A somber mood swallowed up Luwinga area residents in Mzuzu in Malawi’s northern region city when they saw a man believed to have been a Mzuzu central hospital watchman sagging in a tree on Thursday.
When this publication visited the place it found people confused and engulfed in disbelief with what their eyes were seeing.
A co-worker of the deceased told Malawi24 reporter that he suspected the man to have hanged himself due to some family problems he has been failing to settle for some time now.
“He kept complaining about poverty which to him brought more atrocities in his family thus I suggest that he decided to take away his life to have a relief,” said the co-worker.
He added that his colleague is suspected to have hanged himself when coming from his duty at the hospital. He then described him as a person who was courageous, very sociable and hardworking.
Despite some people claiming the man left a detailed cause of his decision in a suicide note, this publication’s frequent attempts to access it proved futile.
When contacted for comment, senior officials at Mzuzu central hospital asked for more time since at that time they had little information on the tragedy.
iyeyu akanaziwa mavuto ndiliwo ine…..ada musazapangenso izi mwamva
Vuto silikula kuposa moyooooooooo
Maloto ake akwanilitsidwa
The best way of solving problems is not to hang up urself or to commit suicide no but only jesus can solve all of your problems and pull u away from evil……
Boma lanyanya kusaukisa amalawi sogolani tikakupezani koma ine singapange zofoilazo
Madziakataika saoleka
ambuye amukhululukire
palimbe munthu azapeza mavuto nga yobu uyu munthuyu msiyeni akatha ndi fumu nya fumu mlengi wa zoonse wa zamoyo ndi zopnda moyo mwamuna watanda yesu khristu.
Mavutowo adali ochuluka bwanji. Abale tisamaiwale kuti chopambana ndi moyo wa uleleu anthuni.
Go well
Zimenezi imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selase I amadana nazo kwambiri
No place in Zion for Man who turn off his on life & Jah Almighty will strike him dead severely
Adziputilanso mabvuto a moyo winawo.Kumbukirani nkhani ya Judas Iscaliot,adali atathawa kale mabvuto pamene adabwelera kwa Mulungu koma adaononganso ubale wake ndi Mulungu.Amaganiza kuti akuthawa mabvuto koma amathawiranso ku mabvuto omwewo.
Adziputilanso mabvuto a moyo winawo.Kumbukirani nkhani ya Judas Iscaliot,adali atathawa kale mabvuto pamene adabwelera kwa Mulungu koma adaononganso ubale wake ndi Mulungu,zikufanana.
Rest in peace you poor man
siyankho limenelo
It was started with Judas jst DIE man
no man ? killing urself is not a solution
Anthu Ambiri Ali Ndi Mavuto Koma Samatero Nde Pamenepo Mavuta Athu
Aboma ivan chison salary kulowa pa 49 munthu angalimbe mwapha munthu apa
Tisamadikile boma kuti litiganizile.God gave man the ability to think.
Iwe chisale ukunena chocho pot zako zili bwino anhu akuvutika
How does taking away life bring relief?
no wonder its fair in morden world zikanakhara sizikuchitika nde bible l ikanakhara la boza
Poverty!But the president is boasting with millions of dollars!People are saying he was courageous and hardworking.So Mathanyula ukumvatu apa!