Malawi government warned!

Inkosi Gomani

Inkosi Gomani of the Maseko Ngoni has asked the Malawi government to let the family members resolve the differences rocking the chieftaincy.

This follows reports that the ministry of local government and rural development has intervened and set up an independent group of chiefs to come up with a solution.

Inkosi Gomani
Inkosi Gomani: Centre of controversy.

The royal family members fired Inkosi Gomani born Willard Kanjedza Gomani on grounds that he was despising other royal family members and Dingiswayo Gomani was chosen as the new paramount chief of the Maseko Ngoni.

But representatives of the Gomani royal family advisers led by Inkosi Njolomole trashed the decision and said that Mswati cannot be fired.

On government’s part, spokesperson in the ministry of Local Government and Rural Development Muhlabase Mughogho said the minister Kondwani Nankhumwa met with the seven family members involved in the Gomani chieftaincy wrangle to strategies on how to solve the differences.

The ministry has also agreed with the families involved in the Gomani chieftaincy wrangle to involve other senior chiefs to resolve the chieftaincy dispute.

According to Mughogho the senior chiefs are Senior Chief Chikulamayembe, Senior Chief Mphelembe and Senior Chief Ngabu who are to take a leading role in resolving the wrangle.

Mswati was declared crown Prince in 2013 after the death of his father Kanjedza Gomani.