Malawi Police officers hike Ndirande Mountain for an end to GBV


The scorching sun and dry throat in search of drinking water could not stop Ndirande Police Women Network from climbing to the hilltop with an aim of preaching an end to Gender Based Violence (GBV) to those who seek God within Nyambadwe hills.

The believers who quite often patronise the hills got this rare preaching from the women in uniform during the morning hours of December 7, 2021 right at the hilltop.

Speaking during the event, Traffic Sub Inspector Esther Kalunga challenged that women are better placed to take a leading role in the fight against the vice.

She informed the gathering that during the 16 days of GBV activism, the police have put an extra gear in order to make sure that the messages being preached are landing on fertile soil.

On her part, Sub Inspector Zelipher Mulli who is the Victim Support Unit coordinator for Ndirande Police Station, made an appeal to the attentive audience never to relent in reporting GBV cases to police.

Mulli worried that, most women in the area suffer in silence with an aim to protect their marriages from ending.

Graced by officers from various police branches, the activists carried packets of sugar which were distributed to those in attendance.

Ndirande police network also received maximum support from their Station’s Male Champion, Sergeant Kelvin Nyirenda who was part of the team.