United Nations (UN) has strongly criticized Malawi’s neighboring Zambian President Edgar Lungu for pardoning musician Clifford Dimba, popularly known as

, who raped a 14 year-old girl.
President Lungu pardoned Kanene after serving one year of his 18-year sentence and then appointed him as an ambassador in the fight against gender based violence.
Since Kanene was pardoned by President Lungu, he has been reported to have assaulted two women.
In a statement, UN special rapporteur on violence against women, Dubravka Šimonović, has described Kanene’s release and appointment as outrageous.
The statement say the release of Kanene has traumatised the victim all over again and discouraged women from reporting rape.
The statement further say Lungu’s decision to appoint Kanene as an ambassador in the fight against gender violence undermines the strong message sent against sexual abuse of young children and women made by the original sentence.
Gk Nkhawa Njee Yonse Boo Siudaphe Munthu Akuthoka Zambiliwa Osadabwa Amadya Matewela Am Wishing U Hapy New Year Not Forget Zambia Leader Jk Malawi
UN should go to hell , senseless ppl only promoting satanic activity around the globe
UN leave africa a lone stupid stupid zimakukhuzani ndi chani ngati ndinu madolo kalimbaneni ndi boko haram
It is just by someone in UN who has condemned yet himself is full of corruption and other crimes but kanene is the free man in zambia.He must condemn himself for not being in prison.
fack the whole world.
fack the whole world.
Kanene,be free,your President has forgiven you,as the first citizen of the republic of Zambia so who else?. If UN blame Mr Lungu,why not first blame the innocent killing of people in America?or blame the Boko harramu in Nageria, or Allishabub.
Here today u a blaming Zambia 4 releasing a Zambian,Yesterday u were there blaming Malawi to release enemies of GOD,
Guys Dont Blame Un For The Discissions Made By Un.When We Say UN,Africa Is Included There.Even Our Country Is Embeded In It.Blame African Leaders Cause They Go There To Clap Hands And Beg Not Going There For Discission Making.Do You Think A Beger Can Argue With Agift Giver?
The West/Global Northern Counties are being mislead by vindictive humans. Period. These humans instead of bringing their pain for healing to God, unfortunately they don’t believe in God but some evolutionary theory. This explains their animal-like perspectives. It is true that they are more sympathetic to western deviant behaviours: porn, dancing naked, bad mouthing those that they want to control while allowing their REAL criminals off the hook! They love manufacturing consent and evidence to go after those they target….thereby undermining their own justice systems. While believing that evil is only on the other side of the world. Rubbish! They have utterly lost credibility and only a slave mind can give in to their demands. The syndromes they have been trying hard to impose in the minds of an African woman, thru radicalism of feminists are a form of imperialism over the inferial “other” who subscribes to their doctrines. Africa, be Africa. No one in the western hemisphere understands the Depth of an Africa. Period. We are not Vindictive Blood sucking leeches. Our success in life does NOT come from trying to hold others down and creating false alarms & teaming with “Jane Does” to bear False Witnesses for political reasons…..The West Cannot Morally Lecture Africa. Because Africa is Morality as the West is to Technology.Period. Whether they want to hear it or not. My God, we have even forgiven them without asking for financial gains, as they would do, over the tens and tens of millions of Africans they have killed. Do they even appreciate this! You got to be a Pig,not to appreciate a Golden Ring!!!
UN!! yes, who elz? mmm
I don’t understand these people, what do they need to african people? Can’t they leave africa alone! Ayi penapake akumaonjeza
un plz lv africa w dont nid yo shit here remember z God wu created earth not UN u r noting n front ov hm mind u z watchin
Let kanene be free
Remote controlled Africa.
Alungu Mwachita Bwino Zedi Kutulutsa Mr Dimba/knn, UN Isatephe Mitu Pa Nkhani Ya Zika zathu MTsogoleri Ali Ndiudindo Ochita Zofuna Zake Posaopa Bungwe,
welcome back kanene but manje kansapato kamwana osavalanso
exactry bg
Kanene sure, ayeee aiyeee kanene kanenee
Koma ndiye fulshditu, and fokofo shitman
Mugabe tell these idiots to stop disturbing Africa,,we r no longer colonised country,,we were but not we are,,stupid UN
Dont listen to their call!!!!
They would wish to pardon gays!!!!
Let africans be indepedent!
Any way its fine on beharf of zambian not condem ba lungu
Yes forgiveness is good and very important…but who is supposed to forgive. The president or the girl who was raped.? somehow I feel bad for the victim.
un… always wants to take afriacans as young. once again as a speech ov chilima we r not young one’s
foolish westerners …why dont it condem the killing of defenceless black kids in the USA by police
Condemn UN so called peace keepers across Africa for all forms of violence and abuses.
azungu chti mudziwe ife siazanu
Of all the rights violeted in malawi the critical one is the gay right tht can even untie diplomancy hahaha iwe muzungu
Kanene sure !! Well kam abroad
First condemn those african presidents who are turning themselves into life presidents in the name of third terms
Clifford Dimba!… Bwana waka cleany muchimbuzi chamene sanangene
Forgiving as God forgives
A UN ndinu achitetedzo komanso mbali ina mumayambisa makangano shupit!!!
awil eva hate these whites de way ahate hell,n awil eva love baba mugabe .dats baba calls dese UNs stupid
awil eva hate these whites de way ahate hell,n awil eva love baba mugabe .
4give others iz de best solu
I like general kanene koma man amenewa penapake brain suyenda bwino
nilibe pulobulemu anakaitulutsa ndani?………chamba et
Most African politician r INTOXICATED wth PRAISES.
president lungu has done nothing bad even the bible says forgive and forget ,wt he has done here is to forgive the man and forget his case plz lets lean to love one another dnt focus much in law lets put God first ok love u all
zanja lalemba there is the meaning why he chosen to be in jail its not a problem
UN always takes africans as amokey .
UN always takes africans as amokey .
Countries are strictry abide to the rules and not simple at forgiving.They will arrest GK but he wil do it again.Advising him is enough.
Inu a UN M’maona ngati Africa ndi akazi oti mutha kumamuuza zochita a president aku Zambia amasula mbadwa yawo inu zikukukhudzani pati?Ngati m’mafuna mudzitilamula bwino tengani maudindo onse apite ku ma AFRICAN kupanda apo simutitha.
Foolish UN, what are they telling pple to do? Ban kimoon has to be reshufled. I hate gay and resbian system.
Mbuzi za anthu zikusiyana chani UN stakeholders Becareful JESUS is coming soon
hahahahaha oooooo folish UN shame UN.
Nsanje UN
the so called UN is failing to drag people from america and Uk so why r u forcing poor africans to do things which we aren’t ready to do? wlcm bck GK
the so called UN is failing to drag people from america and Uk so why r u forcing poor africans to do things which we aren’t ready to do? wlcm bck GK
Ngat palibe yemwe sadachimwepo ayambe kugenda!Let him freeee!
Ngat palibe yemwe sadachimwepo ayambe kugenda!Let him freeee!
UN what are you doing about other abomination acts you are trying to impose on our culture.
UN what are you doing about other abomination acts you are trying to impose on our culture.
Why mentionimg malawi? Do this concern malawi?machende ako adm wamva?
Why mentionimg malawi? Do this concern malawi?machende ako adm wamva?
Anthu akuafrika kulephera kukhululuka ndiye tizasala ysiku lili kudza zomvesa chisoni
Anthu akuafrika kulephera kukhululuka ndiye tizasala ysiku lili kudza zomvesa chisoni
mwayi wa Galu ndi mistake ya muthu bozo kugwa ku manja ndimamufira genaral kanene malawi
mwayi wa Galu ndi mistake ya muthu bozo kugwa ku manja ndimamufira genaral kanene malawi
we africans we don’t intervine eulopean country stories`u want to kill him da way u killed gadaffi shame on u. UN
Komadi ndizodabwitsa, ngakhale ine mbadwa ya mu zambia ndili odabwa mpaka panopa, chifukwa milandu yotero siyololedwa kuthululutsidwa.komadi panenepa padalowa chinyengo, chifukwa choti uyu mtsogoleri wathu kanene ndi mzake wapamtima chifukwa choti panthawi asadalowe utsogoleri amamwa limodzi mowa komanso ndikufuna limodzi akadzi, chimenechi ndichifukwa chake adamutulutsira osati china ayi.moti monga ine munthu wa mu zambia komanso mzika, momwemo ndi mmene zilili.
un??????”go to hell
Send a thief to catch a thief ndi zomwe wachita lungu
Za Chamba eti!! Akudana naye cz ananyenga mkazi Koma akanakhala kuti amapanga mathanyula ndiye akanamuikira ku mbuyo! Misala yeni yeni
Za Chamba eti!! Akudana naye cz ananyenga mkazi Koma akanakhala kuti amapanga mathanyula ndiye akanamuikira ku mbuyo! Misala yeni yeni
Zakuyulopu Zimakukanikani Koma Ku Africa Mpaka Kulamula Banja La Eni Lako Likukukanika?
Mulandu wake akuti anavala nsapato ya mwana. kkkkkk
Bwezaniko Mitengo
Bwezaniko Mitengo
Devil @work….these so cald UN, if the president releases gay they say ur following human rights God is going to punish u
Devil @work….these so cald UN, if the president releases gay they say ur following human rights God is going to punish u
Nilibe pulobulemu
Nilibe pulobulemu
Amene sanachimwepo amugende kanene…ine ndilibe problem
The guy is just good and loosing him to prison was too wasteful. I support president Edgar Lungu’s pardoning decision
kodi uyu ali ni pulobulemu? kkkkkk!!!!!
kodi a UN mmafuna kuti chilichonse cha ku Africa muzilowelera mukulephera kugwira ma Terrorist ntchito kulimbana ndikulamula ma Africans mbuzi za an2 maniac
alibe problem potengera law kumanja kk nanga za
wathu wathu joe gwaladi zilipati
UN go 2 hell, Africa is 4 pipo who live in it whtever we do wit our Africa is non of u business
foolish UN but gay instead fourcasing other thing like war in Nergeria leave kanene their not going to do it again let’s find solution protect life on enocent peaple just killed like chicken countrys like burundi why can’t ugo to arest burund presedent this not case tha organation like UN take part udont have thing to do leave kanene is 3 man now
the guy slept with a minor….what message is the president sending to the general public
Kodi agalu amenewa sakudziwa kuti nthawi yotilamulira inatha? fokofu!!!!
Next he is gona rape bank moun’s dota, and he shall be pardoned again, he is a lucky rapist.
Thanks Mr Lungu for releasing #Gk
No problem GK
No problem GK
ngat Yesu anakhululukila hule, so hw r u ?demt
ngat Yesu anakhululukila hule, so hw r u ?demt
Amaweluza nd mulungu kanene feel u so much
Amaweluza nd mulungu kanene feel u so much
Wht does tht have 2 do wth mw then?,,,,do they post the stories of our cerebrities?
Wht does tht have 2 do wth mw then?,,,,do they post the stories of our cerebrities?
This is outrageous indeed such acts should not be condemned! This is a bad act #conduct from a president.
why UN z only forcusing in europe…..ine ndilibe problem….ndi lungu sure….
why UN z only forcusing in europe…..ine ndilibe problem….ndi lungu sure….
General Kanene still wearing childrens shoes? From wearing small shoes to harasing women, Please Edgar Lungu in 2016 we dont need this guy out prison: Lock him up he is a disgrace to your name, remember elections are just around the corner:
General Kanene still wearing childrens shoes? From wearing small shoes to harasing women, Please Edgar Lungu in 2016 we dont need this guy out prison: Lock him up he is a disgrace to your name, remember elections are just around the corner:
UN must bare in mind that Zambia is a soverign state.
UN must bare in mind that Zambia is a soverign state.
Holy ghost fire,check this out.
Holy ghost fire,check this out.
Why imwe a UN mukonda kuzonda mwana wa mu Africa? Leave us alone.
Why imwe a UN mukonda kuzonda mwana wa mu Africa? Leave us alone.
You the UN is dis a stroy? Shame on u
You the UN is dis a stroy? Shame on u
You the UN is dis a stroy? Shame on u
You the UN is dis a stroy? Shame on u
As an African, I have never trusted the UN not even once in my life. These people are hypocrites. As already said by Julio Dokowe, they are forcing Malawi to release gays and yet blame President Lungu for pardoning Kanene, do you see any sense in this? Leave president Lungu alone he is doing what’s good for Zambians. Thousands of people have committed serious crimes in Europe and yet the UN doesn’t speak.
UN is stupid
Ooooo very true
As an African, I have never trusted the UN not even once in my life. These people are hypocrites. As already said by Julio Dokowe, they are forcing Malawi to release gays and yet blame President Lungu for pardoning Kanene, do you see any sense in this? Leave president Lungu alone he is doing what’s good for Zambians. Thousands of people have committed serious crimes in Europe and yet the UN doesn’t speak.
UN is stupid
Ooooo very true
thts the point comrade
Very sad to call your leader a ‘fool’ if you are/ were bright why couldnt you assume the presidency? Let us watch our mouth when we are expressing our mind.
Very sad to call your leader a ‘fool’ if you are/ were bright why couldnt you assume the presidency? Let us watch our mouth when we are expressing our mind.
Kanene must be released , though the UN are not willing but Edgar Lungu is right . Everywhere in this world of earth if someone is guilt God is upon them. No matter GK was accused of defilling the young girl but to judge is for GOD not you people. Edgar Lungu thank you. Nowadays these young girls they do it to test themselves if they are matured even if you can build a fence around the house you will see your daughter is pregnant how come. One word to GK , once beaten twice shy.
Apanga bwanji defile munthu oti ali ndi mwana mnzake? Is that girl/woman underage?
Thats we call ntchembere ankafuna chabe ndalama za GK zichepeko.
Kanene must be released , though the UN are not willing but Edgar Lungu is right . Everywhere in this world of earth if someone is guilt God is upon them. No matter GK was accused of defilling the young girl but to judge is for GOD not you people. Edgar Lungu thank you. Nowadays these young girls they do it to test themselves if they are matured even if you can build a fence around the house you will see your daughter is pregnant how come. One word to GK , once beaten twice shy.
Apanga bwanji defile munthu oti ali ndi mwana mnzake? Is that girl/woman underage?
Thats we call ntchembere ankafuna chabe ndalama za GK zichepeko.
Check this out!
Check this out!
Well done MR President, everyone z a sinner. Dont listen to an anti- christ body. Accepting same sex marriage z a milestone to it but not pardoning a prisoner. Bravo
Well done MR President, everyone z a sinner. Dont listen to an anti- christ body. Accepting same sex marriage z a milestone to it but not pardoning a prisoner. Bravo
Gk alibe problem ilina problem ni UN.Koma kukwatilana amuna okha okha ndiye kumavomeleza munthu woyipa Welesike iwe
Gk alibe problem ilina problem ni UN.Koma kukwatilana amuna okha okha ndiye kumavomeleza munthu woyipa Welesike iwe
Hahaha manje UN ichita interfere mukaproblem kochepa ngat aka vausiru bas chek dis out!
Hahaha manje UN ichita interfere mukaproblem kochepa ngat aka vausiru bas chek dis out!
this is third wife of general kanene,, she was beatend by kanene just after 2 days from prison
this is third wife of general kanene,, she was beatend by kanene just after 2 days from prison
Africa is for Africans don’t decide for us abandoning is abandoning to whosoever a leader wants.
Africa is for Africans don’t decide for us abandoning is abandoning to whosoever a leader wants.
UN why only Africa not US
UN why only Africa not US
Iye ali problem koma omupanga pardon’yo
Iye ali problem koma omupanga pardon’yo
Welcom back mr
Welcom back mr
UN is full of nosense, forcing people who have accepted their mistakes to be punished while ecouraging dirty sodomy. Sons of snakes, Condeming rape and at the same time forcing people to commite sodomy is foolishness.
UN is full of nosense, forcing people who have accepted their mistakes to be punished while ecouraging dirty sodomy. Sons of snakes, Condeming rape and at the same time forcing people to commite sodomy is foolishness.
Kodi UN ndikanyama kanji? zopusa musiyeni kanene timakondana akudafe!! Iwe tikulodza tsopano ufuna kutipombonyeza banji! Ukupotoza anthu kwabasi!
Kodi UN ndikanyama kanji? zopusa musiyeni kanene timakondana akudafe!! Iwe tikulodza tsopano ufuna kutipombonyeza banji! Ukupotoza anthu kwabasi!
THE Pres. Realy Made A Mistake.There Are People In There Who Needed That Merciful Act But Not Dis Man.His Actions Are Speakng Louder Than His Words.He Deserved 2 B In Jail.
Inenso nilibe naye problem ndi vintu za mushy so
Inenso nilibe naye problem ndi vintu za mushy so
koma ada a #General kanene ndi ahure kuthoka reality aaaaaa
koma ada a #General kanene ndi ahure kuthoka reality aaaaaa
Forgiveness Is What God Wants,well Done Mr President.
foolish UN
Shameful indeed if this nonsense is true coz why Lungu can’t forgive him.Mind you, nobody is perfect except God, therefore Mr Lungu in this case is right by showing his deferential attitude to him (General Kanene) as far as he/ she is anative or naturalized member of astate (citizen), regardless of rich or poor, still favor should vary to all citizens. Finally I should say, Zambia is not UN, leave Zambia alone
Ndipephe nawo nyimbo ndiyikileni nilibe problem going out to kanene and zambian fans mr lungu you did what was best no one should tell wht to do
Guyz am a ZIMBABWEAN ,is ZAMBIA a province in AMERICA or Wat
Welcome my musician merry xmas
Amene sanachimwepo ayambe kumugenda munthuyu !!!!
Guys,wat did he do?
just imagin it z ur child who raped,osamangobakila zililose
#Lucky,ameneyo sanali mwana,Mwana sangayelekeze kuyamba munthu wamkulu and ngati panali wena ankafunila zoyipa napanga ma plan awa mwauponda, General Kunene is Back, and one more thing~kale mkazi amkati ndiwamkul from 18 years koa masiku ano wa 16 YEARS akupezeka kuti watha amuna angapo,so mkazi ameneyo anali wamkulu it was a set up.
united nation for gaysm foolish un
stupid uN but you wanted him to forgive gays
Mmh waphunzira sazatengeranso malamulo kumaja
Mmh waphunzira sazatengeranso malamulo kumaja
In Malawi we arrest pple who bought 20kg of Maize for family use we release gaysim pple from jail
In Malawi we arrest pple who bought 20kg of Maize for family use we release gaysim pple from jail
Kwabasi man amene akuba ma million akungoziyendera
General Kanene is not guilty
General Kanene is not guilty
ngati kuli bugwe la kuba lokonda khondo ndi un kumene ngoledi ndi mafuta amayambisa khondo koko.
ngati kuli bugwe la kuba lokonda khondo ndi un kumene ngoledi ndi mafuta amayambisa khondo koko.
So UN instead of worrying about Burundi, you are concerned about kanene pardon, really?
So UN instead of worrying about Burundi, you are concerned about kanene pardon, really?
foolish UN… forcing Malawi to release gays and on the other hand forcing Zambia to punish Kanene… kkkkk it is really funny
eti zinazi akuwonjeza angofuna zawo nde ziziveka basi, vitsirudi
foolish UN… forcing Malawi to release gays and on the other hand forcing Zambia to punish Kanene… kkkkk it is really funny
eti zinazi akuwonjeza angofuna zawo nde ziziveka basi, vitsirudi
Very funny indeed and I think the whole UN body has stopped thinking. Hypocrites, God will punish you.
Very funny indeed and I think the whole UN body has stopped thinking. Hypocrites, God will punish you.
UN is full of double standards. That is why spoke against this at UNGA this year.
UN is full of double standards. That is why spoke against this at UNGA this year.
Ndimasatana guyz amenewa akufuna akhale ngat ndimulungu iwowa kma ndi mbuzi zen-zen so.BEWARE!
APM has pardoned gays in Malawi. There was no noise from UN. UN IS A BUNCH OF GAY PPLE!!
APM has pardoned gays in Malawi. There was no noise from UN. UN IS A BUNCH OF GAY PPLE!!
I see no saint inthis world.we r all sinners including general kanene
Now,failing to forgive each other in the name of respecting rules and laws of the land its surely useless.Welcome Kanene.timakufila ife.zamunyasa akakolope nyanja.
I see no saint inthis world.we r all sinners including general kanene
Now,failing to forgive each other in the name of respecting rules and laws of the land its surely useless.Welcome Kanene.timakufila ife.zamunyasa akakolope nyanja.
The same UN and US amaphyanya constitution yathu potikakamiza kuti timasule ma gays. Double standards.
The same UN and US amaphyanya constitution yathu potikakamiza kuti timasule ma gays. Double standards.
.why my country Zambia
.why my country Zambia
Koma akanakhululukira a gay ndiye UN happy.
Koma akanakhululukira a gay ndiye UN happy.
We all know the un.
We all know the un.
All Of Us What We Need Is Pardon From God So How Can We Not Pardon Our Friends If We Have That Aultholity See ?Thats Good Even The United Nation Is Quilty Only The Law Havent Take Charge On Him See
All Of Us What We Need Is Pardon From God So How Can We Not Pardon Our Friends If We Have That Aultholity See ?Thats Good Even The United Nation Is Quilty Only The Law Havent Take Charge On Him See
We have a useless president in zambia who has no respect for the rule of law.Kanene was convicted and sentenced to 18yrs imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a 14yr old girl.In zambian laws,having sex or carnal knowledge with a girl below the age of 16yrs is a serious offence which attracts a jail term of 40yrs imprisonment with hard labour .Unfourtunately he only served three months in prison and he was pardoned by our foolish president despite enormous public outcry that he should not be pardoned.General kanene is one of zambia’s most popular musician and we all know that the move to pardon him was politically motivated, the president uses him in his campaigns for next years elections.That being said,the concern by UN human rights should be embraced and supported by all well meaning africans in order to enhance and protect our rights. we should not allow those in authority to infringe our rights with impunity.The family of the defiled young girl cried when they learnt that kanene had been freed
cHOKA IWE. he did not commit any crime.
But why was he imprisoned.
We have a useless president in zambia who has no respect for the rule of law.Kanene was convicted and sentenced to 18yrs imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a 14yr old girl.In zambian laws,having sex or carnal knowledge with a girl below the age of 16yrs is a serious offence which attracts a jail term of 40yrs imprisonment with hard labour .Unfourtunately he only served three months in prison and he was pardoned by our foolish president despite enormous public outcry that he should not be pardoned.General kanene is one of zambia’s most popular musician and we all know that the move to pardon him was politically motivated, the president uses him in his campaigns for next years elections.That being said,the concern by UN human rights should be embraced and supported by all well meaning africans in order to enhance and protect our rights. we should not allow those in authority to infringe our rights with impunity.The family of the defiled young girl cried when they learnt that kanene had been freed
cHOKA IWE. he did not commit any crime.
But why was he imprisoned.
Muleikalafye Ba Chansa, don’t parade your ignorance.
Muleikalafye Ba Chansa, don’t parade your ignorance.
Ba chanda your reply lacks merit and intellectual,s touch it,s a laymans comment u,re the first dull chanda i,ve come across u seriously and urgently need tertiary education.Mulichikopo ba chanda
Ba chanda your reply lacks merit and intellectual,s touch it,s a laymans comment u,re the first dull chanda i,ve come across u seriously and urgently need tertiary education.Mulichikopo ba chanda
God will judge not Lungu. The same UN is forcing Malawia to be a homosexual country ndiye chimenecho mumati chilungamo? Let Kanene free after all he is not the first 1 to defile a young girl, there so many unreported cases of defilement
God will judge not Lungu. The same UN is forcing Malawia to be a homosexual country ndiye chimenecho mumati chilungamo? Let Kanene free after all he is not the first 1 to defile a young girl, there so many unreported cases of defilement
That,s correct we cannot allow UN to force us to legalise homosexuality it,s a very bad thing and any right thinking member of society cannot support it but on kanene he doesn,t deserve to be pardoned he deserves stiff punishment just like any other defilers remember they are no sacred cows when it,s comes to enforcing the rule of law.Kanene has not even changed as we are talking right now he,s been taken to the courts of law for assaulting a 27yr old woman of lusaka even the president was disappointed coz barely three months after pardoning kanene he commited another case.
That,s correct we cannot allow UN to force us to legalise homosexuality it,s a very bad thing and any right thinking member of society cannot support it but on kanene he doesn,t deserve to be pardoned he deserves stiff punishment just like any other defilers remember they are no sacred cows when it,s comes to enforcing the rule of law.Kanene has not even changed as we are talking right now he,s been taken to the courts of law for assaulting a 27yr old woman of lusaka even the president was disappointed coz barely three months after pardoning kanene he commited another case.
apite kundende baba ndikape
Just condemning always.No action
Just condemning always.No action
Chi two sim card welcome
Chi two sim card welcome
What a leader, what a hero.
What a leader, what a hero.
Tamusiyeni Mulungu ndi amene azaweluze oloso akulu akulu adzikowa alinso ndizolakwa zambili koma sakakamilidwa choncho Kanene mumasuleni olanga yekha Namalenga osati inu ayi
Tamusiyeni Mulungu ndi amene azaweluze oloso akulu akulu adzikowa alinso ndizolakwa zambili koma sakakamilidwa choncho Kanene mumasuleni olanga yekha Namalenga osati inu ayi
These UN guys r fucken crazy.
These UN guys r fucken crazy.
UN has failed to solve war in Ruwanda where hutus and tutis were killed, in syria pple killed like dogs without any action taken by UN. What special with GK issue.
So sad they are quick for small issues leaving out the major problems which matters most
UN has failed to solve war in Ruwanda where hutus and tutis were killed, in syria pple killed like dogs without any action taken by UN. What special with GK issue.
So sad they are quick for small issues leaving out the major problems which matters most
kkkkkkk fuck UN
kkkkkkk fuck UN
Ine kukhosi ndimbee kanene wlcm back ndisave wina akuthoka simba
Ine kukhosi ndimbee kanene wlcm back ndisave wina akuthoka simba
Welcome G K
Mr.Lungu been a good president applauded by the nation of Zambia…….Study in Belarus
UN, pardoning kanene is humanity unlike legalising same sex marriages. Shit
Is UN ruling Zambia? It is the better of Zambian people to decide.
Live Africa For Africans Coz Un Seem To Be Much Concentrated With What Africans Doing Than What Z Happening In The World .Americans Killed Alot Of People In IRAQ You Did Nothing
Most welcom everyone is a asinner even UN
To hell with the UN they must deal with Isis Al-qaeda and Boko Haram first before critisizing Zambia.
Ine Nilibe Pulobulemu,nilibe Pulobulemu Pavintu Ivo Vichitika,
welcome bak madla kanene
welcome bak madla kanene
Why do these whites still want to make decisions for us? UN to hell we will form our own United States of Africa
UN imasangalala anthu akamazunzika kundende kodi?
ngati amkamugwiririra? aaa fotseki
he deserve
This is nonses,mr Lungu did wat is best for zambians.un shud concern over European refugees.
Ine nilibe problem ndi vithu vichitika,bola asadzayambiletso mchitidwe oipawo.
What has General Kanene done again????
UN wants to rule from behind??? Africa is for Africans.
That’s not their business,it’s for the Zambians
But uploads the pardoning or gay suspects in Malawi……..
I haven’t Seen En Ploblem Wid Him 2 Be Pardoning,gk Keep It Up Your Intertaining Music.
osatengela lamulo kumanja manje….
edgar knows that kanene is fit to her,coz hs foot entrd hr vry wel sh z nt syz 1.
Then things went wrong right away from the day of judgement..it was upon judgement time they were supposed to make some reverses but was already found guilty and brought to records now story changes…????
Then things went wrong right away from the day of judgement..it was upon judgement time they were supposed to make some reverses but was already found guilty and brought to records now story changes…????
They must leave us alone
Leave General Kanene alone.Remember there is abig gap between blacks and whites.we blacks forgive each ada most unlike whites
It’s not about black or white understand the topic.
Yu must be joking he broke the laws and was reliable to that…mind yu it’s UN condenmnation somex these pple don’t joke…we’re all to see what follows next.
Empty tins alwayz at your best mxie zufanana apa
Uyu amaziyambadala muthu otchuka kma nkumakharaso ngat mutu sumagwira, agwire ndende basi ena atengepo phuziro sikti kukhara seleb ndiye kti bas u own any bdy
Is Kanene a Malawian?
what’s UN’s business in Zambian affairs.
Don’t expect UN is as far as in USA,doesn’t Zambia have UN offices in within these pple monitor you,don’t yu know?
Henry what you are talking is total rubbish…fuck u and the U.N. mxm!
Henry what you are talking is total rubbish…fuck u and the U.N. mxm!
UN fucken Organisation. It is organising rubbish things in our continent, Africa.
UN fucken Organisation. It is organising rubbish things in our continent, Africa.
Size 10 ingavale bwanji size 1?
Amasangalasa dziko achita bho kumtulutsa
Fuck UN!
UN is one of the dead organizations in the world,whereby I don’t even see the main purpose of this Organization,HELL!
But he was a homosexual or a lesbian even your Secretary General would have come all the way to Zambia to ask for his pardon. You hypocrites, blood of vipers you select what to pressurize. Going to prison means reform not only punishment.