An angry mob in Malawi’s capital city Lilongwe has burnt to ashes a 20 year old boy Yusuf Mwamandi on suspicious the young man has been taking part in a series of robbery in the community.
Confirming the development Mpingu Police station’s Sub inspector Hajab Nyakuleha, said the deceased stole a blanket, cellphone and money amount to K45,000.
According to police, Mwamadi has been a thorn in the fresh of the community.
“This person has been arrested several times, for stealing property from citizens around the community” said Nyakuleha.
The police has advised the community to avoid taking the law into their hands by opting for their own way of punishing suspects instead of taking them to police.
The deceased comes from Samu Village in Lilongwe.
Anthu omwe apanga zimenezi amaitha kwambiri.
kodi sipanatsale zotsalira zinazake? coz ife timadyatu zimenezo
Tiye nawoni osawasiya awotchedwe basi
Lutepo ndidzamuphe ndine iye kutuluka ine kukalowa finish palibe wodandaula serious
Lutepo ndidzamuphe ndine iye kutuluka ine kukalowa finish palibe wodandaula serious
Mphoto ya uchimo ndi imfa komaso imfa yake ndikukhala ya muthu ochimwa god will not happy at all
uzafa imfa yowawa
Amuchita bwino kumuotcha ameneyo tipume ife. Mukapeza wina mundiuze ndizamuotche ndine.
Ha Koma Dziko Ili
Ha Koma Dziko Ili
Tabweleranso mu nthawi ya Achair.
Nanga jb mutentha liti poti onse ndi mbava
Hahahah mayo kuba ndikuba Lutepo ndi ena onse gate akuonela kuomberedwa ku civo kuti zitheletu
good development we have tired wth thungs
Kupulumutsa katundu mmoyo uno kukalandila chilango mu umoyo winawo…
why he do like this
Burning human not good at all why not bring him to justice
Kill one thief to make other thieves go to funeral kkkkkkkkk
Kumbukani zonse ndi zake za yehova, God says tisaphe! Mwapindulanji kuchosa moyo? Azakudikirani pa tsiku la milandu yake, tsoka kwa ochosa moyo wa mzake . Kayaa!
Chilengedwe Cha Mulungu
its indeed a great loss to de nation…. R-ot I-n P-ieces
An empty lorry full of sand was travelling @ 0km/h. It travelled towards a dead cow and nearly killed it. This soundless lorry was heard by a deaf man who was walking along the road. If u don’t believe this ask a blind man who saw this happening.
Ukamva kanundu….is what u r doing!!
Man kanundu si nkhani chimenecho nde chakudya cha azibambo.
wizeles points
Stupid reply.
Ingolowetsanani mu Ring basi kuti musothane.Tizapheya ma fifty bar pakhomo.Hear?
Mayazi sitimalimbana ndi mafana ife.
Wamuyamba wekha yamikani yo,usova.kkkkkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkkk akuti kuyishosha.
zachitika mdera lanj?
Good move
Ngati aliponso ena Awotchedwe okubawa atitopesa
Munthuyu wakhala akubera anthu koma akhoti amampatsa belo nde anthu amene amuwotchawo amuchita bwino chifukwa sibwino kuti chinthu wachivutikira nde wina akubere.
Wadya zake alibe m’mlandu.
kwa mlungu walakwa kwambiri ndi ndani wakubayo mwina wochosa moyo
ZotSatira za uchimo zimenezo
okonda kunyamula mfuti yizamupha ndi mfuti yemweyo
okonda kunyamula mfuti yizamuphe ndi mfuti yimweyo
Zomvetsa chisoni
bad apple
In other news police in balaka are stil hunting a man who kills himself and runaway! M24 has learnt
Umaliza Chakach Iweyo Usanapenge?
Kk! Kma chambachi chikuvulaza anthu
Meanwhile a cow in mangochi has been charged with difilement contrary to section 4000 of the penal code & is expected to serve maximum of 3 yrs in butchery.MW 24 will give u more details later.
It’s wrong-he needed atreatment not punishment.The cause and the effect.
Akuba amu komboni are very dangerous than lutepo coz akhoza kukupha ndi mpeni usiku ,, pamene lutepo yake inali pure kuba kwa xool
Mayazi wakuba aphedwe
Udindo Woweluza Siwathu Ayi
Sunaberedwepo, Khala Pheee Aixse
Iwe musamude uderanji wakuba? Nanu Omercy munaberedwapo chani inu! Chot munga chosele moyo wanzanu?
Moyo Sagula
azakubelani ndikukukhapani, mpamene mutazaziwe kuipa kwa mbava
Why dnt you burn #LUTEPO who took mult-Million kwacha after 2months he will be Flee man’Dziko lokondera
if they say he oz a thorn in the fresh of the community u him to him to continue wit it?
Yaah i understand better 2put him in Jail n’he can change behaviour Rather than burn to Death”He was a human being and he have Right 2 life same like Lutepo ,any1
Lesson to his best friends
#patrick ihope 1day he will be ur 1 of the familly being burnt 2death and see how Painfull it is”Malamulo akukondera anthu achuma’Even though he was notorious citizens but he have a Right to LIFE
Amucita bwino
Eehem tapungula pamenepo
Woba ndalama zaboma aja palibe ndimodzi anamuwotcha, mulungu akukuonani a malawi anzanga
Zoona kuti kubwezera kuli kwamwini wake mulungu, koma wakuba ndioopya, amuchita bwino
Police Should Worry because when all criminals are vanished, your work will end there.
Well Done…… Ntchito za manja ake zamuchitira umboni…..
Atsala ndi awo ndi apolice atatu pano pa Mponela ……….
Thanx kwambiri
Good news
Keep it up
Apolisi munalephera duty yanu kwa mnyamata ameneyu simuna muphuzitse mutamugwira poyamba that’s y ameneyu kuba samasiya now wafa who should be blamed?
Apolisi munalephera duty yanu kwa mnyamata ameneyu simuna muphuzitse mutamugwira poyamba that’s ameneyu kuba samasiya now who should be blamed?
This time around the police are to blame.if the guy has been arrested for many times.yet you release him.what do you expect people to do
Kkkkkk! Wawa ameneyo mwathananayo sazabweraso kuzaba, zintchito zake zamuchitira umboni. Vutoso ndinu apolice mbava m’mazitulusa msanga.
Akapita ku Police mumawatulasa.. nokha mukut ndi kabwere bwere. That punishment was enough for him.he deserved it. okuba akusowesa ntendere, akatipeza munyumba usiku amapha.. so why nt killing them??
failure of the police to hundle the matter properly is what has cost the boys life.apolisi mukutionjeza heavy! mabelo mukungogawa ngati makoponi