…situation blamed on Joyce Banda
The well being of some Malawians admitted in different government hospitals in the central part of Malawi is under threat as media reports indicate that Dedza, Balaka, Chiradzulu and Ntcheu district hospitals have been hit with an acute shortage of food.
Recently,local media reported that the said hospitals are failing to provide for meals on a regular basis to people admitted there, a development that has raised much fears among guardians whose poor family members largely depend on food provided by the hospitals as the medication they receive requires regular eating patterns.

Due to overcrowding in government hospitals, people usually survive on a single meal a day with some complaining that even the quantity of the food provided is not sufficient to meet the demands of their drugs.
Commenting on the situation, the Malawi government insist that problems rocking the health sector and other public services are as a result of the plunder and looting of government’s resources in the infamous Cashgate under the watch of former President Joyce Banda.
However, the government has so far assured Malawians that it is doing all it can to ensure that quality health and other social services are provided to all Malawians.
Last month , Malawi24’s Thula Chisamba established that an ambulance at the Mzimba district hospital, the has no fuel and that patients from small hospitals are not being referred to the main hospital.
by the way, how are Mj and Ty hospitals fairing?
why diz government hide da truth
idont want to hear about Joyce is the one who put my country on crisis bushit Joyce mfiti anthu akuzunzika becouse of her
Koma Boma La Dpp Silitithandiza Ina A Way Kuti Zithu Zikuvuta Kwabasi Masiku Ano Bora Kare
Very bad!
JB was just a Rat in the roof while others were Rats on the desposing sights ,,,,,,
in the eyes of Government every thing that is going wrong is a cause of JB.
if they say its joyce banda, is she the one running these hospitals or providing food? when will DPP accept that their poor management is the cause of everthing.
why did you ask people to vote for you hence you know that you will not manage to run the country properly then keep pointing finger to joyce banda…this man is just a failure
malawi wanga ine mayooooo!….
This Rat Wil Take Us Very Far….
No point100%. Whom then should we wait to address this problem? Should we wait Joice Banda, Chakwera, Amuluzi e.t.c. WHO…….?? Kuphunzira ndi utsogoleri ndizinthu ziwiri zosiyana. Tiyeni tiphunzirepo aMalawi. We’ll never eat blames in this country, do something positive please.
Ife ndiye tikadye kuti?
mesa kuli ma grocery aisova
chifukwa choti ma arv umakangolandila mpake kuyankhula nyasi zakozo…akazakugoneka uzadziwa kuti moyo umawawa bwanji..
A question to people blaming the government. Where should they get the.money?
stupid asshole..where did they get the k2m spent on a vacation to USA?Where are our taxes going?
Jms-Jnr Mulewa Lonjezo bande is my name thank you. Part of that vacation was sponsored. How many things do they have to do with our economy? They need to provide security, water, electricity, they need to protect our lake, supply medicines, pay workers, build roads, bridges and a whole lot other things. You also want them to provide crops. In an economy like malawis. This is a huge list, we have just recently started paying for school and people are against that, paying for hospital, people are against that. Do you.think malawi is a reach country? Where will they get the money. And, 1.2 million kwacha is not a lot if converted. You cant go to another country for free .
i think u should be contradicting yourself..i mean ur gvt too.i dont understand what it means when u are saying that we should be paying money for services rendered by public hospitals yet u are introducing subsidy on cement& iron sheets.u are reluctant to abolish FISP for political reasons.by the way,the gvt is obliged to undertake whatever u’ve listed above.previous gvt’s tried their best koma this Peter Muthalika lead gvt has failed
Jms-Jnr Mulewa Yes. But Malawi is the poorest country in the world and its best source for income is agriculture. To a normal country with a good economy, doing all that is no problem. But, malawi isn’t one of those countries, they are obligated to do as much as any other country with less money . You shouldn’t expect the same results. When those other governments where in power, malawi wasn’t the poorest so you cant compare. Tell me one successful country which has free medical services.
u should be prudent enough when making comparisons.have a look @malawi’s GDP per capita &then compare with those so-called successful countries.its a total mockery to some1 who has less than $1 a day to be told of paying services in public hospitals.the issue sounds wise ok to some1 like u.i can pay yes,but there are others who cant afford even trasport to the nearby health centre.the greatest challenge is the population has so many of such people.the gvt has to focus on real issue& not petty issues like these ones.make policies that will encourage economic activity& i think 10 to 15 yrs titha kumazalipilisa zipatala
What are the real issues?
Why cant we impeach this gay dog?
kuchipatala ndi kolandira mankhwala osati chakudya.
mu L city mudali quiet by monday.Ati neba adayenda usiku kuwopa kuwonedwa ndi nkhanga. Kkkkkiest. Bravo civo.
Stop pointing finger on JB just solve the problems shit!
dpp must go to hell
He must resign with immediate effect
Kkkkkkk whatt a felia government::::you fith bwampini:::you take wanii handerd people going UN::::you no good:::jb good good
Lets pray hard mayb God cn do wat he did wth de later professor! Join me in prayer all malawians God is able,amen.
chikafa anthu azayikaso chitsilu china.agogo anga akanandiphuzitsa ufiti mkanangochilodza sure
Kkk zakunyasadi iwe ngat ine.
Koma bwampiniyuuuu
Koma nde mavuto some pple comes from far kodi afe ndi njala this is not on
Useless the problem is that our government dosnt know whats the priorities,
DPP should not blame Dr. Joyce Banda, they should blame Late Bingu Wa Muthalika. When Madam took over donors had already suspended aid to Malawi, it was the zeal of Madam Joyce Banda that aid resumed, and later on it disappeared. If Peter Muthalika has zeal let him convince the donors to resume aid ,blame game is not helping anyone.
Mvuto lakula ndi dyera ndikusowa chikondi ,anthu omwe ali maudindo.zofunika kuchitapo kathu & ndiudindo wa boma2 kuchitapo ka2 , zi2 zisanafike pomvuta.
J B nditimu yake ndi amene anaulura cash gate izi zinayamba kalekare kodi inu simukuba mwaba iba mbuyomu pano fokofu
DPP leaders please stop telling us your excuses .
Do what you supposed to do as government .
Nde zimavuto zonse izi uvomereso vuto lina la ma gay/resbians {malawi} uziona ,,,this is just a test and the warning was #flooding,it is better to die without taking with u such a sin,lets hold hand and say no to resbians/gay issue our time will come let us not rush to be rich,while cailing up some more problem which we wont solve then,
empty headed leader
A bad Workman blames his tools. The present government has failed in all sectors. It’s just a loss of wisdom to point fingers at the previous government leaders.
Why because we hv a thoughtful Stateman.
Am nt sure but I think am tired of this typ of stories
Inu a President Pitala,nenani za 577bn zimene anaba Bingu wanu ,inuso a Pitala munali mBoma limene loba 577bn.
A Pitala ife tinakulembani ntchito,tikuti mwalephera thulani pansi.
Ine ndimati m’mene munakhalapampandopo muzilankhula zazelu…….inuyo zelu zoti mubwezeletse zinthu nchimake mulibe?….nanga zabwino zimene mukuzipepazi ndeti nchifukwaso cha jb eti…..apitala tangovomelezani kuti zikukuvutani basi.
president wamabodza ngati.muthu wamai kuzolowela kuba mavote basi ndizimenezotu munthane nanzo udindowo anakupasani ngankhale nali wochita kugula ndindalama.chomwe ndikufuna ine yemwe amakulumbilitsa uja kuti ndiwe yemwe wawina ndikumane naye kunyumba kwake andidziwe ndintakasule ndindalama analandira zinja
The hot heart of africa.
Imagine patients having one meal a day at 4Pm.
It startd during th reign of thes same THIEVES,tht is a MISPLACED BLAME:A SCAPEGOAT.Just find a solution t the economic woes.JB found thngs in th sam situatn,hw dd sh MANAGE t TURN THINGS AROUND?DPP r SHAMELESS FAILURES.
Planning and doing the real thing is different so the situations will remain critical because the gvt is still planning ,
people suffering in this country while the politicians are busy to be richest in the world why? its so embarassing if u going somewhere and to tell them i came from Malawi they say “OH from poor country bt Rich readers” it so hurts,
evry one blames the other when things starts to fall apart….its now time Malawian leaders to stop playing childish Game of democracy.
evry one blames the other when things starts to fall apart….its now time Malawian leaders to stop playing childish Game of democracy.
So you mean you don’t have corrective measures right? Don’t show your weakness pliz, be man enough! Za Joice izi tichedwa nazo
Kodi game ya b4ward wandraz e so cald’Cap specialist’ vs Civo service United inatha bwanji?,dn’t tl me plz!..kuchipatala sikokadya,we go 2hospital 2access medical atetion.simunadwalepo inu eti?,mu2 umatha kukana your favourites dish bt kumamwa zmankhwala mam’mawa,masana madzulo even pakati pa usiku ukadwalika.kugomera phwanya baxi!.
thats very stupid of u nigga….this is a debate for real malawians& not fools like u.to hell with ur selfish comment….fuck u
Am sure u hv oredy fuckd yourself.
ngati kucipatala kukusowa chakudya nanga kundende kuli bwanji.
Kkkkkkkkk uko ndy usanene sizili bho
amalawi usamva mu chaka cha 2011 zipani 14 zidapanga mgwirizano wochotsa chipani cha DPP inu mudaiwala bwanji? Mumaona ngati pitala azidzalamulira yekha and mumaona ngati BINGU adaononga ndiye dzikoli? Mwaiwala kuti 2004-2009 Bingu adalamulira bwino asadabwere peter ku Malawi kuno and atabwera adalephera kuyendetsa unduna wa zamaphunziro and mpaka chasowa adaphedwa. Amalawi ugogodi!
What is the Malawi government’s economic recovery plan like?
there is nothing
Kkkk mneni chomene ntchindele chomene
ha ha ha I like this government ndipo 2019 boma tizatenganso….zikumuwawa akakolope lake nyasa
yerrrr ndiye ndi vuto lalikulu yoo
Will Malawi ever wake up ? Every leader who gets on that seat knows they can do whatever they want they can NEVER be impeached,,do people even know that word ? Why dont we learn from current morden history Egypt and the like ,if everyone raised up to take this Yankee wannabe out he would be gone ,, kodi the international community when they say ”warm hearts” mumaona ngati ntendele ? They should call us #DeadHearts because a person with a heart can’t keep letting greedy fools take food off his table ,i would kill that mofo ,,this man has no idea how to run a country he is a puppet ,,leaders are born indeed not learned Phd my ass
The sad reality z when issue ya ma demo rises….uzimva za amalawi eeeh kapangeni ine ndikudya nsima paden akafeyo ndani?…poor foolishness
Shortage of medicine in hospitals just because lack of readership,things is woes ine our country where by political leaders they’re busy buy expensive cars&houses illegally with our taxs.everyday government complaining so,where is our money you are collecting since 17months now?
Ng’ombe yayimuna ikukanika kukoka ngolo.The fact is failing to plan is plan to fail
May The Almighty God Remember My MALAWI!!!! I feel pain..Even Though i am not There.
komatuuu, kukhala koyang’ana za mbuyo kumachedwetsaa!
Mungovuta ku longolora angakhale mutasitha mtsogoleri Nothing cn change
My Malawi,my View
Bad carpenter always blames his tools,,,,this government is full of empty pig,s head bladder
Bwampini yo asatibowe ayi angogula chakudya mzipatalamo. akukanika chifukwa cha. ukanakhala ulendo waku USA bwezi ndalama zapezeka iya
Bwanji simunatenge ndalama zomwe munapitila kunja zija kukagugala zakudya mu zipatala than kumalodza chala munthu wina!
Vuto la akuluwa savomeleza kulephera kwawo,he is gud on pointing fingers @ x governments just like his late best friend bingu.mbuli zophunzira kumalawi
pointing fingers at someone on ur failures its a sign that ur a failure but u want to make someone as a failure
stupid government#tired_voter
kaya zanu izo,ife akuno ku North tinazolowela, zonse zimangotipita ndiye sitikuonapo chachilendo
kkkkkkk iiiii zizitelo mwina nxt time mungazavote mwa nzelu kkkkk kungonva kuti proffesor basi mumangoona ngati he knows everything iiiii Malawians kkkkkkk
You shud also elect Minister of blaming mr president,may b this Ministry gonna bring us food…nanga momwe mwayambira muja…#tired citizen!
joyce banda amamulimbikirayo alikuti osamakamba za m’bale wake anaononga ndlama nkumangitsa manda uja bwanji pamene mtundu wa anthu ukufa kusowa thandizo mphono zonyasazo iwe peter wamva.kaya ndi u satanic wakowo zikuonekera wekha kukupita iweko uwona,uli busy kukamba za joyce umamufuna kapena mayiyu atakhala mkazi wako zatikwana osakamba ina bwanji koma za nzeru.
Kkkkkkkkk ,,,,, shortage of food in hosptalz, rising up of electrical tarrifs, fuel scarcity, rising up of commodity prices, its all about Joice Banda ?? But who started the ball Rolling btwin DDP & Joice in as far as the term ‘ Cash gate’ is concerned in Malawi ?
U must b crazy, ,kkkkkkkkk, ndi nthawi iti imene anthu ankagwidwa ndi ma million m’magalimoto ? Ndi nthawi iti anthu ankashutana becoz of cashgate ? If PP z innocent, why did jb run outside dis country til today ?
Monty, who is responsible for that K92bn whose report uptodate is still being hidden by the authorities ?? The thing is, Cashgate did not start wth JB if anything it started long tm ago even during BM regime ,,,, So it’ll be craziest to regard DPP as an innocent party in as far as Cashgate is concerned in Malawi ,,,,,,, No african leader will leave the office wtht fishing out any single tambala ,,,,, NO way ,,,,,, and if we grant that innocence to our leaders, then we are still dozzing since our indepence ,,,,, No man shall be innocent espencially when we cm to financial issues ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Aliyense ndi wakuba man ,,,, the difference is, someone was stealing by using a hard disk while the other was duin it manually ,,,,,,,,, Kkkkkkkkklkkkk ,,,,,,
Leaders are born, leaders are not trained. That family is nuh blessed with leadership. Still, this has made history, history is good it helps us to avoid repeating mistakes. Moyo uno ndi okondela, usautsanze mtima wako, ma votavota a Malawi lero tazizuzitsa tokha. Ali ndi mulandu ndani pamenepo?????? Timuloze chala ndani? Problem solving is a problem among many.
Blame game that wat they know best, where will we go with it as a country. Wake up u people in Govt. and start actions, tatopa nazo ife.
Musova Ndinu Amene Mumavotera Kundayu(bwampin) Musafowoke Isa! Chomwe Munena Inu Sinichiwona Apa: Dpp Njala, Kutentha Misika, Kusowa Kwachitetezo Kwinako Muwona! 5years Vidzakaka Vake
Ee kukhalad Mmalawi ndikulimba mtima kufika zaka 20 wakalambad zatengen pitalai akhalexo wanu,,,,
umbuli, he’s been in office for over a year and he still doesn’t know what to do. peter, go back to lecturing english
from the time Joyce banda left the office ,Malawians did not stop paying taxes y are each and evry day blaming that woman,,,,,,don’t u know u r giving her a morale? apm watani kodi,,,,,mesa akupasa ndalama za homo osangochosako zimenezo bwanji ndikugulira zakudya muzipatala
hahahaha ndalama za Homo akufuna agulire ndege kkkk
Apm Is Afailure En Sily Pres.
y everting we do hv to blame on other leader?they r gone en ur in charge nw so deal wit yr on problems en joyce left de gov along tym ago y nw?stop blamin sm1 4 yr own problems
Boma limeneli sililibwino asamangonamizira anzawo can u imagine IPTE8 9 & ODL3,4 sakulembedwabe ntchito! Ndalama zikungothera ma ulendo koma abaleee chimenechi ndi chipongwe.
Looting of public funds tantamounts to treason. Parliament should table this bill.
zinazi nde angomunamizilatu Joyce Banda’yo ???
Tizingofa Ngati Mbuzi nyaphaphi waonjeza
Ndi Boma ili koma lititsunga?