Germany has given Malawi 45 Million Euros (K36 Billion) and hopes the money will help improve the southern African country’s health, education, and social protection sectors.
Speaking at Capital Hill in Lilongwe after signing the financial cooperation agreement, Germany Ambassador to Malawi Jurgen Borsch said the support relates to the commitments that were made during the bilateral negations in October last year.

In his speech Ambassador Jurgen said just like Malawi, the Republic of Germany puts much emphasis on having an improved education and health systems and highly appreciates creation of jobs and income in rural areas.
“Today we have laid a cornerstone for our further cooperation in the areas of basic education, primary health services, social protection of the ultra-poor and private sector development in rural areas,” Borsch said.
Under the bilateral cooperation with Malawi, Germany committed to support with 102 million Euros (Mk78.6 Billion) and the 45 million Euros is part of the package.
In additional to the financial cooperation, Germany also provided the country with 4 million Euros (Mk3.1 Billion) as a response to the hunger crisis facing the country.
“Malawi also benefits from Germany’s one world – no hunger initiative and under this programme, money amounting to 16 million Euros were set aside for Malawi but looking at the situation facing the country as a result of El Nino, we have decided to add another 4 Million Euros making the total to 20 Million Euros,” he said.
Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development Goodall Gondwe described the support as timely.
He said with the resources, he sees improvement in both education and health sectors. Gondwe also hailed the social protection support which he said would benefit many rural Malawians.
“We are grateful to the Germany government for the financial assistance particularly the social cash transfer programme which has seen more rural Malawians being economically transformed,” Gondwe said.
The finance minister said out of the total amount, 10 Million Euros will be channeled to the health and education sectors while the remaining amount will be used in the social cash transfer programme.
45 million Shem Malawi 36 billion kkkkkkkkkk
Agawana kale agalu amenewa
Olakwa ndi othandizawa, akanangosiya
Mmmm! Nothing special tu report.
kufuna kulemelesa pitala
Kkkkkkkk they say malawi is where you can more educated people but when it comes to spend government funds no auditors come up with information of how all this mult billions donations we’ve receiving how are we spending, all wgat I heard is we jst received this and that but what are you doin with all t
Another cashgate
Half of the money.tibe
Ali mweeeee… Mukusekelelankukamwa zopusazo ndalama zomagawana akutsogolookhaokhawo
Munyengereso zina ximenezo agalu!!!
DPP boma ilo a Malawi anasankha okha shame segukani maso MALAWI mphuno salota munavotera mfiti boma
All the best cashgaters zidyeni izo iyemayesa wa gula galimoto. Ndalama za boma zilibe mwini chifukwa tonse ndi boma
Dont thick that we are Nyaupes or we r talkng abt Dagah,ngunga ,ganja but we feel sory to wt u r doing to the malawians pipo
Gd lucky to the DPP farmily upon this billions u wl fix another new party uniforms
Pano mutu wakula kuti kodi agawana bwanji? phone wa Banza wa Banzaso phuma
Bloody thieves will steal all of it
Abeso ndalamazo
Agalu osangogawanaso bwanji imeneyo nkhani yoti mutisokosele nayo,mwankhala mukupasidwa ndalama ngat zimenezi??ife tizituwa achana anu apitaso ku america ku xool kudyera kumbuyo kwazisilufe,zilindimathero aketu zimenezi Anthu asoka inu
But there is nothing on the ground to show for all these cash donations. A large chunk of this money will go into the pockets of the blue party big fish
Let the rooting continue
me am just worried for my two litle kids, just dont know what their future will hold in this poorest country in africa.
post teachers plz
maiko nde akutithandiza koma palibe chomwe chikusintha, vuto ndidyera basi malo mokoza zinthu.
Kod all these donations ? Where does all that money go to?
malawi iz poor but people in it are rich becouse of such dornetion stil nothing change the germans
Why these donors continue giving this thieves donation? I don’t understand, donors must not give money to these thieves we started receiving this aid long time ago but nothing changes can u see our infrastructure, roads, towns, houses like we’re still living in dark ages they must come and make development themselves like what Chinese are doing rather than giving money to these fools.
dont tell us shit about money please we are tired of you stuppid president like you inever see if we meet one day iwiill put knife on ur pussy
dont tell us shit about money please we are tired of you stuppid president like you inever see if we meet one day iwiill put knife on ur pussy
Aaaa zabedwa kale zimenezo
Zabedwa kale zimenezo
zidyen anyapapi
Kkkkkkkk kuzikhwasula
This Money will go in the pocket of rich people I know this shit country people are dying no food but busy wasting money for nothing you will go to Hell sure!!
Ayamba kale kugawana zimenezo mbuz za atsogoleri
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I hop mzuni ziyenda pamenepo
Zafika pa nthawi yake ,,, Christmas ya bwino ku mp’ingo wa D,P,P
Me no comment mufera zaeni asiyeni azihawane basi
Mubeso ndalama zimenezo aziphunzitsi ndiye akugona ndi njala. atsogoleli akumalawi dziko kumangolibela mpaka sanza wila.
Tigulira galimoto zimenezo
Malawi readers are very fradulent instead of constructing schools or buying schools facilities to support education,that huge amount of money will go in their pockects making themselves more rich while poor people are struggling with life, our country is very hard to be developed
there was a compuny that want to build a powerstation six years back but it was put on hold till now,reason is the money do belive this money is gonna help poor malawians? Mmmmm nooooo dnt knw the Germany Governmnt has thrown that money into the toilet No malawians has ever enjoyed freedom with Dpp Gvnmnt
Health and educatiob for what? Tidzi-cashgat-a ife dzimenezo! Ingotini pheee!
#Right_donationals_to_a_wrong_country….. Nothing more to explain!
Is it possoble 5% of our PAYE go directly to DCs office and be used on development s that each district report to media at end of year?
Magalimoto a wiri ndiomwe tiwone pandalama yonseyi
MMMMM Koma mbava zinona
Zawo zama mp iziii, corruption is real.
Ndalama zili muchikwamu eti?
Hahahahaha, so what has been solved by this? If the president can even dare to say some of the issues happening in this country are none of his concern. This money will continue to be cashgated by our notorious leadership unless the donor party directly oversees its use in the target sector. Otherwise we are doomed to the cashgate cycle.
Tidye zimenezi! Ma truck a new 1 tagulaso a bwana
apa bas tipitaso ku usa ndalama zapezeka
apa bas tipitaso kwa usa ndalama zapezeka
Daily tikunva za ma billion kuperekedwa, but njala sizikuthako ayi, apresident angogula ma tishu basi nkumanyera
Mmmmm osati awowo alemere kopitilira?
Just tell Malawians that Germany gave money to mutharika &
His cabinet minister. Don’t pretend in the name of Malawians when u receive aid out side Malawi.
All the ministers and their president they will be billionaire
Agawana kale agalu amenewa, aoneleni mutu kukula.
Zindingasonyeze kanthu ndi vuto lomwe tili nayo ifeyi .ndichimodzmodzi be basi coz yachuluka ndiponyan mwangamu basi
Eeeeeeee wina anenepapo apa mapetoake Aziturusapo 3000 kwacha ndiye chani kuba basi
Welcome development to cashgaters,but God is watching you
in godall gondwes pocket kkkkkk
hhhhhh…All negative comments……negative but true comments…..Now Open #poly….
With this huge amount of Money i think you will open Poly
Khanda la zaka 60….
Zidyedwe basi
Where do these amount go? is to government or people’s pockets? shameful
Thanks 2all
They will share all that money amongst themselves
This money will go into Peter Mutharika and few cabinet ministers’s pockets ,That’s why they refuse access to information bill.Malawi will never develop.
Agulu amenewa olo mwawapasa aba iba ndalamazo alibe pabwino
Ndalama Zimenezo ndi phwando la kakowa , akulu akulu azinenepa .
Vampires & demons cnt make a good goverment all bilions 4get about t? Nothing wil change jst pray hard to God to gv us good leaders magetsi ndi mmmene mukuwaoneramu mankhawala nde msavutike nazo ayamba kaye agawana chumacho mavuto adziko pa mbuyo mxiii
The leaders s time to get rich again
They have never use the money in correct way
Zalowa kale ku account ya a uje.
That’s bad news, it’s like putting money in a torn pocket
Or even they gave us thillion of kwachas we cannot do somethithing which can help our government our leaders are ageing thet cannot perform like our finance minister. So aaaa! It pains me much!
Zoona manzi nkhalamba zokhazokha. Zikungotipweteka basi .
Aigawana imeneyo ndi achaakazawo ndi xibwenzi zawo
Amalawi chithandizo mukupasidwa koma kaya chimapita kuti kaya mumaika mnthumba mwanu kaya
mabillion onseo ube uwona iwe sibweni.
tafunani ndalamazo zikukwaneni mufufume nazo!
We are still receiving money from well wishers bt still putting that money into your pockets,God Will panish you.
nde agalu akumalawinu mukangoziona Ndalama choncho mtima osaupeza nde muyelekeze kudya Ndalama zimenezi mulungudi apa tiomberana muonanso
Muthalika say thax, as Germany gives u another money to buy luxury things in ur family
Germany ikufuna iwone ngati amalawi angagwilitse bwino ndalamazo..Achula dala Education,akuzembelera Nalikule College of Education..so
Ndalama ndiye zikubwera koma mavuto osasover malawi people lets work up boma lakuba ili
the past b50 yrs hv been a failure of Malawian leadership not a failure of the malawian people jst imagine the money,s but i dont think that money can improve our education systeam or our healthy instead the cost of basic need will be increased what we need is to catch a big fish our selves not always receive usipa pepan sindinatukwane apa
To improve or for the officials to share???
Godwe will bust
mmmmm apereka ndalama zzoti agawane?? Not zopindulira a malawi sure
Zipita ku kampeni zimenezo
APM and Goodall will eat that money.
investigate first b4 u give keep on making those devils rich
Asiyeni adyeretu ndiwi ikazakwana azazisiya.
In short Germany gives malawian politicians the named amount to improve their homes and mess around with married women
Vuto tili ndi asogoleri adwera koopsa madoner akuyesesa kumatitithandiza koma ndalamazo akamangila manyumba odula fuck u pita goodal, chaponda ndiena otere
#Chithandizo chikupekedwa_pafupipafupi_koma_zomwelikuchita_boma_sizikuoneka_angoba_basi
State family Christmas bonus,so that they should be able to enjoy Christmas holidays mwakathithi!!!!!!kkkkkk
The more things change, the more they stay the same – money down the drain this….just to line “those” people’s bottomless pockets.
ma donation nde akuyesetsa kulithandiza banja la kaya mumati bwampini. akaphatikiza timisonkho taanthu osauka ndi ma donation wa.. ayi ndithu yandiwo imapezeka. Dont 4get 2 share money 2 othr ministers nawo azionako kusintha.
In other words. Germany has thrown K36 billion into the garbage bin disguised as Malawi. Cashgaters let’s go to office, we have work to do, the money is in!
Kakakaka True
Just luk @ hz big cheeks ,apadi germany yangopeleka chigoli
hahaha idyedwe
Kkkk tiyen pa office mawa bas
aipange divide by seventeen million basi tilandilepo zathuzo anthu akuba awa!
Better for donors to send expatriates thru the embassies to oversee how the funds are being used until the last penny. Otherwise this is Malawi, the leaders are hungry hence angry .
Tikuwelengera tonse chumacho chikapanda kuyenda bwino mutibereka malawi anadzuka
Just share 1 million to everyone of us, then you can have the remaining either you put in proper management or you shall fill you pockets as usual. bolani ifenso tapeza poyambira then we shall regret nothing
Ubwino wa peter akuona ndi amzungu kkkkkkk ndiye iwe wanyau party uzimunyoza 2019 dpp boma
Si lero tinayamba kumva kuti dziko lakuti lapereka ndarama ku dziko lino koma palibe chomwe chikusintha,,,ndarama zikupita ku chipani kumatiphimba mmaso ndi dzina lakuti DINNER & DANCE FUNDRAISING
Zoonadi Madalitso, nanenso zikunditha nzeru, kuti zaka 53 yrs dziko likanali kulandirabe, mphatso kwa eni ache.
Kaya ndi nzeru zanji kaya, kunalembedwadi choncho kuti Malawiyu adzatha kupemphapemphabe?
Kuchokera mu utsogoleri wa Kamuzu, dzikoli lalandila mabillions a makhwacha, mwa Bakiki Muluziso, matrillion kwacha, mwa Binguso matrillioniso, mwa JB, tilephera kunena mpaka panonso, izonso ndalama, chikudabwitsa ine ndi ichi,
Kodi akupanga nazoni ndalamazo, bora pano tikuti ma developments a Magetsi, mitseu ndi Mdazi amumipopi, Ali yayakata mumidzimu?
Nzeru yolandira siilemeretsa, KOMA dzipangire wekha nzeru gods I than did it a.
Pa dzaka 53 yrs ukulandilabe chilichonse, ndiye kuti waephera kupambana.
Utsogoleri wa Malawi ukulepheretsa nzika kuti zitukuke mu mphawei tilinaou.
Germany gives 36 billion to Mtalika’s family to improve their education..
German, ur westing ur time kkkkkkkkkkk better throw that money in the Dam!!
#howmuch?#zingati? We never see nor feel the benefits of these donations and funds.change your behaviour you leaders please.All you know is building mansions even up to ten at once whilst Im dying of headache and my kid is is having no lessons at school due to unpaid teachers.#its no condemnation but just a humble plead
Where does all this money go? We don’t see any improvements on the ground. In fact the more the aid money, the more we are moving backwards. Where does the money go?
akamalizire nyumba kumudzi kwawo bwana president akufunaso galimoto yina pompo
Eat it, its ur time, stupid Malawians voted for u, now they regret
Always receiving money but we have schools in Kasungu which are pathetic to look at..and the hospital is something else…
Thinks to received a lot of money agulirenxo galimoto la mkaz wake anthu tikuvutika chonchi
Just work hard palibe atabwere kuzakuthesera umphawi wako.
IN OCTOBER WE COLLECTED 71 billion in tax,,plus this we have had 100 billion plus,but I bet my ass no one says how much we spend and on what,,we are a stupid country with think this kind of style is gona put us any way,,no we way
Stupid country indeed
Stupid Leadership not country @ mr chitsulo
Funny how the government was recently boasting of a revenue surplus when many issues are failing to be handled despite all the money collected. I wonder if they understand the meaning of “surplus”. Stupid country coz we are failing to take our stupid leaders to task.
More like stupid leaders mate.
Zalowa zidyedwe,mmawa aziti boma lilibe ndalama,akapo achabe chabe mukalangidwa ndithu
inu bp ikumakwera mwamva mukamanena Zandramazo .. .atumzla ana awo ku xul zodula
they gave Muthalika not Malawians
Kusekelela a minister ali tixidyazimenezi lol
This country receives alot of money from donor but it is still poor
Ku boma or Chipani Cha DPP?
Just in these few months of 2016 we have been recelving more money that comes as a donation to the goverment of malawi from the donars but nothing is happening, our goverment is still telling us that they is no money in goverment!
U see that’s why I want Opposition to take over from these cats,and I hate dat face Gondwe.
It is the wish every1
Malawi gives 36 bilion to improve our leaders pockets
Aziba omwe mmati atsogoleri anuwo!