Mutharika administration feeling media storm

Malawi President Peter Mutharika

…. fears campaign against presidency

As the media storm on Malawi President Peter Mutharika’s travel to the United Nation’s General Assembly (UNGA) continues, government has accused the media of being dragged into a newly launched campaign of misinformation against the president and his government.

Malawi President Peter Mutharika
Mutharika hit hard by local media.

In a statement signed by Chikondi Juma of the State House press office, the presidency has singled out Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) saying the station harbors “hatred for the current government.”

Zodiak had earlier reported on its networks  that Mutharika traveled to Dubai en-route to the UNGA using a Bombardier BD700-1A10 Global Express registration number OE-IGS owned by UK Private Jet Charter at a cost of not less than 200 million Kwacha. The trip would have cost K41 million had the president used a commercial flight.

However, the Presidency refuted the ZBS reports and says that Mutharika used a Jet owned by Execu-Jet of South Africa which has the registration number OE-IGS.

The state house statement failed to state the cost of the jet ride to taxpayers. What it states at length however, are claims that ZBS published wrong and unverified information.

“For its failure to verify the information it had, and going ahead to publish wrong information ,  ZBS is regrettably forcing us to conclude to  that the station has hatred for the current government and the current president,” says the statement.

State House also believes there is a vendetta against the president personally and his government and the media is being used as agents.

“The architects of these reports are aiming at inciting resentments of peaceful Malawians against the president and his DPP led government,” reads part of the statement.

It is characteristic of Malawian administrations to attack the media whenever things are going south for them.