iyeyu wangodzodzedwa ndi Mphamvu za mzimu mwa yesu ndifukwa akuzichula kuti ndiine YESU chifukwa cha mphamvuzo zikumuimilira mwaiyeyo
Is’t This Simple To Become Jesus?Pakutha Kwa 2016 Abwelanso Ena Koma Nanga Bwanji Sakutitengela Kumwambako?Kapena Akuyamba Wamwela Kaye Pakuti Ulendowu Ngwautali?Kkkkkkk 18+
Is’t This Simple To Become Jesus?Pakutha Kwa 2016 Abwelanso Ena Koma Nanga Bwanji Sakutitengela Kumwambako?Kapena Akuyamba Wamwela Kaye Pakuti Ulendowu Ngwautali?Kkkkkkk 18+
police, pliz!! Take him to ZA mental hosp/ St. John of God or College of Medicine for
4 psych. assessment. I know he ‘ll require hospitalisation 4 not less zan 6 months to start developing rational thoughts. God is going to heal him from such acute symptoms of mental disorder.
Chrisitans plz dont deny him since he is the second Jesus
Chrisitans plz dont deny him since he is the second Jesus
Kachaso sakumwa bwino anyamatawa
Kachaso sakumwa bwino anyamatawa
Za masiku omaliza
Za masiku omaliza
Thanks Simbi Eustace,Elson Mtonga and Raphael Thewe for your recommendation on my comment.
Thanks Simbi Eustace,Elson Mtonga and Raphael Thewe for your recommendation on my comment.
I know this guy,one of false prophet mumakwalalamu.hey young man don’t play with God, better find something to do.
I know this guy,one of false prophet mumakwalalamu.hey young man don’t play with God, better find something to do.
His Mad…
Signs of the times,aman like me claiming to be Jesus?People of God dont go to him he just want to make aname.
Why you guys are worried is not wrong to have name jesus…the man’s name is jesus not The Lord Jesus
Demonic spirit
“lord help us”!
God please hv mercy fr us, ,,, whr ar u driving malawi at God
Nonsense! This is madness at it’s best,
i washed his video guys Uuuuuu so pity none other bt satan z all over his dead body
kill the bursted, SIN again yesterday gayism now suit jesus christ, what Hell z goin on in malawi tell me pitala?
kkkkkkk uzaziona
kkkkkkkkkk my Malawi
Last days, no wonder
Koma anthu ngati awa pakufunika kuwamanga awa!
What’s so funny about this is that non of us here are deceived by this guy.so i dont see how a biblical prophecy is being fulfilled here as end times signs. First this guy doesn’t even fit the profile cause the bible states clearly that these fake jesus will perform wonders .when did you hear about this guy performing a wonder,or even the so called yesu matiki?these are just attention seekers not to be confused with the prophecy. Stay wide awake
that’s zealotical, fanatical and unsubstianted. editors focus on issues concerning the development of this poor nation…
Kanundu eti
Yesu ometa mpala mayomayomayo
If dis guy born without his parents having sex awafunse mayakewo bwinobwino analowetsa fisi nyumba
so another sin pa Malawi after homosexuality now comes blasphemy
Aaaa ndikumudziwa munthu uyu shit he oz once my neba.kwao nkuphalombe uyu. Liar may be ziwanda ankapemphera kwambiri
Jesus ovala suit kkkk….
Shame on him.
Total lie&this is fake Jesus christ.We are in the last days indeed.Hahahahahaha
The very last days
Umphawi wavuta…….Masiku omaliza kkkkkkkkkkkkkk…….Mlungu mli maso kapena mwagona…????? …….
Just know that we are in last days
Kufuna kutchuka nde nkhani yake.
Fodyayu siwabwno siwaledzelaso uyu nonses…..shame on u fake jesus!!
Amwali see Jesus koma anthu azikhara serious Denise Anthony
ha ha guys, “jesus” who came to zambia if he had accepted, cud u have believed coz he was a white man??
His possessed by the evil jin.jesus akawoneke ngati munthu othawa xenophobia kujoni Hahahaha.
Afana,dont play with God ok! atherwise you will see something what Gadama saw.
Chofunika n’kupemphera kwambiri, izi sizachilendo, ambuye Yesu ananena kale za zimenezi kut nthawi yanga ikadzayandikira yakudza pansi pano mudzaona zizindikiro zosiyanasiyana, chimodzi mwa izo anati: kudzabwera aneneri onyenga nazazitcha kuti ndine ndipo musadzawamvere.
End of tymz
Mwini game? Koma nebaaaa kkkkkk
Masiku omaliza chifukwa kumalawi uphawi suzatha ayi chilichose malawi? Yesu ali kumalawi,ma prophet malawi ziko latembeleledwatu ilo ?
Da!!!! Uwongo Kabisa!
The man is truly Jesus! Christ is in him the hope of glory! Yesu Ali mkati mes iye! Ife tonse akhristu ndife Yesu popeza Yesu Ali mwa ife. Nkhani yatha apa
Koma zinazi guys kayano sopano
Haha ayayaya munthuyu needs a serious medical examination ndithu
Wangokhuta ngumbi uyu…..
Ooho dzinali basi munayesa choseweletsa eeti. basi mukakhuta eee! ndine Jesus Christ. zachaaamba osanenako kuti ine satana bwanjii. tidzakuthibulani nazoni day ina ife. fodya eeeti.
Idzi ndye ai kkkkkk
Kkkkkkk koma adha! No comment! Myrie Misasa Chikwenya Hastings Chikwenya
Asatipweteketse mutu awa, nkhopeyo kutalitali
Malaulo ku malawi sadzatha……kodi yesu matiki anapita kuti ?????……..kenako tidzaanva kuti wina akudzitchula kuti iye nd mulungu……….GOD INCREASE OUR FAITH !!!!!
Malaulo ku malawi sadzatha……kodi yesu matiki anapita kuti ?????……..kenako tidzaanva kuti wina akudzitchula kuti iye nd mulungu……….GOD INCREASE OUR FAITH !!!!!
Chonde zimenezi zitsale mu 2015 momwemu tisapite nazo mu 2016!
Chonde zimenezi zitsale mu 2015 momwemu tisapite nazo mu 2016!
God doesn’t even exist
God doesn’t even exist
Masiku otsiriza,,,,,,,(Zinalembedwa kale m’malembo oyera)
Masiku otsiriza,,,,,,,(Zinalembedwa kale m’malembo oyera)
Do not be moved with such nonsenses “Believers”
Do not be moved with such nonsenses “Believers”
“When yea shall hear he is in the city or at the mountain or in such and such a place yea shall not go there for such things must passby and yet alittle while shall come herarding signs of the son of man accomponied
“When yea shall hear he is in the city or at the mountain or in such and such a place yea shall not go there for such things must passby and yet alittle while shall come herarding signs of the son of man accomponied
Jesus said that His feet ll nt step on the ground,hw com dc guy z stegn’ on the ground?dnt provok pplez unger.Watchout!
Jesus said that His feet ll nt step on the ground,hw com dc guy z stegn’ on the ground?dnt provok pplez unger.Watchout!
Thanks Loveth Andrina Harris for your likeness on my comment.
Thanks Loveth Andrina Harris for your likeness on my comment.
Bible says mukadzava kuti yesu ali uku musadzatekeseke
Bible says mukadzava kuti yesu ali uku musadzatekeseke
Devil at work.
Devil at work.
adzabwera ngati mbala….
adzabwera ngati mbala….
Thanks Loveth Andrina Harris,Martha Lunguzi,Charles Golombe,Mulowoka Johanes Nyirenda and Apostle Charlie Gomiwah for your support on my comment.
Thanks Loveth Andrina Harris,Martha Lunguzi,Charles Golombe,Mulowoka Johanes Nyirenda and Apostle Charlie Gomiwah for your support on my comment.
Yesu otokosola mphonongolo…. Pompa nawo agula jet, akayamba kuvala ma suit othwanima ma followers mbwerekete….
Yesu otokosola mphonongolo…. Pompa nawo agula jet, akayamba kuvala ma suit othwanima ma followers mbwerekete….
Koma abale izi nchiyaninso?
Koma abale izi nchiyaninso?
My people !What is so surprising in one calling himself Jesus Christ?MATTHEW 24 v 24 says,For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-if that were possible.MALEMBA KUKWANILISIDWA MATSIKU OMALIZA.
My people !What is so surprising in one calling himself Jesus Christ?MATTHEW 24 v 24 says,For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-if that were possible.MALEMBA KUKWANILISIDWA MATSIKU OMALIZA.
Kkkkkkk angomukwapulamo
Kkkkkkk angomukwapulamo
Thanks Martha Lunguzi,Charles Golombe,Mulowoka Johanes Nyirenda and Apostle Charlie Gomiwah for your support on my comment.
Thanks Martha Lunguzi,Charles Golombe,Mulowoka Johanes Nyirenda and Apostle Charlie Gomiwah for your support on my comment.
I really feel sorry for this man, he is mentally challenged and phsycologically needs urgent help!
I really feel sorry for this man, he is mentally challenged and phsycologically needs urgent help!
Mukamampachika ameneyi mundikodole nane ndimpachike nawo….kkkkkkk
Mukamampachika ameneyi mundikodole nane ndimpachike nawo….kkkkkkk
this marks the end of the days kkkk
this marks the end of the days kkkk
Galimoto ya ku mental inasiya kuyenda coz inayi ndi misala
Galimoto ya ku mental inasiya kuyenda coz inayi ndi misala
Weed from hanyez kk side
Weed from hanyez kk side
I think kanundu kwambiri
I think kanundu kwambiri
The sign of times,many wil come in the name of Jesus 2 mislead the masses neva be moved wif such claims in the name of jesus.
The sign of times,many wil come in the name of Jesus 2 mislead the masses neva be moved wif such claims in the name of jesus.
Thanks Apostle Charlie Gomiwah,Charles Golombe and Mulowoka Johanes Nyirenda for your support on my comment.
Thanks Apostle Charlie Gomiwah,Charles Golombe and Mulowoka Johanes Nyirenda for your support on my comment.
why?why? you are playing with the son of God.Oh! no! stop what you are doing.You make man through his name,his body you had returned it for business ,Ohh! my lord forgive their doing.Whn shall we find happinss ,? allowing homesexuallity ,now we hear that jesus,what is his miracles to the world?
why?why? you are playing with the son of God.Oh! no! stop what you are doing.You make man through his name,his body you had returned it for business ,Ohh! my lord forgive their doing.Whn shall we find happinss ,? allowing homesexuallity ,now we hear that jesus,what is his miracles to the world?
Satana wampengesa nde akumuyalusatu bambo a ujeni
Satana wampengesa nde akumuyalusatu bambo a ujeni
He must have not known his father when his mother abandoned him. Why known @ his age when JESUS was known before his birth till death.
He must have not known his father when his mother abandoned him. Why known @ his age when JESUS was known before his birth till death.
Kkkk jesus of malawi ameneyi? Realy we are in last days.
Watani MALAWI wanga ine kodi chikucitika ndi chiani?
Mmmm we r in last dayz
Bayela Bangoh, Peter Chikoti, Apostle Charlie Gomiwah, Abiti Chimz Kwakwala, Gomiwa Mbwiyee Mlomwe, Roy Micheal Albano, Micky B MW, Ian Maseko, Benson Mahundred, Cidric Graciam Topola, Phydelia Eliya, Yamsey Chinguwo, Mcdonald Tembo, Mtunduwatha Chinyama, Rebecca Bwanali, Peter Austin, Lomwewammapiri Gomiwa, Julie Chithendo, Tionge Comsy, Trinity Chiumia, Chimera Ck Kachamba, Bright Cryton Kumwenda, Thocco Lipenga, New Ishmael G Shadrec, Nomsa Magombo, Eliza S Bango, Loveness Ndembo, Victor Berch Mwadala Jr., Jane Kunkeyani, Gibbo Fanuel, Germina Sekowe, Emmaculate Lunda, Joseph C Liwimbi, Master Mdula, Richard Nyalugwe Gospel Last days
mad fellow
kodi alonda akumento mukutani? asalora anthu amisala kuthawa ku mento.
Manyi ako wamva?ukufuna usocheletse a mw?watopa ndikuitanila maminibus mu limbe nde wat unamize fanz? hehehehe yesu pobwela akufa onse adzauka.kagwere uko
wasuta kanundu ameneyo
Bushiri waona angelo ife taona yesu kkkkkkkkkk
Ayii! Ine ndalephela kusowa chosankha; Inu ayesu bwelani m’muwombole mgabe eti akupita ;nanga nkhaniyi mkudziwa?
Thanks charles Golombe and Mulowoka Johaness Nyirenda for your likeness on my comment.
Komadi chambachi chamuononga mutu kkkk
ndikanakanakhala ndilibe bible,komaso kuti sindimaliwerenga ndikanasochera.
Wasowa zochita ameneyo
Woe to those who fulfill the signs of end of age..
Schizophrenic patient jst absconded at zomba mental hospa..
last days…
Mukungofuna Potchukila Mwaiwala Kuti Mukudziwunjikira Makala Amoto.
Mukungofuna Potchukila Mwaiwala Kuti Mukudziwunjikira Makala Amoto.
Judgement is not in our hands and believe me eveen him has the chance to be forgiven if he repeat
Judgement is not in our hands and believe me eveen him has the chance to be forgiven if he repeat
kkkkkkkkkkk alinayo video andigaile .watsup me.0999435647
kkkkkkkkkkk alinayo video andigaile .watsup me.0999435647
God help us!!!
God help us!!!
Zachibwana basi kusowa chochita
Zachibwana basi kusowa chochita
Jesus kapena Yesu ameneyo
Jesus kapena Yesu ameneyo
Hahahaha dis year z different from all years
Hahahaha dis year z different from all years
This is about as anti Christ as you can get , the word of God talks about these fakes that say i am God but we must beware. Read the book af Revalations and you wil read about the Anti Christ. Beware my friends beware.!!!!!
This is about as anti Christ as you can get , the word of God talks about these fakes that say i am God but we must beware. Read the book af Revalations and you wil read about the Anti Christ. Beware my friends beware.!!!!!
koma 2015 watha msanga eti m’bale dziwa wonyoza mzimu ali wotembereredwa moti ngati ungawelenge lapa chifukwa ungatembeledwe yesu sioseweletsa wamva
Iziso ndiye zit?
Iziso ndiye zit?
Mtendele ukhale paiye mwinadi mkutheka kukhala yesu
Mtendele ukhale paiye mwinadi mkutheka kukhala yesu
Ife si mbuli mu mzimu. Tikudziwa bwino za izi bible lidatiwuzilatu zisadafike. Sitikuwona zachilendo. Pakufika kachiwiri kwa mpulumutsi wathu Yesu Khristu palibe ntola nkhani amene adzalembe kudziwitsa anthu pakuti nthawi yolemba idzasowa komaso aliyese adzamuwona dziko lose la pasi.
Ife si mbuli mu mzimu. Tikudziwa bwino za izi bible lidatiwuzilatu zisadafike. Sitikuwona zachilendo. Pakufika kachiwiri kwa mpulumutsi wathu Yesu Khristu palibe ntola nkhani amene adzalembe kudziwitsa anthu pakuti nthawi yolemba idzasowa komaso aliyese adzamuwona dziko lose la pasi.
kikikikikikikikikikikik koma ma comedy ena hahahahahahahahhaha cant stop lafing
kikikikikikikikikikikik koma ma comedy ena hahahahahahahahhaha cant stop lafing
Nkhasako jesus Navas wa Mancity amadoda chikopa nanga wampalayu amachita chani?
Nkhasako jesus Navas wa Mancity amadoda chikopa nanga wampalayu amachita chani?
Let God be God Please,! He is Just uncomparable,, Have mercy on him,,, Readers piease live by What the Bible and dont be shaken in anyway coz u wont be told by anybody else as ur own eyes shall be ur witness when that time comes. Even the dead will see Him!
Let God be God Please,! He is Just uncomparable,, Have mercy on him,,, Readers piease live by What the Bible and dont be shaken in anyway coz u wont be told by anybody else as ur own eyes shall be ur witness when that time comes. Even the dead will see Him!
Joloji Salijeni
Richard Gondwe
Kenneth Kamwendo
Kenneth Wixy Waxy Sazuze
Joloji Salijeni
Richard Gondwe
Kenneth Kamwendo
Kenneth Wixy Waxy Sazuze
pliz chambachi tamasutani bwino.
pliz chambachi tamasutani bwino.
iwe wafikila kuti ine nde ndibwere nzakufinyile konko akutuma eit to hell
iwe wafikila kuti ine nde ndibwere nzakufinyile konko akutuma eit to hell
Eish koma zinazi ukhoza kuchimwirapo m’malankhulidwe.
Eish koma zinazi ukhoza kuchimwirapo m’malankhulidwe.
kod kuzomba malo aanthu amisala anatha?mwina kusowa kwamankhwala nzipatalamu.
kod kuzomba malo aanthu amisala anatha?mwina kusowa kwamankhwala nzipatalamu.
comment loading………..
comment loading………..
Totak nonsense.
Totak nonsense.
Zachambaaa jesus #descent imeneo
Zachambaaa jesus #descent imeneo
IN SA we call Nyaope in Mw timati Chamba ichi.
IN SA we call Nyaope in Mw timati Chamba ichi.
Hahahahahaha…. Kkkkkkkkk…. Hohohoho….. Hihihihihi….. Nchiyani kodi AMalawi? Mpaka yesu winanso on top of Matiki?
Hahahahahaha…. Kkkkkkkkk…. Hohohoho….. Hihihihihi….. Nchiyani kodi AMalawi? Mpaka yesu winanso on top of Matiki?
Dis meanz GOD haz 2 promised sonz??????????
Dis meanz GOD haz 2 promised sonz??????????
Mental disorder kkkk
Mental disorder kkkk
Mudzichidya bwino
Mudzichidya bwino
End of days indeed the Messiah our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon.
End of days indeed the Messiah our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon.
Oooooh my God,That’s onother Yesu Matiki….Nyasaland now having two Jesus’…s
Oooooh my God,That’s onother Yesu Matiki….Nyasaland now having two Jesus’…s
Madness at its best
Madness at its best
Kodi sanakhute thobwa munthuyi?
Kodi sanakhute thobwa munthuyi?
Juses Matiki Friend
Juses Matiki Friend
Mwala wa Mphero ukolekedwe pa khosi pake namponyedwe mnyanja…in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!
Mwala wa Mphero ukolekedwe pa khosi pake namponyedwe mnyanja…in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!
kkkkk 2016 imeneyi tiona zambiri
kkkkk 2016 imeneyi tiona zambiri
With all these, Malawi won’t develop
My Spirit is Very Sorry for this Man that he now shares the cup of God’s Wrath on him…Father God Glorify yourself so your name may be honoured by all….His End is already come…!-Lord have mercy!-I Decree and declare fire on him!!!
You should be in the fire you are evil to wish another human that a true christian does not wish bad for a fellow human
You should be in the fire you are evil to wish another human that a true christian does not wish bad for a fellow human
Mathews 18:6″But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck,and to be drawned in the depth of the sea.7’Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks!,for it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but Woe to the man through whom the stumbling block Come!
The bible does not only promise blessings it also speaks destruction to those that choose to be messengers of Satan…. Messengers of Satan will share a cup of God’s wrath if they don’t come to Christ…Receive Christ and be saved or reject Christ and perish in Hell…Hallelujah!
Mathews 18:6″But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck,and to be drawned in the depth of the sea.7’Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks!,for it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but Woe to the man through whom the stumbling block Come!
The bible does not only promise blessings it also speaks destruction to those that choose to be messengers of Satan…. Messengers of Satan will share a cup of God’s wrath if they don’t come to Christ…Receive Christ and be saved or reject Christ and perish in Hell…Hallelujah!
He was born through Artificial Insemination, thats why akumayankhula zopanda mcherezo
Whether is tobacco we have to smock it right and if is beer let us drink it right as well. This name “Jesus” is no the name that we can take it lightly. Is a name with its on values. May God forgive you.
Choipa chikumutsata uyu
You Page Is Failin 2 Open,, Tkufuna Twerenge Nkhan Yoxe
Ndalama yavuta pamalawi. Bwanji sakuonekera maiko otukuka?
Thank our heaven father he did not claim to be yeshua.
Eeee last days ooooh God help
Chamba enanu mzisuta bwino Malawi ndi dziko lomwe ku Africa aliziwa kuti ndi la anthu wophunzira
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk hehehehehehehe sitingadabwe zayamba kuwonesa dzina la Yesu wina aliyese akhoza kutchula mosaopa poti chilango sichibwera pompo, kwinaku tamva kuti kunaoneka Angels
Chamba eti
Ndi waboza ameneyo. Tonse tikuziwa kuti ambaye wathu Yesu kristo azabweranso koma ananena kuti wina aliyense nthawi yobweranso kwache azawona ndi maso ake kumwamba kuzaseguka ndipuso
Eiash!…. koma abale zinazi eeeeh poti zinalembedwa kale ndepalibe zachilendo,we r, in last days.
man mwabwera munthawi yake malinga ndi njalayi apa amzanu aja ankadyesa an2 more zan 5000 bred 5 nndi nsonba siwiri nkusalanso madengu khumi kkkkk ku Malawi za njala tiiwale bas
Fodya etiii? ??
Akuti chani awa inu,timve za ugay izinso Malawi bwanji? God 4gv us
Wanga akazamabwera aliyense azamuona..iyaaaaaa
Nanunso inu a Malawi24 mukusowa zolemba et? Shatapu!
You are not jesus mate, we will know when he returns the whole world will know by his grand entrance
Mukadya zamba zanuzo muzipeza zina zochita than kumazifananina ndimpulumusi be carefull
chikristu cha masiku ano chalowa chibwana,anthu angotsekula mipingo yaoyao
Nkhope ngati kanungu..
Shutup ! Did you know or read da bible plz dont play with God
Think deeper about this guys, may be this man is really sent by GOD. Remember the bible says ‘lucky are those who believe without seeing’.
Matthew 24 v 24
Matthew 24 v 24
Thank you.
Thank you.
Chopichila champweteka uyu kkkkkkk akufuna kulanda mgodi
he should find himself a name.
When Jesus Comes Every Person Shall See Him. Ndiye Tikakhuta Chonde Tisamaseweretse Dzina La Yesu. Ine Sinamuone Kuno Akutsika Ndipo Zizindikiro Zakudza Kwake Sinazione Ndiye Muuzeni Kuti Akuchepa Ameneyo. Yesu Adzazindikirika Ndi Wina Aliyense Ngakhale Osapembedza Ndiwochimwa Womwe. Thambo Lonse Kudzaoneka Zinthu Zozizwitsa Zomwe Aliyense Adzakhalira Umboni Za Izo.
Pepani Kuti Ife Timadziwa Amene Timutumikira Man.
Huuuuuu shameless
that’s insane
jesus matiki where are you?
I really don’t know what is wrong in Malawi. Pliz editors you mustnt publish such stories coz they are childish.
Childish indeed kkkkk
Childish indeed kkkkk
Koma anthu akakhuta deya akusowa zolemba jesus jesus chani asanditukwanitse apa
He is possessed don’t listen to him.
opanda pake.
Nyaupe guy now is jesus? Kanundu sadzatha pa nyasaland!
He must repent from his blasphemy
Thanks Mulowoka Johaness Nyirenda for your likeness on my comment.
he is stupid
Wakhuta nandolo,
Pafika Malawi tsopano aliyense akhoza kumapanga zomwe akufuna ngakhale kumenya pama amfumu kumene
Cynthia Mbulo, it goes on and on. You might need Alfonso and Emmanuel to translate this for you
I can’t deal,ati ama chokelanso kumwamba ba mai babo bana mwalila
kapolo ameneyi akuti chani?
Jesus is Lord! Saviour 9th the human race….and on his second coming soon. Every eye shall see him all around the world at the same time! Osati Ivi. .After drinking matokoso you think you can just wake up and claim…just inviting demons on your life. Even demons know Jesus…repent!!! Even those reading my comment. John3v16. Read it…aleisa katula wesu
Where does it say every eye shall see him ‘ALL AT THE SAME TIME’?
Speak English Mr Adam!
I do speak very well English, my brother. .@pax-lo makaveli,,, at the same time I love learning other languages, and Malawi languages are sweet…am your neighbour…zambian
@Rajah siwale. ..revelation chapter 1v7. …learn to read and study God’s word…It is a lamp unto my feet. ..If you’re a believer, then am disappointed that you didn’t know about this scripture! If not now you know.that is including your eye….shall see him both saints and sinners. Even those who crucified him.
A false Jesus.
Koma abale masiku omaliza
Tiwauzanso achna joshua ndi man Bashiri kt Messiah uja watsikila kuno…Kkkkk
koma zinaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mulungu bwerani ndithu
This Guy Not Man Bcz Man Its Aname Of Respect!Should Bair In Mind That The Penalty Of Sin Is Death Sure And If He Dnt Repent He Deserve That It Shall Not Take Long U Wil Ask Me God Is Not A Man That U Can Pray With!Repent And Come Back To God Or Perish!
Koma ameneyu watani kodi Malawi
Kusowa kwa dolla kusakupangitseni kukhala jesus…Ndie akuti iyeyu ndimpulumutsi?Kapena wangodzipatsa chabe dzina la Jesus…
Ataponyeza necktie pamenepaja!
Mental illness imeneyo, take him to zomba
mukuti wafikila ku police? shaaa
Nyaope is taking over now
Jesus said l am a son of god do not some go into my father
Aaaa!!! man that iz what we call cibwana ulekeletu ungadzapse nd mazilu omwe.
Jesus ameneyu si okwatira uyu!akuyenera kukhalanso ndi ana uyu.
Malawi Mavuto Sazatha Kwachuluka Anthu Abodza Ndiongofuna Kutchuka
Welcome back jesus. When are u taking us to heaven?
Hahahaha u make my day,tjooooo
Ha ha ha thanks
Is this jesus for whole world or only malawi country?if he is for malawi country only he is fake Jesus
Dis man z crazy kkkk apite ku mental
Mkumbutseni kut kusowa kwa ntchito kwamupangitsa iye kukhala Jesus mwina ya sopo ingayipeze akanamiza anthu ogona .
Pa malawi patetha kwambiri #gay ndikuzabwera #jesus crist. Kkkkk
Alindivuto lamisara ameneyu! Yesu ndi nkhani zinatu osati phada ngati ameneyu amutuma ma gay ameneyu Mulungu wakhululuka kale chifukwa siiye koma mphavu zosaoneka ndi maso
kikkkkkk yesu wa mpala olo ndevu olo koma 4dyayi guys yesu mpaka neck-tie thii hmmmmm
mmmmm man znaz2 yesuyi mukumunamizila sanavale tie kkkk komanso zot ali ndi fon tilibe nazo umbon kkkkk
kikkkkkk #paul ine2 pomwe sindikumvetsa ndipa mpalapo man yesu mbonga?
Amenewo ndiye acristu ndimaziwa ine mulungu samuopa olo pang’ono
So many religions, but we don’t kno which 1 is perfect.
Komatu Ambuye amaseka zina akaona..
A yesu achiyawo,mavuto
Kkkkkkkkkkkk last days
Malawi @ 50 Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.Tiye Tikakukweze Phiri Ku Michiru Ku Chilomoni.
koma inu ine ndakomoka
Amao Mh!! Can You Imagine??
Now, how can our government legalise Malijuana if one start behaving like this? How many Jesuses are we going to have if they legalise it?
Shame u
Shame u
Kkkkkkkkkk koma Malawi aaaah sazatheka iyayi yesu ameneyi yoyoyo !!! Yes okhala ndi 4n iiiih
kudya over asiye
Ali mbali iti ameneyi mkadaphika mkadakumana naye bwanji
Malawi is coming to …..
Nkhope kuuma gwaaa !
Ungakhale Jesus iwe?
Sasamba uyu
ine ndifunitsa nditawona nkhope ya yesu osati yesu wa azungu uyu ayi.ngati kumalawiko kuli yesu amene ndufuna nditamuwona ine awonekere poyera monga mwakufuna kwanga.chifukwa yemwenso anthu ambili akukhulupilira ndi yesu mzungu.ndiye wonetsani mphamvu zanu.mwabadwila kudziko la anthu aumphawi koma achikhulupiliro cha mulungu.nchito zanu ndizo umboni.yesu ndi zina
Anthuso zinazi mumagovutika ku ma panga comment aaaa basi ndithu Mulungu angagobwela in malawi only?
Wamanyi uyoooo
Kkkkk…Ndiye mwati tipite naye ku Gologota akachite ma trials???..kkkkk
Kachasu basi!!!
Bwinotu apa, Muona polekera akulu inu
if found please return him to the owner by set him on fire
Every eye will see Him, not to be used by the media for despatching!
Jesus’s mother Mary was aproven virgin but to this one lord have mercy
God have mercy
Black Malawian Jesus? Go to hell
Nkhani ikanakhala yoti Yesu wamuonekera iye,ndipo wazazidwa ndi mzimu oyera,anthu akanayesa kumva.Yesu ankaoneka mwachizungu ndithu,ndipo ngati ndi zizindikiro za masiku otsiriza ndiye kuti obwera mu dzina lake awononga mitundu ya anthu.Why not in other countries,why Malawi?Ngati sititsegula maso,tivina dance ya Morgan Heritage.Kulipira zambiri,mmalo moyimba live,kutivinisa ma CD.Mulungu amukhululukire uyu,sakudziwa chomwe akunena…!
This man deserves death.Jesus is not a man that people must play with.The bible said,’when Jesus is coming back again,the sky shall open and the whole world shall be shaken with his great powers’.Do not try to brain storm us coz we already know the truth and this man MUST watchout!!!.
It is you thats evil how can you claim to be a christian and wish a fellow human to be killed you are not a christian you are a devil worshipper if you were a real christian you would forgive him and pray for his mental illness
It is you thats evil how can you claim to be a christian and wish a fellow human to be killed you are not a christian you are a devil worshipper if you were a real christian you would forgive him and pray for his mental illness
Inu ndinu opha anthu eti!!!!! Mwatiopysa!
Hahahaha Jesus will come to kill the cristians
I think this is a person with mental problems. He should be helped, not killed. But Mr. Ibrahim, it seems most inappropriate for you to make your comments because all it does is expose the fact that you are a most unpleasant hater.
And also need to learn how to spell! Why make silly remarks? Ibraahim do you have that little in your life? I forgive you for your ignorance and I pray you will find peace so you can stop hating! May god bless and guide you Ibraahim Nor Ali
Deserves death? We all deserve death, but because of what Jesus Christ did we all have eternal life. “that’s if we receive Jesus for the payment of our sins” read Romans 10:9 Let’s just hope the truth is revealed to him and he changes.
Police, tamufufuzeni mupeza mkazi ndi ana ake ndinso mfunda wake. Siwameta mpalawo ku Ndilande.
He shud b taken to box 2.
hw come i dint hear the trumpet blow, the heavens ddnt open..most of all i dint shit my pants
Eeee zopwetekesa mutu zimenezi
Wangokhuta mitu yankhuku uko uti ndiwe yese, mbuzi yamunthu iwe, nkhope yomvetsa chisoniyo. mulungu akukhululukile
what date is today?
Kukadza mapokoso tizafusa iwe
This country called Malawi has some very strange people
really …? ….
Di Mwana Wa Oris Grace Chisomo Pinto
Thanks pondikodola
Koma zinazi aaah
Ndiye akuti wabwera kudzatani
Don’t mock Jesus.
end times
Family guy Jesus Christ
Hahhahahhh ine kuti gadaaa
Ambuye anakamba kuti adzabwela ngati mbala you just never know
Tobacco is indeed harmful to health
gyz ndli ndi petro plus theyala. ndungofuna machesi. asatipatsepo buzy apa tingootcha ameneyi! Yesu wanj omakhala ndi 4n plus aliso pa fb
Beware of leopards in a sheep’s skin. Satanic guys are among us.
kkkkkkkkkkk guy koma zochitika kusimongoliya zimandiwaza kwabasi
I think jesus is just a title. ..not the one we know…like Manchester city we have jesus navas
‘He told them that he has not yet started performing miracles,waiting 4 his father to remove the devil first….,interesting indeed.
jesus wake amangotokosa mphuno. ndikape
Takondwa Sinyeka, Sinosi Mafuta, Andrew Luvi Sinyeka Peter Chimtali
Jesus wake nde ndi wampalatu,wa tie ndi suit,wopanda kuwala kwa mphavu yamzimu woyera…akulu bola mukanat ndinu a prophet bas kkkkkk.2015very lastdays
Welcome jesus, save me from my cashgate crimes!
Mwayambapo tsopano kuti namidza, siyani mabodza anu.
Haaaahaaa mwayambapo
Ok chabwino ndinu Yesu ndemukufuma chani? Mukufuna anthu atani?
Yesu matiki pat 2 Zina ukamva kambanga mwala ndithu
What a hell z this now??
m’pitisen ku ndilande akamugwire ntchto
Paja kachaso wayambikaso.
Koma abale Yesu mpaka kumufunsa kuti “Kodi za Uyesuzi munayamba liti??” hahahahahaha
Kkkkk koma zina ukamva
Zankutu basi
Kkkkkk masiku omaliza
Amwene muotchedwa ulele,Yesu abweranso kuzatenga ake nkupitanao kumwamba,nanga inu mwabwerera mission yanji?aaaaah pezan njira ina yofunira makobili,mukhoza kubwera kuno bussines yowotcha makala pano yagundika.
Amene akhale ndi moyo muona zambiri kuposa APA.last days imeneyi.naoso abushri hiii ngozi imeneo God send angels in a specific purpose. And Gabrielle ndiamene wakhala mtumiki wamulungu pamene multitude yaangel inaonekapo kamoZi pamene imazasiya uthenga wakubadwa kwampulumusi.ndie inu okhulupira bushir dzipangan mpatsen chumacho adye nao.maprophet koma achuna Isaiah
Ma major one zinaz tiyen nazoni
Hahahahaha Jesus in Malawi nde mukuti akut anabadwa makolo ake osagonana nde sakuziwa kut maio ake atha kukhala kuti anadyesa dhinkamu ku chibwez kuwanamiza bambo ake kut mimbayo ndiya mzimu chimene nduchiona apa man jesus athu apamalawiwa angofuna kutchuka bax
he better slow down on whatever he’s smoking, otherwise angaza.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk chiyesu chimenechi? ife timadziwa weniweni
Khala chete umenyedwa mbuzi iwe… Ndiwe chikhamu iwe
Wow….Mutu Utipwetekadi Kumapeto Anthawikuno Eti Zochitika Pwilikiti Mukadziko Kakang’ono Ngati Aka
Iwe choka choka choka tukhumba uchindere wako cha ise wapulika?? Yesu akuwa nge iwe?? Ukhumba ulyerenge wanthu eti
Kungoona kut bas amalawi akumangamvera zilizonse bas!kkkkkk akanakhala nzungu akanayambira ndi a PRESIDENT kukhulupilila koma iweyo nde ayi aaa!!!
Koma ngati ali khanundu! Kodi inu, you take malawians as fools that you can play around with?
mayi ake dzina lawo ndikukhala a Dolika…kikikikikikik
umufunse mzako matiki anamenyedwa ndikumuchotsanso pa lent,amwene repent!!!!.
lets crucify him
Diso lililose lizamuona akubwela ndi ulemelero
a son of beach u. fuck u.
man yesu kuntelo kkkkkkk
sakumuziwa Yesu amenayo akuona ngati Yesu pobwera azizacheza ndi a2 ndiotembeleledwa amenayo amayi akewo hule sakuziwa kuti anawapasa mimba ndani.
chambach muzsuta bwno
Real Jesus promised that when he comes again every eye will see him,now how come this so called jesus malawi I can’t see him,I think this jst proves that he is a liar,my men find another way if you want to get into peoples pockets cos this will not work.
mgendeni miyala akukhala kuti?
Wakhuta mandolo ophikidwa limozi ndi makaka eti? Yesu ungakhale iwe?taonani chijekete.
help us GOD
Last day’s
kasuta chamba aka
Kkkkkkkkk jesus wa decent though. Ananena inde kuti kudzabwera ena mudzina langa koma man mwalawilira mmmmm.
Where is his friend known as Jesus Matiki? Then Malawi is a blessed nation having two Jesuses. May the almighty God have mercy.
Here i am
Really a blessed nation kkkk,willy mulipo?
kkkkkkk # Andrew the rejected nde mukutipo bwanji popeza anzanu akutinso iwo ndi jesus?kapena inuyo munali afaketu
Kkkk malawians
zimandibowa zedi eish ndikanakhala mtsogoleri wa dziko ndikangonena angompoya ku maula prison,.
Another madness,, Thats why i dont trust these religion things!!
malawians have too much rights eish
Real Jesus said when he comes back every
This so called jesus malawi is a liar and must stop spreading
mutu ngati papaya wamva ?
Nanuso a #Malawi_24 muziganiza polemba nkhani zinazo iliyonse mwalemba ;>;>
Abwere Adzachilitse.
Tangoyerekezani kukhoma ntanda kuti mumupachikepo muone m’mene angathawire.
Dude…Maybe its Him.
NDE a Jesus tayendani pamadzi,tikumudziwa ifeyu anayenda
Kkkk amilapo chabe awa!!!
Amiladi kkkk
Mpala wake umenewooo!!
Komaso asayambe kudyesa anthu njoka ndi makoswe ngati uja wakujoni.
Matsiku otsiriza
M,bwelesen kuno tikutumule mwina azizindikila kuti iyeyo ndindan
Obim Chiboy Nonso
hmmmm terrible things happens in this Malawi country!!! may God help us.
Poti kuli mipingo yambiri ali mumpingo uti?
akt yesu analibe mpingo nde iyeyo sangapange zienezo
akt yesu analibe mpingo nde iyeyo sangapange zienezo
Meachamba uyu!!
Akupenga ameneneyo zisanafike lovuta apititsidwe Ku mental hospital
hehehe koma zina ukamva eish
Kutembereredwa chani makamaka?
Kusewera ndi Mulungu mutembeleredwa
akamufunse matiki ngati angamupeze! pali mayina ambiri monga mose, paulo akhoza kusewera nawo koma za Yesu izi!!! asamale Mulungu amadzimenyera nkhondo Yekha.
Chambachi….. Iiiiiiih
Wasuta dundu kuposa muyeso mukhululukileni
Trying to buy fame?Kanundu akakupwetekani basi mwati ndinu a Jesus?Mudzaona polekera ndithu Jesus weniweni atakukanthani
Oliziwa baibulo sadabwanazo izi amangoti ndimasiku osiliza.
Kodi pobwela yesuyo azakhala mtundu wanji. poti anali #Jews yankhen guys
Last dayz indeed
Kkkkkkk kodi za u yesu zimachita kuyambidwa? Hahahahaha apolisi inu mulongosoke shuwa
Akuoneka wokula-kula anali kuti nthawi yonseyi akadali mwana, Oh God!!
Koma abale,iyeyu wadziwa liti kuti ndi yesu,He mean m’mbuyo monsemu samazidziwa kuti ndi Jesus?arrest him
Hahahaha Gold Diger!!! Jesus Ndani Ameneyu? Sinanga Last Tym We Had Jeses Matiki, kkkkkkk
Mmmm Yesu Matiki winanso?
Ask the Jews, that’s how they looked at jesus
Jesus wa majews zinayamba ali mfana man….chamba icho
Nde akutumulidwa kare eti?
Koma a police a ku Malawi more respect ..hahahahaha a kuti musanayambe za u yesu munkakhala kuti? Good interrogation hahahaha
kk nde anayankha koma?
Lol anagwa nayo
Hahaha inandiwaza naneso kkk
Fuck Him!!!!
Kkkkkkkkkk koma ine bola kulezera komweku kuli bho
Kkkkk koma kwathu kuno ku fanz ya funny heavy kkkk
Metenga Nazo Tsoka Man Mwakwela Yakuphwa Tsikani Mukwele Ina
Shupiti man wanting fame
Mutu wa Jesus unali chochi?please God you may have forgiveness for this Man
Koma anthu inuuuuuuu kkkkkkkkkkk ati iyeyo ndi yesu kkkkkk
koma yesu wakeyo k uti apereke umboni umamukanika
Dzina limagwilisidwa ntchoti ndi anthu osiyana sizodabwisa kuwona wina ali ndi dzinali la Jesus ndipo alipo ambili
Amakhala kuti?ngati Morgan heritage inabwera ndi chamba ndichamphavu heavy
sindikufuna kumva za morgan wapanga zopweteka!!!
anatan kodi ndikungomva ine
Inu musamuyese yesu wamasewera mulangidwa ndithu!
Lord have mercy heyyy
Ali ndiophunzira angati?
Koma abale Jesus wakuti ameneyu aaaaaa God have mercy
Kkkk zopusa basi bwanji maiko onsewa sitimamva kuti kwabwela yesu fodya eti tsiku lobwela yesu bible linanena kale zomwe tizaone osati zakozo guys tiyeni timpachike ameneyu
Y owez Mw
Apachikidwe basi.
Apeze date lake kukhale ma xmas awiri! Lol
Ali mwana anali kuti? kapena wangogwa okulakula? esh my MALAWI
Kikikikikikiki Jesus
Jesus wearing a two ng’amba jacket. Chenjera! Ukutumuludwa dzuwa lili ng’aaaaa!
Tell the man not to drag Malawians to Hell plz
Kumazimisila fodyai
Adzabwela ngati mbala.
misala imeneyo maluzi si abwino
Lets finish the year in style by having our own jesus in Malawi kkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!
he must be a fool
destination-zomba mental hospital
climax of malawi
Not the of world but the end of #Malawi
Koma angalore kuti tikampachike?
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk man mwaganiza bwanj…..
Ameneyudi apachikidwe paphili la mulanje mountain
kkkk ukufuna kupachika mwana wa Mulungu?
kkkk akutikwana anthu amenewa guys
Apachikidwe? Mpaka atazembatu ameneyu .
@John Sylvester,azemba bwanji oti akudziwa kuti auka after 3days?kkkk
apachikidwe basi palibe zokambilana
@Correta Jana,iwenso ulinawo gulu lompereka?kkkk!!
Kkkkkkkkk koma amwene tipachike ameneyu
Kkkkkkkkk koma amwene tipachike ameneyu
Zamubanda ameneyo
#lmfao!!!!!…oh man he’ll do great in a sitcom comedy in hell entertaining satan right Jonathan Peter
winding up the year while laughng, wow i like it…lol
koma kanunduyu kkkkk
Kkkkkkkkk oh ja, malawi wanga!!
I think fodya wankulu timalima kunoyu ndi wa mphamvu zedi….kikikikikiki
kkkkkk. koma
koma fodya kk guyz bwanj angomuloleza bwanji kk tose tikhale ma yesu
hahahahahahaha Local Jesus can you prophetsis who l am ,,,and where l stay for me to trust you ???? KAPOLO IWE ,,,,DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE COMING BACK OF MESSIYAH ?????
Yesu ??
Kikikikikikikikikiki ndakomoka ndikuseka… Timufuseko Bushiri kuti mwina mwake angamuzindikileko uyu….Masiku otsiriza sizodabwitsa Zinalembedwa uku ndikungokwanilitsidwa…
End tyms
Koma mbanje mukudya kumalawizi kkkkkk i give up
Angofuna kutchukapo yawa..za ziii.
Osamakapalira mmera kumunda bwanji ndi mvula yomwe Chauta watipatsayi.. lol
Kkkkkk matiki?!!
Jesus Matiki
kkkkkkkkk ndi mpalawo
False Prophets
The end of the world
The world is going nowhere
Ndye kanunduyo