Zomba City Council employees convicted over K3.5m Aids funds


A court has convicted four Zomba City Council (ZCC) employees over embezzlement of K3.5 million the council received from National Aids Commission (NAC) for implementation of HIV/AIDS programmes.

According to Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Senior Public Relations Officer Egrita Ndala, in September 2008 the bureau received a complaint alleging that an accounts clerk at ZCC Lawrence Nkombezi and a Mrs. Mchombo who is district aids coordinator at the council misappropriated the sum of K3,487,350 NAC funds meant for training of caregivers.

Ndala said the bureau instituted investigations into the matter and established that Mrs. Mchombo was not directly involved.

Egritta Ndala
Ndala confirmed of the arrests.

However, the probe established that Oliver Msyamboza who is district social welfare officer and Nkombezi the accounts clerk are the ones who misappropriated the funds.

She further said that assistant district social welfare officer Harry Gondwe and another ZCC employee Leviak Mhango gave false information to the bureau by confirming that the trainings for caregivers took place when they were never conducted.

Ndala said on 23rd May, 2012, the ACB arrested Msyamboza, Gondwe, Nkombezi and Mhango.

The four have since been convicted on various charges.

“Msyamboza and Mkombezi were convicted on the count of theft by public servant and forgery contrary to section 283(1) 354 and 351 of the penal code respectively. The other convicts Gondwe and Mhango were convicted on one count of giving false information to the Anti-Corruption Bureau officers contrary to section 14(1) (a) of the Corrupt Practices Act,” said Ndala in the statement made available to Malawi24.

She further said that Mkombezi was also charged of possession of unexplained property contrary to section 32 of the Corrupt Practices Act.

Meanwhile, the four will appear in court on 28th march, 2017 for sentencing.


One Comment

  1. That is Zomba District Council you people.. anthu onsewo akuyamba nkuti district and u cant know iyayi.. nxaa!

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