Malawians moving to Phalombe


Both men and women in Malawi are trekking to Phalombe, either to learn a lesson or two on how to achieve excessive sweetness or to drink from the source of Phalombe Tseketseke.

Memes have gone viral on social media in relation to an incident that happened in the aforementioned district a few days ago. A 35-year-old man died while having sex with a sex worker.

Photoshopped packet of “Phalombe Sugar” circulating on social media

The postmortem report revealed that the death was caused by extreme orgasm.

Malawians on social media started throwing jokes on the matter, with most saying they are looking for answers as regards to what led to the climax of sexual excitement.

Others claim that the deceased took orgasm stimulating substances before the act. The incident has made people conclude that Phalombe district has women that are skilled in bed.

A photoshopped picture of a packet of sugar which is circulating on social media is inscribed, Tseketseke, chakwanu leka take it at your own risk.

Another meme shows a car with many male passengers who have exceeded its capacity and it is captioned, “Phalombe here we come.”

Others have excavated a comic film that features the late comedian Izeki and related it to the incident. In the film Izeki said “ndikupita ku Phalombe” (I am going to Phalombe.)