Patients at Limbe hospital can now smile


Ecobank Malawi has donated a water tank to Limbe health centre to ease problems of water which had become the order of the day at the facility.

Expectant mothers accessing maternity services at the health centre can afford a smile as they will no longer be required to bring their own water.

The bank has donated a 10,000 litre water tank worth MK500,000 to curb the challenges the facility faces in times of dry taps.

PatientsSpeaking when he officially handed over the tank, Ecobank Malawi managing director Charles Asiedu said the donation was a gift to Malawi as Ecobank group celebrated its operations in Africa on October 24.

He said during this day all Ecobank affiliates across Africa carried out various corporate social responsibility activities with this year’s theme, ‘growth for the African child’.

‘’In Malawi we chose to support Limbe health centre which we have officially adopted for our CSR activities. We believe that a water tank will render a great service to the hospital particularly this time,” said Asiedu.

Speaking when receiving the donation, Sharon Mwafongo, a nurse and mid wife at the health centre, thanked Ecobank for the donation adding that inconsistent water supply to the hospital negatively affects delivery of health services.