Netball Association of Malawi (NAM) decision to let Malawi go to this year’s Fast5 World Netball Series without Mwawi Kumwenda has been received with mixed reactions by the Malawi netball fraternity.
The star was expelled from the Queens training camp for reporting late to camp and despite calls from various quarters to include her in the squad for the tournament, NAM has insisted that she will not go.

Some netball fans have expressed satisfaction with the Netball body’s decision to drop Mwawi claiming that NAM made a right decision in dropping the top shooter as such its decision has to be respected by all netball fanatics in Malawi.
One of the football fanatics who was happy with NAM’s decision to maintain it’s the decision of going to this year’s tournament without the netball star is Grace Kandulu.
“I don’t have problems with NAM’s decision. No player is bigger than the team, how can a player of Mwawi’s calibre report to camp four days after the team has already resumed training ahead of this year’s tournament in Australia.
“The conduct which the shining netball star showed was uncalled for, big up NAM for dropping the player!” she said.
Haward Matsimbe concurred with Kandulu and said Mwawi deserved to be dropped for reporting to camp late.
However, other fans were not happy with the decision saying if Malawi will not perform well at this year’s Fast5 World Netball Series NAM will be blamed.
This will be the second time for Mwawi to miss a major netball tournament as in 2014 NAM also dropped her for the World Cup netball trip accusing her of lack of discipline after she asked NAM to give the players their training and games bonuses arrears.
Queens are expected to leave the country this today for Australia to take part in this year’s Fast5 World Netball Championship.
Meanwhile, NAM general secretary Carol Bapu has said the team is ready for this year’s tournament as the coach has named a quality squad which has the capability of delivering good results.
Wow!!!! Mwaona zomwe mapangitsa ndi chigamulo chanu chomusiya Mwawi???? Ogoletsa amati ayesere zomwe amapanga Mwawi kumagoletsa patali aluza nazo game yowinawina koma abale inu tiyeni tizimva kaye zomwe zinamupangitsa Mwawi kukapanga report mochedwa…. Taluza chifukwa chakuziyika pamwamba kuyambira dzula Malawi siyinawinepo eeiisshh kumaganiza pena musanaononge zinthu she can not be a star without her teammates they did do there best those players today but the goal shooter is missing… Now we will play on 5 and 6 play off just because of your decision you NAM!!!! So disappointing
Fixture yikuti bwanji tizaonere mipira yimenei.
Taluza ndaonelerako ine Malawi zachisoni kopanda Mwawi sitingawine never ever
Munthu akayamba kudzimva kuti ndi solo amatha mwansanga kunali anzake oposa iyeyo anayiwalika
Team is bigger than player,,Yaya Toure,costa,Tevez anapangidwapo izizi.Amalawi tisapuse Mwawi anaipeza Queens and azaisiya,anthu omwe akumulankhula mwanowo are th same pipo who helped him to reach this far.Player asamafike pozimva ai
Same as Argentina leaving Messi to the world cup
mbuzi ya munthu mwayi.expect to b humbled my frend
Taonapo ma proffessional player kungofikila mu game osapanga nao ma training.
Nam has just shown how jealous they are
No one is above the laws, punish who goes astray inline with laws for others with same spirit to get a lession.
mwayambapo za flames?Osatifookesa mumatiimilira ma queens!Yawo ija ma athelets akwathu kuno indiscipline,agaba nawo…U kno de story..
Akasewera yekha?
Mukamva kuti midyama ndiye imeneyi. Mwai ayenera kuti mupitenaye if u know ur best otherwise zikakuvutani. Ngati Zili njiru pls zisiyeni muziona pobwera
she is the best wether u like it or not enanu ntchito kulongolola apa mwachitako chani moyo mwanu chabwino kupatula kutha nsima
Big up NAM,
she deserves it.
Whatever anybody would say, discipline is a key to any organization formed. Any misconduct never been tolerated.
Nzimayi uyu ndionyada kwambiri kuzipopa heavy thats abest deal to drop her and am not worried about her.
Wow!!!!! Leaving Mwawi behind was the stupid decision ever I always watch this tournament but what has happened today was really crazy if Mwawi was there we could have won that New Zealand…. Eeiish Malawi Malawi will never change to be so selfish
I can see kut anthu ambiri amene mukubakla NAM u dont knw Mwawi Kumwenda & u dont watch the games the impact & the motivation she brings to the team whenever she is playing..
Mumangomva pa radio kut kuli Mwawi Kumwenda..
she’s nt an ordinary player bt she’s extraordinary
she deserves to be treated like queen.
have u not seen how Argentina treats Messi/ hw they treated him when he retired from international football?
Special Players are handled with Care or are given special consideration.
May be y do u think Hazard is to be Receiving £300 000/week in a new contract and currently is earning £200 000/week while Willian is earning £120 000/wk?
NAM what cn u do if she resigns & retires playing 4 Malawi & starts playing 4 South Africa?
can we manage to win a game playing against her? confidence interval here is 10%.
Humbleness & kupusa they r 2 different things so humble yoself NAM (Carrol) & settle the case @ hand with Mwawi.
It seems like its a punishment to Mwawi bt believe me this is the Punishment to Young players as their motivator has bn withdrawn so the confidence level is very low.
If the team will perform poorly there, it will be a punishment to the entire country as everyone wl b frustrated & our blame on u will never cease…
No she shouldn’t be treated like a Queen. However, it is said that Mwawi asked to report late for training because she wanted to finish the charity work she was doing the north and she told her superiors that she would be reporting on Thursday a thing she did and she trained a little before being kicked off at night. I feel something could have been done rather than kicking her out. Its my prayer that Queens will come with good results. As the saying goes “he who shits on the road will meet flies on his way coming back”
Taluza sisi zachisoni kwambiri tili number 6 osawinapo or ndi team yimodzi yokha
displin z owez nided evn ronaldo cud i’ve face de sam panishment so who z mwawi
Queens ll’do the job without her.All the best mumatiimilira.
Queens mukakapambanako game muli ndi mwati osati Mwawi
B 4wrd wandrers 3 Moyale 1.
Mwai kumwenda 2 goals.
mwasowa chokamba? mtayeni.
Acant wait for the queens to perfom badly…and regret dropping mwayi….she broke the rules …yes…she needed to be punidhed yes….but she is our best shooter…..we needed her….only best players should have gone dere….mubwezeletsa mmbuyo netball…the only team imatichotsa manyazi ikapita kunja…. osati aflames awa
But we haven’t heard her side of story. So we can end up being bad judges
y mixed reactions? di issue its stryt forward,discipline z a MUST,no one z above di team,munthu amazimva,kubwera mochedwa kut chan iyeyo?
When you are astar always know that the pull he/she down syndrome is there
She is not bigger than the Queens as a team. Over the years, I think she has demonstrated this by taken the leadership for granted. Leaders at all levels must be respected and I hope she will learn from this episode and do better next tym.
Because she is anortherner,muzamukumbuka ngati Kinnah PHIRI
Chonyadila sowe mukasiya kusewela mmene mumavutikila kusowa ndiokupasani moni anganiza ngasewele mpaka zaka 100 ukunama
Ndi zamasewero izi, zidana ndima jealous. Chaona mzako chapita mawa chili pali iwe, abwampini inu simudzathekaso mpaka kale kale.
We she not entertain and cherish indiscipline.Have we not heard international players have bn dropped due to the same. Its not winning per we but winning with a team with cohesion and disciplined entity.The trip was known way before that material day .Her manager would continue her charity work if that was her setback.BUT don’t take her lose honourably or win with a clear conscious.
Let us respect the decision of the coach! There is only one coach at a time! Minister of Sport akhaleso ndi Ulemu and should respect NAM, osawaopsyezya kuti asazapempheso thandizo ku boma ngati kuti ndalamazo ndizakunyumba kwake ayiwala kuti its tax payers money??? Sanawone zachitika last Tuesday achenjere.
NAM is just stupid jealousy and childish
trying to scrutinize it very wel u might think as ig its perdonal isue bcoz one thing nid to b considered is mwayi plays abroad t& there is need of gud & proper communications for her club to release her in time. Don’t over react on some of the things that can b solved without a cost of thinking deeply. Malawians let’s open our eyes & if at all mwayi was wrang dobu think she will learn where went her u r the ones, u would have advised her moraly other than reacting madly just to show ur anger zis is madnes let’s build Malawi by stopping this non sense
Njala nthenda sanje & corruption Malawi
Discipline is paramount,thumbs up NAM.
Aka sikoyamba ayi. This girl has an attitude problem, Ukamadzimva zosatira zake zimakhala zotere. She needs to humble herself.
Don’t hate the player! Hate the game
Paja kwathu kuno nkhani sizitha!
Be careful of the media, sometimes it’s just there to give you high blood pressure! Innocent people are dying in this country, how about some awareness campaign!
Mwai not bigger than the team,more players to replace her
what ever had happen, its over, lets focus for the future of our team!!
I still feel she should’ve been disciplined verbally but not up to this extent of dropping her on the team. I think she must have some explanation as to why she reported late at the training. Minister of sports humbled himself and asked if you could change your decision but u said no. We’re also aware that this isn’t the first time u have had issues with her. Let’s just pray that you should bring in medal when coming, either silver, bronze, gold
Or pink????
The way you speak to your prayers also matters don’t only stick to what Mwai has said if any. Don’t envy her please
Arrgh! Nthawi zina NAM imayenera kungomezera, Anawa ndi awo/athu komanso ndiofunikira nde imayenera ku sova nkhaniyi with maturity or look for other measures of punishment for her with an aim of retaining her services.
Who is disadvantaged here mwayi or Malawi?
wamwano asiyidwe ndi zko ili
Ife tilipano kudikila ma results
I honestly don’t think NAM should’ve intervened.
But then she lied when claimed to have received the invitation very late. The invitations are sent to players on the same day. For the purposes of team spirit,,it was the appropriate measure to be taken. Now she knows what everyone else knows that there is no “I” in a team!
You See The Flames Is Arleady Dead Now You Want To Kill The Strong Quens
Madrid has CR7,Barca has Messi,Chelsea has Eden.Every team has a star player who single handedly drives and motivates the team.Ur wrong if u think they all dont hav discipline issues bt then thy ar handled with care.There are other ways of purnishing a player other than dropng him or her.Lets not lie The Queens minus Mwawi are just an ordinally team
Let someone shines again in place of the superstar.This is a nation duty n at a nation level not club level
u need to understand as Barca wthout Messi is harmless, Madrid without Cr7 is toothless so Queens wthout Mwawi is useless & meaningless
Iwe ukunama mwai akuvuta kwambiri. For I wish all the best to those ma lady go there.
Super-star comes and go,no need someone must feel superior over other, once some one breaks laws punishment must follow him/her for others with same spirit to get a lession.
Achita bwino kumusiya timadana ndikutumbwa ife.
NAM could have sit down with her and resolve the issue amicably, tikamati azimai inu decision imakuvutani nde muziti ayi Mwai is a star, jeolousy women at NAM
No player is biger than the Team.
Congrats NAM for making the right decision, wokwiyayo supports bad behaviour, period!
aaaaagh koma a Malawi ,,ngati mwayi analakwisa amayenera kupepesa not kukulanso Mtima,,Mwayi is mwayi not queens ,,ngati sakufuna kumenyera queens let her go,tinali ndi ma net baller a bwino anapuma ,who is she??she is not bigger than Nam,,,
This is her forth time doing the same. Kambuzi kameneka asaaa
Nanga si anayamba kuzinva u proffessional! As if payekha she can shine.
Eti Eti. Asaa
Ayiwala komwe anachokera heti
Eeti kunali Mary waya Emie Waya ndeno iyeyu ndi ndani kupanda a NAM anali ndani??? Adzidzifira???
nde nkumamvanso ma pundits athu kumakabakila ,,amvekere mwayi ngofunika yizimunyengelera,,,za zii,,,m’mene mbuyomu thw Queens inalinso kuchita bwino kunali Mwayi?,,asamatumbwe uyu anatiika pa map si iyeyo analipo anzake anapangisa,,zoona NAM izimugwadira mwayi zoona,, as who???
She deserve what she sow
Koma ngati mwayi analakwitsa kukhala waluso pepani ndithu and get well soon ndi jealous yanuyi.Eeeeeee bwanji guys talking as if you own the queens? She is talented,undisputably! mupsa mtima zenizeni simunati anyapapi
We dont want excuses. Let them prove that we can still do better without Mwawi.
She is stupid she thinks the whole nation will start praising her because is A Star? Achita bwino kumusiya asamunyengelele ameneyo go queens go queens
Mwene even Argentina inamunyengerera Messi kut asapange resign, dolo ndi dolo timangoyenera kumunyengerera ndithu. My opinion
Honestly Malawians either ndi ouma mitu or chinyengo chinatilowa mmagazi. Really? Should NAM smile and let Mwai in when she broke the rules just coz she’s a star?….kiss my a@#*₩.
Mpila uwu ndiotani ongotchuka munthu mmozi ngati akusewela yekha fork”???
world class players are handled with care,,do you think the likes of Messi,Ronaldo etc samapanga ma mistake? they do only that the issues are handled in a closed door…NAM has just killed the Queens here,,ku Australia ikungopitilako mmalo mwa umboni.
No my dear, when Messi/Ronaldo break the rules they r punnished according to the disciplinary rules of the club JUST LIKE ANYBODY. In Malawi u want NAM to change the rules coz its Mwawi the star.
you dont know what happens behind closed doors of such big teams…and what NAM has done,is simply gonna engineer Queens downfall.Mwawi is Queen’s back bone,without her Queens is nothing..they couldn’t even beat Zimbabwe netball team few months ago.
A team consists of a number of players,no one can stand on top without being assisted.Lets put hope in a team not a player.no matter what a person can be,but if its a team,then their is division of work.for a team to do well,it needs good defenders,centers n shooters.she is a shooter,a star for that matter but relys on others to feed her with the ball.no matter wahat a person might be,rules should be followed koz NOBODY is above the law.thats my side
you can have a gun,,but with no bullets that gun is useless..
fact mukunenayo
Lero si izi,,goal shoot akungophonya ngati watumidwa.
Hahahahaha NAM best decision my foot!!!! Just look what is your goal shooters doing…. Wake up Malawi everyone has flaws it doesn’t mean you should punish the whole country I was so proud calling my friends to this morning to watch my country performance but mmmmmmm I’m so a shamed of what happened today that game we were suppose to win but the shooting was so stupid I hope you are not regretting dropping Mwawi you are so happy that we have lost because of poor shooting you decisions maker!!!!
The genesis of foolishness its when you think your bigger than the team
We Will Regrate This Berve Me.
its funny though,mwawi flew to malawi from AUSTRALIA to team up with the queens in preparation for the fast5 tournament to be played in AUSTRALIA…why not meet her there as it is sometimes done in soccer?…whatever the case for dropping her could have been avoided,the queens will come last this time and i cant wait to hear the arrogant board stammer an excuse throuh Caroll Babu
Rather be last than tolerate indiscipline….its called fairness/consistency/professionalism.
Thats very hash hence we all know that Mwawi is better than all those that are going there even if she does not train
Nobody is bigger than the team, we call them, malawi queens not mwayi
She was already in Malawi by the the tym of call up,doing charity work to upcoming stars in her home district i understand.
If Mwawi was already in malawi then i stand correct @papious…But facing the best 4 teams in the world without her is a recipe for disaster
It doesnt matter what the outcome will be.Can she play alone without others?But others can play n will indeed play without her,thats y its a team.Its not one by one,its seven against seven n has given a chance to someone to shine again.With or without her,it will remain the queen n was b4 her is in her time n will be wen she is gone.Its a nation duty
paja nde kumalaw kmeneko nsanje bas twonetu mukakaluza oxazatnyaxa pt mwafuna nokha…kuxya prayer ofunika nde zchan… mmakhala ngt mmauluka bwnj zausilu bas.
If u are a star be a good example (role model) where pipo should learn from you not kupanga zawekha that’s not team spirit. For Mwayi we wish her all the best as she digest and scrutinise her behaviour and for our team Good lucky. Kaya tikaluza it’s not Mwayi but the Queen’s basi. I love the Queen’s for ever.
ilike your coment,
nobody is bigger than the team
paja azimayi amaganiza mopelewera so akanakhala naye pansi kumuyankhula bhobho,,be4 making decision yomusiya???
it happens and this is over, thou everybody do make mistakes!!
Azimayi atiwo amaganiza mopelewera?
Azimayinu ….. lol.
Better to take a risk than to praise a person coz adadziwika
please note that it’s a team, which means it’s not only mwai plays, Malawi national team can not afford to bring nyakumwenda here, ndalama adapangila campaign ya zisankho za kabweleza
zisankho za kabweleza eti kkkkk
nam ikukhala ngati bungwe la munthu sopana osatinso ya amalawi tikangofa ngati achitsozera andisamale achina waya afa imfa yowawa.
Aaa tiyeni tidkire maresults kut abwera bwanj.
Are u saying she plays alone mu court? Kuti afike pomwe alipo its because she had help both the team and NAM and other well wishers. Just be fair mayankhulidwe ako
Why leaving her ask yourself
Is because watchuka kwambiri to be honest she is a star
She is indeed superstar but rules should be observed no matter who you are koz u found them n u will leave them wen u a done
Thanks for uppreciating kuti ndi star mwamva
Aubrey….tikamenyedwa sizinaooneke…wil end up..position..10
Lets wait for the results
its normal
She is not big than the team
za manyi..antolankhani mukadangoleka kukamba za netball tione kuti ziwathere bwanji…amayi busy kukokerana pansi….mai mzawo tu uyu…wachita bho,akufuna amukhazike pansi basi…eeeee..n
Tasakani sakani za Peter apa… Za mwayi zikhale kumbali