Organizers of crusade to be held at Njamba freedom Park on the 5th to 8th November have expressed optimism that the event will play a crucial role in ending the economic afflictions Malawi is facing.

Speaking in Blantyre during deliberation of preparations Assemblies of God leader Dr Andrew Duwe said the coming of Bonnke and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda will serve as transformation of this country.
He further hinted that the meeting is meant to bring together all churches in the country.
“The Gospel is more than just serving Gospel but it is also the transformation Gospel. Life and mindset of Malawians will be changed. He will change the current status of Malawi. Bonnke is a renowned preacher and pastor and what he brings in our country is enormous. He is an experienced man used by God meekly and massively, stated Duwe.
Pastor Duwe further called on all churches in the country to participate in the distinctive coming in of Bonnke.

“This meeting is very crucial because it interns to bring together all churches in the country to reach this nation for Christ. We expect all churches to participate because this is the body of Christ. There will be no church that will be left behind and every church is important. Every church is encouraged to participate Program has put in place for this occasion that will be intended to bring a bond,” he added.
However, Chairperson of mobilising committee Apostle Raphael Chikwakwa has refuted the claims by some people whole has been on the sole head spreading the news that its only Evangelist Kalenda coming.
He said, “Bonnke has grown old and he is much using Kolenda. But we are certain he is coming. And what Bonnke does is the same as what Kolenda does. It’s only that he is using the evangelist because he has grown old.”
Bonnke is expected to visit Malawi for the third time through the Evangelical Association of Malawi
newswriter, go back to school and learn grammar
may be some of you are still young some of us we were there when this called man of God came to malawi ,it was at mzuzu upper stadium irember the theme song was timponde timponde satana but am so buffled to read the comments here munakadziwa za mkuluyu?mmmmm musova ndikungoyamikira zilizonse ndi umbuli wanuwo
inu nokha mukulephera kupemphera bwa…mukuitanitsa munthu wina…kkkk…money u need nodonors…….pastors in the form of donors as well?kkkkkk
Koma anthu inu chonde osamasewera ndi these men of God.It’s disasterous ok
Just wanted to increase our poverty
may be
The headline is misleading! As usual, umbuli waku Nyasalande ni matenda. Bonke preaches about salvation, and for others saying he’s come to collect your valueless kwacha! Well I’ve got news for you…This man of God serves a mighty God who has blessed him with abundant wealth more than Malawi current budget. You should be thanking God that he’ll be I your country, than just talking anyhow. You don’t even know the background of his ministry. Him has got a track record and he’s not in Malawi koyamba. The first crusade he had was opposite kami stadium in the 80s before some of you chaps knew that muzakabadwa! Here you’re talking nonsense against this man of God! You’ll be cursed! Some things better keep quiet and observe from afar! Malawi shall be served!by God not man…am just your zambian neighbour
Koma azibusa a mipingo inayi abale! koma ndithu mkufika ponena kuti Bonke akubwera kudzathetsa mavuto a zachuma omwe ali ku Malawi kuno? bola mudakanena kuti akubweretsa Aid.What so special in him? Kawerengeninso Bible otherwise u don’t knw anything
Koma azibusa a mipingo inayi abale!k koma ndithu mkufika ponena kuti Bonke akubwera kudzathetsa mavuto a zachuma omwe ali ku Malawi kuno? bola mudakanena kuti akubweretsa Aid.What so special in him? Kawerengeninso Bible otherwise u don’t knw anything
Wil he take over th PRESIDENCY??POINTLESS!
Bonke wants your money, not to solve economic problem. When are the people going to wake up?
Who has sponsored anything so far towards the hosting of this event. I wish to let you know that not anyone is going pay even an offering during the event. Lets not just rush to write rubbish about the people of God.
Pray that God will open your eyes my brother.
from macoment ena mmusimu zawonekadi kuti Malawi iss not God fearing nation,,how come a malawian kunyoza this anointed man of God ,please God have mercy
Time mark ooooooo ma Lord c wht is hapning come tek ua world or send another Moses to tek us frm this pharoah
amenewa koma sadzatisiirako ziwanda? anthu mukuyenera kukhala odziwa masiku ano omaliza kudzabwera aneneli onyenga, one ov the false prophets are bushiri hule ngati amrne uja amangonamiza anthu basi, nzake uja wasiya kutchuka uja Joshua mpamvu zimene amadalirazo zamuthera, amalawi tiyeni tisamale ndi ma false prophets just believe bible .
mmasangalala akamabwera woyenda mmalere. welkam man of God. I wl be there.
gd news
Kdi afako angti ku mademo coz tatiuzen inu kikikikikikiki
Bodza lopanda nalo manyazi, kaya poti munazolowera from paul AROMA 3V7.
He must ends woes of his followers first .
False prophets!
koma satana ndi zintchito zake
Favour us Lord
Only God ends problems if we are truly faithful to Him.We should confess our sins and allow God to perform in our lives in Jesus name..
Bonnke is a real prophet he prophesied in 1988 and saw a vision of those buildings which are at shoprite whilst that place was just a ground ,he said ‘I can see buildings here,this ground occupied with builds “,I have seen the vision coming true ,then I was very young ,I want to see him again because my friend haven’t managed they are gone ,oooh God help me .
Tangozapempheretsani osati muzipope kuti economy ikhala bwino ngati ndinu akubanja lamulungu!
Eishhh. You think your fellow human can be greater than God. Perhaps you think other people are blessed to the extent of travelling with God/Jesus in their breafcases. Mind you God is Omni present.He is not only aveiled to Bonke either. Plesase repent and fear God fear Him alone His reverence must not be shared with anybody. He is God Omni potent His name is Jevova.
Tell them the truth bro, asatinamizepo apa Pastor this pastor that.
Otukwana akuzitemberera yekha, if you are not a believer don’t think others are also non believers if you don’t have any comment just be quiet.
Bringing all churches together for the NWO or what, churches differ on most doctrines in so doing that they cannot be together. That’s why churches formulated a global church by unti-Christ of world council of churches.
Where was he all this time
And ask his real fathers name
Idnt think if this 1will help,if some1 is sick ucn vist him/her n’give special prayers bt falling of our economy Mmmmmmm!
A bonke mwantchoka inu teeee!
Wooooow! My pastor is finaly here, cant wait to see Bonkey.
The posters of the preacher are making our city dirty,i like the billboards but not the way they have pested the posters of the preachers lets make our city clean.
Devil speaking through you! What of political campaign posters??????
Gvt and all malawians should also dedicate themselves to prayer by declaring one day holidy during crusade as they did in zambia. Humble before God and He will act. Dont leave to Bonkie alone but join him in ernest prayers. Amen
Iwe mpaka holiday nkhani yake? Haaaha u are not serius
Blessed is the nation who’s Lord is God almighty.
Pamtumbo pako Bonkie, mphuno yaikuluyo fokofu
only God not your crusade
Its not someone’s prayer that will change your situations mind you
read bible wel
Good news
Kodi boma silithandizapo?
Please tell him to have special players for this country we are too behind why ?let beg from God the winning formula for this country to be rich ,tatopa ndi umphawiwu ife
Transform Malawi? How? Spiritually? Economically? Is it(economic transformation) in the Bible? Let us wait and see
Which means we dont need the coming of Jesus to end our economic woes!!!
You must be mad! No human can eleminate the suffering that culminate the entire world or even part of it, its only Christ and his kingdom that will do away with all sorts of suffering.
Let’s pray for this event to meet our expectations.Zambia n’s prayed for their economy how about us the Malawi ans.We need to believe in God not the politicians