A Civil Society Organization in the country have given government a 7 day ultimatum to come out clear on the issue of Access to Information Bill and explain the reasons why the bill will not be tabled in Parliament this time as parliamentary deliberations are underway in Lilongwe.
This comes barely a few weeks after government announced that the bill will not be tabled in Parliament because it has got a lot of information which was not supposed to be in the bill and it has to be scrutinized again.
But commenting on the development, chairman for Citizen Alliance, Wifled Asibu, said that government has to come out openly and explain what they want to remove from the bill.

Speaking on the issue, chairman of legal affairs committee at Parliament, Peter Chakwantha, his committee approved that the bill had to go to Parliament because all the procedures had been followed in the bill including the review process.
He said: “We were expecting that the bill will be tabled in Parliament this time but our committee just heard that it will not be tabled.”
“I think the government is hiding something which Malawians should have to know because the bill will be able to give Malawians an opportunity to know what they doesn’t know but which they want to know.”
This comes hot in the heels of contradicting reports that the bill was now ready for tabling wit other media reports suggesting that the cabinet has thrown it to the bin.
Mutharika had revealed that the bill was ready for tabling in the ongoing session, in his address the opposition branded ’empty’.
As if this was anything to go by, Information Minister Jappie Mhango hinted that the bill had inconsistencies such that it would still not be taken to parliament until the said inconsistencies are ironed out prior to the final presentation in parliament.
U N.G.O’S dnt blnd4d malawians,u only threatens u dnt bite,we hv lost trust in u y letn gvtn puldozng the bill?
A malawi bwanji mumangokhala ndi weak Mind, mukuona ngati AIB ndiyosafunika! Munzaziwa nkhwangwa ili muto akakuberani ndalama zonse
Nonsense. Asanza kale mabanzi
Kkkkkkk…kodi amabungwe inu, ndekuti chimene mwaona chanzeru choti muuze boma ndichimenechi basi. Kutereko mwalandira ma allowance, kukambirana Nkhani yake imeneyi eti kkkkkkk…
If u hav a SICK MIND donot comment on som issues.
Aaaaaaa isalowe bill imeneyo,akuilimbikira aonapo chiani ndiye kuti pali kenakake akaona ,a boma ikhalireni bill imeneyo,joyce banda anawalonjeza za bill imeneyi zinakanikiranji?
Demos have lost their value due to senseless and briefcase CsOs. They want to match even on petty issues. There iz nothing wrong with such an action but the timing. People are anxiously waiting to here what strategy has the government put n place to save the people from hunger. How the govt is going to fulfil it’s campaign promises since there z nothing to show for on the ground except for global trotting.
Ma phone anu munaika ma password pano mukufuna access to information ya gvt?
U only bark but u dont have teeth to bite. Why not on fisp(the important one)
Kodi pamenepa tinene kuti akulamula ndani?
Bwana President adanena yekha mosakakamizidwa kuti Bill akambirana. Who is a minister to contradict the highest office? Lets give honour to the highest office. If the cabinet is there to serve the president and the people of malawi they will sort out this mess before the house rises. The integrity of our leader must be protected. Not only in the eyes of Malawians but also the donors who listened to the presidents speech with keen interest. Comments by some of the development partners spoke volumes of their interest. If the cabinet ministers want to discredit our leader let them do it some other time not now. I rest my case.
Branch of regime Change Programme
Dis is nosense
Nyengo yose pankhani zinu muwikapo nkhope ya Jappie chifukwa uli banganya mwee
Ndinu mbuzi amabungwe mwava m’malo moti 7dayz lipatse boma kuti likhale titapeleka chimanga Kwa anthu akusowa chakudya panopa mukulimbana ndizinthu zaziiiiiiiiii,mukufuna mudzidziwa chiyani opusa inu eti?.pa 20 July 2013 kunachitika zionetsero chifukwa chainu akapu panoso mukufuna chiyani agalu inu.Ife anthu osauka zitithandiza chiyani?,ayimbwa inu kwabasi.
Ife zikutikhuza zimenezo?
Ndimaganiza Muziti Chimanga Chatsika Mtengo Za Usiluzo..
We need each and every jack and jill to come together to sort the mess our nation is in at the moment. God heal #MotherMalawi I <3 you #MalawiAfrica
village ppo like m dont undastand ur nonsese plz…
Kaya sindizavota ine. A mboni samalakwa kuti ku vota ndikuchilikiza ulamuliro wa satana. Tingozunzika ena akusangalala ndakhumudwa koopsa