Malawi govt applauds religious bodies

Saulosi Klaus Chilima
Saulosi Klaus Chilima
Chilima presenting a gift to Catholic priests.

Malawi Vice president Saulos Chilima has hailed religious bodies in the country on the role they play in the development of the country especially in the sectors of education and health.

Chilima made the remarks on Saturday when the Catholic Church held platinum Jubilee celebrations for Kachebere major seminary in Mchinji.

He appealed to churches in the country to help government sensitise people on issues to do with population growth and climate change.

Chilima also promised that the government will continue respecting freedom of worship.

For a long time, some religious organisations have been forbidding their followers from using contraceptives saying it is a sin.

But now that the population is increasing dramatically religious leaders have taken a role to teach their followers the dangers of having many children.