Cama revives ‘Receipt langa’ campaign

John kapito

The Consumers Association of Malawi (Cama) has revived the ‘Receipt langa’ campaign saying traders have stopped giving receipts to buyers.

Kapito: Malawians should demand receipts

In 2014 Cama launched the campaign to urge consumers to always demand a receipt whenever they buy goods.

Executive Director for Cama John Kapito said when they were conducting campaigns to promote awareness to consumers on their right to demand a receipt, things improved.

”We noted an improvement when we were conducting awareness campaigns but because our campaign was for a short period some traders had stopped giving consumers receipts,” said Kapito.

He said they have noted that some traders are asking consumers not to demand receipts saying they will be given a discount.

“Some few traders have started giving their customers a discount in exchange that they must not demand a receipt which is wrong,” he said.

Kapito urged consumers to always demand a receipt as it would help them whenever they want to return the goods they buy.