The number of active political parties in the country have dropped from fifty to three, a development that is of great concern to Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).
This was revealed during declaration of results for December 2015 local by-elections. Speaking in Blantyre MEC Chairperson Justice Maxon Mbendera said the country have over 50 registered parties but only three contested in by-elections.
During the Tripartite Elections only 19 elections participated. Whereas in the October 8, 2014 by- elections five political parties participated. In the August 25, 2015 by-elections seven political parties contested.

The active parties that contested includes Malawi Congress Party (MCP), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and People’s Party (PP).
“Now the number of parties contesting is at three. This is raising questions that; if a party cannot contest in the national elections, cannot take part in by-elections, what elections will they participate in? Do we still need their existence in the political parties register or we should find a formula of deregistering such parties so that we remain with the active ones? There is a debate around this and I hope the scenario here will also contribute to the conclusion of the said discussion,”
The elections were also hit by reduced competition in Local Government By-elections. In the August by-elections that took place in five wards, four of the wards had six candidates while one had five candidates. But this time around both wards have two candidates each. This raises questions as to whether Malawi still value the position of councillors or not.
Mbendera added that the elections were nearly uncontested and was silent from the women empowerment,advocates. During the Tripartite Elections there were so many stakeholders rising up to give moral, technical and material support and encouraging women to contest in elections.
Stated the SC, “We have noted no firm action from the activists to support women participation. MEC adopted the cycle approach to elections management and we expect all the stakeholders to follow suit. They should not be active during national elections and then go under like submarines.”
“The by-elections offer an opportunity for the activists to concentrate their efforts and encourage women to participate in elections. There are many civil society groups that were accredited to help with voter education. However, many are not seen to be active during by-elections. We urge them to continue using their accreditation during by-elections. They should also adopt the electoral cycle approach.”
Currently he has advised Development Partners that provide support to the CSOs to continue pumping in funds to implement activities during the in-between the ballot period.
This is the third by-elections held after the 20 May, 2014 Tripartite Elections and was on 21st November in all the three areas. The Commission registered 2,368 (1,115 men and 1,253 women) first-time voters bringing the total number of registered voters to 67,557 from 65,189 registered in 2014. The Commission further received 10 nomination papers on 1st December 2015 through the Returning Officers.
There were six candidates in Zomba Chisi Constituency and two candidates in each of the two wards of Mtope and Ngala
Out of the 10 candidates who presented nomination papers, only 2 were women representing 20 per cent. One woman contested in Zomba Chisi and the other in Ngala Ward. Mtope Ward had no female contestant. If compared to the last by-elections on August 25 this year, the current situation is retrogressive.
According to MEC out of the 29 candidates who contested on August 25, a total of 8 were women representing 28 per cent.
May you please DELETE the 47 parties from the register. Its good to have 3 and have good choices from them.
I think that a good number, but UDF akomedwa chapani chatha palibe chanzeru anganene
zili bwino ofunika ziwili basi
zili bwino ofunika ziwili basi
That’s Good
rip. UDF
Ok mcp ,pp and dpp
Aaaah that’s gud why should they waste their money on something that would not produce any positive results!!!!! Remember when you plan any seed you expect to harvest
This has never happened in the msoso time, i think you are the coz sir,,,,, the way you handled the last tripatite left much to be desired of elections by some parties sir,,
Olo atabwelera tambala emweuja zilibe kanthu poti changa chinali cha UDF koma aaa mbola
Ndiye bwno anthu azatsankha mwanzelu ndimodekha 2019.
Bakili anagulisa UDF,
Enawa amapeza zero votes pa p station, chipani kupeza seven votes de whole ziko , aaaaaa ndipo zisale ziwiri.
kkkk zichulukaso come 2019
App bona.Zipani za pp ndi mcp mulira ndithu.
Enawa amangofunira kuti aziwike not to participate in elections in so doing they just waist their tym n money for nothing n the poor country like Nyasaland we can not hv more than 3 parties coz the country is very poor n small
50? Eish, only 2 parties in the United States Of America
The Country like Malawi is good to have three parties,but poor greedy pipo who wants enrich themselves are those who distroy this nation.
That is very good. It is now time to change electral laws to state that the person who get 50 percent of the votes is qualified to become state president. This was totaly imposible with many political partys.
Zatha Ngat Makatani Zakubanja
Bola pamenepo. Zinanyanya
chasala chipani ichi chimatimanga nyakulachi ichi chinapha a Gadamachi nacho chithe chimandinyasa heavy
MEC r u mad why r u complaining 3 in our country is ok all those who fail to attain a certain # of votes shud b closed down even if they come out near campaign time or else huge some of money shud b put foward for them to fail to get registered
MEC r u mad why r u complaining 3 in our country is ok all those who fail to attain a certain # of votes shud b closed down even if they come out near campaign time or else huge some of money shud b put foward for them to fail to get registered
But please try your best UDF please ull make it dot be discouraged wt shortfals
But please try your best UDF please ull make it dot be discouraged wt shortfals
You Maxion Mbendera, why are you surprised with the low turnout of both contesting political parties and voters? Don’nt you know why yet? People have cmpletely lost trust in MEC
Do u not know dat Many parties in malawi r brifcase parties? Rt now dey r thoroughly packed in different brifcases waiting 4 de next General elections.After all y should fifty parties waste its time & money competing over de constituencies dat r not even fifty.I Like deir desicion.
Kkkkkkkkkkkk udf yatha ngati katani yakutoilet kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkk This shows something.Come 2019 the same 3parties will compete neck by neck coz there is alot of selfish politicians they always take voters 4granted&Don’t expect more competetion in 2019 coz we hve lost in our politicians.
Its 2 Not 3! PP Ndiyopelekeza DPP n MCP Koledzera!
Some parties are created during election just to make money, they know there will be funding for those contesting
It could be even much better to have only 2 parties because these other small parties are just there to split the votes chifukwa cha dyera ending up joining ruling parties for financial gain,
Ndipo zitatu zachulukanso zikanakhala ziwiri zokha DPP ndi MCP
Tigawane dziko apa.. Akumwela mukhala Mozambique… Pakati mukhala Zambia… Ku mpoto mukhala Tanzania… Ku mpoto you are lucky ndava nyanja yanu ili ndi mafuta…
Plus Magufuli and Daresalam
Kodi UDF yataniso lero,ikanawinatu
Kodi UDF yataniso lero,ikanawinatu
we only need two parties.The same applies to USA and England
we only need two parties.The same applies to USA and England
we are not copy monkeys England and America should not be something to compare with us we are not imperialists, we are Malawi and Malawi has nothing to do with Europeans it is black nation
Zilibo! Koma 2018 Mukangobweraxo Ndye Muzamuxaka Okuvoterani!! Mumachedwexa Ma Result A Zxankho Inu!
Thats good for economie of Malawi guyz Thanks God.
Sounds gd
guyz wava ma results aku chisi ndani azisankho
Come 2019….the number wil get back to 52
thats gud!!
that is good news…….y having so many political parties some of them whose ideas are just the same. it is economically wise to have a small number of political parties.
This is great news. Greedy, opportunistic people creating briefcase parties just to steal government money or become absent MPs. This will save a lot of paper when printing ballot papers, save time when counting votes and make the remaining parties more accountable.
Tiyeni tizicheza apa koma munzariranso 2019DPP ikadzawinanso pati munazolowera
Zizizatheka zimenezo
Nanga anthu kuchita register 26,000 koma kuvota 9,000 zikutanthauzanji pamenepo?
Munthawi yathu ya 1party zinthu zinali bho kenako ndinalowa DPP koma zichita uyu wooneka ngati waledzera koma ali sobayu ndinatuluka.Apapa pangofunika kuti zipani zonse zithetsedwe kupatula MCP,apo ai dziko ligawidwe patatu akumwerafe tikhala mbali ya South Afrika apakati mupita Zambia akumpoto mupite ku Rwanda akakutumbuleni kumeneko
Kkkkkkkk mpaka akatumbule ndakomoka kkkkkkk
Kkkkkkkk mpaka akatumbule ndakomoka kkkkkkk
Umadziwa atumbuka pena ndi autsiru
Umadziwa atumbuka pena ndi autsiru
ndiwe chitsiru sukudziwa chimene ukunena,mbuz yamunthu iwe
Aise phwala lako sungafikire kunena kuti ndine chitsiru ine i.was jst commenting for pleasure ndine mtumbuka Gintole Ngozo is jst my nick name on fb search Ethan Akhijoh Mkandawire undipeza ungofikira kutukwana chindere iwe eti
Mapwala anu nonse,mungotukwanizana zausiru.
Mapwala anu nonse,mungotukwanizana zausiru.
iwe skelm tachoka apa lako lopundukalo
ine ndidakomoka nthawi ina yake ndadzuka chifukwa cha otukwanao.chonde pafb tmacheza osati mtopolawo.
Atumbuka akutukwanana okha okha.kikikiki
kkkkkkk zikuchita kukomatu kungoti uyu sali makola
iwe Yosefe njati wapolitics ukuti bwanji mlomo kukula ngati mpindiro wajuzi plus kuda ngati dzenje la chimbuzi
They should be trimmed further to two
This should be regarded as a positive step because most of these parties died just after born.It is a result of greedy that we have broated number of political.You will them with identical facts in there manfestal.
fantastic newz wina aliyese asayambiseso chipani chilichose akumatisokoneza
Hope this time sanalire paja he cries
They will emerge in 2018 prior to general elections. Mphika uli mmanja mwa ena kaye kkkk
a MEC ayenera kulira nanga si phindu lacepa pajatu amayenera kulipira eee nde mukhaula eet
Udf yamwaliranso naye?
local by elections can not be a yardstick for the number of parties in malawi since most of the time these parties are not interested in local by elections.
Tipusiseni Apa
Three parties thats ok. This will make Mbendera cry less. Already we are seeing problems, just 3 by elections but results taking over 20 hours to announce.
and why is MEC worried?
and why is MEC worried?
wait for elections time, ngati ngumbi zichita kudusa 100. kuzisaka amalawi.
Olo chitakhala chimodzi palibe vuto. Palibe chimene zikuchita chanzeru zipanizi.
Thats very good.
I Believe My M C P Is One Of The Best 3 Parties. Zinazi……Mmmmmm
kkkkkkk Gorba lero lokha wanenako zoona kkkkk
Kodi Iwe Sam Ine Ndiwambwelera ? Kkk.Ine Ndiye KONGELESI MPAKA …..
Politics is a dead game and i dont see anything very new there!
Ndidzavomeleza 2019, adakati zipani zopikisana osati zipani zomwe zilipo.
Zowona chipani changa chathadi ngati makatani kapena chisaka choyika pa toilet eti R.I.P my party U.D.F
Mkulu woyendetsa chisankho analira…..
This is nice! Aaaaag
Small country ,three political parties is good news
Totally agree, why do we need 55parties in Malawi? I am surprised why mec is making a fuss over this
Why MEC tikudabwani. Lets have two not three to create unity which can cement the common understanding that we are Malawian. If we can have three will be based on regional line.
Whatever number ,the smaller the better for viable democracy.Nomore fucking elections
Why worried, this is a good news
thats a good development, why having so many parties.