The Malawi Government says it shares the public’s concerns on the need for doctors in various hospitals and is working tirelessly to make sure that it employs more doctors and nurses.
Minister of health Peter Kumpalume said his ministry has finalized all requirements and has asked the department of human resource to authorize the recruitment of doctors who did medical training.
“At first the doctors were at non-established posts (internship) which was abolished last year and now we are deciding where we should put them,” said Kumpalume.
He further said that due to financial problems government withdrew letters of employment for nurses and doctors and they requested the ministry of finance to provide them with money but it took a long time.
Last month, the Medical Doctors Union of Malawi (MDUM) and the Society of Medical Doctors (SMD) protested against a decision by government not to employ 51 doctors.
The two groupings gave government a 14-day ultimatum to employ the doctors or face a massive national wide strike by medics.
Government ailed to the doctors within its health delivery system and has not been clear on what was derailing the process.
The two groupings argued that government seems not to care for the medical doctors and that it does not take the health sector seriously.

In a joint statement, which Malawi24 saw the two said that Malawi has specialist vacancy rate of 83% and the recently graduated medical doctors, “whom government is ignoring”, could have added to the number of those medical doctors to undergo specialist training in various fields.
“This is retrogressive in a country that is still struggling to meet the minimum acceptable numbers of medical doctors to safely serve the populace.”
“We have continuously been told that the leading factors in human resource shortages in health are inadequate outputs from health training institutions amongst others including emigration, resignations and deaths. Now that there are visibly significant improvements in the outputs from the College of Medicine, it is inexcusable for government to fail to absorb them,”.
“Despite the increasing number, the doctor-to-patient ratio remains alarmingly high. Malawi deserve better.
“Malawi remains one of a WHO priority country perpetually failing to meet the target of 23 doctors/10,000 population necessary to deliver essential health services. “It is not surprising that we are a diseased country, still confronted with high mortality and morbidity rates in various disease categories. Government does not have the luxury to ignore 51 recently graduated doctors unless it is contented with what other commentators have vehemently asserted: Malawi government has its priorities upside down” a depict of the statement reads.
“Therefore, we are strongly urging government through its Department of Human Resource Management and Development to absorb the newly graduated medical doctors into our ailing health system immediately, whilst fulfilling its own commitment to train medical doctors.
What about teachers help them also.paja amakuthandizani kuberra chisankhooo
Koma Awalembe Akudziwa Kt Malipiro Alipo Asawataitse Nthawi.
Waitin 4 action okie!!!!!!!,!!!
My country,my govrnment
Bola pamenepo
mumadikira apeze kaye ntchito ku lesotho? Mukadwala nkumakwera ndege kumakawapeza omweo kumaiko akunja !!!
Mr President,
Would really wait for the public concerns on crucial issues like doctors?
No, this is too much.
You need your head to be examined
And brain surgery coz its not functioning on its own
What a shame
Ndimadabwa nazo kuti after passing counsal exams ndikapangenso interview kuti ndilembedwe ntchito, God shld intervene
this is a failured regime .in history i hav never heard Dr’s ,nurses detained only for interviews,afta qualifying.. What kind of regency are you using? #APM
Yusuf Badroodien
Is the government doing someone a favour by employing the doctors, first the country needs the doctors that is the reason the College of Medicine was established. If the government has failed then it should not pretend there a big deal in the issue of doctors. The best way is to give up, and surrender.
Eish boma ili kupanda kukangana nalo ndekuti palibe chitachitike….amafuna chilichonse tiziyamba tamenyana kaye mmmm mtsogoleri opanda vision ngati uyu sinnamuonepo ine
What’s the use of employing them but failing to pay them??? They got the families too to support don’t forget their payment
Teachers TUM: Adyesedwa Obama. Dorothy N’goma Amadya Zake. Shes A Fighter
Mother malawi….
What about teachers?
mumachita kufuna ena achite kunyanyala ntchito?,,,,,kumangolimbikitsa xool koma an2 nkumawakhazika pakhomo nde ubwino wa xool ungaoneke bwanj,,,ngat ophuzira ndi osaphuzira moyo uli chimodzmodz!
Zoona zenzen
This should serve as a lesson to TUM which is sleeping while over 10,000 teachers are grounded home!!!
Osati 19000 ndi a epty 9
Mulembeso apolice, aprison, asilikari ndi aphunzitsi mwamva.
Achokoke Ma Advisor Onse. Zoona Mpaka Calista?
Kkkkkk!! Akuti ndi amulamu awo a president ndiye sangawataye.
Boma losathandiza limeneli uzindikira madzi atayesa mkhosi.
too late,ena anapita kale mu mayiko ena
So, the govt can not make a tangible decision on its own unless it is pushed around and about by the civil society?? What an administration!!!!!!!
that is agood idea. maybe unimployment can be reduced. go deeper APM!
Its Not APM’ Where Were You? Its Civil Society And Opposition. Gogo APM Knows Nothing. But He Says Ayimanso 2019.
Too late.
wat about teachers?
Baby steps
umh,learners in rural areas r suffering whilst newly graduated teachers r there
Mbuzi: Mumafuna Kukana Chani?