Vuwa not withdrawing case at African Court despite election victory


Member of Parliament for Nkhatabay Central Symon Vuwa Kaunda says he will not withdraw the case which he filed at African Court on Human Rights and People’s Rights in Tanzania despite retaining his seat in the June 29 by-elections.

Kaunda has told Malawi24 he still wants the African Court to review the Supreme Court of Appeal’s Judgement because the truth now has come out that he won elections in 2019 and that the judgement by the Supreme Court was wrong.

“We thank God that we have won the by-elections we have been vindicated the truth have come out. What happened in 2019 is the same thing that has happened this year, the same people who voted us in 2019 are the same people that have voted us this year. I have always said that I won the elections in 2019 but Mhone went to the Court and lied to the Court that we have stolen the elections, so this is a clear indication that no rigging was done in 2019 and the truth has come out.

“We have been humiliated and embarrassed going through the same process again we did in 2019, we have spent a lot of money so we need someone to explain what does this mean now, we have been tortured the rights of people have been violated we have been embarrassed big time, we were portrayed as thieves and now the truth has come out. So I am saying the case must continue to its logical conclusion because the Courts believed lies and here is the situation, I have won again the elections,” said Kaunda.

Kaunda added that his victory is a clear indication that there’s no People’s Party (PP) in the North and that people are tired and not interested in PP.

“There’s no PP here there’s no Afford here. PP is no longer on the ground but they are lying to government that there’s PP here which is not true. So, my victory is a clear indication that people in the North are tired of parties like Afford parties like PP and this is also a clear indication to the government that some parties in the alliance are no longer relevant,” said Kaunda.

The Supreme Court of Appeal nullified Kaunda’s 2019 parliamentary win and ordered by-elections in Nkhatabay Central.

Kaunda requested the African Court to stop Malawi from conducting the by-elections in his constituency Nkhatabay Central as ordered by the Supreme Court of Appeal that nullified his previous victory. Kaunda wanted the stay pending determination of his application on the alleged human violation which he claimed he suffered by the nullification of his victory.

However, the injunction was not granted and elections took place on 29 June, 2021. Kaunda won again the elections with 5,422 beating Raphael Mhone Vice President of People’s Party (PP) in the North who got 5,163 votes.