…. fears campaign against presidency
As the media storm on Malawi President Peter Mutharika’s travel to the United Nation’s General Assembly (UNGA) continues, government has accused the media of being dragged into a newly launched campaign of misinformation against the president and his government.

In a statement signed by Chikondi Juma of the State House press office, the presidency has singled out Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) saying the station harbors “hatred for the current government.”
Zodiak had earlier reported on its networks that Mutharika traveled to Dubai en-route to the UNGA using a Bombardier BD700-1A10 Global Express registration number OE-IGS owned by UK Private Jet Charter at a cost of not less than 200 million Kwacha. The trip would have cost K41 million had the president used a commercial flight.
However, the Presidency refuted the ZBS reports and says that Mutharika used a Jet owned by Execu-Jet of South Africa which has the registration number OE-IGS.
The state house statement failed to state the cost of the jet ride to taxpayers. What it states at length however, are claims that ZBS published wrong and unverified information.
“For its failure to verify the information it had, and going ahead to publish wrong information , ZBS is regrettably forcing us to conclude to that the station has hatred for the current government and the current president,” says the statement.
State House also believes there is a vendetta against the president personally and his government and the media is being used as agents.
“The architects of these reports are aiming at inciting resentments of peaceful Malawians against the president and his DPP led government,” reads part of the statement.
It is characteristic of Malawian administrations to attack the media whenever things are going south for them.
Munakakhala kuti ndinu anthu sibwenzi mutalola chitsiru kulamula! Chitsurucho chikulamula inu mkumavera! Apm ndi dilu
Dpp woyee! 2019 boma! Muisovela ku nkhwapa
ukanankhala mtengo kanadula
bt coz mafunyeta anayimba kanankhala nyerere kanakumba ndilowe…zodiak watchout things wil b lyk za last yrs kukuwotchelan zithu.plz do wat z right to the innocent malawians
A Malawi Tisalozane Chala Za Mkulu Ameneyu, Tonse Amene Tili Kunja Kwa Electrol Commission Tilibe Umboniweniweni Zoti Adaluza Kaya Adawina, Koma Kwa Ine Ngati Mkuluyu A Komishoni Adango M’yikapo Ayembekeze Chiweluzo Ngakhale Malembo Oyela Akuti Tisa Weluze Koma Apa Mulungu Sangakhale Chete, Akuti Ine Sindikhala Ndi Cabinet Yambiri Iyayi Koma Delegation Yambili Ndee Chani Chimenechi? Uku Nde sikuwononga Ndalama? Wina Wa DPP Ati Heeee Awone Vimwekumweku.
Kaya kwamene mmatsata ndalenu I jux thank God bola ndili ndi moyo
God z not happy wth his admistration evrymonth disaster guyz muone kwambiri chilowereni pampndo kumangomva moto watere mvula yatere.#IMPEACHMENT BASI
Serious nanenso I will campain to vote out this Dpwipwi led government, we have to try others maybe we may be rescued. Awa alephera ndipo tisawapansenso mpa….
munavotela chimanga ndichimecho musamve kuwawa lero
Tisadandaule izi ndizofuna amalawi zangoyambika chabe
We Have Reached The Time When Wipers Cant Wipe Rain Water, So @ This Time A Good Driver Stops Bcoz He/she Cant See What Is Ahead Of ,so Its High Time For Babylon To Step Down To Pave Way For Others
mr ibu bwana.
criticism that’s what we know best…
Kkkkkk km kumeneko UN GATE
kkkkkk kunyasa kwake kumenekuu…palibe chazeru
Let truth flow lik water:JB DID NOT START CASHGATE,sh ws not ther WHN K577bn varnished in thin air.Y r u avoidng th truth??
Elo bwanawe
Wayamba kale!! wayamba kale!! kunjenjemela!! hahahaha tiyeni nayeni ameneyo! Mr ibu on fire
Tizakuona ngati uzavote . ee sadzawina, alibe nzelu kkkkk uwatenge ambuyako uwapatse upulzident kuti azikutenga iweyo ndi akwanu onse Ku America kokanjoya.
nkhani ndi yakuti what next…….timpange chani bwampiniyu???????????
Eeeeh km
lets pray for our leaders!love them wish them good!therenothing but ourleaders carrying abag heavy and full of assorted minds that’s not easy isn’t it?
Anthu munavotela dpp rubish
Law of cause and effect @ work,,,anaziyamba wokha,,zotsatira zake zayamba kubwera ayambaxo kudabwa!,,why?!,,,a Zodiak musachite mantha,,you are not alone,,,liuzen dziko m’mene zinthu zilili,,osaonjezera kapena kuchotsako!,,,tiuzan zoona zokha zokha!,,ngati zavuta ndibwino kuvomereza!!!,,suluza kena kalikoxe,,this is just the beginning!!!!,,,,zazikulu zikubwera,,kwatsa timademo tafriendly!,,,tangotsala wex!!!,,
What about k577 billion case?where is it now?.Eish!!.
Wanyanayo peturo UN 6 inuyo triple digits 115 kususuka valomwe vodya njoka
Kodi ndege ilikuti? Muwa uze atolankhani anu abozawa afufuzenso kunapita ndege osati kumangolimbana ndi za UN zokhazi yi. Ndale sadya adatero Bakiri.
Xory Boss n your followers where is our money?
Donnex anayambitsa kuba ndi Bingu.ukuiwala 92 billion ndani.kkk koma yaaa
Beware Zodiak of Dii Phii Phii,chipani choipa ichi. Next time we might hear Zodiak broadcasting station is in smoke. Leaders of this party enjoy the propaganda and biased coverage by MBC which doesn’t care about ordinary Malawians and opposition parties.To have Zodiak cover and expose the truth about the real and evil DPP is an insult to the party.It’s a party that doesn’t wanna exist in a democratic world.
Peter z honestly stupid…don’t blame Zodiak…
Akagwele uko galu ameneyo asatitopetse watkwana nd agalu amzmzake mumamutsatlanu zsilu za anthu
di phi phi has failed us
MALawi s a failed state , the bwantete family have played a role. nanga musogoreri nkhope ngati chilond a nkupatsa okhistu kanthu.
nkhope zathu zimafokotoza
zamawa. amangwetu mudakana MBC lero mukuliranji?
Hello…… We are a lovely family from United Kingdom and we are here looking for a serious worker in our home and in our hotel like a serious AU PAIR/NANNY/CHILD CARE,DRIVER/CUSTOMER SERVICE JOB,CHEF/HEALTH AND MEDICAL SECTOR,HOUSE SITTER/HOUSE KEEPER,CAREGIVER/COOK/NURSING,SECURITY/GARDENER,HOTEL ATTENDANT/NURSING/BABY SITTER,BUSINESS MANAGEMENT/ MARKETING and so many worker like that are needed in our home and our company needed urgently. If you are interested in our job offer and kindly contact us directly to our email contact address…… [email protected] so that we can tell you what to do next on how you can come over here and process all your traveling document to come over here. Hope to hear from you soon.
Do you want Media Houses to be so sleepy as MBC? Message to all media houses is that do so much investigative journalism so that agalu woba ndalama zabomawa asowe mtendere.
Forget about the access to information bill,,,The problem with Malawian leaders is that they dont want to be critised..
Vuto la atolankhani a ku Malawi mumatiuza nkhani za unofficial zokhazokha, vuto sinu koma sukulu ya utolankhani yomwe mudakaphunzirayo. Ine ndimadabwa2 english yomwe mumalemba pa internet yothyokathyoka nde choncho bola mumapeza ya mchere mwenzi ukatha.
Kkkk kma pitala bax ku anyamula alomwe kt akanjoyese ku america zazii unya sazawinanso
Chilima should know that from adistance GOD is watching how HIS (GOD) children are suffering. My GOD
APM 2019 boma ha ha ha,,,DPP forever
Anthu enanu ndimadabwa nanu ngati ndinudi a Malawi. kodi ngati muli oganiza bwino bwanji osapita mukamutenge Joyce Banda yemwe anayambitsa mavuto onsewa poba mabillion a ndalama m’boma azayankhe mlandu mmalo momalimbana ndi Munthalika? kodi mabungwe akumalawi kuno amagwira ntchito pakakhala kuti Alhomwe ndi omwe akulamula basi? Mundisamale tsiku lina ndizakuuzani mau oopsya!!!
sukuxitsata ase
Abweletsa akuti ma golo
tidalakwitsa tokha amalawi povota,kodi munthu ameneyi ndigulu litiadalitsolera ndikuchitabwino asanakhale pulezident wadzikolino.
how can the media stay queit when the govt missuse money with such high delegation while we are facing economic crisis? they could have atleast a few delagation less than 10.
Uyu Pimbiriton ufumu ukazatha ndende yayitana kale
Koma akuluwa ali ndi mauna opumira eeeeee titha kukumba mbewatu mmenemu
Amalawi ndinu agalu dzitsiru kuzolowela president akugwiliren ntchto cosecho mkusewela bawo mbuzi inu osapza zocita bwanj kmanso inu mtawuni musamatinyase mupze zocita muzkalima kmudzi
Palibe wabwino
akukana chani pomwe zithu zikuchita kuoneka zokha.palibe chomwe anganene chanzelu apa. Malawi is like abus movin w’thout adriver so sad to my country
Kukhalanso okonda mtendere kwambiri ndikumene kukutipweteketsa kwambiri ife a Malawi.Tangoganizirani chaka chimodzi chokha koma.. .hmmmm…..hmmm
palibe president yemwe azabwere ndkungokonza zinthu,aliyense amablema nzake,akuluwa akut anaononga nd Jb,joyce amkat anaononga nd bingu,bingu amkat anaononga nd bakili,bakili amkat anaononga nd kamuzu,kamuzu amkat anaononga nd asamunda,kod nd ndan yemwe azabwere ndkungokoza zinthu kumalaw?
Mvuto laiwe ukumationela ife mmagalasi some time uziwatchosa kut uzitipenya bho bhol the way how malawian looks like
Naa uyuu zoti 2019 azawinanso ndakaika mapresident amafunika azikhala adazi osat ometa English cut ngat ndiwe mwana kufoila bax
Truth hurts poyamba ankati nyasa times ikuipitsa mbili yawo pano akuti zodiak..d onsewa akhale olakwa??nde wabwino ndani? ?kapena iwo amene!!!!!
Bible linafotokoza kale kuti ikuza nthawi yowawisa ndipo palibe cithu cokoma cimene dziko lapansi lizakupaseni. Ngakhale atabwera presdent wina zizakhale cimozimozi nanga ndi liti amalawi tinayamba kumangolira. Bible likukwanisidwa.
Mr. Ibu z under pressure. ..kkk
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Baba Peter Mutharika, chonde tulani pansi udindo. Dzikoli lakukanikani kuyendesa.
Apa nde ta ponya vote 2 amenene adakamfunabe presdent yu ndi 3% yokha 97% sitikumufuna
Mec chief one day uhave to answer the question bcz once this gorvenment is gone cell 71 is waiting for u
fuuck mr presdent.
Now, I have started learning why the MEC chief cried
A foreiner can nt run a country bliv it or nt, anyway galu ya amfumu ndimfumu ya agalu omwe ful stop!
Nothing u can gain polankhula zachipongwe each and everyone ndiolengedwa ndi mulungu. Anaika zopusa kuti zikachitise manyazi zochenjela. Palibe wopambana kuposa mzake tonse ndi same size. shame for US.
Mwanena bwinotu….koma sikuti adasankha zopusa kuti zikhale zozunzitsa anthu wamba akumudzi.
Kapena zakuba
yes tonse ndife olengedwa ndi Mulungu but this man belong to devil
Namalenga mumapereka utsogoleri kwa uyo amene mwamufuna munatipatsa utsogoleri uwu komanso posacedwapa utsogoleri uwu muulanda ndikuupereka kwa ena
Iz This Brother To Mr Ibu?If Nt Anthu Timabadwa Awiriawiri Kkkk
kkkkkk mwaganiza bwanji amwene kkkkkkkkk
He has failed, amasangalala ZBS yomweyo ikamanena za ena. Lero Dziko alilephela akupanga blame zodiak
akufuna ayambe wapeza likasa la mafunso a atolankhani ndikupezelatu mayankho kwachina chaponda…lol!
Mukmationelera ndiuphawi wathuwu ndi bata tili nalo kagweren uko mr xo called presdent
Mmalo mwake wauza escom kt izitibera ndalama nanga mlandu wanji mpakana nyumba yogona k3,00000 waluza vot yanga galu ameneyo asapange fear zadala mr Chakwera ali mmaloto mwanga basi ndalama okapereka ku makampani aboma wapititsa ku kunja
Ameneyu Ndinkhumba Ndithu Mpaka Hmm Ndisatukwane Koma
Where is the love,you were talking so much??Everyday is the same upon us.You said it in your mouth but yet,you can’t take it in your act.#revolutionwestart!
I don’t blame this president but Malawi Defence force who help this madala to be in state house.
Ukakhala pa nsana pa njovu usamati kunja kulibe mame,
The british gov told them to go to hell ,they cant stand the begging year in year out while our beighbors are developing slowly like Zambia & Kenya
Nkanakhala ine nkanapanga resign before its too late
Pepani,mwina kusavota kwanga kunapangitsa kuti zifike apa sha!!ambuye mundikhululukire.
Mmuuze amene eni akenu mmati president wanuyo asamatisokosepo ndi zopusa zakezo. Amawona ngati sizizaululika zopusa basi
Waithawa Press Conference munthu wankulu,akufuna akaichalire bho bho kkkk
Ibu z a dog or human being?whats the problem having a face similar to the face of Ibu?
This is also cashgate Malawian be careful.
Chitsiru chili ndi mwini…ndiwathube bax pwimbwiriyi..
I love you My president. . Wina zikumpweteka ngati ndankoka tsitsi
Mukundya nao money eti Mbanva inu
Inu nd an2 aja omakamuvinira president kwanu mutaxiya mavuto ambrimbri @ #roscoe_thawani
Time yake ameneyo mlekeni guys wapasidwa zimabinlanden.yathu nafe time ikafika tizanyadila wathu real leader for all malawians who luv the flames.eti boma- yet akuthawa atolankhani kuti ayankhepo pa zaulendo.
kaya zanu zimenezo ine Ndi APM mpaka mpaka
Hahahaha @ msukwa amayankha atorankhan pokhapokha akhare waku MBC bas koma a radio komanso matv ena uuuum amawopha kumuphapharisa ndmafunso
Bwana APM tilamulireni muli bho
Thats malawi winawake akalemera akuti ndiwasatanic even chakwera kutimaloto ake akadzatheka sadzakhala wabwino amalawi timafuna kugwetsana alwez palibe chodabwitsa kamuzu nanyozedwa Bakili,Bingu Jb wina ndiuyu.
kodi mwatibweretsera chiyani chaphindu kunsonkhanoko choti a Malawi chitipindulire?
its not about misinformation but it clearly show Mr President has fails to sustain Malawian expectations
aliense akulira ku malawi,,,,eg funsan ipte 8 n odl 3
His Excellency till 2019 & byond tidya udzu basi zofuna izi a Malawi
Mbuzzzzzzzzzzz yamunthu mxxit kuzunzisa miyoyo ya AMalawi
Mr president jst pay back our money u spent for nothing!
Leave my BWAMPINI alone plz
The man has failed to run this Country
Ngati Ibu ndendende kkk amafuna kubisala mumbatata amuonera nsana kkk
truth hurts!
Malawians are not stupid
Ngati mwakanika kuyendetsa dziko just resign. Do not hate Zodiak for telling Malawians the truth. Mbava zachabechabe inu. MBC is full of lies, and it’s only Zodiak that cares for ordinary Malawians. More fire Zodiak give us the truth because it’s only the truth that will set us free.
Mbuzi ya president iyi
Koma zodiak sikulakwitsa. Go ahead zodiak zikachitika timvera kwa inu