A dispirited mood has pervaded Malawi ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as one of its founders Greyson Chapita has announced he has quit the party.
DPP die hard Chapita made the announcement on his Facebook account on Wednesday that he wants to focus on other things. He expressed sadness to have left the party which he has been serving since its formulation.
“It is with great sadness that after being a DPP member for years that today I announce that I am no longer a member of the party. I am wishing all my comrades that I have worked with well as they work to help the leadership of Peter Mutharika in his quest to transform Malawi.

“There is time for everything but right now my time of being Blue ends here. (Tithamange zina) I will be announcing my next move shortly,” wrote Chapita in his post.
However, in an interview with Malawi24 Chapita said he is taking a break and wants to concentrate on his studies, family and work. He added that he has contributed positively to the party.
“I have more work responsibilities now. Having been DPP under Bingu Wa Mutharika and after working to make DPP win in 2014 I think I contributed a lot to the party it is now time to take a break and build my career. I am actually in my final year of my studies so I can’t cope with work, school and family,” said Chapita.
Wachita bwino, all de bect Greyson chipani choononga ndalama anthu ali ndi njala
mutu ngati hamala wa nyanga
Ma cadet kuvala zigoba kumuvalira nzanuyu? Kunyoza kwake kumeneku nowonder mumkayenda ndi zikwanje twnmu,
Mawa ndi saturday,,,”
Lonnex Kachamba
Time will tell,
kkkkk mutu ngati chokozera cha jando, kusongoka ngati nguli, kapamba weni weni ka dazi, munthu opemphesa ngati uyu, naligonkhwiro, founder wa facebook ?? Ana osowa chochita awa ndikunyasa kwawoku
kungoyankhula ndi kwa mawa komwe. iiii
Founding member wagulu lapa facebook bwa..
Kkkk let him go to HELL,who cares,,,,,,
Diesel Petrol Palibe
Analowa liti ku PP kuja anachoka kodi suja amamenya Bambo Phiri ndi Dausi kufulumira mwayiwala kale?
Za ziiii
Malawi24 simamva bwino ndi dpp. Founding member wa dpp? manyazi mulibe?
can someone enlighten me here..or may be I did not know…when was this fellow in profession embroiled in active politics? you are telling me he was behind drawing board of formulating a party when he was in service[journalist]? can someone break this rigmarole…
This one is not afaunding member ndipo its 1st tym to this name kodi mwasowa cholemba ?
yanyamuka odi ukooooooooo!!! amayi adutse
Founding member?
I wonder as well.
chapitadi osachidandaula monga mwa dzina lake
Ndi Area chairman chani
Nane ndatuluka mu DPP. On second thought, kodi ndinali wa DPP (ine)? Mmmmh, zosantheka!
paja ndimomwe zinakhalilaso ku pp tikuyandikira election, dpp should expect massive exodus, very soon it will be chilima, mwayamba kale kumupondereza,
Zakukanikani basi kaoneni zina kkkkk
awanso ndiye ati? Kufuna kutchuka potuluka mu DPP pamene simumadziwika pamene munali mu chipani? You will regret your action. Kumutengera Bob Chimkango uvulala chifukwa Bob timamudziwa ngati wa misala and nobody takes his seriously. Now look its only about you. If you thought you were joking just like Bob does, then there is no turning back. Kagwereni man, sitikusowani
shame on you malawi24, dpp founding member was bingu &co, not yemwe mukumunenayo,ambiri sitikumudziwa
stop making imbecile and ignarant comments.Ithink you have never been in politics chapita is the ancient member of what so called mighty party if not is the right answer. malawi will never transform with this stupid remarks.
Kkkkk founding member???? Kkk koma 24 asaaa
Chiyambile Sitinakhalepo Ndimunthu Wamutu Wotele Mu Dpp
Koma akufanana ndi iwetu!
Same same, lol!
ife chokamba tilibe kkkkkk
Setting priorities is important in life. This man says “I can’t cope with work, school and family,” I wonder whether these things have been mentioned in priority order. But a man must start with family, work and school. Please chonde…family first is the best order….
The order shld be family>school>work not family>work>school
Alibe money.
zautsiru bas,founder ameneyu
odi ukoooo
Komatu Greyson Chapita ndi real deal mpaka making headlines ki ki ki muxova ndithu❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
What sort of “ujeni” is this?????? Angella Kashitigu Andre Khuwa Prince Carth Owen Zayambika Tisaukirenji Tembo
Hahaha this is crazy
awawa ndi masanje…. chilichonse chidzikhala announcement…. lmao
founder mwati??? lmfao
founder mwati??? lmfao
???????Founder akupanga Kaye focus on school..
founding cadet
Cholamula mpaka pamenepa, Chikutha choncho.
Nothing To Say Coz Dpp Its Haram To Me
Kkkkkkk….fodya eti?
Koyamba kumva dzina limeneli.
si mbava iyi?founding member wachani…mutu ngati hamarawo
kkkkk koma guys
Altanatively, you dont know meaning of “founder” and you have ignorantly used it.
Hahahaha k u me n e ko kufuna kutchuka?kk taona nthuife xaxii!
Seems he is the one who the DPP to the auther,hence, founding member to him/her.Otherwise, not foinder of the party, we understand you.
Njala ikundiwawa ine abale…..
Okwe olo mutachoka baba ife pachingwe chifukwa iwo achoka. At a pachoka munthu pali mako after all nothing will change come 2019 DPP will still rule Malawi. Even if they will put a mbuzi for a president I don’t see any party winning.
Mwadzina lake chapita nde chapitadi chisadzabweleso
Ngwakwaaninso otalika mutu pamwambai? Chiyambireni DPP sindinamvepo chinthu chotchedwa chapita mchipani. Chabwino, ngati anali mmodzi mwa founder,anali ndi udindo wanji? Atola nkhani musamanyozese anthu osadziwikawa powanamizira kuti anali nao mgulu la anrhu ozindikira.
Ayiiiii si wa DPP ndafunsa mayi kaliyati/Gondwe ingakhale musa onsewa amukana akuti sakumudziwa.
uti uti amenei ine ndie sindinamumvepo mu mighty party mu
Palibeso u founder apa zachamba eti
Bon voyage Bitch!
Founding member?? Kkkk how come nthawi yonsey samamveka dpp yakhala ikulamulira? Kkkk joke of the week kkk
Zake zimenezo ayende boh.koma mwati amatani mkulu ameneyu?
Ali ndi zipumi zingati maniwa,Gomba nthiko weniweni.yenda boo,bola tinakuponyela jeketelo.
D,p,p yopweteka kwambiri ndipo sinathandize ma candidates ake lero mmmmmmmmmm akudyera ena ayi zikomo
was he still in the party? i never knew.
waitsika nthawi yabwino…lo!
Koma Amalawi Sitichedwadi Kuiwala Eti ,atcheya Sananame Eti.Munthu Ameneu Ndiamene Wakumenyerani Underground Campaign Lero Mukumudabwa?Dikirani Ayambe Kuulura Zinsisi Munkachita Poba Mavote Ndiye Mumuziweno!
Point of correction, #Gredson Mandala not Greyson Chapita cos we dont have this guy among the list of DPP founders, kkkkkkkk
kkkkkkkkk kuti nkhani ikome akuti mpaka founding member!!!! mmmmmmh za ziiiiiii
Mw 24 tchulani wina . Kkkk ngakhale a maneb sakumudziwa
Is he Jack Banda
Whn it coms t elections an individual’s vote counts.Donot b short-sighted
Adyende chenene dyomba!!! Kikkkkkkkkkk
Such is life….ngati ma christians amasiya mpingo mkuyamba wina what more zandale
Founding Wa Ku Branch Kapena Areal Yakwawoko!
Ngati ndizo-ona ayi ndi ufulu wake. Komano munthuyu sifounder wa dpp chifukwa ambiri sitikumuziwa. Kapena kuti ndi osaphunzira? Kapena ndi wamantha? Onse ma founder a dpp timawaziwa ndipo sabisala. Inu a 24 musamakakamule nkhani tikhonza kukhumudwa ndi page yanuyi.
koma zinazi kufuna kutchuka bwanji?loko nkutekeseka nkomwe DPP ndi fire!!!!
Bola asazamve kuwawa tikuphulaso 2019,cuz palibe chokayikitsa apa DPP boma.
mwanamiza amalawi kwakwana kwatsala ndikupakira,tamasapotani mwanzeru simukuona mene achinyamata ophunzira bwino akuvutikira mukamechemelera zanuzo musamakweze mawu
Its achoice of anybody acording to wat u think,mr Bande did de same thing but where is he now?
Poti wathawa DPP ndiye mukuti simukumuziwa, mwamkana katatu oK!
A Malawi24 mutukwanisa anthu inu….
A Malawi24 mutukwanisa anthu inu….
A Malawi24 mutukwanisa anthu inu….
good idea, rest in peace.
Muti anali ndani?Kuti?…..
Muti anali ndani?Kuti?…..
Muti anali ndani?Kuti?…..
Mmmm! Si madeya amanena achina Bakili aja amenewo.Sitikumudziwa ife.Dzina losatchuka ngati limenero mu ndale!Ndale za umbuli supita nazo patali coz umaona ngati amzako akukusala in power sharing.
eeeh!kumunyoza ngat cmukumuziwa bwanj?kod nd culture yanu kunyozaku?or u r jst following d leader
Amenewa nde na cadet kumwela nzao nzigoba shame as if you don’t know him
mmh djected n speechles i stand”nde kut inexo muzandkana et?”
Akagwele ameneyu alibe ntchito, nanuso a malawi24 ameneyu angakhale founder, even mu top 500 mulibe zina lake
Olo top 1,000,000 milibemo.
Strange name in Malawi politics i do t think he can b one of DOP founding members tiona ngati achina Henry Mtengowaminga Mussa
Greyson chapita????????
Wachitabwino kutuluka sogolo lachipani cha dpp
chidzatha ngati katani.
Uyuso anali Mu dpp momwemu ndiye ndadziwa akutulukatu?
To hell Chapita!
chitsilu ameneyo munthu opanda tanthauzo muchipani apondeponde ena amuone
who cares???
Its 1st kind of political scandal in history, leaving a ruling party? Smthing fishy smells in the camp
mwati amatani ?
Iiii afera chitenje chakazake
so what? leave him.
heeeeeee he is tired of servin the devil,,,
zanu ife sitidya ndale
I wish him well. life goes on.
Hahaha Gracian Chapita founding member wa Dpp?No!No!No!anali Cadet chamber not Founding member.
So does this mean the end of DPP??
Kkkkk sanapeze udindo
Whos he?
Nanunso a Malawi 24 bwanji kukonda kusinjilira zinthu. A founding member ndiye kuti chiyani kapena mukutanthauza founding member wa pa face book? He is nothing but a drop in the ocean.
ati chaninso awa kkk iwowa amavota ka 100 go well ife tidakali nachobe mpaka 2024
Ndiye Utinso Mkulu Ameneyu.Poti Dpp Amatanthauzanso Director Of Public Prosecution Kapena Mbali Imeneyi.
zoona ma Dpp ndi ambiridi inenso kudabwa
Founding member ameneyu ndi uti kodi?th name is vry new neva heard of him.mayb anali mayoung democrates.
inocent mawaya
inocent mawaya
Mawaya wakuti man?
Akafike zabwino zonse
Ndindani iwo awa mwati????
ati chaninso awa kkk iwowa amavota ka 100 go well ife tidakali nachobe mpaka 2024
No one is bigger than the mighty DPP
we dont Know him.was he the soccer evangelist? join the party now!
Who iz he ?sadali avundalamadzi awa.uyende bwino l never know u kungozasisa chipani basi
What do u mean when u say founding member???
Koyamba kumuvatu
Ndi munthu wamkulu akuziwa chimene akupanga ndi kumene alowere.
Go well u add no value
He Is Right Otherwise Dzina Lake Likanazapezeka Mu Cashgate List La Boma La APM.
Is my first time to hear that name, He was aBolera in our party we dont care about him,
Who is this guy?
Kayansotu Nanenso Sindinamumvepo.
kkk zaka zonsezi anali muchipani mommu?
Koyamba kumumva ine
Founding member?????
kaya ndale sadya
KKKKKKk,kutichani ,ada awa ndiwosatchuka pandale,ndiye akuti alowera mitunda yiti?kkkkkkkkk
Ali nawo maso phenya akuya..
unfortunately we don’t know that he was influential member of the party.finally we have nothing with his outgoing
Aaaaa ndiosadziwika uyu ndipo samapatsidwa mpata
What he has done is something good to quit the politics