A chief in Nsanje has resorted to extreme means in order to encourage his subjects to plant fruit trees.
Nsanje is disaster prone and it needs massive reforestation to reduce the catastrophic effects of climate change facing the district.
As a way of encouraging villagers to plant trees, acting Chief Chimombo in the district has offered K3,000 to any of his subjects who plants 10 fruit trees and takes care of them until they reach the height of one metre.

The traditional leader said he wants every individual in his area to participate in tree planting especially fruit trees so that the area can mitigate the effects of climate change.
“As a leader, I want to instill the culture of planting and taking care of the trees in my subjects. My area is prone to disasters hence the need to encourage my subjects to plant more trees and take care of them so that they can survive,” said Chimombo.
The chief also expressed grief over government’s failure to promote planting of fruit trees during the current tree planting season. He said he wants his subjects to plant at least 100,000 fruit trees, which means one tree for each household in his area.
“It is my wish that every household should have an orchard so that after five years, they can start harvesting fruits and make some sales to improve their economic and nutritional status. Government should encourage planting of fruit trees as it can also contribute to the country’s economy,” said the traditional leader.
bola mafumuwo asadzipange plant themselves
Pelekani zitsazo zabwino Mafumu monga awonetsela awa.
Hahahaaaaaà koma mitengo yake ikhaletu ya masawu
bola osazidzala ngati Mr,pamawa muzichotsa nduna zanu udindo,ndikumakuonatuuuu!!!
Osagwapotu apa!
Ndakunyadira mfumu waphatabasa
I dont think we can struggle food shortages if we plant fruit trees also .fruits are food and we can survive with fruit stomach than empty one.mfumu iyi ndiyanzeru
mfumu wa dzelu…..let’s embark on this climate issue congrats
mfumu wa dzelu…..let’s embark on this climate issue congrats
This is a good but costly initiative for the chief. Patriotism at its best. The president mentioned in one of his state of nation addresses that people should plant more fruit trees this year as these have low appetite of being cut down for firewood or charcoal and I applauded him he was very right. But did he himself plant a fruit tree this season? I planted 5.