Mob burns young man to ashes


An angry mob in Malawi’s capital city Lilongwe has burnt to ashes a 20 year old boy Yusuf Mwamandi on suspicious the young man has been taking part in a series of robbery in the community.

crime (2)Confirming the development Mpingu Police station’s Sub inspector Hajab Nyakuleha, said the deceased stole a blanket, cellphone and money amount to K45,000.

According to police, Mwamadi has been a thorn in the fresh of the community.

“This person has been arrested several times, for stealing property from citizens around the community” said Nyakuleha.

The police has advised the community to avoid taking the law into their hands by opting for their own way of punishing suspects instead of taking them to police.

The deceased comes from Samu Village in Lilongwe.