Consumer activists stick on Blantyre Water Board’s neck

water crisis

As the water situation in Blantyre has now stabilized, the Consumers Association of Malawi (CAMA) has asked Blantyre Water Board (BWB) to make sure that its water supply is sustainable.

CAMA executive director John Kapito said people have now started to appreciate the normal flow of water.

water crisis
Water remains scarce. .

“People have now started to appreciate BWB for it is now providing water to its consumers as compared to the past months,” said Kapito.

He further said that BWB must release a consumer service charter to ensure its commitment to continued water supply in Blantyre.

“BWB must not take its customers for granted, it must remember that consumers are not employed to have water but it’s their right to do so,” he said.

Kapito also advised consumers not to vandalize BWB equipment and to hold the board accountable.

Last week BWB instituted a project at Walkers Ferry which the board believes is a solution to the problems of water in Blantyre and surrounding areas.

According to Kapito, the project should translate into unlimited water supply throughout the year in Blantyre.