Constituents report MCP MP to ACB over theft of quarry stones

Emmanuel Chambulanyina Jere is a Member of Parliament in Malawi

People in Mzimba South Constituency have reported Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Member of Parliament Emmanuel Chambulanyina Jere to Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) over allegations that the legislator stole a truckload of quarry stones meant for the construction of the Jenda-Embangweni road.

The letter to ACB, dated 11 November, 2021, has been signed by Morton Mkandawire who is chairperson of the concerned constituents.

According to the complainants, they have evidence that Jere diverted the stones for his own personal gain.

“He used the same for his house at Maliba Soko Villabge, Vibangalala Trading Centre. We have made every effort to have him account for his conduct but all our efforts have proved futile,” the constituents said.

“We the people of Mzimba South Constituency hereby formally lodge this criminal complaint to the Director General of the Anti-Corruption Bureau through your Mzuzu office for further investigations into the matter and possible criminal prosecution.”

The constituents have since offered to provide videos, audios and pictures to assist with the investigations.

Thawe in front of the quarry stones

Last month, Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) through its chairperson for the South Masauko Thawe also made similar allegations after visiting Jere’s residential area

“Community members have confirmed that this is the quarry stolen from the construction company. The theft of the quarry has delayed the project because the stones would have been used for about a kilometre or so,” said Thawe.

But Jere denied stealing the quarry saying the stones seen at his house were bought from a Chinese company at K400,000.