Walter Nyamilandu might have been told to stand again for a fourth consecutive term as the Country’s Fa president by affiliates but the majority of Malawians are not happy with the decision.
This was witnessed on Sunday at Kamuzu Stadium during Malawi’s 2018 FIFA World Cup second leg qualification match against Tanzania when a banner against Nyamilandu’s fourth term bid as FAM president was displayed just before the kickoff.
Nyamilandu had to use his private body guards in order to remove the banner which was written ‘Walter Achoke Nthawi Yako Yatha. President wa tsankho”.
Seconds later, Nyamilandu’s bodyguards tussled with the fans and succeeded in removing the banner.

The situation was calmed by Malawi Police but after the match, fans stormed the VIP and started sing anti Nyamilandu songs, forcing the bodyguards to escort the Fa’s life president into his Toyota Fortuner.
According to our findings, anti Nyamilandu banners will continue being displayed during local games, with reports indicating that football fans will display the banner on Thursday at Kamuzu Stadium when Big Bullets takes on Civo Service United in the quarter-finals of this year’s Standard Bank Knockout Cup.
Nyamilandu made a U-turn on his earlier decision to step down from the position he has been holding since 2004, claiming that the majority of the affiliates forced him to stand again.
The elections will take place on 12 December in Salima where the incumbent will battle it out with more than 8 aspiring candidates who will be approved by the 36 affiliates.
Super League of Malawi (Sulom) will have 8 votes, with Southern Region Football Association (SRFA), Northern Region Football Association (NFRA) and Central Region Football Association (CRFA) having 6 votes each.
Other affiliates are Beach Soccer, Womens Football Association, National Referees Association (NRA) and Youth Football. Development.
Nyamilandu a He Goat…get lost…mxiiiiew
Kodi ngati anthu sakukufuna iwe akakamiranji pa mpando? You’re an educated man, why can’t you pave way for another candidate to take over from yuo? You are just doing things as if you’re not educated. Ndiye kuti ukuonapo kenakake konona. Do you think kuti another candidate comes in for that post things will not change? Maybe things will change much much better than it is right now. Lija ndi kale pliz pave way for others to prove a point.
Pipo,pipo, pipo y do u hate smbdy who hs brought bk comfidence to cup and league sponcers. Well i dnt c thz pipo wth true comfidence to pick up the mantle frm him though thy r thre. Am sorry to hurt some as ths z my personal opinion. 1 more term 4 hm wl brng thz reluctant to stand to organize thmslvez. Ts our futbl or sports tht shl win. Stop being personal. Gd luck to his competitors, gdluck to Walter 2. Malawi the peacefl land and God bless.
Pipo,pipo, pipo y do u hate smbdy who hs brought bk comfidence to cup and league sponcers. Well i dnt c thz pipo wth true comfidence to pick up the mantle frm him though thy r thre. Am sorry to hurt some at ths z my personal opinion. 1 more term 4 hm wl brng thz reluctant to stand to organize thmslvez. Ts our futbl or sports tht shl win. Stop being personal. Gd luck to his competitors, gdluck to Walter 2. Malawi the peacefl land and God bless.
Afe basi oooooohhhh no achoke bas
munthu wamulungu wabodza walter nyamilandu kenako uona mkwiyo weniweni wa a malawi
Nyamilandu 4lyf kikikikiki!!!!!!!!!
Apeleke Mwayi Kwa Ena
Sizakumtundu izi, asowe Walter atikwana president wokondera ngati uyu sidamuone tipitilizabe kulemba ma bunnerwo,manifesto ake omwe omwewo,
Nyamilandu amuses me with his confidence.What is he trying to prove to the nation? He has failed to improve soccer from all angles.It’s time he has to pave way for others.The problem is he is being supported by affiliates that he bribes,but the fans and Malawians don’t want him.
It is unfortunate that affiliates give mandate to a FAM presidential candidate during voting because members of all football affiliates are the only ones that vote not the people.Malawi needs ambitious and non-corrupt football administrators in order to improve the standards.
Achoke kumene sitikumufuna
Water Nyamilandu if this story is true please musaimenso. I am afraid you may be called malawi’s Mr Blatter