The Malawi Police Service has partnered the Asian community in the country in a bid to end street begging.
Speaking during an interface meeting with the members of Asian business community in Blantyre on Tuesday, Senior Deputy Commissioner of Police for Southern Region Arlene Baluwa said police should work diligently in carrying out the exercise.
National Police Child Protection Officer Alexander Ngwata said the police will not only remove the beggars but also protect children’s rights.

According to the police, authorities will protect the beggars by finding homes for them.
Ngwata added that this will be done for the beggars’ growth and development.
On his part, acting Chairperson for Limbe Asian Community, Makbul Latif said beggars brings problems to residents hence communities should stop giving money to street beggars.
“We will encourage them to have that money given to establish institutions that provide vocational training to children,” he said.
asians? kkkkkkkkkk iz nt dea responsibility. iwo chikuwakhudza ndichani ngati kuno ndikwao?
Police are also begers if thy say ya drink madala there not begging? zausilubasi utrust amwenye anthu othawa nkhondo in there countries kuzationongela zikolathuli xopusa baxi
Most of u malawians are educated fools, read the story properly, eeee koma yeah, nowander we shall never develop…who said the Asians hav initiated to chase Street beggers, it is the government of Malawi that made that decision in Parliament n they are asking the business owners to stop helping the poor malawians, y do beggers beg from foreigners n not u stingy malawians, what hav u urself done to help d poor in the country… U r jst lazy sitting on ur ass n say foreigners are stealing ur money, y cant u do the same n get rich.. For ur information Asians were introduced in Malawi as slaves by the colonias when they were constructing the African railway across Africa more than hundred years ago, they were poor people with nothing but worked hard to b what they are today. Same as refugees from Burundi are being successful business people in Malawi… Don’t blame ur laziness n lack of creativity on foreigners …the government of Malawi every year cries for investors to come to Malawi, no wonder many leave coz this is a racist country… Do u think Malawi can b better if it cuts ties from doing business with all the countries…yet we cant even produce toothpicks.. Haters.
NGAT KU RSA OPEMPHA MUMA STREET AKUDUSA 20perecent KULI BWANJI KAZIKO KAKANG”ONO NGAT AKA chonde musati gulisile zikoli kwa tiyamwenyi tanuto
police shud also stop begging from minibuses
Palibe chomwe angachite mbuzi za anthu izi, akukanika kutukula dziko, e.g take a look at our infrastructures. Akukanika kupanga renovate yet they are making lots of money
Apo ai kungowapha kuti nchitidweu utheretu
Apezereni chochita,osamangopanga malamulo ophwanyira ufulu osauka musanawapezera chochita god will punish you
Anthu opemphawa amaonjeza pena mmm kupeza munthu wamphavu zake akupempha mmalo mopita kumudzi kwawo kumakalima maganyu. Mmidzimu timapeza azigogo, olumala, akugwira ntchito, pamene wina wamphavu zake ali pa PTC begging asaaa achoke basi
Great concern
Big mouth indeed,the givernment of Malawi.So this is what you call final decision before you carry out your shit find a place for our friends please. They voted for you n to day u chasing them to unknown destination.Some of these people are orphans,homeless..K just take them to the state house provide for them whatever. Am so ashamed,kodi aboma inu simmapempha chitsanzo chopempha anthu akutengera kwa inu,musiye kaye inuyo anthuwanso asiya.
Osamakasaka akubawa bwanji uko Aaaaaaaaaaaa
Kodi ma asianiwo ndiye ndani? Nawoso apolice athu akumalawi ndi zitsilu zachabe chabe chifukwa akadakhala kuti alindinzeru sakadalora zopusa ngati zimenezi watch this out plz
I dont c any problem coz even malawi herself at 51 is still begging
Why partner with Asians? Any explanation please!!
Why partner with Asians? Any explanation please!!
Why partner with Asians? Any explanation please!!
We have seen developed countries in Africa with so many street kids,beggers even though these countries provide almost free resources ie Housing,Education, Health,Water they receive money every month from the govt once child is born to the age of 18yrs, elderly pension grants, access to govt and private loans so easy and quick but with Malawi our politicians are selfish stealing our taxes sending their daughters and sons abroad for education and better health facilities and at the end they want to chase us in the street. l now know the world is unfair
We have seen developed countries in Africa with so many street kids,beggers even though these countries provide almost free resources ie Housing,Education, Health,Water they receive money every month from the govt once child is born to the age of 18yrs, elderly pension grants, access to govt and private loans so easy and quick but with Malawi our politicians are selfish stealing our taxes sending their daughters and sons abroad for education and better health facilities and at the end they want to chase us in the street. l now know the world is unfair
Cn gvnmnt do it own ur own!? Why do it coz of Asians!?
Cn gvnmnt do it own ur own!? Why do it coz of Asians!?
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS.
kodi ma asians alind udindo wanji othamangisa dzika m’misewu??? nane apolice u r a proffesionals when it comes to street begging..
what about police who receive cash daily on the roads of Malawi?
good idea, if we keep on assisting them they keep on having more children who end up being thugs
zimezo ndizopusa ma asian ndiye chan akuyenela awapepese ana amenewo kupanda kutelo atetheleni shop akudalilayo asatisowese mtendele kwathu komwe
Let them go back to Syria and Yemen and face Daesh/Talibans militants. They have too much freedom here. Donald Trump is coming soon in the USA and will trample on you.
Beggars are every where even in rich countries. Here it’s lack of social services, poor policies. Other countries have “homeless shelters” for such people. And for the jobless they have “soup kitchens”. Stop putting the blame on helpless victims. Parliamentarians it’s your duty to come up with such bills instead of just making noise at the taxpayers’ expense.
kodi chimasintha ndichani mwama beggars ana amenewa ndi ana opsa.Ndaonapo ine kumupatsa beggar mpamba oyambira business ndikukakwatira amkazi atatu assum atawathandiza.ena amapepha friday mu mashop amwenye ndi abwinobwino koma ulesi
Kodi dziko la Malawi zinthu sizikuyendabwino chifukwa cha anthu opempha? bwanji osalimbani ndi nyalayi komaso kuvomereza ndibwino kuti dziko lakulakani kuyendetsa thas all not kuthamangitsama street begas tapezani chochita chinabwanji izi zikuchedwetsani
Kodi dziko la Malawi zinthu sizikuyendabwino chifukwa cha anthu opempha? bwanji osalimba
A Malawi amazidzuza oka not anthu ena ayi kumeneko ndi kunama
Is our ford before not now because akhanaganidza koyambirira this trouble nsiyinakachitika koma pano ndizimenedzo because kuphutsa kwa A Malawi Asians nothing he don’t have rule in Malawian people he can’t do whatever he want to do.koma akutiona kuphutsa anthu amenewa kodi wotsangowathamangitsa bwanji because akuti boowathu anthuwatu.
give the children shelter en food
Before you chase all the beggars out of the town ,first you must look a Gud place where you can keep these pipo answer give them human needs . Some of these pipo they have no where to go they depend on begging to make their lyf . Even in rich countries you will find beggars what about the fucked poorest country lyk malawi . Even the government you are busy begging to another country so what about a human being . Leave them alone these pipo
Before you chase all the beggars out of the town ,first you must look a Gud place where you can keep these pipo answer give them human needs . Some of these pipo they have no where to go they depend on begging to make their lyf . Even in rich countries you will find beggars what about the fucked poorest country lyk malawi . Even the government you are busy begging to another country so what about a human being . Leave them alone these pipo
Gyz malawi is going to sleperly.so if another countries doing like that malawi is going be happy.because all of these coming from to the people.not about the rurals.chalo chikambine uko sono ndiko tikuti kuvutitsa mizimu yamulungu
Gyz malawi is going to sleperly.so if another countries doing like that malawi is going be happy.because all of these coming from to the people.not about the rurals.chalo chikambine uko sono ndiko tikuti kuvutitsa mizimu yamulungu
Shem my country !!!! My people end my land so the earlier president alow this shit to be happen bcoz we are poor ?? Also amalawi we hv to agree one thing so whn we find a Asians we hv to Ben them alive so government is gonna know that we dnt like this shit here ,,,,,,,, end we hv problm of hunger here thy mst solve that not shit iweso pater usamagovomereza everyw in this country zikoli osati ulimo wekha ai zachamba eti
Shem my country !!!! My people end my land so the earlier president alow this shit to be happen bcoz we are poor ?? Also amalawi we hv to agree one thing so whn we find a Asians we hv to Ben them alive so government is gonna know that we dnt like this shit here ,,,,,,,, end we hv problm of hunger here thy mst solve that not shit iweso pater usamagovomereza everyw in this country zikoli osati ulimo wekha ai zachamba eti
Asian ndi ndaninso? Azathamanga one day!
Asian ndi ndaninso? Azathamanga one day!
Nde boma mutani nalo chifukwa nde naloso limapephatu
Nde boma mutani nalo chifukwa nde naloso limapephatu
If u have plenty of food and fart know that someone is sleeping with empty bellies.if u have ahome and abed to rest ur head,others dont have it they have the biggest of them all, the streets. now stop making noise otherwise u are disturbing them.RESPECT
If u have plenty of food and fart know that someone is sleeping with empty bellies.if u have ahome and abed to rest ur head,others dont have it they have the biggest of them all, the streets. now stop making noise otherwise u are disturbing them.RESPECT
hate Asian as I hate the word peace trust me or not
hate Asian as I hate the word peace trust me or not
Zopusa!, I hate Asian trust me ndisazakhale position yabwino government they will mch out…ine ndilibe bvuto it’s malamulo koma nanga why involving these cama damn foreigners?? sikwao. nanga mwapezela altnativ mukathamangitsa??
Zopusa!, I hate Asian trust me ndisazakhale position yabwino government they will mch out…ine ndilibe bvuto it’s malamulo koma nanga why involving these cama damn foreigners?? sikwao. nanga mwapezela altnativ mukathamangitsa??
So the Asians have the guts to chase land owners because they are poor ?
It will happen only in malawi because of stupid leadership.
So the Asians have the guts to chase land owners because they are poor ?
It will happen only in malawi because of stupid leadership.
Sad And Bad News
Sad And Bad News
Malawi waz there b4 Asias join us,My questions is why u interactng with Asias than us the real citizen of Malawi 2 deal wth dis issue?,Who is Asias after all you guys ?STOP doing such stupid things in my mothers land Malawi ryt now plz.
True speaking bro
Malawi waz there b4 Asias join us,My questions is why u interactng with Asias than us the real citizen of Malawi 2 deal wth dis issue?,Who is Asias after all you guys ?STOP doing such stupid things in my mothers land Malawi ryt now plz.
True speaking bro
This is our own land,ndikudziwa mumawakonda amwenyewa chifukwa cha misonkho komanso they r too much corrupt pple,and also coz they hav very big businesses.Know i want to asure u this,if we as Malawian unite and chase all these Asians back to their country,they’ll leave everything behind,thus:buildings,and the like
This is our own land,ndikudziwa mumawakonda amwenyewa chifukwa cha misonkho komanso they r too much corrupt pple,and also coz they hav very big businesses.Know i want to asure u this,if we as Malawian unite and chase all these Asians back to their country,they’ll leave everything behind,thus:buildings,and the like
Rubbish! Work hard and make your own wealth.
Patrick,it means u have not understood my point.
All u can do iz to chase people who beg in the street than giving them food, wat a stupid campagn???? u forgeting that these people got no place to stay & some of them r kids who dont have parents they dont know where to go or where to start!!! mukadya mkukhuta musaone ngati ndi onse akhuta pali ena amene akuvutika kwambiri, let me tell u something wherever u can go in the world there iz beggers, so who r these idiots u call asian community????????? dont be stupid!!!!!!!!!
All u can do iz to chase people who beg in the street than giving them food, wat a stupid campagn???? u forgeting that these people got no place to stay & some of them r kids who dont have parents they dont know where to go or where to start!!! mukadya mkukhuta musaone ngati ndi onse akhuta pali ena amene akuvutika kwambiri, let me tell u something wherever u can go in the world there iz beggers, so who r these idiots u call asian community????????? dont be stupid!!!!!!!!!
chosecho Malawi ndi dziko lochitisa manyazi pankhani yopempha, mbalame ya president
chosecho Malawi ndi dziko lochitisa manyazi pankhani yopempha, mbalame ya president
U just joking
I visited a certain African country far much better than Malawi economically but beggars were there. But here,the poorest country on earth,you don’t won’t to see beggars bcz you want to please foreigners,Indians to be specific. Don’t they hv beggars in India? Pure madness!
I visited a certain African country far much better than Malawi economically but beggars were there. But here,the poorest country on earth,you don’t won’t to see beggars bcz you want to please foreigners,Indians to be specific. Don’t they hv beggars in India? Pure madness!
Let those asian come to capetown to see hw many beggers hv we got here
Let those asian come to capetown to see hw many beggers hv we got here
stupid how damned are they stupid asians
stupid how damned are they stupid asians
Tsopano mukawatsogolera anthu obwera kuti asamawathandize anthu opemphawa mwawakonzera tsogolo lotani? Ena mwa iwo sidala kumapezeka akupempha thandizo koma alibe pogwira ndiye pamenepa mwawaphera ufulu wawo ngakhale maiko olemerawa anthu opempha aliko ganizani bwino.
Tsopano mukawatsogolera anthu obwera kuti asamawathandize anthu opemphawa mwawakonzera tsogolo lotani? Ena mwa iwo sidala kumapezeka akupempha thandizo koma alibe pogwira ndiye pamenepa mwawaphera ufulu wawo ngakhale maiko olemerawa anthu opempha aliko ganizani bwino.
I,as a citizen of this country,i cant support this.Who is Asian in Malawi to say that beggers give prblm? Even if u go to SA mukapeza anthu akuthandizidwa mmisikiti,mazulo alionse amakalandira mpunga wophikaphika kudya ndikumapita. Know u hav started listening to AMWENYE than ur fellow Malawian? If i remain with K50 from shoprite i’ll never stop giving the begger outside,muzandimange ineyo.Malawi ndi dziko limene lili lopempha kwambiri ku Africa konse kuno,ndani munamva kuti Malawi achoke mu continent ya Africa?
I,as a citizen of this country,i cant support this.Who is Asian in Malawi to say that beggers give prblm? Even if u go to SA mukapeza anthu akuthandizidwa mmisikiti,mazulo alionse amakalandira mpunga wophikaphika kudya ndikumapita. Know u hav started listening to AMWENYE than ur fellow Malawian? If i remain with K50 from shoprite i’ll never stop giving the begger outside,muzandimange ineyo.Malawi ndi dziko limene lili lopempha kwambiri ku Africa konse kuno,ndani munamva kuti Malawi achoke mu continent ya Africa?
Asians?Why the hell wld Asians do that in Mw yet in their states ppl live squalidly,pull the other one admin;their charity should’ve began in India,China,Pakistan etc.For heaven’s sake,stop torturing our citizens,gvt shouldn’t lie to us abt sheltering beggars.After all the money meant for them is being looted everyday.
Asians?Why the hell wld Asians do that in Mw yet in their states ppl live squalidly,pull the other one admin;their charity should’ve began in India,China,Pakistan etc.For heaven’s sake,stop torturing our citizens,gvt shouldn’t lie to us abt sheltering beggars.After all the money meant for them is being looted everyday.
This shit nation Malawi is favouring foreighners too much idont know why.Strt begging is everywhere.
This shit nation Malawi is favouring foreighners too much idont know why.Strt begging is everywhere.
who are these idiots u call the asian community?are they those stupid indians who are making us poor,by evading taxes?these people have not experienced real poverty& i think keeping their big lips shut is the simple thing they can do.what they knw is to inherit property& they should not claim that they are hardworkers.here is malawi,u are born here then be prepared for hustles to survive.think of those whose parents died when they were at tender age.they have no one to look after them.then look at our economy..can malawi have a society without beggers?seriously u cant curb this practice by force
who are these idiots u call the asian community?are they those stupid indians who are making us poor,by evading taxes?these people have not experienced real poverty& i think keeping their big lips shut is the simple thing they can do.what they knw is to inherit property& they should not claim that they are hardworkers.here is malawi,u are born here then be prepared for hustles to survive.think of those whose parents died when they were at tender age.they have no one to look after them.then look at our economy..can malawi have a society without beggers?seriously u cant curb this practice by force
here is the full story if u really know how to read english and undsten
Lol the irony ????
there is no irony here mike gama..listen u foolish indian,shameer khan.this is malawi,our home.a simple clarification to my initial comment.it is a plane fact you are the ones perpetuating this whole nosense.you are giving stupid police money to build homes for the beggers but what these people need most is food.as far as i know,there are no proper mechanisms to sustain these peoples lives.its too early& i dont see this happening in the near future.if u think i cant read english,then i guess u are jxt a bunch of rubbish
there is no irony here mike gama..listen u foolish indian,shameer khan.this is malawi,our home.a simple clarification to my initial comment.it is a plane fact you are the ones perpetuating this whole nosense.you are giving stupid police money to build homes for the beggers but what these people need most is food.as far as i know,there are no proper mechanisms to sustain these peoples lives.its too early& i dont see this happening in the near future.if u think i cant read english,then i guess u are jxt a bunch of rubbish
Kod ngat anthu amenewa amakanika kulipira munthu ndalama zolongosoka yet akuwapangira ndalama/kugwira ntchito do you think they can support this idea to the fullest?
Those so called Asians should go to India first and stop those beggars off the streets of Bombay.
u r such idiot #jms this news i have show to almost 20 malawian they called u stupid if u think we should go back to our country do u think u can take responsibilty for all those malawian who is r working for asians n u read properly u bluddy bastrad the way u r talking i think u r still leaving in 1960 u should go back to school again n learn how to behaive with humanbee example of me my self i m giving school fees for 5 children in nkhotakota they r also malawin i dont even care what u r talking rubbis and if u dont see anything which is asian doing gud for makawian then u r fool from village grow up i just mean to say that what is in story and that is fact and if u think that we give money to police that means u r also from there who does curreption
never did i say u should go back home but am happy with the fact that u admit u are a foreigner here.for every step one take in life,there are pros & cons.the authorities want to get rid of the street beggers for a simple reason to show that things are ok here.get to understand that malawi shall remain poor even without street beggers.she will still rank among the least 10 on the human development index.inequality will still be on the rise.am not saying street begging is a good practice,but still we need to question the timing& reasoning for this sweeping exercise.again,the involvement of the asian community should be questioned.now look,u asked 20 malawians& they called me stupid.who are these malawians?did u question their integrity?are they malawians of good faith?are they not those same people u take into captivity?i dream of a malawi where local people are empowered to take over businesses from stupid asians.do u think u drive our economy?i mean can malawi fall without u?u employ our people& give them peanutes.u make huge profits but u are good at evading taxes.
eeeee man this story is so contradict
intsted of talking this nonsense here if ydont u take stand to gov. if u think we give peanutes why dont u take stand n who the hell r u ? to telling us we should go back can we tell the same thing to malawian whos r in my country ? and have u seen any indian is not paying taxe here ? give example with proof here
the problem with u indians,u focus much on business& not education.thats why u cant understand.i have said& am saying again..never did i ask u to go back home.we are living in a global village where stupid people like u are free to access any market including that of malawi.this globalisation however,has been to many problems we see e.g inefficiencies.mumagwira kuti amwali?kwa amwenye omwewa.yes,u’re giving our people peanutes especially u sameer khan.tell me how much capital your business has?k50m plus?were u suppossed to register your business in malawi?evading taxes does not mean you dont pay tax but u dont pay all the taxes u are suppossed to pay.i knw u& i’ll report u to the authorities sameer
Do u think those beggars they will to be ??? Some of them they have nothing with them , fight fr the country crisis first then beggars coz if u chase them frm towns ur to show them where they’re to get their needs i.e food etc
Do u think those beggars they will to be ??? Some of them they have nothing with them , fight fr the country crisis first then beggars coz if u chase them frm towns ur to show them where they’re to get their needs i.e food etc
Begging is everywhere what more poor malawi
Begging is everywhere what more poor malawi