…Winiko maintains he will walk naked to Parliament for the death penalty
Coming hot on the heels of yet another angry outburst from Mulanje South legislator Bon Winiko Kaalindo that he will walk naked if the people who are murdering people with albinism are not given a death sentence when caught, President Peter Mutharika has said that he has no plans to have a death sentence for the convicts.

Speaking when he met with members of Amnesty International who are pushing for the protection of people with albinism who are facing persecution, Mutharika indicated his unwillingness to sign for execution of any person caught and sentenced to death for the murder of people with albinism.
“We already have the death penalty in our penal codes, we do not need a special one to use to target anyone who kills albinos,” said Mutharika.
Mutharika then indicated that the death penalty was also a contentious issue as Amnesty International which is petitioning him to protect the people living with albinism was against it.
“This is also a contentious issue because you (Amnesty International) are pushing for the abolition of the death sentence,” said Mutharika.
Meanwhile Mulanje South legislator Bon Kalindo who threatened that he will walk naked to Parliament if there is no commitment on the use of death penalty for albino killers has maintained that he will go ahead with his naked protest.
“I am consulting my lawyers to see how best to go about with the naked protest,” said Winiko to a local radio station.
This must end how is possible to a poor malawi believe to get rich by killing our friends this is devils life put these killers away for good
President Should be there to protect albino and make sure are really punished because it hapened in Kasungu where the suspect run away within a week,can you tell us that this is life inpresonment or just keeping them for shot time.
chulungamo chimapweteka km chimamasula pamene bodza limazuna km mavuto sakutha tiyeni amalawi tikamba zoona tikafuna kuwapatsa ulemu wakuluwa pankhaniyi ndithudi sanganene za death .opha mzake aphedwe basi
nkhoswe abale akakhala pamkate salasidwa kuopa kuswa mbiya ndiye andale amene ali olamula ndi asatanc iwo amangoona pachuma kuzuzika kwa anthu ndiye chimwemwe chawo km asada nkhawa yawe akuona dziwani kuti chimaliziro chawo chayandikira kulipira mwazi wa anthu osalakwa amene Mulungu anawalenga ndicholinga.
Its a business for him,hw can he lodge a death sentence?its a criminal hovernment
Akangopezeka Opha Albino Ndikugwidwa Osalimbana Ndikupitanaye Ku Police Ayi Kungopanga Shaliya Kumuchita Zomwe Wanuchita Albinoyo Basi.
Akangopezeka Opha Albino Ndikugwidwa Osalimbana Ndikupitanaye Ku Police Ayi Kungopanga Shaliya Kumuchita Zomwe Wanuchita Albinoyo Basi.
Guyz chomwe ndaona ndi choti tinasankha olakwika sure.And akudziwapo kanthu ameneyo.
Sizachilendo, mubthawi ya chair azimayi anatha kudulidwa mabele pano ma albino, mulungu akuona
I meant to say ‘something, somewhere is not right’.
I said it that someone big in government is behind this killing, hou can president say something like that? We put our trust in you that you will protect us and now every one is afraid mostly albinos because they don’t feel safe anymore.
I said it that someone big in government is behind this killing, hou can president say something like that? We put our trust in you that you will protect us and now every one is afraid mostly albinos because they don’t feel safe anymore.
Something ,somewhere is right!
Why showing mercy to murders?
The President is deeply involved! No doubt!
Had it been that it was the rapists who have raped Gertrude Mutharika or one of your daughters in America, the story here could be different!
U are the killer Mr President!
Malawians let’s do something on this pls!
I meant to say ‘something, somewhere is not right’.
Something ,somewhere is right!
Why showing mercy to murders?
The President is deeply involved! No doubt!
Had it been that it was the rapists who have raped Gertrude Mutharika or one of your daughters in America, the story here could be different!
U are the killer Mr President!
Malawians let’s do something on this pls!
I meant to say ‘something, somewhere is not right’.
Vuto ndi malamulo adziko lathu sali okhazikika,, olakwa ndi amene anachisa lamulo loti opha nzake nayeso aziphedwa,, ufulu tinkafuna uja ndiumenewu,,, komaso ma albino sanayambe kuphedwa pano,, mmbuyomu tinkati ma albino samamwalila amangosowa,,,
Koma ngati kuli kontheka mkadakuuzani kuti pansi pa nthambo ili pali chinsinsi. God knows everything about this, please help us Lord of lords.
opha mzake aphedwe mzake safuna moyo?
No wonder he is one of them
The dumbiest president
This means that government is involved in the case and we don’t care our friend’s had it been we are an independent country we will hav sign the death sentence,,,,,,Mr president wat u are doing is childish sorry for using this world……. May the lord judge
This means that government is involved in the case and we don’t care our friend’s had it been we are an independent country we will hav sign the death sentence,,,,,,Mr president wat u are doing is childish sorry for using this world……. May the lord judge
Maybe China are benefiting
Tichedwepo apa mukudziwapo kanthu koma 1day is 1day zizaululika palibe chinsinsi padziko lapansi and God is watching from a distance
athu okha akuulura kuti mafupa wa ndiiaathu malubino fuso kumati malubinowa kodi moyo samaufuna amalawi munasiya muthu wabwerera mesa okupha zake nayeso aphedwe aaaaa iwe Peter ukuziwa bwino za mafupa amenewa uzaulura sikulina no matter ungawabackire athu okupha azawo ine voti yanga suzaiwona
Wausilu panya pako
Mbwiyache mwaganiza bwanji pameneopo ganizani mofatsa
mukuziwapo kanthu inu chupt
Alubino at risk
Maliro amaphweka akakhala kwa aneba ndipomwe umakwanitsa kudya ndi kumwa, koma zikakugwera iwe pakhomo pako nde Umangotuluka Mamina ndi Misozi,So zikuoneka simple apa jst zikuchitikira anthu ena but had it been zawachitikira iwowo akanafulumila ku signer death sentence mwachangu,Ine ndilibe Mau poti tikudziwa kuti ndinthawi yanu Mr president,But though it z,Pangatalike maka chilungamo chidzaululika,
Kkkkkkk kodi??
Kkkkkkk kodi??
kukamba mosabisa tingoti Peter chipwala chabambo ake akufa……chimunthu chobwela kuchoka ku Zimbabwe chikufuna kutithela mtundu mbolo yamake
Ife koma tikamugwira okuphayo ndiye tizingomuotcha
Eeeeee!!!!!! Why
Malawi awonongeka basi koma malidazi amene muli kunja inu mwawononga dziko, dzikoli linali labwino kwambiri koma masiku ano, zomwe zikuchitika zochititsa mantha.
Ok! Tidziwakonza tokha mmidzimu tikawagwira.
Gyz thnk twis b4 talk ting there is two groups ov pipo killers and theives, theives r this pipo who store bones 4rom the grave so which sentence r u going to gav them? Kupha alubno kwatha chifukwa msika watha mbava za asing’anga zachotsedwa akutelo a african news.
Chamba ndi dpp
Osati asin’ganga
This madala I wish he could be died by now all we r humanbeings and we r all malawian and presdent is busy defending killers fuck
Opus mkulu uyu mwina ndi amene akukuladi mafupa a albino
Petter is the one who spearhead this fuck him
It is indeed TRUE that we already have DEATH sentence in the PENAL CODE. It remains for the President to sign the DEATH warrant. since 1994 the President we have had, namely Bakili, Bingu, JB never signed such Death warrants. Only Kamuzu Banda used to sign the same. It shud be noted that court may pass death sentence but it CAN NOT be effected unless the President signs. HE is justifiably worried with the reaction of internal human Rights bodies such as Amnesty international. They will speak against. its a contentious issue globally
bola wa shoot to kill emweunja wa kupha ndi wakuba zoona wakupha kumuikila ku kumbuyo mizimu ya albino ikhale pa inu
Pitala ndiye okuphayo
If this is human rights then is useless and worse for the matter. Ndampha munthu chigamulo akuti ndingolipira. Ndiye ufulu tautengera pa gong’o kwambiri. Atumbuka amati (UWU MBUCHHNDELE!)
mob justince here comes whether lyk it or not.I think Mr pre is behind all the killings of albinos.
It difficult indeed my fellow malawian to understand. I got all proves that the president has something on this. I that the police by had to find those people who kill albinos. Shame to court and the president. Because they don’t finalise who send them?where do they go with the parts? If are constitutions,what it says about mulder?
pamudzi anthu akamadandaula ndi unfiti,amapanga plan yoitanitsa Sing’anga kuti adzachotse unfitio.ndipo amauza mfumu kuti tatopa ndinkhani zaunfiti ndipo takoza zoti tiitanitse sing’anga,ndipo ngati mfumuyo sinfiti imalola kuti ng’angayo ibwele kudzachotsa unfitio,koma ngati ndi nfiti imakana koopsa ndipo imauza anthuo kuti wina asaphwanye lamulo.tanthauza lamwambiwu ndilakuti Peter Muthalika ndiye presdent wa Malawi ndipo kuti akhale presdent nchifukwa chaanthu omwe ali mmalawimo.tsono ngati iye peter akukana kuti wakupha albinos naye aphedwe which means naye ngwakupha.Amalawi dziwani izi Peter Mutharika mngwakupha ndipo ndiye akutuma anthu.to me am just handing over o this to GOD.
Idiot Muthalika ukuziwapo kanthu iwe
What the Hell this guy says,the situation can only be solved with D.S
K6a Mr Ibu ndiwausil bwanj
I think Mr mutharika must one of them.
Big naye akuziwapo kanthu tisamapusitsane
I think Peter is also a criminal, therefore am behind Bon Kalindo , tiyenda maliseche kupita kupita state house if they won’t change their attitudes
Akukamba zoona bwana nyoooo madala akwakubaluti
Tizilanga tokha
Ena mwa anthuwa akhala akugwidwa, kodi akuti akuwatuma ndani? ans me plez.
Had it been he said YES to death sentence, human rights activists together with other arrogant ppo would oppose mpaka kukasuma ku ICC, I kno Malawians, we do things to test someone.
Kaya zanu izo. Only God will judge
Koma mathanyula ndiye ndavumerexa kwaambiiiiii
So sad mr president……. if malawi practiced sharia all this nonsense couldnt have been there…. if one kills another person lik the way albinos are being slaughtered lik chickens, he must also be killed…its there even in the bible you claim to follow
Tell the president to keep quite if he has lose his senses.Now i see that being a president it doesent mean you are Wisdom.Fuck off
Not in court,bt mob justice is needed
Pantumbo pako peter
Oooh! Mr.President why raising your head up so quick like this? ???
Take time on your seat and polish up your thought of judgment on this issue! !
Otherwise you’re complicating !
Ndiye ufulu wa arbno palibe kumalawi??? tilanga tokha kumupeza wakupha arbno akhapidwe basi police idzipeza zakutha itha.
Kkkk,zinaliko Kuyambira Kale Izi Angatani Iyeyo.
Mr. President maybe have a hidden a agenda which we do not even know…
bwampix mbuzi yeniyeni,no death sences to albino killers then death sentence to bwampix otumayo.
Nothng has materialised since these thngs started so i gues we shud jst take the law into our own hands bcoz they seem nt to care
I will give justice to all killers. Since my gvment cnt see something. Wrong going on. Kill to kill simple
It is just giving me the clear leflection that malawi is under colonial rule.we are not gorvening this country own our own,there are some people behind benefiting from this body parts.why not killing them yet they are killing our brothers and sisters deliberately?…let the blood of our innocent people fall on our president’s head….He knows something behind the scene!
Ine nnaonapo mzimai ndi ana ake awiri akupha okha mwana obereka okha ndi mwisi anali mwana oti amkabisalira athu akamapita kumsika why not pitala kukana kupha athu oti sabale ake koma nkhani ndiyoti akuziwana…
Akupha anthu ndiyeyu ndiye ayika bwanji death sentence ?
Mkufuna kuti anyamata ake aphedwe? Shame for those who voted for this criminals
Akazawina Chakwera malubino azasiya kuphedwa
Izafika nthawi yowawitsa anthu azakhalA okonda ndalama,opanda chikondi chachibadwidwe ndalivomeleza bible langa
Apa zasonyezelatu kut bingu alinawo mgulu lophanawo zdangwaleza,koma 2019 kudzakha zthu bcoz stdzalola kut ulamulileso mwautenga ngat ufumu tsopano
Bingu anamwalilatu
So what instead?
Zimene ndikudziwona ine ndichakuti Mr Kalindo sakulakwa anthuwa bwezi akumalandira chilango chokwima.
The death sentence z dere in our laws,nobody implemented it after multiparty!!
Mukumawatuma ndinu mulungu akukanthani nonse ife ndiye tikamugwira tikozeratu konkuno muva zothaitha zatikwana abale athuwa akusowa mtendere shame on you Mr President
A Malawi ka mob justice bwaaa? Soon or later zidzaululika kut wina wankulu is behind this malpractice
Kod umadziwapo kathu eti kom
Alibe pulobulemu
Anthu inu mukuremember nthawi ya chair azimai kudulidwa mabele,pano ma albino akukhala mwamantha.Ndiye munthu wa nzeru zake okhalanso ati president mkumakayankhula choncho,kunena zoona a Malawi zomwe zikuchitika mziko lino zili under anthu andalewa,koma amangofuna kuti azitiputsitsa koma mulungu akuona zonsezi one day iz one day
za big man akuti koma boma limeneli koma tisalako abale titani ife mulungu tiyang’aneni amen
The more you do wrong, the more government protect you. Why?
Malawi’s best president ever , zikumuwawa aziphe ndi chikwanje thanks bwana
Galu wa muthu iwe Tsoka lipite kwa mako
Chimodzimodzi amakonso #Kalim Ndi Dolo koma uli kape…
We africans have weak minded indeed.Right there in europe and america hung offenders of murder.They come here to dictate on how to deal with problems.Do you think murderers should be kept in prisons using my tax money ndi kumakhuta pali nzeru?
I prefer life imprisonment
tym has come for Winiko Bon Kalindo to walk naked!!
Chifukwa chiyani mwina mukudziwapo kanthutu eti
Apa zaonesa kuti President ukuyikira yekha umboni oti ndi gocho sabereka akanakhala kuti amabereka sakananena zaugalu ngati zimenezi nde wina aziti ndi wamkulu apatsidwe ulemu zoona ulemu pa nkhani ngati iyi even yesu anthu amawapatsa ulemu koma zitavuta zinadutsa paulemu nkana anakataya malonda mtchalitchi muja sorry Malawi akuti ulemu kaya
Tiziphatokha akapezeka alaaaaaa!!!!
Ngati mungaphe Kkkkkk
Bwanji atakhala mwana wanu waphedwa how can you feel please
zikudabwisa.anthu amene amawagwilawa, ena opezeka ndi mulandu wokupha ma Albino. sinamvepo kuti kapena wina waulula kumene amapita ndiziwalozo,nde chikuchitika nchani ?tinganene kuti apolice sakumawafunsa? chilipo chilipo apa.
No no no think about it
Peter must go to mental hospital
Tizipha tokha sitiyendeia boma tatopa .
Nambo kweleko ooo
Koma tikawagwira pamudzi atatiphera m’bale wanthu tizipanga bwanji ?
Yes am Behind u Mr kalindo anthuwa akudziwana taganizani ndi Ku kumbuka nthawi ya UDF anthu ankadulidwanso ziwalo first DPP kunalibevizi chifukwa UDF sidatengepo mbali mkulamulira koma panopa UDF yomweija yaitanidwando kutengapo mbali yolamulira ndi DPP yachiwirii muluganiza kuti dziko lingayende bwino?.Ngatidi Peter angakane Ku signner kuti lamulori livomerezedwe dziwani kuti akudziwapo kanthu akulu akulu nomwenu ndi amene mukutuma osauka kupha Albino. Ndikupempha Mulungu apereke mwana was albino kwa iye akutengapo mbali kumapha anzathu osalakwawa kutinso anthu azamuphe ndiye tizaone kuti azamva bwanji mumtima?.Kalindo more fire viva mapwiya viva
Ife zimene timanena zimakhala zowona akumasangalala nazo mchitidwe wopha albinozi.Sindikukayika akuziwapo kanthu nkulu ameneyi ngati zijazi azimai amadulidwa mabere ku Chilazulu.Nkulu wanthawi imeneyo amaziwapo kanthu ndiye nzosadabwisa ndithu
Why just kill them
mukumufumba njani si imwi ndimwi mkatengi peter peter hahahahaha myisovenge
Its not him but their are some fools who are behind this
mmmm kwali cha
wekha hahahaha nawusukulu wambura minu yoooooo
They r pple lyk us Winiko more fire!!!!! Winiko yemweyo
What a president useless remarks
Ok thats why these killers are released fast in prison eti ndinkadabwatu ine munthu wapha albino akuti 2years inprison kapena chindapusa cha k50,000 pamene woba nkhuku akuti 18 years osadziwa kuti mkati madzira muli tameki
mr president indid mukapanga zibwana muzafa ngt nkhumba kuchita kupondelerana ndthud,coz u as a father u wud hv bin against vs foolish & illegle bhaviour y mukuvomer kupha kumenek am vry sory or dey arent citizenz of Malawi, b human enough plz bt all i know z dat God cant liv us alon He wl per4m amiracle on this sinalio, mr kalindo muli bwino kwambiri ,lets work hand n hand to combatt this n am ready to join u through vc social media.
zapachiphwisi mesa okupha aphedwe
Mr presedent peter muthalika it seems like u know something about the killers why u r protect them
Though am a zambia,mutharika shouldnt ve said ths, last tym i said that,albino killers are sent by government officials. I believe mutharika must be one of them nowonder hez protecting the killers.
My brother u don’t know where muthalika is driving at.there is already death penalty for murders and there is no point duplicating this section!
But do albino murders receive those senteces? Dnt take advantage of yo frnd’s death,they are also pipo jst lyk any other. I dnt c any reason y they should be slaughtered lyk chicken at a restaurant.
me too I belive boma likudziwapo kathu
tinkanena ife winaso pompano wanena kut anthu amene akumapha ma albino akumatumidwa ndi akuluakulu achipani cha DPP ndie ndizosakakitsa kunena by public molingana ndi mau akewo kuti iyeyo Peter’yo ali nawo m’gulu lopanga mchitidwewu coz sangaletse kupha anthu amene apha azawo nde poti chitakhala kwa mzako….. tikuona ndipo tikumva nkhani mpa 19 may 2019
Chaza ndiiye amene
Peter is fulllllllllllllllly.of no sesssssss. fukkkkkkkkkk.
Tell me this is not true
Zamveka koma za kuno ku Loweshire nde mukuziwa kala kuti timapha tokha ndimoto tikagwira anthu oyipawa
What is if Albino is Your CHILD….
I c no harm wth Peter’s wrong decision as some of these notorius killers r ur brothers and I can c mercy in his eyez with them coz they r ur brothers and his voters as well
if they publish the views only this view supose to be published and announced in radios coz you just go straight and its exactly what the DPP regime doing in failure of ruling the Warmheart of Africa with wisdom from God instead he is rulling with the power from the devil forgetting that get loan to devil you pay back X3
yes with no doubts
Peter is one of to killing albino.why he say like this?
Ukuziwapo kanthu…
Lets just vote right away from here: DEATH or LIFE sentence to the convicts?
When things reach this level whereby killers seem to be protected, its a point where pipo can take justice into their own hands coz normal justice has betrayed them. Death sentence is just meant to deter would-be offenders. The bottom line is that our president is just too weak, if not, he is among the beneficiaries, period!
Akudziwapo kanthu chimene akukanila ndichani, deal ndiyake
What were you expecting from the President on this issue? Isn’t the country having constitution? And what does it say on issues of killing? Is the Government walking away from the constitution? Wake up Malawians if it is the case ask for the amendment if you think it can help to cube the albino killing!
Chikhala kwa mzako nkumati chigwile nyanga,vuto ndiloti anthu enanu simumamva ndiponso nzelu zanu ndizofanana ndi Bilimankhwe.Lero mukunena ichi ndipo tidzakumvani nomwenu mawa mutakwela pachulu nkumalankhula zotukwana omweo,eeee kwalimba uta zoona!!.
Malawi is a human rights signatory and Mr president is right we cant kill any one for any offence in Malawi. Custodial sentence is the only punishment
True man, zikuoneka kuti anthu ambiri chizungu sakuchimvetsa. Peter sanakambe kuti munthu wopha albino akhale pa ufulu ai. Akhonza kukhala kundende moyo wake wonse ngati atapezeka wolakwa. Mwama comment onse yanuyi amwene yandigwira mtima.
Idiot tizipha tokha
Then who z idiot mr Blackson?
Blackson msukwa i guess
Death penalty is there in the constitution. Go through it.
Yap its there in the penal code even courts sentence ppo to death but we r talking of execution. Whch multiparty president has ever signed for execution? None bcoz of the right to life treaty
iwe ndi chitsiru galu mwana wako atafa ungayankhule za pa nyero ngat zimenez? fuck u &yo stupid idiot!mukupha albino ndinuyo nde ife tikudulani machendewo! fooolish uganize kawiri wava?
Chidebe chopanda kanthu phokoso,,Yudasi Iscarioti Nawe panyero pako ndithu ungosokosa zoduka muka mutu apa usitanyase ngati ife sitidziwa kutukwanako,kuyambira Amako,amayi awowo,amayi awo onsewo ndi mbewu yako pantumbo pako wamva????
Yes,how can you allow that while you are involved with albino killings?
Iwe Peter pachithako panupo…ine ndinanena kale kuti tchitoyo yo kupha albino anapereka ndi Peter yo Koma apa pokha sindisamala again n again Peter pachithako panupo
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ndakomoka ndi phwete man
tiyeni tizipereka ulemu kwaathu akulu he is our father osafika powatukwana azuzuleni mwaulemu kholo lililonse likuyenera kupasidwa ulemu
Apa pokha palibe ulemu man Malawi yaveka kuposa maiko olemera albino ndi anthu Ngati ifeyo what is wrong for our president kuyankhula mawu Ngati amenewo kapena amayankhula atagwa kumene apa pokha sindisamala Peter machende ake mwana wa nkhumba pantumbo pakhe ndakwiya eti Malawi ali mmanja mwasatana Ndikanakhala kuti ndili pafupi ndikana lolera kuluza moyo wangawu kuti Peter amwalire basi Peter yekha ndikanamuombera am crc about this its nonsense he is stuppid really
which means Pitala u r one of those pipo see u 2019
Who?? can tel me I’m wrong if I say even some leaders of the gvt r involved in albinismkilling.Sorry my honourable kalindo is difficuit to win this battle as u heard the head of state being the side of criminals ,sorry once again to all people who living with albinism for this,but don’t b worried God is watching n is by our side very soon we should b called the winners thnx
Now its Muntharika Vs Winiko
Akuluwa akufunika brain check up how can President say this shit
Pitala Ali mgulumo akuopa chain? Pitala mathanyula.mixiiiii
Km mayi kumeneko kulankhula eeeee kkkkkkk
Ndi zowona chifukwa akavomereza mubweranso ndi m’nzeru zanu.ino sinthawi ya MCP Ayi.
How I wish some of the Mutharika’s were Albinos!
Zikukukhuzani. Bwana?
Petter must fall. He must be investigated fully.
Anthuwa ndi ambanja la chifumu
Anthuwa ndi afiti ndawaona …
He has no plans ait?Winiko sakunama zikudziwapo kan2 mbuzi za DPPzi ndaonela mau a Pitala