On 29th July,2016 the World Heritage Center wrote the Malawi Diplomat Charge de affairs Joseph Chiteyeye in Brussles, Belgium on issues surrounding Lake Malawi oil exploration.
The letter from the Director of world heritage center Machtild Rossler was copied to UNESCO Commission of Malawi and the department of sports and culture in Malawi.
The World Heritage Center ask Malawi Government to with draw oil exploration in Lake Malawi.

It has reiterated its concern over oil exploration activities especially on Lake Malawi National Park which is a world heritage site.
This decision was made at the World Heritage Convention 40th Session meeting in Istanbul that took place in July this year.
Views of Environmental Rights Activist Godfrey Mfiti Director of Institute of Sustainable Development
As an Environmental Rights Organization we believe Lake Malawi National Park has to be protected and the entire oil exploration activities in Lake Malawi be withdrawn.
The Conservation efforts of Lake Malawi National Park cannot be compatible with oil exploration as it threatens the Outstanding Universal Values of Lake Malawi.
It is very clear from the World Heritage Convention that Lake Malawi is bound to lose its source of cichlids.
The Lake boast about over a thousand cichlids where three hundred are unique to Malawi. Malawian ordinary citizens will be great losers should the oil exploration continue since this is a source of protein for many Malawians in rural and urban areas.

The oil exploration will also affect the quality of drinking water from the lake at a time when the country is struggling to provide drinking water to its citizenry in major cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe.
At the same time the rural communities in most district of Malawi lack safe and clean drinking water.
In the attached annex Rakgas and Surestream have been requested not to explore for oil on Lake Malawi National Park. We therefore request the companies to comply with the World Heritage Center demands.
Its too late,as I am writing,thousands upon thousands of fish are dying in lake Malawi.Come and see. in Makanjila,eg at my home vge Chilinda beaches ,something is wrong,what’s more with the oil.for more information contact me at 0995773644 or at E mail [email protected]
NO,No,no Lake Malawi Oil exploratin,its one way of killing Malawians coz water is life.
Big NO, keep waterfor to
morrow please
Ndemanga zinazi ndi nkhaniyi sizikugwirizatu, bwanji osangokhala ngati ulibe chonena? Osangoti poti ndili ndi phone ya facebook ai, pelekani zoti anthunso owerenga amve maganizo anuwo kuti mukufuna zinthu zichitike kapena ai simukufuna. Basi chifukwa, munagula mose walero ndiye kumangolankhula zosamveka pa facebook futsek.
Ndikadakhala ndinwayi okhala nanu pafupi mr IBU ndikadawinjezera tchimo lakupha pamachimo anga.Mitima yathu yadzadza ndimakala onyeka. Sindiopa tsopano ndidzafera dziko langa
By any means,in the name of God,the poor malawians are worthy to protect any physical features they provided by God.We are poor in appearance but we are worthy to go and protect any part of our features of which Lake Malawi is inclussive.All poor Malawians are ready to sink and die in Lake Malawi so that you so called worthy Bosses you should extract more oil.{By tears of apoor Malawian}
stop that. Sitikufuna nkhondo muno
tichitsowa chambo chokoma choja and ameneyu tatopa naye
tichitsowa chambo chokoma choja and ameneyu tatopa naye
I agree not to explore oil from the Lake.
Fotseck ndi saveso
No to oil extraction on the beautiful water’s of lake Malawi. Lake Malawi has the cleanest water’s for use and produces fish which feeds the nation and other countries. If our government cares enough for it’s citizen, beta to agree on chamba plantation and say Big NO to oil ftom lake Malawi. My fellow Malawians, lets stand together on this. Mtchona will go back where he got a green book and leave us suffering for water.
Kkkkkk Malawi will be next Saudi Arabia pa mkani za mafuta ….koma Peter sadzathekadi after killing albinos tsopano kuzamadzi esh uyudi ndi American half Nigeria Mr IBU
Atengedwe mafutawo tizakhala osauka mpakanaliti
Onse akuti ayi ndi atonga akuwopa kusowa konyera komanso saziwa kulima
Bad idea think carefully for that, don’t let my brothers and sisters and every one of my country be suffering about that, we love our country include that lake.
Zabwino zonse
such a beautiful lake , its nature has made under privilege Malawian to be proud of their country , please don’t turn our lake to be a hell
Izi ndiye zopusa Pumbwa uyu atipha
chomw akufuna umbava wa president nd maministerz achoke nd ndalama kuwoneka kulipo kma zopusaz sitikuzifuna
Mukufuna kupha zamoyo nyama zokhala munyanjai ? Izi zidakanika mu nthawi ya Kamuzu nde inu mutichani apa . Ndisamvenso zopusazi. Fokolo ZANU !!
Koma paja anthuwa ndi a gonthi safuna kulangizidwa. Muona they will issue a license to explore oil on lake Malawi. Cholinga atiberenso ngati momwe anabera ndalama za kayerekera uranium. Mbava zachabe chabe.
Thanks Dr. sule for your kindness, everybody know HIV is a deadly disease I was once a HIV positive and Cancer, am from south africa am 32 years I contacted this disease when I was 27 I was using drug over since, just last week here I see this mary benjami testimony that her HIV was cured by dr sule so surprised when I read the testimony and I dont believe there is cure to HIV and I see another testimony about the same man, then I have to try I get the real true of this testimony and I whasaap the number below it and the man answer me he ask to t sent money to buy the necessary iterms that he wiil use in prepareing the cure so we can start immediately i send the money well I dont know how he did it but god know. I promise you,you we rejoice like me pls dont ignor this message is real god dont come to heal by him self he sent his servant and this man is used by god believe me dont believe that evil tout that hiv dose not have cure becouse there is nothing my god can not do just have fiath and try him this is his whatsaap no +2348162447651
This is stupid idea. Let’s think carefully Malawian. These government they will kill us. 90% Malawian we depend in water
Mfunseni Kaliati ayankhepo
VERY CAUTIOUS of oil exploration. Other more viable solutions to energy needs. Solar, and wind better for environment and economic growth for all. Quick riches (not really with price of gasoline falling) not a solution except for select few. Richness of Malawi in aquaponics, creating additional farmland for rural areas, promoting urban farming (vertical farming) in major cities, addressing thru planning, and preparedness flooding and current drought that backlashes to water and food security issues. Malawi did not get selected in the 100 Resilient Cities – Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation program, but I did assist the Embassy of Malawi in Washington, D.C. in online access and application submission. A non-politically appointed CRO (Chief Resiliency Officer) at the national level, with CRO’s for each of the regions (non-polically appointed) of Malawi would be a start in addressing the above issues and contribute to the overall self-sustainability and resiliency building for the entire nation. PROACTIVE approach needed, rather then after a crisis event occurs. Charles D Sharp CEO. BLACK EMERGENCY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION
no! no! no! Don’t allow , zimenezi zikhoza kubweretsa mavuto kapena kupha tsomba komaso ndina zamoyo
Malawian must not allow this, extraction of oil will pollute the lake and other environment and its too danger to human… when pipeline linkage occurs it cn kill thousands of lives at once……. Money cn not make malawi rich but positive thinking cn turn malawi to a better nation