Driver hits 9 year old in Blantyre


Malawi Police in Blantyre city are keeping in custody 30 year old Abraham Mwambazi  after his vehicle hit a 9 year old Chris Jeremiah.

crime (2)Blantyre police publicist Elizabeth Divala confirmed the arrest and said Mwambazi was driving a Mitsubishi lorry registration number MZ 6750.

“The vehicle was coming from Zingwangwa going to Chilobwe where it hit the 9 year old from Naotcha primary school,” said Divala.

She further said the lorry went on and hit a Nissan Vanette registration number Cz 7553 belonging to Caroline Maziya.

The publicist added that “the pupil is in a critical condition currently at intensive care unit (ICU) and that they are waiting for Jeremiah’s condition.”

Mwambazi comes from Rukhuwi village traditional authority Chikulamayembe in Rumphi and Jeremiah comes from Chatha village in Blantyre.