Malawi government through the ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare has condemned foreigners for perpetuating gender-based violence in the country.
According to the ministry, many foreigners are reported to have been involved in gender-based violence in Malawi.

Speaking to the local press, Minister of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare Patricia Kaliati warned all perpetrators of gender-based violence that her ministry will drag them to court.
Kaliati further blamed Malawi Police for not enforcing laws that protect women from gender-based violence in the country.
“It is very sad to note that Police officers are fuelling gender violence by releasing people arrested for gender violence, right now I have involved the IG (Inspector General) to investigate the case of an Asian man who was released on bail by the police at night in Lilongwe,” said Kaliati.
According to a study on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) for females, prevalence of different types of IPV in Malawi appeared slightly lower than that reported for other countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
The study further revealed that 13% reported emotional violence; 20% reported being pushed, shaken, slapped or punched; 3% reported experiencing severe violence, such as being strangled or burned, threatened with a knife, gun or with another weapon; and 13% reported sexual violence.
Zina loti mkazi, simukutha kumalimvetsetsa. Akati mkazi, ndi kanthu kaziiiii.
Paliponse kumangosonya chala kuti uyu kapena uyo ndi amene akupangitsa!zachamba basi
Paliponse kumangosonya chala kuti uyu kapena uyo ndi amene akupangitsa!zachamba basi
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..
tiziwasiya uwakwatire iwe kaliyati nangasi ukuwauza za matama
tiziwasiya uwakwatire iwe kaliyati nangasi ukuwauza za matama
Vuto akazi kusanva munthu kukwatiwa ndi anthu aku Nigeria ,Ghana ndi ena akuti akufuna chuma izo mwaziwona akuthibuleni kwambiri ndinu anthu ogontha mukhutu amuna ndi ambiri Ku malawi
Vuto akazi kusanva munthu kukwatiwa ndi anthu aku Nigeria ,Ghana ndi ena akuti akufuna chuma izo mwaziwona akuthibuleni kwambiri ndinu anthu ogontha mukhutu amuna ndi ambiri Ku malawi
Akazi munawapatsa ufulu ochuluka ndiye ena akutengerapo mpata kumadelera amuna awo.
Akazi munawapatsa ufulu ochuluka ndiye ena akutengerapo mpata kumadelera amuna awo.
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS.
Kumalawiso kuli maforena?nde kaya2
But when wiil we have a male gender minister in Malawi?
But when wiil we have a male gender minister in Malawi?
mafolena akuyenela kuwatumiza kwao apite ndithu am malawife tinachuluka kudekha mafolena kwao dziko ndilathu faya folena basi
mafolena akuyenela kuwatumiza kwao apite ndithu am malawife tinachuluka kudekha mafolena kwao dziko ndilathu faya folena basi
kukamwako ngati chule iwe kaliat mutuwako pamodzi ndi amuna akowo peter mumtalingawo
kukamwako ngati chule iwe kaliat mutuwako pamodzi ndi amuna akowo peter mumtalingawo
mmm. bodza la mkunkhuniza.
Is she a southafrican againt foreigners (malawians)?
Ndiye kuti u minister wanu ndi wa ana ndi azimayi okha ? Komanso pali azimayi ena ndi azibambotu mmakomomu azibambo akumaotchedwa ndi madzi otentha komazimenezo simuyankhula chifukwa chiyani
oh what an anguly
Asiye obwera
These damn foreigners……I suppose they are also the ones defiling children? I remember her telling the Taiwanese that they had been eating all our snakes and dogs. Enough of blaming everyone else for the lack of rule of law in the country. Dayyam!!! Divide and rule, divide and rule!!
stop saying foreigners thats being xnophobic anybody can perpetuate violence against another person
Ma foreigner atikwana plz!
Koma tikuti, zomangosunga ma foreigners sibwino. Abale anu ena akunzuzidwa ku South Africa, ndiye inu musunga bwanji foreigner?
Sister wa michel jackson
Kusowa khalidwe amaona ngati paFb mpotchukira koma winawo ndiutsiru zili zonse kutukwana osakhala ndi manyazi potchula ziwalo amawerenga anthu ambiritu izi kumazipatsa ulemu ngati anthu akuluakulu mukatchula zimenezo ngati ndinu amuna zibwenzi azikazi any alibe?ulemu uja aMalawi unapita kuti?
Kusowa khalidwe amaona ngati paFb mpotchukira koma winawo ndiutsiru zili zonse kutukwana osakhala ndi manyazi potchula ziwalo amawerenga anthu ambiritu izi kumazipatsa ulemu ngati anthu akuluakulu mukatchula zimenezo ngati ndinu amuna zibwenzi azikazi any alibe?ulemu uja aMalawi unapita kuti?
Koma amalawi simkuchita bwino polankhula kaya ndichani kaya. Simunaziwonepo mwana wanu akupangidwa nkhaza nchifukwa chake mukutukwana choncho. Palibe chomwe chalakwika apa kuti mtukwane chonchi. Inu amai atatukwanidwa mngamve bwanji mumtima mwanumo
Koma amalawi simkuchita bwino polankhula kaya ndichani kaya. Simunaziwonepo mwana wanu akupangidwa nkhaza nchifukwa chake mukutukwana choncho. Palibe chomwe chalakwika apa kuti mtukwane chonchi. Inu amai atatukwanidwa mngamve bwanji mumtima mwanumo
n1 who comments stupidly like most here on gender based violence issues, i think munthu ameneyo ndi opada udindo. regardless of who z directn the thing stil more 1 has 2 project chinthu ngati chimechi happenn 2 ur sister or mother, aunt even ur wives or galfrenz…. osati kumangoyankhulapo apa ngati kamwa lanu silinalumikizane ndi ubongo… i wud burn a foreigner kuchoka kwawo kuzazunza azimayi athu kuno.. this indians rape and kill vn their own thats their reputation
Asova ine nde ndikwatira paka pathere no pomwepo kaya aposa 50 zilikoko
Asova ine nde ndikwatira paka pathere no pomwepo kaya aposa 50 zilikoko
Asiyene obwera apeze ufulu nawo
Asiyene obwera apeze ufulu nawo
Why not deport them
Why not deport them
Kkkk koma yaya
Kkkk koma yaya
Kulimbikisa gender ndi chifukwa akazi Ali ndimwano ndiposo mabanja akutha kulimbana ndi mphanvu ndi mwamuna komaso chiwerengero chikukula mu dziko lathu akazi omwe akusowa amuna kunalibe izi thawi ya Dr h kamuzu banda
Kulimbikisa gender ndi chifukwa akazi Ali ndimwano ndiposo mabanja akutha kulimbana ndi mphanvu ndi mwamuna komaso chiwerengero chikukula mu dziko lathu akazi omwe akusowa amuna kunalibe izi thawi ya Dr h kamuzu banda
Chi hulechi chimandikwana bwanji zakuntumbo basi mavuto ali tooooh kulimbana ndi gender stupid Hamba Isfebe fotseck
wahongahonga basi azimudabulansi asathibule bwa akazi kususukila ndalama adzithibulidwa ndizao zimenezo
Pantumbo pako
that means ZANYANYIRA
Kodi inu mukulimbana ndi jender zoona munthu achokeke kwawo azachite zaujender kuno?4tsek