The Malawi Government through the Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MoEST) has over the past two years relieved 52 teachers of their duties for having love affairs with their students.
Reports from the ministry indicate that the dismissals happened between January 2013 and December 2015.
The fired teachers are from several districts across the country. Besides having love affairs with their charges, the concerned teachers are said to have gone as far as impregnating them.
Some cases of teachers raping students have also been dominating the news recently.
MoEST is yet to clear the fog as to which group of teachers, secondary school or primary school, have suffered the most dismissals.

There are fears that a number of cases have not been reported to the authorities thereby leaving many ill-mannered teachers unpunished.
The Teaching Service Commission (TSC), a segment that deals with such cases, is reported to have received a low number of cases which does not reflect the reality on the ground.
Commenting on the matter, stakeholders in the education sector have commended government for not entertaining misbehaving teachers.
They claim that this will serve as a warning to others with the same ugly intentions. Teachers romantically involved with students hinder government’s efforts in promoting girls education.
In this respect, Lilongwe aims at bringing sanity in the teaching service in order to achieve its objective of balancing up education opportunities for both girls and boys.
Although nothing has been reported about female teachers being in love relationships with male students, commentators have warned against ruling out probability of the impossible happening.
They say all teachers whether male or female should be monitored.
Koma a Malawi, Uhummmmm!
That pic tho
Ok teachers who sleeping with students you fired from work its fine what about doz who doing gay?Should we fired them also from world tell us!
I hope they have acted on a case that took place at Lisale primary school of Nkhatabay as well.
Ideed,most Of The Teachers Tody They Likely Sleeping With The Student.
Uu its cost cutting measure. Govt i bloke. Amphumzitsi naoni anawa boma likumakuchedwetseran malipiro. Ma incentive anu nde omweo
Apangeso chimodzimodzi ku Admarc, kugona azimayi powagulitsa chimanga
Ndizomwe mphunzisi aliyese amapanga ndiye muchosa angati ?
U be hard on miserable teachers while other professionals be fucking same young lads tryna protect and still get promoted on their posts. Goooot Daaannmmmm!
Why are those wicked teachers destroying the future if this innocent school children. Same act is happening to some Ghanaian student.
Pamudzipena Analibe Mjigo, Amai Ankatunga Madzi Pachitsime Kudanbo Pomwe Panali Posatetezedwa.Akamatunga Madzi, Ankachita Kukankha Achuke Ndikutunga Madzi Omwe Ankagwiritsira Ntchito Zonse Zapakhomo Monga Kumwa, Kuphikira Etc. Tsikulina Banja La M’mudzimo Litachoka Kumunda, Abambo Anatuma Mwana Kuti Awatengere Madzi Amwe. Atafika Mnyumbamuja Adapeza Chule Wakumtunda Ali Mutsuko Wamadzi Muja. Ndipo Madzi Amutsukomo Adatayidwa Chifukwa Cha Chule Wa Kumtunda Kuyiwala Kuti Pachitsime Pomwe Anatunga Madzi Amachita Kukankha Achule. Amene Akulepheletsa Ana Sukulu Kwambiri Eya Aphunzitsi Akutenga Mbali Ndipo Akulangidwa. Nanga Achule Akumudzi{comunity} Tikutani Nawo? Chonde Chilango Chipite Kwa Onse Amchitidwe Oyipawu.
Mvuto ndi aziphunzisiwo chifukwa anawo akamaona aziwatenga ngati ana awo
mesa ali ku school ayenela aphuzile zonse
How could be students go far for their education while these sugur-dad teachers are so talkative scatter there memories, that is good sample for the other teachers.
it seems the whole campaign is targeting male teachers only, I don’t see anywhere the mention of a boy child and a female teacher having sex and the female teacher being fired, aphunzitsi achizimayinso akunyengana ndi ana asukulu aamuna, komanso other male and female teachers are involved in homosexual acts,boma lapangapo chani pa zimenezi? apange thorough sweeping mma schoolmu, aona zoopsa zomwe zikuchitika. this is just a tip of an anthill. (we dont have snow in Malawi. Kkkkkkk)
Not raped koma kudyako mopempha basi… ndiye palibe mlandu.. This is just disciplinary issue not crime…….
Thumb up to the ministry. A great job for those pwople who take advantage of the young, immature, emotional kids (who are unable to make concrete decision on their own, will bow down to every proposal the befall them) using their accademic , social n financial status. Next time fire n imprison them.
Palibe chimene mwalakwisa kuwamanga anthu akhalidwe lotero ngatidi mwawapeza kuti ndi olakwisa koma boma muziyangananso mbali zonse zaboma chifukwa ku police department nakonso kuli anthu ena akumapasa akuba futi kuti azikabela komanso ena akumapezeka ndi chamba zimene zili zosayenela wapolice kutero ndiye tikupempha boma kuti muthane ndi wina aliyense amene akugwira ntchito mboma ngati akupanga zosayenela mumalamulo athu oyendesela boma lathuli
Anawa akumatiputa dala ine ndapilira kwa zaka 5 koma tsiku lina nditopa
Kuwalipila malipilo nawo dollar yashupa
Tawauzeni chilungamo aphunzitsiwo kuti mwalephela kukwanitsa
That’s foolish amangidwe not only firing them asize yawo samaona osewa ambwembwewa
Anao nao amaonjeza kumaganyula m’puzitsi ali pakati pophuzitsa angalimbe ndani?
Achita bhoo tipeze place ife #ipte8_odl3
Azidya makandawa mwaachitabwino anthu ogonja kale ngat amenewo ndikulakwatu kumeneku OSANGOWAPHA BWANJI??? CHILANGO CHACHEPA
Tikuziwa kuti boma likufuna kuchepetsa nambala ya aphunzitsi zoonadi zithekadi komanso kodi mbali yomwe mumayiwona ndi aphunzitsi okha? izi zazibwana basi if u want minimise the no do it
koma ma tichala mwayenjeza,kupanilira tiana tosasukusula ngati iti? shame!
Meanwhile I have 2 books for ICT approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Is there anybody to partner with to have them produced?
uphunzitsi or job yogwira ku mudzi sidhilu ana ana akumudzi sakana amachita kukuyamba okha komanso guys kumaona munthu mpakana kumavulira mwana wa za 10 eeeee uchinyama uwu
female teachers not happen to have relationship thos boys.. boys no money
uphunzitsi or job yogwira ku mudzi sidhilu ana ana akumudzi sal
mmmmm malawi malawi
mmmmm malawi malawi
Kuwasokonezela ana tsogolo kumeneko, azimangidwa basi kt ena atengelepo phuzilo.
Kuwasokonezela ana tsogolo kumeneko, azimangidwa basi kt ena atengelepo phuzilo.
Azikalima kumudzi basi,,
Nde agwila ntengo wanji
A bad carpenter brames his own tools. Mwalephera kuwapatsa malipilo abwino lero mukuachotsa pazifukwa za zii. Boma lombwambwana ngati ili sinnaliwone
Kodi chimakhala chili chani Munthu wakulu maliseche kumaonetsa ana shame on you Lup nai komaso masa pushi inu otero inu
Kungofuna kwapasa ana Ebola basi …..chosecho azikazi anu alipo
aaaaaaaa ali ndi ufulu,mbuzi imadya pomwe ayimangilira
Wolemba nkhaniyi chitsilu, wochotsa aphunzitsi kape.Why teachers
I vo ndivo vindele vomairapo , sometime they can slept with their child.
Kumangolowetsa pelete ndi ma command opoila,ayende bas ena atengelepo phuzilo
If they sleept with them I wouldn’t mind but I would react if they were having sex with them. ..lol
Ma Allowance Athu Ndi Atsikana Omwewa Lero Mwayamba Kutichotsa Shaa!
Many thanks to the minister, if u want to build better Malawi take out all these foolish people not only in education sector but in all sectors of government
Even in police department some police officers are selling chamba others are giving thief government equipment like ; guns to break shops which is very bad . Fire them we are tired with those people
They are stupid because teachers are like parents at school they must be role models
Mwana ng’ombe amakula ndi cikoti
Mwawamanga kuti poti akuma gonana ndi ana a xool koma mukanamva kuti akumagonana ndamuna anzawo mukanawapatsa ma million+achitetezo amfuti.ZA ZIIIIII mukanati amawagwilira bola panali pomveka koma kugonanako kutanthauza kuti MCHIBWENZI panali mgwilizano pakati pa mwana ndi mphunzitsiyo nde CHOWAMANGIRA????
Yes,is truth
Tinkakhala pamtetete ndi chidina pano mwana wamphawi anakalibe pompo, ndiliti muzamuthandize Malawi??
kusaopa mlungu kumabweresa zambri even if u can fire em,kill em sazasiya cz theaz no kopa chiuta in em
It’s not ethical for teachers to indulge themselves in romantic relationships with their learners according to the teachers’ professioal code of conduct. The girl child should also stop seeing a boyfriend in the teacher while executing his duties. A teacher is 100% human and can respond to stimulus when enticed.
But u can’t respond by sleeping with the students.
Some kids also attempt the teachers, those teachers are human 2, but what’s needed is to teach our kids to respect the teacher as their own father.
a teacher has the sole responsibility of resisting the advances of the students because they are minors. “…for they know not what they are doing”
Chisomo, kindly read the comment again. What’s stated in the comment is that it’s not right for a teacher to get involved with the learner and secondly, learners should not deliberately induce sexual desires in teacher. This vice, either way, cannot be justified as it’s wrong!
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk ma student ongolowa opanda nawo mkadzi, osova neba
Nonse okodzera voucher munya muona!
Inu mumafuna teacher apange chani ndimene akuvalira ana ma min skirt uniform muma secondary xuls-mu.Anyengedwe basi.
Nyasa @51
Nyasa @51
Nanga kukhala kwake kumeneku maondo mmwamba choncho tidzikuonetsani
Zitsiru zimenezo kumanyenga Ana atsukulu kumangowachotsadi basi Umphawi uzikawapha basi.Olo mukawagwira muzingowapha basi ifenso pano tikufuna uphizitsi omwewo
Hahahahaha, akudya nyozo.
kkkk mbuzi imadya pomwe aimangilira more fire teachers akuvala motenga mtima a sir……….shaaa
Am not a teacher, komabe its nt a good solution, eish xul girls are more than sweet, I hav the experience
Malawi waonongeka ndithu… Lord hear our cry!
Boma limangoziwa kupereka chigamulo pamene mphuzitsi waphwanya lamulo, koma kuti likonze mavuto omwe mphuzitsi amakumana nawo nde ayi. Boma lachikape
imadya pomwe ayimangirira
Maphunzilo anji apa dzuwa
Wat will happen if a student sleeps with a teacher?
Ine nde ndizinyengaditu
Did you blacklist them?Apeza kwinatu vepi!Oho kaya zanu izo!
aphunzitsi akapereka mimba nde kuwachotsa koma mwana akapereka mimba wa xul akapereka mimba kwa aphunzitsi simamuchotsa mwana xul kapena madamuwa why? muganize bwino komanso vuto lina atsikanawa amakana makondom ndiye sir angatani?
tiyenera tidye pamene atimangilira2 nanga en akumatiyamba okha
20% of girls do sex with trs while 80% with non trs. Govt is fighting few enemies in their front & majority doing the same are not targeted on their back
Vut amakulipilan zochepa
Ana akumachita kuwaputa dala aphunzisiwa
Chonse kuwawona sir ali ndi zaka 65 mwanayo ali ndi zaka 18 kumunyengerera ati ndidzakuuzira mayeso
Akapezeka ena apakilenso azikaguza khoka Aphuzitsi anji okonda maskt awana Adzikanyenga mahule zausilu
Ntchto kudziwa kuchosa aphunzitsi,mukulephera kuwalipira,ena anamaliza mukulephera kuwalemba IPTE 9 &10 akungokhala kumuzi..ndkumbukira malemu George nga MTAFU he said you must be very “STUPID”
kulakwa mesa ma students amava kukoma akamapanga
Mmmmmm mesa akuwaphunzitsa zonse kuti asakavutike mubanja
kkkk what a shame mpaka kamwana ka xul kot kadakanunkha mkodzo
mungot mulibe dolla zowalipila aaaaa tiona ngat mulembe a replacement!
Alipo ambiri opanga khalidwe lonyasali msawalekeleree plz pitilizani kuwachotsa amaononga Ana mmasukulumu.
Bonus yawo imeneyo
Onse ndi dzitsulu 1 phuzitsiyo alibe nzeru 2 mwanayonso ngopanda matha kaya poti ana amasiku ano maziphunzitsi otele sakufunika pa tchito akumachita zosayenela
These children u sleep with others are the same age with ur last born u don’t feel shame ur self
Nkhani ndiyoti mwachulukitsa guyz ndiye akufuna azikupungulani mu njira ngati imeneyi
ana awonetsedwa nyekhwe awa..
Kob Boma lathu la Malawi limalimbana ndi Aphunzitsi I know de Government wanted 2 Minimisé teachers in dat way Coz government fails 2 predose popular bills on Teachers MOTO SUFUKA POPANDA UTSI. KaLiPo Kalipo
dont worry tizikalima ndikumakamwa jada!
These teacher r very stupid ! They must go to prisone coz the r abuse future of chidren .its these chidren the will develomp malawi .
Ingolembani Chichewa.
English English
kkkk ungomunvesesani basi… English is not simple as u r thinking…
hihihihihihii, kkkkkkk, hahahahahaha, heheheheheee, koma yaa!!!! making english language simple, mzotheka basi.
Tell Joseph that he is commiting an offence in the way he is handling the language.komanso ma privilage a mphunzitsu ndi amenewa.
Inuso ndioti muzinyoza aphunzisi ndi nyasi zachingerezi mwalemba pamenepozo??vuto mumkapitila break ku xool,,,,imeneyo English,,,kumaona zolemba pamaso pa anthu omwa imki kkkk
u were supposed 2 feel sory for urself coz they r the same teachers would correct ur distorted english, shemu manyaze! kkkkk!, hehede! ulu!
Chonsecho tiana timene akutigonato tikhala ta ku primary school kufuna kutiphera tsogolo yes fire them akuzolowera
Uzanyenge wanga uzaone!….sindikasuma kulikose,,koma kungokusandutsa Ng’0mbe basi!!
dats nonsense mukuwachoseranji mesa anawonso amaufira
no size
Zawopsa tsopano,mpaka salt kuwuma!!!ESH!.
So teachers should go to Mars to look for love? If that is the case then gvt must fire anyone who sleeps with a student including Viola and that udf mp.
They r going to feel how to be unemployed feels like
Ine ndye mundichotsa zeni~zeni2 ngat ana wa akumavala monding’mbitsa panti komanxo bwanji samakana kut sir sindkufuna?ndye kut muxngoona vuto kwa maziphunzitsi tokha muonenso kwa anawo kut amalakwa ndi ndan
Mwana ndi mwana man olo pa khothi koma olo uli iwe ungamve bwanj mwana wako wa STD 5 kumanyengedwa ndi chimdala cha ma ARV? Mmmmmm its two much
i dont think u r a real proffessional teacher.
Akulu inu ndinu osoweka nzeru heavy
M’Nkhwani umakoma wathete simudziwa kod xmenez
U fucken idiot 2
A shy u have know uzimu ndi umuthu
I knw dat wat do u tink?
Uzimu ndi umunthu mwainu zasowamo
Uzimu ndi umunthu mwainu zasowamo
Kkkk ndmafuna an2 ondpanga reply ngat inuyo guys #zikomo sindine mphunzitsi
Kkkk ndmafuna an2 ondpanga reply ngat inuyo guys #zikomo sindine mphunzitsi
Big up!may be some wll take alesson frm thr frnd who are now ,fired ,
Dat iz welcm development,they must 2 b fired coz akuonjeza.
U find that a teacher aged 22 sleeping with a student aged 22. Could u say this is an offence
kkk… for that moment, no offence
kkkkkkkk Sure thats ur agemate.
Kkkkk Ine Ndie Sindikuonapo Cholakwika Apa Imadya Pamene Aimangilira I Suport Ur Point Sir
Sleeping together like just, i would mind if they can have sex
Inetu ndimadabwa kut amapanga target mphunzitsi pamene venda, wapolisi dotolo ngakhalenso mlimi amagonananso ndi ana a xool. Nde boma liwayimitse ma vendawo kugulitsa malonda, mlimi amuletse kulima ngakhalenso enawo awachotse ntchito. Nanga azingoti mphunzitsi.. mphunzitsi.. pomwe ena akugona ndi ana obeleka okha
Ka uniform kandikumbutsa kale langa Ndili Ku soche kumalamulo kkkkkk
Komabe Aphuzitsi Mukuonjeza,mpaka Mwana Kumunyengerera Ndi Chigumu!Shamen.
Go through again U wll catch more
They just slept with them and never had s*x!!!! Why fire them????
Simukuwachotsa ntchito akulimbikisa za homosexual wo bwaji si bora amphunzitsiwo akunyenga ana akazi kusiyana ndi Mathanyula ndi kugwirira
Vuto la ODL munabweretsayi kikikiki
Zabwino Zikudyedwadi ndi apumbwa.Nanga Ogwira Ntchito Enawa Bwanji Sakuchosedwa ndi Amenenso Akunyenga Kwambiri,koma Aphunzitsi Basi?
why not put them in jail
Chidyamakanda samalakwa poti olakwa inu ndi anawa kkkkkk
achoseni a ODL ameneo basi fire
Kufetsa nthambo anyamata kkkkkkiii
Firing dem only znt a gd solution…let dem face da law en emprison dem
sakupanga khalidwe labwino achoseni bas ena atengelepo phuzilo
Kkkkkkk koma eti
Nkhani yabwino…
Chosani onse amanyazitsa uphunzitsi ndi zitsiru
ine bwanji sakundipanga fire
koma ndiye ma teacher mwatailila mpaka pa mwana khatcha mulibe mselu
hahaha so what wil b v way 4llward?
Zili boo wasala uyo anandilanda mkaz