Drug resistant malaria worries Malawian medics

ekwendeni hospital

Malawian based health professional Dr Tambulani Gondwe has expressed worry over reports that drug resistant malaria may spread to Africa soon.

Gondwe feels Africa and Malawi in particular is not fit enough to withstand such reported deadly infection.

To him, the country is already failing to eradicate the current treatable malaria as evidenced by statistics that many people are dying of it.

“Sure, I just heard about that but I wish that remains allegations because that will mean more deaths in Malawi and Africa as a whole,” worried Gondwe.

ekwendeni hospital
Malaria worries medic.

International media reports indicates that a drug resistant malaria parasite currently in South east Asia can also infect African mosquito species.

They report that the parasite was first discovered in Cambodia in 2008 but has so far spread faster across south east Asia. Scientist Dr Rick Fairhurst working with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) echoed the same worries saying the spread of the parasite to Africa will likely put million of lives at risk.

“We are concerned. The spread of this deadly strain to Africa is possible and the consequence would be dire, putting million of lives at risk,” said Fairhurst.

The World Health Organization estimates that in the last 15 years Malaria death rates fell by 60% worldwide and 6.2 million malaria deaths have been averted.

Efforts to source comments from ministry of health on the matter proved futile despite several attempts as its publicist Adrian Chikumbe did not answer calls