Malawi urban artists in cheating scandal

Malawi Music

Some local urban artists have been caught pants down in a cheating scandal that is largely motivated by the desire to have their names remain stuck in people’s minds for a long time.

Malawi24 has for a long time been monitoring the artists with a critical eye before establishing the fact.

It appears the need to continue headlining local events among others has been the root of all ‘evil’.

On the country’s major music site, some major artists have been using tactics to have more downloads on their songs as a way of maintaining fame.

This has been established following a great difference between downloads and views on songs. In normal circumstances, it is impossible for a song to have more downloads than views, unless it has been downloaded more times in one view.

Malawi Music
Where artists are scrambling for downloads.

However, it is possible to have more views than downloads or have the same number of both because a song cannot be downloaded without being viewed but it can be viewed without being downloaded.

This is common with most songs on the charts. This shows that artists facilitate multiple downloads of their songs in one view as a way of setting records.

However, administrators of earlier in the week told Malawi24 that most artists share download links that enable people to download their songs without getting on the website.

But their argument does not hold water because a download link is a shortcut to a page on a website where the user can download a file and that means people who uses the links to download songs still visit the website.

The huge difference in views and downloads has been noted on songs of artists such as Gwamba, Martse, Nepman, Maskal, Fredokiss, Janta, and Sangie.

The records some of the artists set day in day out are just too good to be true taking into consideration the number of artists who are in good books with urban music lovers in the country. In this respect, the use of dubious means has taken centre stage.



  1. Listen to the music that wu mek u think not znaz zomangobwebweta zopanda ntchito mpaka atsala pang’ono ayamba kumatiuza mapanti amene amavala..#teamreggae and #somereasonableaudiblesound.

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