It has been revealed that some officials working with the Agriculture Development and Marketing Cooperation (Admarc) have been hired by some opposition politicians to defame Malawi’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led government by deliberately compromising government efforts to fight against hunger in the country.

One of the Admarc officials in Mzimba told Malawi24 on Monday that the inefficiency in their service delivery has been sponsored by some opposition politicians he did not want to mention.
He further revealed that most of them have been instructed to be selling maize and subsidized fertilizer to vendors so that the current hunger prolongs beyond next year and consequently people should completely lose trust in the President Peter Mutharika led government.
“Investigations on this must begin from the head office because what I know is that some of these things are done deliberately,” said the source. Government is trying its best but when they will not investigate the issue from our head office, Admarc will be the worst and this government will lose popularity,” he said pleading for anonymity.
He tipped this publication on the move after our reporter found some Admarc officials within the area of village headman Ndabandaba in Mzimba district selling subsidized fertilizer at around midnight to some vendors on Sunday.

When our reporter went undercover to establish the truth on the issue, we found these Admarc officials selling inputs at only MK 12, 000 per each bag of 50 kg Urea and 23:12 fertilizer. One of the sources who know such midnight dealings revealed that they sell maize at only MK 3,000 to vendors.
“During morning hours they tell people to wait because they have run out of maize. Even on the issue of FISP, government will only waste its money. If they think it’s a lie they must employ some spies to be moving around night, they will arrest many of these corrupt officials,” he said.
This comes at a time when people have lost confidence and trust in Admarc services such that some beneficiaries of farm inputs subsidy program (FISP) are still keeping their coupons because they are unable to access the inputs in most Admarc’s.
Some local media reports have also revealed that people living in the area of Inkosi Kampingo Sibande are finding it hard to access cheaper maize and farm inputs from Admarc.
Meanwhile, chiefs in the district have urged government to act quickly on the matter.
ee koma ndie eee boma ilooooo
That is a total lie. I dont believe it the Gvt just wants scapegoat for its inefficiency
I’ve never been into politics, but i make out the difference between Development and Politics. “Andale aku Malawi mbuli zophunzira.” They are forgetten that God who puts a right person in such a leading position, is watching over them.
God be with Malawi, let her people rise and understand the truth.
Malawi akuvutika kwa mbili chifukwa chandale ngati zimenezi, ndale zakaduka ndi anthu awo adziko. Ndale zodzikonda ngati zimenezi a opposition, kapeni yowononga dziko lawo.
DPP trying to fool Malawians by blaming the opposition for their failures. Very cheap politics. Lucky enough Malawians are not stupid.
I was telling my kid this story
Here is what he said
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha
Ngakhalenso ku Escom kuja ndi sabotage imene ija.Alipo akuluakulu amene ali under @pp. Akupanga dala kuti magetsi azizima kuti @dpp iwoneke yolephera.
Achotsedwe ameneyo akuzuza anthu womwe adavota
Mwati a opposition chani? Kodi okwezedwa njinga pa kaliyala amayimba belo? Tandiuzani!
Mukalephera kulamulira kuchulutsa zokamba bwanji?Muzinamiza mbuli zimenezi.
Kkkkkkkkk eeee! koma zina ukamVa kamba anga mwala.
Osati inu aboma akupangani bribe? kkkkkk
chikhoza kukhala chibwana ndi miyoyo ya anthu kuchita choncho. Chonde moyo sosoka chigamba.
This is cheap propaganda.The opposition can never do that.If the government is wise enough, let it fill all Admarc selling point with maize to feed the nation.
This is cheap propaganda.The opposition can never do that.If the government is wise enough, let it fill all Admarc selling point with maize to feed the nation.
This is cheap propaganda.The opposition can never do that.If the government is wise enough, let it fill all Admarc selling point with maize to feed the nation.
This is cheap propaganda.The opposition can never do that.If the government is wise enough, let it fill all Admarc selling point with maize to feed the nation.
This is what we call blue lie & I can’t bother myself to believe this, there is lack of righteousness here
Fire them and recruit new faces awa akapume
mwaliyala bodza apa a mw24.If the reporter had asked real investigative questions the official would have ranaway. Ku mtakataka cimanga cilipo, koma akuti adauzidwa kuti azigulitsa 2days pa week, ndiye amatsegula zitseko kuti tizisilila. Pamzele kugonapo 4days usanagule. Zinatengela Mp wathu pa 18/1 kudzawacita ‘dress down’,ngati sakugulitsa acotse cipite ku ma silos.
Later we will hear that someone is bribing the heavens so that we dont receive adequate rainfall. The govt shud also investigate as to why there were floods last year and drought this year. May be the opposition is bribing someone in the most high. Sorry dpp pple you hav just shown us your surface level thinking.
True longosi, these things must be investigated so that we know the truth.
True longosi, these things must be investigated so that we know the truth.
and it is for that reason y malawians do not develop!
and it is for that reason y malawians do not develop!
Malawians are victims of these immature politicians who think they can score political points merely by telling lies.
Malawians are victims of these immature politicians who think they can score political points merely by telling lies.
Achawinga nilekeni nigone makola munthumbo muleke kuwawa na kuseka hahaha
Achawinga nilekeni nigone makola munthumbo muleke kuwawa na kuseka hahaha
Kkkkk gonani makola Mr Jele
Nanga mp waku Ntcheu uja did he also bribe officials, chimanga akugawa adpp muzipatala akuchitenga kuti?
Thats a liar noone is deceiving u, only that Apm has failed to sort out problems malawians ar facing now. U r wel known to b a professor kkkkk, failing to govern 16million pple what a shame.
thus stupit excuse
These bastards hav run out of idea.U thought it would be simple to run govt.That admarc official z either a dpp sympathiser or has been bribed by govt to tarnish the image of opposition.Even a toddler knows that you hv failed.Cheap politics,SHAME!!!
Zabodza izi zitavuta accept otherwise we expect worse situation ahead
This is one cheap political mediocre expression by a person held in high esteem whom I respect so much. Its always about other people. I feel so embarrassed by this as if i am the one uttering
Only fools can beliv this,but wise pipo like me cant.things r alredy wose so who can waste tim bribing those corrupt admarc ppo?wat i kno is tha dpp has hirrd this man to talk nonsese,shut up!
No proof, don’t run away from the truth that there’s hunger, just work on how to solve the problems
Bad Carpenter. Are You Sure The Opposition Sponsering This Act. What About In Ntcheu?who sponsored the DPP mp? Was it chakwera or uladi. Shame on our government. We are in the government of no government.
Zoona zenizeni ndizoti boma lilibe chimanga chokwanila choti lidyetse amalawi thats all,palibe kupanga blame shift .zavuta zavuta basi .ngati mukudziwa zoti pali katangale bwanji osaamanga amene akukhudzidwa .you are failing to arrest thats why tikuti mwalephela.kukanakhala kumaiko ena kumene malamulo amagwila bwino tchito mukanachotsedwa koma poti malamulo akuno mumawadelela chitani kufuna kwanu.
Zikakuvutani ife zisatikhudze
I dont believe it. What I see and observed myself here at Thyolo is that. Admarc Stuffs and all the Rensponsible people like Councillors, Chiefs, Politician etc are involved in corruption series. Anybody is with hungry of money non of the rensponsibilities is good
Zazii zopanda nchele
Mmmmm this is a total lie which only DPP sympathysers can believe. So what’s the govt doing about it? As long as the president and his loyalists are there to enrich themselves then let us forget about anything good from this govt. The serious president could have been tough on public expenditure, deal with all thieving public civil servants in all govt departments! Donors have already observed that this is not a serious govt, release financial reports: zero, control expenditure: zero, everything zero consequently no donor funding.
Malawi Is Altogether aconcrete jungle.
Look here, in all admarc deports gvmt dropes trucks of maize,but traders are taking it from the same deports at sunshine,so the mw24 is right.What we have to say should be about security in these deports.This government tries its best.
DPP woyeeeee! Ati chisankho chikabwera tisankhe aphunzira akhale profeser APM. Kasiizi sopano zaophunzira mmene zikuyendera? Kunamizira osusa boma, nde ndikufutseni inu mumav omereza dpp, osusa ndi dpp olamula boma ndani? You dpp you’re killer and you’re killing Malawians. Idiot u dpps.
Pamenepo ndiye timati pa malawi kuipisirana mbiri both sides chonisangalangasa dpp woyeee 2019 bomaaaaaaaaa patsogoloooooooo ndi chimanga
Kkkkkkk. Koma nthawi zina kumabvomereza kuti zikuvuta otsati tsiku ndi tsiku opposition.munthu wamba angapangitse boma kulephera kugwira ntchito?za ziiiiiiiii
Takambani zomveka .tatchulani nokha chimene chikuyenda bwino ndichiti ooooh aDPP
Opposition yakumalawi choncho mungawine zautsiru basi
how can an admarc official restain to opposition, instead of their bosses that of government??? mwasowa chonamizira eti??
ma donors nawoso ndi a opposition mwina,kayah kuvotaku tifa nako.
Ndi choncho mukamalephera kuyendesa dziko nkumanamizira otsutsa, I cannot buy what you the Malawi 24 are saying, this so called FISP all along has been a mess. DON’T SAY IT IS THE OPPOSITION CAUSING THIS WHEN YOU IN THE GOVERNMENT HAVE ALL THE MACHINERY AT YOUR DISPOSAL TO ADDRESS SUCH PROBLEMS.
I dnt think so…
Which school did u go to study journalism? I think u dont know what u r doing?
The information given is not enough to point fingers to some people otherwise both parties try to bring maize in market coz local people are starving! We don’t want fallacies here with your arguments
Amene anagula chimanga 100 bags pa Rumphi anali a oppositon.
a man who fails to impregnate his wife blames his naghbour for bewitching him.
The problem is with the editor of this story, he is a chicken-head. Try to publish the story that people will be touched, not this nonsense mxiiiii!
Defence yanu imeneyo.chimanga chavuta basi not politics
You believe this nosense? You hv forgotten how dpp twist things, Is it not dpp gvt that told Malawians that they had cctv footage showing Lutepo deliverng cash to Joice? Was it true? This gvt is a failure. What they know is cooking up false stories to confuse ppl bcz they know that most Malawians r dull they believe anything they hear, If this is true, why not arrest the officials for accepting bribes?
mphaka ndi khoswe,sizngatheke.you are a politician i guess,and u belong to a certain opposition party!iwe,nanga munthu uyuyu akukamba zoona za zimene iwe anauzidwa,y opposing the matter!
mphaka ndi khoswe,sizngatheke.you are a politician i guess,and u belong to a certain opposition party!iwe,nanga munthu uyuyu akukamba zoona za zimene iwe anauzidwa,y opposing the matter!
You believe this bcz you r dull. don’t you know that to accept bribes is a crime? so why is he not arrested? And why did the gvt not press. him to reveal those who. r doing this evil?
osakamumanga bwanji
Kuno ku Nsanama ADMARC ku Machinga. Anthu awiri agula mwachinyengo. Anthuwo akudziwika. Ngati mufuna kuwamanga ma #0885208975
Nkhani izi sizizatha vuto ndilakuti ma CEO amakampani aboma ambiri amapezeka pa mpando umenewo chifukwa cha ndale kapena chipani ndiye boma likasintha anthu amene aja amakhalabe ma CEO chitsanzo ku MBC boma likangositha kumakhalanso kuchotsedwa ngakhale contract isanathe vuto si otsutsa koma mabwanawo anabwela chifukwa cha boma lapita lija
bullshit..zakanika basi.
ndekuti floating of kwacha.. shortage of drugs.. load shedding ndi opposition?? mmmmmmmmm mulibe mzeru inu.. mwakanika basi
Gyz ndatumiza awa amupange teapot peter mathanyulayo azipita kwao asationongere Malawi iyaaaaahh!!!!
What a blue lie
Thats cheap politics. Here in malawi, politicians are the barrier that hinders development. Instead of working together for a common goal, they are busy pulling one another down. For 52 yrs we are still struggling for maize yet we have everything to make us have abundant maize supply. Better if we where still under the whites.
Eeeeeh first thanks a mw24 for it shows ur news id not biased. These oppositional members have to be searched for, hunted for n if cought punished severely and barred from politics. We are in critical situation and now l came to believ govt is doing its best to uplift the nation yet others are doing otherwise for their personal benefits.
ndekuti mukuona zonama kuti ku mzimba kulibe chimanga ku ADMARC
baseless. wakuba ndiwakuba ngakhale bomali likupanga zobowa
Bodza lothelatu
No sense.
No sense.
Liar, ADMARC has been a failure since the introduction of multiparty in Malawi.
Okay who’s burning markets, who is stealing drugs, who is cutting off electricity vuto wapasidwa envelop kulemba nyasi. Bwapini can not be trusted
always failures point others for their failure.jst step down b4 u starve us to death plz.
Osanamizira ena zakuvutan bas
Zabodza zangowavuta awa
That’s all rubbish, what we want is people to have access to buy maize, stop talking things that will never help Malawians.
Ook, fine! The society is staving of hunger but you are busy talking politics you bustards, shame on you!
People are suffering out there and this propaganda will not help solve the problems.
Izi ndiye za ziii iii.
So these stupid officials accepted the bribe? I also guess some dpp idiots have bribed this stupid official to say this nosense
Zoputsa zanuzo muziuza mbuli zaku mizi, ndani sakuziwa kuti boma ili ndo lephera, kuzimazima kwa magetsi ndi kamba ka opposition parties, nanga madzi ndi kamba ka opposition parties, nanga kwacha flopness ndi kamba ka opposition parties? Kusowa kwa chakudya mu zipatala ndi kamba ka opposition parties? Siyani kunamizira opposition, just fix the mess
zoonadi mwakamba zoveka apa!
Brother, ndakudandaulani munthu akamakhala Ku muzi sizimatathauza kuti ndi mbuli, just imagine anthu onse Ali kumuzi aja atasamukila mtauni ziko lingakhale bwanji, what about ur background simunachokere ur ancenters nuso Ku munzi
Kodi magetsi,madzi,zakudya ndi forex mukambazo, zidayamba kuvuta kuchokera 2014??? Don’t talk as u just came in Malawi, be a citizen
@ madalitso namalomba and gama waku thyolo. mukuoneka kuti ndinu ma blind loyalist a dpp, even maina anu akuchita kuonekeratu, zoti anthu akumidzi amadalira radio kuti amve current affairs simuziwa? nanga zoti mavuto akusowa kwa madzi magesi anachepa nthawi yomwe dpp imalowa mu boma kachikena simukuziwa? nanga zoti dpp inalonjeza zokweza miyoyo ya amalawi ikaztenga boma mwaiwala. you mean poti dpp inawapeza mavutowa, its guaranteeing you kuti mavutowo sangathane nawo? pachichewa pali mawu Oti; ntchenche yoputsa inakwiriridwa kumodzi ndi tuvi, nde kuputsa kwanuko tiona komwe mukathere.
@bentry wa kumpoto…dnt shw ur stupidity here….umafuma APM atani…
bentrey wayankhula za nzeru apa, vuto ndimbulinu headless chickens, y hating de truth?
Bentry asiye anthu okulira ku tea estate
That is very true, Lazalo ndi amene akuchita izi koma mumuuze satanayo kuti walephera! Walemba m’madzi.
sitisapita ngati mpiratu ndale.kumavomereza kulephera abwana.
zikukukanikani kuyendetsa dziko. thats the truth
Ah inu mukuti chani apa? Ndi dziko liti limene liribe mavuto? Mukanditchulira ndivomeleza kuti Dpp yalephera, popeza kuti olo America imene chuma chawo chikuvuta. Rajab Binali ndi Win Win Situation mundiyankhe. Even mayina anu akuonetsa kuti ndiinu anthu achisokonezo.
united states of Thyolo and mulanje nako kwavuta eti??? kkk
Kkkkkk United States of thyolo? Kkkkkk
Kulikonse kuli mavuto! kikkkkkkkkkkk! lame excuse
Whatever koma that’s the fact, pa nkhani ya mavuto no country is exceptional. Musamuke mupite kumene kulibe mavutoko tikuoneni.
a Mahupu mutu wanu sumagwira inu, ulesi basi kudya za ndale……
Pieter xul sinawapidulire kkkkk educated savage
Zoseketsa bwanji, inu anzeru munaleka kukhala a president bwanji? Vomerezani akuluakulu palibe mtsogoleri amene angadzakonze zinthu ku Malawi, aliyense mudzampezera zifukwa or mutakhala inuyo ena adzakupezereni zifukwa. Ano ndi masiku otsiriza basi muziwerenga malemba.
Zoseketsa bwanji, inu anzeru munaleka kukhala a president bwanji? Vomerezani akuluakulu palibe mtsogoleri amene angadzakonze zinthu ku Malawi, aliyense mudzampezera zifukwa or mutakhala inuyo ena adzakupezereni zifukwa. Ano ndi masiku otsiriza basi muziwerenga malemba.
ngati palimbuzi ndikuti ija imati meeeeeeeeeeeee ndi mahupu
Mbuzi zazikulu ndiinu chifukwa Mwalola kutsogoleredwa ndi Mbuziso kkkk
basi musiyeni guyz muhupu ndi nkhuku uyu wanva ngati ali ndi makutu!! kkkk
Nkhuku yayikulu ndiwe Tanga kkk
Nkhuku yayikulu ndiwe Tanga kkk
Koma uku ndikulakwa,simukuvutitsa a President,kapena chipani cha DPP koma munthu wakumudzi yemwe kupeza kwake ndikochepa!That’s cheap politics,musasewere ndi chakudya chonde chonde,boma musalekerere khaulitsani onse omwe akupanga mchitidwe umenewu!
Agwidwe why acting so brutal like that? expose them and bring them to book.
Why not exposing these thugs killing Malawians?
Malawi24 has also contributed to this malpractice. You found them but you din’t call the police, wh?y
just appliciate that you have been alerted, why always bad comments? we don’t do like that
just appliciate that you have been alerted, why always bad comments? we don’t do like that
Will you appreciate if someone tells you that he saw thieves breaking into yo house bud did nothing?
mwasowa potawira kaya zoolemba malaw and rumours
This is DPP propaganda. Just accept that you have failed. Dont divide malawians here
Ok? That’s Malawian ndale, that’s why we dnt develop at all. Ma PhD okhaokha mxiew
Tumbukas Walk Talks….Their Ancestor’s Were Hunters,Thats Why They Took Mbabvi Evrywea
Dont rush in accussing the opposition. You need convincing evidence to believe anything contained in this report. Otherwise one will be forced to believe something that is not true. No one can deny the fact that government has failed to handle FISP, food situation and many more. It is not a secret. The evidence is there. You can see it. Dont blame the opposition. Blame yourself for this mess.
So you think you can make us trust this nonsense? You mean kwacha devaluation, missuses of government finances are all but oppositional party hand works? Stop your nonsense of using opposition parties as scapegoat for your own self-indulgent problems.
Frustrated opposition,thats you as evil as Judas,you to kill innocent people.mark my words DPP will win in 2019 with landslide votes