Malawi super league giants Big Bullets veteran, Fischer Kondowe, has refuted rumours that he will retire from active football after Sunday’s match against Civo United at Civo Stadium in Lilongwe.

There have been reports that Kondowe will follow James Chilapondwa who announced that he has retired from active football a couple of weeks ago.
But in an interview with Malawi24, the former Black Leopards player denied the claims.
“Sindikudzidziwa ine zimenezo [I don’t know anything about that],” claimed Kondowe.
However, a few months ago, Kondowe disclosed in a social media post that he shall hang up boots when Mac Fallen Ngwira’s performance impresses him.
“You do not just stop playing active soccer as if you have been evicted from a rent house; you are required to stop when things are in order.
“I have already made a name in the football family, so I have to help Mac Fallen by advising him what to do, therefore when I will get satisfied with his performance is when I will retire from active game of soccer,” Kondowe said.
nkhani ndichochita
nkhati ndichochita
Kkkkk waona a Nyasa uyu
agwile ntchito munthu
Ndilibenaye mlandu.bullets is your home.
Ndilibenaye mlandu.bullets is your home.
Munthuyu kwake wachita mpira apapa akanangopanga za coaching basi mphamvu zikadalipo.
Munthuyu kwake wachita mpira apapa akanangopanga za coaching basi mphamvu zikadalipo.
Let him play, age is party of the game so long as he has the zeal & stamina to last 90 minutes: Rodger Milla still played for cameroon national team at 42 yrs ( no Ganja influence ):
Let him play, age is party of the game so long as he has the zeal & stamina to last 90 minutes: Rodger Milla still played for cameroon national team at 42 yrs ( no Ganja influence ):
he must hang the boots, we had Mabedi Mtawali, Maduka, mponda, they all threw towels, its about time Rasta to hang your ass just like the otherd
asapume sanakule
Ngakhale iye atakhalamo mpiramo, Nanga flames yimapanga bwino?
Ngakhale iye atakhalamo mpiramo, Nanga flames yimapanga bwino?
Ngakhale iye atakhalamo mpiramo, Nanga flames yimapanga bwino?
Ngati mwiniwakewavomeleza vutopalibe nsiyile bwalo Yamikani fodya.
He is too old for football
Ansanje nonse zikuvutani ndipo musalimbane ndi anong’a mpasen mayanu awakwatile muli ndi vuto et
Who is Gwira to him
Lack of retirement plan
ngati alibe powanda akanapanga bwanji
Amupatse Uphunzitsi Aziphunzitsa Achinyamata Kusuta Chamba Kikikiii
Chamba chidadzadza m’thupi mpana chidatsekera injen mot idafelatu .bola adzikasewelaNdi dzidzukulu muground manyaz alibe yekhayekha 43 yearz now kakaka ndi mpira usiire mafana tsopano wafuwa iwe aalah.
M2 Opandda Manyaz Kumasewela Nd Ana Achna Chawangwa Zoona Apeza Polekela Ekha Nd Iv Zake
Kuchita retire nkulinga uli ndi chokachita.
kkkkkkkkk anthuni mvestsesteni munthuyu ndi batchala so he has no were to offload the excess energy kkkkkkkkk
Thats true Ngati alindichochita china
Kkkkkkk wakulula
azangogwa mugrund momo
Fischer unzalimbanenaye ndi akathunthu all the best jahman contnue
kukalamba koseko alimbilabe kumenya mpira
kukalamba koseko alimbilabe kumenya mpira
Jaman gule ndibwino kumusiya akukoma,Jaman inu mwakalamba kwambiri pono or mpira wanutu sukusangalatsa ana ndiaja akumakudyetsani njomba zochititsa manyazi zija.Jaman ndimvereni dyera silikupindulirani pezani ka mkazi mukwatile pitani ku chileka ma AYA anzanu akakuphuzitsani gitala muzikayimba sangakunyozeni.Mpirawu mmmmmh mwakula madala.
Jaman gule ndibwino kumusiya akukoma,Jaman inu mwakalamba kwambiri pono or mpira wanutu sukusangalatsa ana ndiaja akumakudyetsani njomba zochititsa manyazi zija.Jaman ndimvereni dyera silikupindulirani pezani ka mkazi mukwatile pitani ku chileka ma AYA anzanu akakuphuzitsani gitala muzikayimba sangakunyozeni.Mpirawu mmmmmh mwakula madala.
Ndi ufulu wanu kupanga zofuna zanu man…..aliyenxe ali ndikuthekera kwake..
Apume ku bb azikasewera ku manoma
Apume ku bb azikasewera ku manoma
He used to say southafricans players are lazy.
He used to say southafricans players are lazy.
Bt how old is he
Bt how old is he
He was my best player at Celtic.
He was my best player at Celtic.
Breaking news chiukepo nsowoya akupita Ku bacerona
Keep on dreaming, No!!! Malawian player can play in Spain.
Keep on dreaming, No!!! Malawian player can play in Spain.
Fischer ngakhare Ku epac sangamenye amamenya Ku bullets kwamakape
Kape ndiweyo tamuonani inu ndiudolo wanuwo mwapanga chan chaphindu?fokofu musiyen fischer
To be honest, this man deserves an award n am not a bullets fanatic but this man is something else. High five to you Fisher. How i wish your colleagues emulate your good example. You are all time great,
Siilani ana izi iiiiii
bullets woyeee
Well ofcouse he has made up his mine to his people
Ummmmm lne kudandaula kwambiri,asapite peter kkkkkk.
No probs
do wht is right 4u jaman every thing haz its on tym
Kkkkkk Jahman.
Kmanibwino kupasampataena angoqumulabasi
He has to give others chance its been longtime he started playing
Kodi paja fisha adalekera standard chani?
Kkkkkkkkkk Akuopa kukalima ganyu
Musiyeni jah man timamva nawo kukoma ajahman athu
Kkkk koma anthuean kumagosapota zilizonse mpira ulindinthawi zinawakanika akapume apaseana mwai iiiii koma kuMalawi tilindivuto
Ndipo sakulakwa . Ngat mphamvu sidakalipo mthuphi pitilizani . Timakunyadilani pantchito mwagwira ku team yabullets mumthawi yaitali . Puleya amene samacheuka cheuka ndi ndalama ngakhale bullets imakumana ndi mavuto azachuma koma fischer kondowe anakhalabe ndi nthawi zonse . Kotelo bullets imulole zitchito zake zimuchitile umboni mpaka yekha azasanzike .
leave him to prolong wth his duty i dont see somebody to force him to stop praying football
Retirement z nt by compulsory,you can retire even @ de age of 20yrs if u want, nobody can question 4 that.in jahman we believe
Koma sakwatira ameneyi eeeeeee
eeeeh koma ndye mumalimbana nayetu fisha
Fischer kondowe is an iconic figure @Bullets and it is the duty for those in authority @de club to give him another role
Makina amwene
palibe pa malawi pano prayer amene wachita zazikulu ngati uyu azimenya
Ztso Man Kunenela Mantha Mwina Chbale
Apuma bwanji pamene dollar alibe ,,,koma mpira waku malawi
Paja ananena kale kuti mpira sasiya/kupuma ngati wathamangitsidwa nyumba rent kkkkk
Nkhalamba yophangira iyi
Mvuto laamalawi enanu simukuziwa kt amamukondela chani ndie tieni tizigopenya
kkkkkk, sindikuonapo chovuta ai, ngat coach kmanso masuppoter akumukonda ndibwino apitirize palibe angamulese ndi career yake. zabwino zonse Jahman timakunyadira
Ukamufunse ligobeth song
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Magazi alibe HIV athamange basi, ogonja kalenu muzingolimbana kumunena
Amusiye apange zöfunazake
mumatha bgy
Fischer ndalama zake ziti?
Nkhalamba haulage
Iyayi zonse zili nd nthawi guyz under 50 vs under 19,kukubwera ana awapatseko mpata bwaa???
he’s a good player leave him to lead Bullets ….Thats that.
Ineso ndimamudziwa A to Z, amavutika kwambiri Ku Limpopo mwai anthu ena achifundo ameneyo
Tamusiyan muthu akadali ndi phamvu
Long live Jahman,take Bullets far wamkaka always
He got no money, that’s why he can’t quite football
Amwene fisher ali ndi dollar komanso zochita if u dont kno him consult those who know him
get 2 knw him pliz
Long live madala timenye mpira basi!
Mwakula pumani
ngati ali strong ali bwino
Amwene pangani retire mwakhwima
Ngati ali mchochita chita?Msiyeni azafera mbwalo momwemo ndi ukalamba.
kkkkkkkkk wamalizilatu comment yanga.
ndi mbuli, ophunzira amasiya mpira kumakachita zina zomwe adaphunzira kusukulu,
Ntumbuka uyu akutichititsa manyazi
Hahahahaha msiyeni mwana sanakule kkk
Hahahahaha msiyeni mwana sanakule kkk
Madalamadala more fire!!!
kaka miyendo yauma iyo panganiko break
Kkkk eish! Koma nde ai or kukwatila mayazi
kodi alIbe bebie?kkkk
Kkkk or mbiri ai zoti wagwira ujeni ai,
Chamba chimasekera ku mbolotu sim’madziwa kkkkkkkkkk
Kkkkk eish!
nde mwati maniwa sathila batile ku chipinda kkkkkkk
Tchende mayazi uyu
Jongwe panga zaiye basi kti atchedweko okwatira
Man uyu ndakaika kkk
Ufiti basi
Mphamvu ngati akanali nazo it’s ok.
Asiyeni anong’a adyenawo za Nyasa….
am nomads fan but if he think he play another season let him fo the Guy was born a footballer & will fie a futballer long live Jahman
Ngati akuchinva musiyeni adzapuma akazafuna .Ngati coach ndi masapota akumudalilabe palibe vuto aah.
agogo ajohn terry?
Hahahahhaha Hestings, Mpaka ozizira? kkkk kapena okufa kutsogolo?
ol utasiya umalimbikila mmakalabu kom wa National ayi pita ukaone zina
kkkkk anong’a tikadathamanga mpaka mmanda,,,,kumandakoso kulibeso retire kujoga chimozmoz
anakwatira mayi ako
Next coach.
Nxt coach where?
Not in africa, africa too much uchiphazi. Kuteleko pamenepo wayamba kale kupondeleza.
respct yuh bg
Zakukwatirazo siyani m’banja mulibe peace Fischer ndiwa peace ife timamunyadila.
if he feels fit enough to continue playing thats a good dicision,we love your courage!
munthu uyu wakalamba akukakamira zchan? chilapondwa nzake anasiya komanxo mcfallen ali bho dreadman apume bax aaaaaaah!
Mpira sikuti nthawi nzonse timasewera ngati mwa ntchito, mwina fisha akufuna adzingolimbitsa thup.
kulimbitsa thupi kwakeko akapangire kusoshoz…azithamanga morning nt national team o kubullets
Kkkkk kma bright zikugwirizana? pajatu adawa ngozizila kkkk sazakwatira
Osamadandaula ndi anthu osewera pa bench.
Kodi Anon’ga sanakwatirebe?
Leave Fischer alone
watikwana koma
koma munthuyu akudya chamba kwambiri,ndiwamakani osathandiza,amulangiza mc fallen iyeyo ndi coach ngati?
Kumavomeleza ngati zili zowona,zmatikhuza ma player azthera mground ndye nkumati ndayimika manja.inu ndi abwana or mutasya ulemu tizakupatsanibe.
Alakwa jahman
Fischer atapuma kusewera mpira ndalama ya chamba angamaitenge kuti?
Ana achepa awa,Jah man 4eva
Retire fo wat? Who is gona take his position? Others shud learn from him first.
kkkkk eish ok!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inde jaman umatipolamila
Hahaha ndani akuwanamizira anong’ayo? Anong’a ali pano kutionetsa zintchito za wobe next season abweranso kutimwetsa wa mkaka ife a bullets.Ndisazakumveni mukukambanso zimenezo ndakwiya nanu!!!
jah mann kondowe, umatiimilila. bb 4eva.
Giggs in this bitch indeed
y must h retire wen h z still stronger and better than the younger stars?
Jahman still thinks the hemp he smokes still propels him to have energy in football….Everything must come to an end othetwise you are inviting self embarassment. May be he has nothing worthy to do in life as the dude is still single more energy. give youngsters a space and move into coaching or adminidtration if you have qualifications…otherwise i cant encourage my son to do more sports thsn education