DPP founding member dumps the party


A dispirited mood has pervaded Malawi ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as one of its founders Greyson Chapita has announced he has quit the party.

DPP die hard Chapita made the announcement on his Facebook account on Wednesday that he wants to focus on other things. He expressed sadness to have left the party which he has been serving since its formulation.

“It is with great sadness that after being a DPP member for years that today I announce that I am no longer a member of the party. I am wishing all my comrades that I have worked with well as they work to help the leadership of Peter Mutharika in his quest to transform Malawi.

Chapita: Has called it quits.

“There is time for everything but right now my time of being Blue ends here. (Tithamange zina) I will be announcing my next move shortly,” wrote Chapita in his post.

However, in an interview with Malawi24 Chapita said he is taking a break and wants to concentrate on his studies, family and work. He added that he has contributed positively to the party.

“I have more work responsibilities now. Having been DPP under Bingu Wa Mutharika and after working to make DPP win in 2014 I think I contributed a lot to the party it is now time to take a break and build my career. I am actually in my final year of my studies so I can’t cope with work, school and family,” said Chapita.