Malawi Police officers in Lilongwe who last week arrested two gays may have placed themselves in trouble of losing their jobs if government gives in to pressure to do so by the donor community.
Reports that Malawi24 has been following show that some key donors to Malawi asked the Peter Mutharika led government not just to drop the charges of the two but also net the law enforcers who arrested the two.

It is said that the donors believe that the police officers impinged on the rights of the two.
The two Cuthbert Kulemela, and Kelvin Gonani hve since been set free but might as well smile home to hear the law enforcers who nailed them down are in for fresh problems too.
This comes hot in the heels of condemnation o the donor community by locals who have branded the donors ‘stupid’.
As it stands, Malawi24 has been highly tipped that the law enforcers who arrested the two just have their jobs hanging by thread waiting to be told the bad news.
A close source within top police management told our reporter in Lilongwe that a ‘big punishment’ for the police officers who might have done a commendable job on the eyes of Malawians is in the offing.
Just recently, US Ambassador o Malawi,Virginia Palmer condemned the arrest of the two before she met continued blasts on the social network after he office made the post on Facebook in the week just ending.
Malawi government has since said it will review laws that criminalize same sex marriages.
Section 135 sub section C of Malawi’s penal code states that “any person, who permits a male person to have carnal knowledge of him or her against the order of nature, shall be guilty of a felony and shall be liable to imprisonment for fourteen years, with or without corporal punishment”.
muzafa infa yowawa!!!!! God is watching
nde angakhale wachitetezo chonchi
zopoira bas ….
Zopoira bas …
kududuluka makhobha
Zautsiru eti ! Aluza ntchito wachani apa ngati analakwa ndi iwowo! Zaumve basi!
now days we under the U.S.A law nt malawian law
Malawi For Sale!
How can they being at risk of losing their jobs yet they av just done excellent….uchitsiru umeneo.
How can they being at risk of losing their jobs yet they av just done excellent….uchitsiru umeneo.
Sawachotsa ngati akufuna kut ziyambike zipolowe awachotse
Thus unfair
The release ov the two is enough and the officers should remain untouched
let us just accept it. if people are doing that ndiyekuti tikupheradi ufulu ena.
Ndwe kape
zimenezo nde zopusano ……
Koma boma lathu lizichita kuuzidwa china chilichonse, kodi mayesa apolisiwa amatsata malamulo nde muwachotse tchito kamba koti azungu akuuzani
Police officers must match against their dismissal
Police officers must match against their dismissal
God creat man and awoman so that will become one fresh bwanji azunguwo awutiwumiliza ifewa ali ndi azikazi akufuna if tikhale pa udani ndi mulungu kumbukilani zomwe zinachitikila sodom ndi gomola
Hi hi hi hi hi,they want us to be stupid,thats how they want us to be,zautsiru basi
Peter hmself z gay so no wonder his frndz r out. bt try to suck them n c wat will happen
Kupemphapempa kwanoko kukuonongesa malawi.i hope its v bigining of coronisation to malawi if ll don’t care.Boma panopa likungovomera chilichose y?nanga zikuchokera pati?
That is stupid thing
Bt yaasaa zafkapo eishhhh.aromwe ndi agaru
that’s 666 zikufunika kupemphela kwambiri coz uja wasintha malamulo ayehova uja walusa
kkkkkkk zopusa basi noncence makape nonse inuyo kuyambisa zamanyinu timabwala tanu pamozi ndi sogoleli wanuo konko kuno ayi fuck u all of you.noncence
malawi is donor fearing nation not GOD fear nation.the
Achotseni muone coz naweso gulukunyinda pitala ufa ifa yowawa u better just step down ana anjoka inu ufiti wazi gogo anu
even a CCAP ku headquarter adawalembela kalata mabwana awo aku Scotland kuti kuyambila chaka chamawa ayambe kudalitsa maukwati amuna kapena akazi okhaokha ngati salola asithe dzina la mpingo malawi muno asamagwilitseso dzina loti CCAP
sizingatheke kuti CCAP iyambe kudalitsa the same sex marrige and it will never happen my brother othr churches can do
sizingatheke kuti CCAP iyambe kudalitsa the same sex marrige and it will never happen my brother othr churches can do
sizingatheke kuti CCAP iyambe kudalitsa the same sex marrige and it will never happen my brother othr churches can do
iwe manyi ako wamva wat a disgrace this is civil war straight kodi pa mpanjepa mwayamba xausilu eeeeti
Pa mau oti CCAP pali cha kwa azungu??Pali azungu omwe amathandiza ccap????mind u ccap ndi mpingo paokha sudalira thandizo la kwa azungu akagwere ndi usatanic wawooo
Say no to dat, y ma butful Malaw being shaken so?
no more old malawi me cry to crying my old malawi!!!!
God forgive the so called Donors, God Forgive, Heal & Bless Malawi so that tsiku lina tidzakhale odzidalira tokha pa chuma kuti Oipayo ndi aliyense akutengapo mbali pa zoipazi.. adzachite manyazi!
gay what? gme me a gun, all gays are shot. gay is shame.
kkkk jonathan chiluwe you rily nigg@!hop de guy posted dis shit is agay too…,ma gay mufa imfa yowawa nonse
Try to write real stories with backing evidence dont cheat pipo here those police men were protecting the laws of Malawi then what law have they broke shame on u
manganya 2019 for president
What the fuck is Obama and other donors doing to our poor malawi ! May ur sauls and some greedy malawi leaders perish in hell. FUCK U !!
akangowachotsa ntchito wochotsayo afa imfa yowawa
Kuopseza? Kkkkkkk
Asiyeni patnchito
I don’t see any compelling reason for sacking them, they were just doing their job.
The police arrested two gays because,malawi did not sighn for gay rights in the constitution book for that reason, no police officer can loose job.However,police officers are doing thier job according to malawian laws not American laws.(please,brothers and sisters,my fellow malawians, we need to take this issue seriously.Let us hold in hands to pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST so that we can defeat and overcome this evil sprit that is devolting and targeting in our God fearing nation).
if thy los their job we are ready 2 much 4 thm ths police men hav done greet job
Fuck it!
sizingatheke kuwachotsa olo njoka itamera miyendo!
Mr Obama,can u plz here the voice of Malawians,anyway God will make a rule
aaa sure
Lets kill all the gays, fuck all gays in de wlorld
Mukachotsa ntchito apolicewo mugumulenso ma offeci awo osaiwalanso kugwetsa ndende zonse sisimukuna kuti azigwila ntchito .coz mukufuna kupanga chithuchoipa kuti chikhale chabwino
Chonchi ndiye mvula yamphamvu ija isiye kubwela??? Kkkkkk Ohh Loard forgive us
Revolution No to Gay.
Never ever!
Constructively same sex relationships are not an offence in Malawi.
this stupity we are not gay in malawi
Akuphwanya Malamulo A Mulungu Ochita Homosexual, Popeza Boma Lalephera, Atipatsa Ife Ntchito Tsopano Tikupha Mwachinsisi Tokha, Miyala, Mipeni,zikwanje, Takonza Kale; Bwanji Mukunyazitsa Dziko Lathu Lokondedwa La Malawi Pamaso Pa Mulungu? Musapezeke Tikupha Tokha
Fuck you malawi 24 for your stupid story you better go back to school and train again as journ
If its true she or he who will authorize their removal will also face the wrath of God
pali zochotserana ntchito apa…..awachotse….mwinanso angawapatse mwawi …..
The police officers were discharging governmemt duties. Why losing jobs?
Why would they lose their jobs? It is the leadership which is at fault. We should not be dictated by America as if we are a colony of Malawi that country. The President is hiding something from us.
am gonna pretend like I ddnt hear wat av jst clearly heard…..that bullshit…if something is breaking the laws of the land it is the dutty of law enforcers to take action so is there a problem that officers arrested pple who broke the law and u want to fire them dare to I tell u we will meet in the street!!!
Fosekeni wa Malawi 24 mapoisa wandanange kanthu apa. Dnt be used by the white people because of their donations.Dnt allow ur master bedroom to be a playground of white people.Our laws are still intact,mens mustn’t marry themselves,unless if tangible thing can come out in their marriage, i mean producing babies they can do.Failing which arrest them.
Malawi is not as it was before our laws are no long work but America’s law is. Our leaders have no power but American leaders has to rule our country Malawi.
The police are law enforcers. They do not work for donors. They work for Malawi govt and get paid on our tax payers money. There is no foreigner who pays Malawi Police. We have the constituition which was passed in 1994 by Malawi parliament. There was a constitutional conference in Malawi from 19-23 February 1994 where delegates drawn from church leaders, chiefs, party leaders, civil societies, international organisations and representatives from commonwealth and foreign governments. This conference’s resolutions paved way for our new constituition passed and signed into law in first parliament meeting of June 1994. What we have today in our constituition are laws and amendments enacted into laws by parliament and accented by sitting presidents. One example is death penalty. It is intact, though nobody has ever been executed since 1994. So too are LBGTs laws. People only knew about them when same America and allies sponsored and staged a fictitious wedding in Blantyre of one Tiwonge and his male friend in April 2010, whose court proceedings were covere LIVE by CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS from Blantyre magistrate court somewhere around May, June in 2010. I was terribly shocked to witness such ‘George Bush’ type of coverage. I wondered what it was. I concluded it was a sponsored move to try to test Malawi stand on gay rights and punish us on apparent violation.
Here it is now! Our laws are intact until people so decide to change or not. Police are therefore not wrong! American intolerant behaviour must not be practiced on our police. Let them deal with ISIS if they powerful.
Zabodza izi
Oh no ! This is donors influence
Oh no ! This is donors influence
Malawi24 Zosatheka Mukunama Hevy
Malawi24 Zosatheka Mukunama Hevy
Lord have mercy on us pliz!
Lord have mercy on us pliz!
iwe bwampini ukachotsa anthu ntchito. chifukwa cha zitsiluzo uona chomwe chichitike ohoo. atumbuka amati uperenge nge umo ukalekela bere la mama wako kkkkkkk
iwe bwampini ukachotsa anthu ntchito. chifukwa cha zitsiluzo uona chomwe chichitike ohoo. atumbuka amati uperenge nge umo ukalekela bere la mama wako kkkkkkk
Commenting on such post is jst a matter of wasting tym 4 nothing coz the head of this family i mean mr malawi ‘s family is a gay 2.
Commenting on such post is jst a matter of wasting tym 4 nothing coz the head of this family i mean mr malawi ‘s family is a gay 2.
prophecy is loading ………..
prophecy is loading ………..
If they loose job its 6666 4sure!
If they loose job its 6666 4sure!
Signs of the tym
Signs of the tym
matthew chapter 24
The policemen are there to enforce the law so if someone breaks the law,then its their duty to arrest him /her n our country does not allow gayism why should they b fired?
The policemen are there to enforce the law so if someone breaks the law,then its their duty to arrest him /her n our country does not allow gayism why should they b fired?
When I read & hear things of this nature in Malawi Iwish am a zimbabwean where its head of state has never been in state of indecisiveness driven by the foreign aid, I silute president Mugabe for openly castigate these foolish western ideologies…
When I read & hear things of this nature in Malawi Iwish am a zimbabwean where its head of state has never been in state of indecisiveness driven by the foreign aid, I silute president Mugabe for openly castigate these foolish western ideologies…
Za pa chiphwisi zmenezo, how could thoz officers loz their job yet they were operating their duty according 2 roles and regulations? 24 inu, pa amanu mwanva?
Za pa chiphwisi zmenezo, how could thoz officers loz their job yet they were operating their duty according 2 roles and regulations? 24 inu, pa amanu mwanva?
Kodi dzikoli akulamula ndi azunguwo kapena Mmalawi
Zikundibowa ngati wachinyamata wa dziko lino kumalolera zopusanzo nkhani yake yofuna ndalama? Kodi kuno zakudya timagulira ndalama zakunja kapena zakonkuno & zakudya tili nazo dziko lathu lomwe lino Apolice-wo sadalakwise kumanga those stupid guys chifukwa akuziwa kuti ndizosaloledwa kwa Mwini wake Mulungu & ndi tchimo lalikulu munaonapo agalu akupanga homo-sexual? Mmene tikumuziwira galu anapangapo? Ganizani bwino ngati anthu oti munaphunzira mukutchedwa ma professor & bible mukuliziwa. Ndangodusa sinatchole nawo nkhwani eti.
that unfair wht is realy hpeng this country.
that unfair wht is realy hpeng this country.
Mugabe for life
Mugabe for life
There is noting wrong for de officers thy were doing their job as de constitution remain.gvnt cant do dat just cuz of donors.stupt malawi 24 media.
There is noting wrong for de officers thy were doing their job as de constitution remain.gvnt cant do dat just cuz of donors.stupt malawi 24 media.
That’s bull shit y that!!
That’s bull shit y that!!
My malawi my views!!
My malawi my views!!
who is good?
who is good?
Loosing their job for. what. Be serious…the arrest did not come. from their head. the y were following what is in law of the land so… Don’t fire th. em, they have the right to work and make living
Loosing their job for. what. Be serious…the arrest did not come. from their head. the y were following what is in law of the land so… Don’t fire th. em, they have the right to work and make living
Fuck the Goverment
Fuck the Goverment
That’s not good do nothing to them because that’s the laws of Malawi
That’s not good do nothing to them because that’s the laws of Malawi
Never but they will be promoted with immediate effect.
Never but they will be promoted with immediate effect.
Police Officers Don’t Be Shaken! God Is Wth U! Dziko Lamalaw Likudana Ndi Kuwala Lakonda Mdima Ndi Pempho Langa Kut Ndibwino Kuluza Ntchito Coz Of Fighting For The Truth That God Needs Than 2 Intertain Devil’ America Is Ful Of Evil Deeds Than Malaw’ Officers God Be Wth U! Be Like The Martyrs Of Uganda! Wel Done Officers God Wil Promote U Ibelieve!
Police Officers Don’t Be Shaken! God Is Wth U! Dziko Lamalaw Likudana Ndi Kuwala Lakonda Mdima Ndi Pempho Langa Kut Ndibwino Kuluza Ntchito Coz Of Fighting For The Truth That God Needs Than 2 Intertain Devil’ America Is Ful Of Evil Deeds Than Malaw’ Officers God Be Wth U! Be Like The Martyrs Of Uganda! Wel Done Officers God Wil Promote U Ibelieve!
This is nosense Amalawi anzanga ,we have started violeting our own laws just becaus we want to please donors shame!!!!!!!!
This is nosense Amalawi anzanga ,we have started violeting our own laws just becaus we want to please donors shame!!!!!!!!
This is nosense Amalawi anzanga ,we have started violeting our own laws just becaus we want to please donors shame?!!?!!
This is nosense Amalawi anzanga ,we have started violeting our own laws just becaus we want to please donors shame?!!?!!
Kodi apolice amanga wanthuwa potsatila malamulo kapena mophwanya malamulo.
Kodi apolice amanga wanthuwa potsatila malamulo kapena mophwanya malamulo.
Koma photo iyi ndiye mumaimatika munkhani zambiri
Koma photo iyi ndiye mumaimatika munkhani zambiri
Why they can lose their jobs zama gay ndy zachamba osangovomereza kulima malijuwana bwaj that is no sense
Why they can lose their jobs zama gay ndy zachamba osangovomereza kulima malijuwana bwaj that is no sense
I have been following this,as malawian citizen,if the officers sucked from their job vilginia palmer should be stoned,if our leaders agrees with the move they should freelly leave our mother Malawi to America otherwise this may lead the majority to stage war against government and the gays who are minority in the country,olakwa ndi omwe anawaona ndikuwasiyao anayenera kugendedwa on the spot,vilginia are you married to a woman?if not you are stupid and that we dont benefit with your aid so please stay away from Malawi
this foolishness wat the government is doing wat r the donors doing to this country, those police officers were doing their job , those gays violent the laws of the country
kma uyu mukut peteryu mmmm!! sure is driving us astry
Malawi never fear God but America
if the government accept this foolish homosexuality, then we should hold demostrations in all cities and towns of malawi…. lets just stand against homosexuality
Nobody can be punished for doing right. So r these law enforcers if anything they must be rewarded.
Mathanyura woyeeeee
zopusa who can vomeleza that amangingwe basi
Kaya kaya
Why to loose job for such frabagasted conconingle emberasement tetiatity boys ?
Gays,go to hell with wat u call US Envoy.we are malawians and we wil still be.GOD fearing nation.tel that Us ambassodar to pack and Leave.gays belong to hell.dogs………
its stupid
Jesus is coming
R we have our own laws in malawi or we r following donors laws? #wondering
Akawachotsa ka demo kayende basi. We dont want ma NGOs kutsogolera koma.
The problem is not the police its the laws. Therefore the police men cannot loose their jobs for enforcing the laws for which they were employed. Their job description says they should be enforcing the laws of Malawi. As such they have done nothing wrong. The president is the one who needs to lose his job for not ordering the review of this law so that it can be amended to suit his pay masters not Malawian voters who put him in office. This is a sad moment for Malawi and its justice system. As long as we remain poor we will never have true democracy, independence and own justice system as everything will be dictated by USA, UK and Germany to whom we are selling our democracy, freedom, independence and justice system for donations and financial aid.
Amene angoyelekeza kuvomereza zopusazi Mulungu akulangirani pansi pompano sure
Apolice Sadalakwe Angot Amawasunga Kt Anthu Angawavulaze
kupepela kwa bomaa lathu ndiye kumeneku, uganda anakana poyera pamaso usa koma atsogoleli athu mantha komaso dyera,ka palmer kasatiophyeze nkachaniso, let us follow our culture si usa kuno yay, koma aaaaa poti mutu ndiumene ukulephela kulimba ndiye enafe nkutan tingayambekulephela ku wamakopon,kalanga ine!!! malawi timpange format,akachosedwa tchito apolisi palmer asowe.
nxaaaaaaa stupid government which is deceived by donor for the sake of money .Malawians people dont sell your soul to the devil pliz
akulfuna tilore haram2! Omar Hassan
Kkkkk mavuto
With regard to the constitution of the Republic of Malawi………… Gays, homosexuals, lesbians, whatever they called are criminals, illegals, transgression, abomination, insane, retards….. :p :p :p :p :p Malawi is Anti-Homo.. If there is any citizen of Malawi who is a homophobic retard, I advise you to move on and find a nation or country where your foolishness is legal. There are so many countries out there, leave my mother Malawi alone. Fotseki ;> ;> ;> ;>
kkkkkkk OK?
What? Donors again? That’s bull shit. Malawi is suffering and they have withheld their funds so they want what? Idiots! The policemen are not in trouble else the donors it’s non of their business. Let police arrest and courts punish them.
mtonkhani wake ndiye bakha weniwenitu ntchito itha alakwa chani ?amalumbiratu kutetezama malamulo check cp and ec,constitution of malawi and laws of malawi wamva jimu mtolankhani wa paindo iwe wadya zingati zamatanyula ?the officers deserve promotions for the job well done
The Laws of Malawi areested gays not the police personnel. Respect our Laws not stupid foreigners.
Malawi24 is full of idiots and mediocrity. How can you say the police officers will lose their jobs? Don’t you know that the laws of Malawi are still intact? Which law did those police officers violet? Do you think they are stupid like you? Watch your tongue baby
its not the malawi 24 that said that bro bt they are jst speculating the issue plz dnt blame them
jona, th news says donors pressure not laws
We Don’t Follow Donor Pressure In Malawi.We Follow Our Laws.Donors Pulled Out Why Should We Bow Down To Them.What R We Benefiting 4m Them.Palmer & Friends Must Stop Dictating Our Readership Or Else Leave Malawi To Their Countries.
We Don’t Follow Donor Pressure In Malawi.We Follow Our Laws.Donors Pulled Out Why Should We Bow Down To Them.What R We Benefiting 4m Them.Palmer & Friends Must Stop Dictating Our Readership Or Else Leave Malawi To Their Countries.
Malawi laws are useless in the eyes of donors. We follow their dictates!!!
Chilundu, we are just nothing and I say NOTHING to these so called donors. It will only very strong minds to oppose their wishes.
Kanyama,if We Underate Ourselves Then We R Nothing.I Believe Its High Time Malawians Must Change Our Minds Of Dependence Of Donors To Real Indepence & This Should Start On A Household Level.
some one introduced zero deficit budget some tym back wat were u sayn nw u tnk ts propa tym to depend on ourselves malawians will nva change
what a lie?
just try and sack them! we will meet @ capital hill. kusalozedwa eti! mumuuzenso mbuyanuyo kt ngati afuna apite ngati achimwene ake anene. as for you madam palmer you suck!
izi zikufuna ife amalawi awambafe, malamulo akhale mmanja mwathu, iphani agalu amenewa!
I coulf prefer if we had more than 10000 Osama Bin Ladens to blast the Whole USA coz is the only source of dervils in de name of human rights
ndamukumbukra GOGO wanga the late HASTINGS KAMUZU BANDA
De World Is Going To An End.Shame !!!
I believe in the truth. It is totally unacceptable. We will always enforce the laws of malawi withouy fear or favour. Kulibe kuvomereza same sex marriages ku malawi kuno period!
lets take it further and spike them
zopusa zimenezo
Zinali zotumidwa zimenezi, mukumbukile nthawi ya Bingu khani ngati zomwezi. Wina wake ndi mtumiki wa satana ndi amene akumayambitsa zimenezi. Komanso bwanji Boma ndi Zipani zotsutsa osakhala limodzi ndikulimba mtima ndikunena , Gay ife takana
Mtolankhani Opusa, You are the one telling donors what to do. what wrong hv they committed? they are following the laws of our land.
Mukunama ndinu mafana muyesele zanuzo muone, naweso iwe ungonvela zilizose wayiwala kuti tinakusankha ndife uzaona
Ayerekeze kuwachotsa, awalemeletsa poyerayera for unlawful dismissal
Malawian uchitsiru at their best jump the answer ofcause how high, bwana presdent manfesto anu munat ucan run this country without any help bt ustill syng malawi is crises, mumati ndinu bilioneir yet ucant manage kugula your own jet mxie mukfnaso ndrama zaphawixo ,ndatopa nanu
eeeh malawi wavuta
This is bullshit, where is my Malawi heading to, these gays they belong to hell not in our beautiful country so called Malawi. Send them to mzaleka prison. Wait am coming there I will declare war against gays watchthespsce.
You must be dreaming or high on Nkhotakota gum
That’s unfair,no no no that can’t happen.
Aaaaaaa ndiye zopusa zimenezo muwuzane mwamva
#malawi24 mumangopeka kapena mumafufuza?
Laws are not made by kasambara. Parliament. Bills are never accented by kasambara , president. Review has never been tabled in Parliament. So #Willy #Matwanje, sorry
Mukutanthauza chiyan? penapake atola nkhani muzikhala crious ndi ntchito stop presurpossing plz
Well done police officers. Continue arresting these gays. They are not humans . They are sick pple.
Lets try mob justice for the gays n lesbians since the gvt has failed
If the Laws of Malawi still stand against same sex marriages, then no body will lose his job because they enforced the laws of this beautiful but poor country.
Mukawauze onse amene adayambisa bungwe la human rights kuti mbolo za amao. Amene angachotsetse ntchito yemwe adagwira mfiti za ma gay’zo zakuti za amao.
Malawi police is there to ensure that law breakers are taken to court.The laws are made by parliament.Parliament must change this ant gay law.As long as the ant gay law exist it will be lawlessness for the police to see this happening.
Kukhala ku Malawi Ndkulimba ntima
Umphawi kuonesa usiru.
Human Rights Issue!!
Ndiye kupusako awachotselanji ntchito stupid donors
Boma lausilu lotsogozedwa ndi chitsilu lomangotsatila zauchitsilu kuti zitsilu zizipanga zauchitsilu cnalione
Muwachotseranji ntchito alakwitsa lamulo liti apolicewa
Our police officers are not conversant with the laws. Pali ine pano kumadziwa kut lamulo limeneli analipanga suspend and it was made clear by the then minister of justice Mr. Kasambala SC. Therefore when u charge some1 with the case that does not exist you likely to answer charges of unlawful arrest, detention without trial.
no more cebrating independence in mlw timangowononga ndalama
Ayelekeze kuchotsedwa ndi kusalirani kudya muwona.
we need leaders like musevini, mugabe and albashil not this idiot
This is Exactly what is written in the Book of Revelation by John . about the last generation which is better called laodocia, the generation full of Rights
ngati akufuna tikathamangisane ku nseu anene bwino
I don’t know the reason of celebrating 51 years of independent while we are not in there, we’re in the hands of whites i say so bcoz everything we have to be done is controlled by them so kaya ndi umphawi tikufunika mtsogoleli olimba mtima osamangolandila zilizonse if we say no akhale no. ANTHU AWA ANACHITA KUTUMIDWA CHIFUKWA CHA KANDALAMA MUNALANDILAKO. THESE PIPO THEY HAVE TO READ HOLYBIBLE ON “1 TIMOTHY 4”, GOD FORGIVE THEM THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SAYING
Iwe mtolankhani woyipa maganizo eti, bwanji osalemba zoamga dziko labwinoli, kapena ndiiwe m’foreiner? To hell and survive. MBUZI,,,
ayelekeze kuwachosa aonetso,sadalakwe amenewo
how can two stupit people petulo and tembenu review the laws of malawi, we shld wage war against these gays
Boss it was reviewed in 2013 under Jb and its Kasambala who signed for it. Am not a supporter of the ppo u mentioned but u just had wrong info my boss
Lets the Americans Be Our Police- Let Them Come In Our Police Units, Posts, Stations And Roads. Shame To America Shame To Our Govm. God Will Rule For Ever. Fear Not Psalm 27:1-7
nthawi ya Kamuzu kunalibe zimenezi
#BigupthemalawipoliceGULU!!!!-Bathaniso ena alipo ambiri anthuwa osawasekelera a gulo amenewa akunyazitsa chikhalidwe chathu.
#BigupthemalawipoliceGULU!!!!-Bathaniso ena alipo ambiri anthuwa osawasekelera a gulo amenewa akunyazitsa chikhalidwe chathu.
ndiye timenya nkhondo ife ndi apolisi kunthana ndi petulo
Dzuka Malawi
MY Malawi my laws. Sitiwachotsa apolicebamrnewa… Actually they will be promoted. Zopusa timakana!
“The donor era is over” which donors should we bow our heads to here? Aliponso ena?
izizi ndi zausilu #ViaTeamFredokiss
kufunika kumangotcha ndi mateyara
Fatwa on gays
Deal with Gay csos we do want them here are promoting and interfering with Government
in sodom,marriage between people of similar sex was the spark for God 2 burn it,so because nowadayz people have become loverz of money not God,the policemen wil be arrested because they fear God’s commandz b@ you satanic people you feel that they are breaking your rights,that’s full abomination before GOD!
Let their jobs alone
I thought Malawi is independent. Ukavu uwu tasuzgika nawo!
Gay ndikamudziwa ngati ndi wa lendi wanga atulutsidwa dzuwa likuswa mtengo
zawusilu basi
Tumayambitsa tokha thru those Human Rights activists, they r turning political now ruling d government. Agalu inu, atombolombo, had it been government hasn’t released these bastards bwezi mutakamatcha pansewu kuti boma lankhaza. I hate u! Agologolo.
We shd expect more punishments from God I tell u, and if we continue wt dis, one day tidzapezeka mu Zambezi, Malawi yense atakokoloka.
Ndiye ma gay ayetse uchitsiru wawo anthu athana nawo wokha agaluwa Ali Chile ngati mwatumidwa ndalama mukadyera kumanda
Money is power!! Malawi can not say no!!! When America tells them what they want to do!?
mtolankhani opusa iwe!!
Boza. Sodomy, samesex marriage are outlawed in malawi
Uchitsiru umene walemba mumapanga ma news sindinu ma reporter ena olota nokha ena a Propaganda ntchito mboma siyiyenda choncho
Shame to I.G.of police and Mulomwe opanda manuyo iyeyo angokwatilira chitsazo eti? Ntchito zake ndizomwezo zamathanyulazo goat(Mbuzi).
Police can not be blamed the matters are brought to them by complainant on this the Neighbourhood R
Ndiwe repoter opusa zedi. Ine sangandichotse nchito bcoz of that. Ask me after a yr. Never post mbwerera like this again
Evry job has rules,so i dont c anytn wrong wch officers done koz they wer on duty
Zimenezo ndiye zachibwana
Zimenezo ndiye zachibwana
No wonder to see legalisation of this sinful act in Malawi as the Bible states clearly that we are in the last days. That is what it is called 666.Exchanging our faith with earthly worthy.
I plea with Malawians to stand strong and pray for the Mercy of the Lord to be upon our country.
Zachamba eti
panyapanu mwakulira ku america za u gay zanuzo komweko mukangochos ntchito ma law enforcer amenewo ufa choima n chala chili ku mtumbo
zaipa zaipa olo muwachose ntchito mulungu wakufulatilani mtendere suzapezekanso ndi chonyansa mwalolerachi
Devil is real
Alakwanso chani ? Kumanga anthu ophwanya lamulo ? Kodi akutilamulira ndi azungu ok ngati atsogoleri athu mukuvomereza zopusazi ndiye kuti nanunso ndi m’modzi mwa iwo , ndiye kuti mulora satana kulamulira dziko lino ndibwino pa misonkhano yanu pasamapempheredwe chifukwa mulungu simumziwa , we fear God not donors
Why losing job? Mukufuna muziaopseza aziopa kugwira ntchito yao, kodi amalandililaji ndalamayo musativute it’s part of their job
Pitala azungu amusokoneza mutu.
Umphawi ndi ntchimo ndithu
Why,how and when
Stupid Donors, Stupid Gafament. Try Firing These Officers . Tionetsana .Takutopelani ANYAPAPI Inu. These Officers Were Conducting Their Duty According To Malawi’s Constitution Ndiye Muwachotse Ntchito?
If they loose theır job that ıncıdents wıll lead to strıke.We wıll strıke due to thıs ışsue of someone loses hıs or her job when they doıng theır job rıght for arrestıng thıs ıdıots gays.No one can lose job when he or she doıng hıs or her job accordıng to the law.Malawı ıs gay free country.If the law changes that ıs dıfferent story.But for now those gays must be arrested and convıcted to more than 14years.NO ONE CAN LOSE A JOB DUE TO GAY ARREST.SAY NO TO GAYZ IN MALAWI.
Kodi dziko lathuli vuto ndichani? If those police will lose thier jobs which means all the police will not do thier recommended job bcz they will be scared. A bwana pulezident konseko kufuna zithandizo?
Kodi dziko lathuli vuto ndichani? If those police will lose thier jobs which means all the police will not do thier recommended job bcz they will be scared. A bwana pulezident konseko kufuna zithandizo?
America beware!
Inu a Malawi24 ndi amene mukuwauza ma donors kuti atero. Mtolankhani OPUSA. Muziona nkhani zolemba, zoti akhoza kuwachotsa akuuza ndani? That’s being unprofessional.
losing job why? Thats stupid.
MP u do agreat job when their is somethng else and without it mmmm mbwere mawa so that it musova
I Can See Tidakalamuliridwa Ndi Atsamunda Zomwe Zili Zomvetsa Chisoni Kwambiri.We Are Forgetting Kuti Anthu Ena Adaluza Miyoyo Yawo Polimbana Ndi Ulamuliro Umenewu.Ndindaniso Lero Angalore Kutaya Moyo Wake Kuti Atipulumutse Poti #JOHN_CHILEMBWE Ndiye Adatisiya
Kodi mmene malawi ikuvutikiramu,ma donawo akupatsa zingati??? Mesa akukana kutithandiza coz of cashgate ya joisi banda??? #stupid_donors.u
They became stiff on Malawi already with their aid(s) ndiye pano adziti bzyokolobzyokolo zopanda nsinjiro konse ndi lero tamenyetsa mutu pa mwala kuti akanganya amenewa atithangateko?
hehehehehehe Malawi walero
Our presedent is a satanic
we dont hav a leader here bro
but we are going to protect them.let them try.gay is a hell of joke.petrol awaits them
2 hell
#Stupid-Idont see any wrong doing to these officers.I mean its stupid thing to criticise them as they were doing their job basing on Malawis Constitution,Again Stupid thing!!!!!!
Osadanda akakuchotsa tikathyola office ya kazembe wa america uja cox zonse zoyenelera ndili nazo osadanda
Why?just to please america?why Malawi now?
You are cursed for bringing this evil practice into ex-warm heart of Africa! May the Almighty God severely punish you for this kind of leadership, you are cursed! Really cursed! You will never ever prosper, Malawi, until you get rid of this evil! Beter if you (the cause, who have accepted) were not born unlike taking this country to chaos. Lord hear my prayer!
Za ziiiiii
Then the nation leaders and MGVT is becoming rebellious to God, let God healing our national leaders
Ndiye tobacco wankulu ameneyu
tis a suggestion ov m24 anywa, in a free world every1 z free 2 suggest…………
Zikamachitika nde bwino mwana wa Mulungu ali pafupi kuza tsoka lili kwa okwanilitsa lemba
Za ziii zopanda ndi mchere womwe
Vote for me in 2024 For President!!!! #GAY_FREE_GENERATION #I_will_have_to_shoot_Any_and_all_GAYz
Nde zachambatu.
a malawi mukuvomeleza kuti satana ankhale pakati panu
anyamata ovala zolandira,,,,kmaso osagula mowa
This donors they ar Useles
Loosing job 4 wat? Malaei laws not yet amended. How can someone b in trouble 4 doin the job in line with our lawz.
zimenezi nde zo**sa
Money is the source of all evil
mmmmmm kulakwa
Malawi allowed democracy and she must be at par with international community. Please allow homosexuals. Be logic. It will not affect your economy.
This whole situation will be so ridiculous if they do lose their jobs for doing their job. I know there are many homosexuals in Malawi and it’s not something that just came about, they were born that way and some feel as if they were born in the wrong body. I may sound as if I’m taking sides, but I’m not. And I’m a straight young lady that loves men.
As Malawians one thing we should accept is that homosexuals are everywhere and yes, they do have sex. It is unfortunate that these two were caught even though the act was done in the privacy of their own home. A lot of you are saying they will burn in hell, what’s the point of being so concerned? It’s them that will burn, not you(if you are holier). Before condemning them, first secure yourself a good spot in heaven and then come judge them. I’m not saying that the laws should change in any way, all I’m I’m saying is, let them go. As long as they don’t have sex in public or walk around wearing skirts, then it’s okay with me. They may not reproduce, what’s the point? We are unable to do some things due to rapid population growth.
No just leave police officers mesa awakhululukira ma gay anuwo.
Osamaopyseza a police asiyeni agwire ntchito yawo malinga ndi malamulo. Ngati dziko la Malawi sitivomeleza za ukwati wa the same sex kodi apolisi akhala bwanji pa risk yoti angaluze ntchito yawo kamba ka force from donor? Dziko lathu ndiloopa Mulungu.
Kungoti akanakhala jb bwezi mukuti sitimuvotera nde poti zagwera mwanu nafeso sitizakuvotera pitala. Ife tisaope mzungu pofuna kupeza thandizo tuinazolowera ndi zero aid kkkkkk