Cases of Cancer increasing in Malawi

ekwendeni hospital

There are fears of an increase in number of Cancer cases in the country following revelations that Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) records a minimum of ten new cases of cancer per day.

Speaking during an awareness campaign on the disease last week, Dr Petani Mtonga from QECH disclosed to the media the alarming rate of patients they receive on daily basis.

He said that the cancer facility has been one of the busiest branches at the hospital.

ekwendeni hospital
Cancer on the rise.

A report carried by Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) on Saturday indicated that over eighty people are subjected to cancer treatment every day.

The report also said people suffering from different types of the disease fill the treatment centre and they get assisted. Some of the causes of cancer are smoking and excessive drinking of beer.

Medical practitioners therefore warn people to distance themselves from behavior that may bring cancer. In a few years to come, the country will have its own cancer facility though at first there were disagreements about whether to build it in Lilongwe or in Blantyre.

Government gave in after many legislators were of the view that the capital city is the ideal place.

The facility will be of great benefit to the country as it will have advanced features that will make it one of the outstanding cancer facilities in the Sadc region.