He remains the same controversial journalist who hit headlines last year having sabotaged the Malawi national football team, which saw him being suspended by the Fa and sacked at the state broadcaster, but Peter Fote never ceases to bring shame to the profession.
Fote is in fresh trouble now over his recent remark he made in a Sports Programme called ‘Aishoshe Aione’ on Joy TV that the recent poor run of form by Mighty Wanderers has come for the team’s failure to settle dues with their ‘witch doctor’ whom he called ‘Ayaya’.
Fote alleged that he has evidence that links the two.
He argued that the Nomads will only come back to winning ways if they go and pay the remaining dues with their witchdoctor.

Ironically, Fote who is fondly known with the tag ‘Alore Alore Akane Akane’ , hints that the Nomads have been using juju to do better in their games and in the Carlsberg Cup final, in which the Lali Lubani side beat city rivals Big Bullets.
“Ngati simulipira MK250 grand kwa Nsing’anga wanu Ayaya, simupeza chipambano” a Chichewa phrase that Fote revealed that the Nomads owe the witch doctor money amounting to MK 250 000.
“I can challenge you, I have the phone numbers you can call to verify this but I only spare you (sports fans) some respect” Fote said in the programme he was joined by ex EPAC F.C coach and controversial coach, Leo Mpulura who in the same vein revealed that he won his only trophy with his other former team Azam Tigers because of using Juju.
Ironically again, the two believe that the Nomads need to go back to where they got the ‘juju’ from and then be back to winning ways.
The sentiments have now been haunting the sports reporter who has been warned against watching Nomads games at the Stadium as the supporters of the team have threatened to ‘deal with him’ their own way.
Malawi24 understands that Fote failed to watch the Nomads match against Kamuzu Barracks last weekend in fear of the wrath of the Nomads fans, a meeting the side lost 1 nil.
The Nomads have never won after wining the Carlsberg Cup last month.
Some supporters told this reporter in Blantyre that Fote has been a disgrace to the media saying that they only want him to justify his remarks and brig vivid evidence to his claims.
“Iyeyo ngati akuti timagwilisa ntchito Mankhwala, atiuze bwino”, said the fans arguing that they need evidence to the claims.
Fote’s remarks have ignited debate in local sports platforms as the Nomads is being accused of using juju by rival supporters who are all basing their arguments to what Fote said on air.

In 2012, while at Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), he was suspended for months following complaint from Silver Strikers that he told them to pay him if they wanted him to stop announcing about a match fixing plot when the team beat inform Blantyre United 5-0 to claim the championship of the top tier over over Big Bullets.
Fote was last year banned for a year from all football related activities organised by the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) after he sabotaged the Flames against Benin in the preliminary qualifying race to the 2014 Africa Cup of Nation (Afcon) to take place in Morocco.
Fote mistakenly sent a text meant for Benin’s Senior Technical Official to FAM’s Liaison Officer James Sangala using his mobile number of 0999950102.
The text read “Hie boss, this is a journalist who travelled with the Malawi team and I just wanted to say may the Almighty God bless you abundantly for helping me. I will in return, pay you by assisting you with information to beat Malawi at home. Let’s talk, Iam ready to do anything for you boss. “
Following this revelation, FAM summoned Fote who eventually accepted that the text came from him and the mother body met on 9th August 2014 at Chiwembe Technical Centre in Blantyre where they agreed to ban the controversial journalist before he switched to Joy TV.
The supporters reportedly intend to report Fote to authorities on the matter.
Kamunthu koipa kuposa mfiti kameneka, inu osadabwa munthu mpaka kugulisa game ya national team.. Nanuso ajoy zoona kulemba ntchito munthu ngat ameneu shame on uuuuu
Kkkkkkk mwatelo Mr killing Ayaya avuta ku Balakaakufuna zawo
Chelsea 2-0 asena
Mmmm #Peter #Fote wake uti
ananena za Noma?
Program yake ya litilo?
40 waona kuti unaluza ntchito Ku MBC ndie mwati mungolowera kwa asing’anga pepani ukundie kulibe katangale wanu uja. Muzikangofufuza maganyu mma radio station enawa bola asakuzindikileni kuti ndinu acinyengo eishhh
Akulira Apanga Bwanji, Nyelele Zili Mmadzi.
awatu aziruza dairy
Lying won’t make de truth go away it jst postpones it,stay calm Nomads….Hahahahahaaaaaa!!!
More fire 40,ana achepa!lkkkkkkk
Kkkkkk @ Jimmy & Vero tingotsegula file basi .how can he say that? zampira iziii eishiiii
The stupidity of this page ll make us o to bs stupid n u fote stop kutsegula chimbudzi chako chikununkha
Wina athawa chaka chache ndi chino
Go Deeper 40!!
P/fote ndi kape wasowa popezera ndalama wati uzilemba zabodza xool yake iti imeneyi.ngat zavuta bwereran kumudzi akakulandiran chuma chili nthaka now adayz.zotsatira zake akuthiran petrol town mo.
alore alore akane akane,ayishose iwone iiiiii one de best sports program on local tv so far zikumuwawa achokeee ndithu
Ngati chiri chilungamo sanalakwitse, ndipo paja anati utsi sufuka popanda moto
malawi24 chapompano mzalipira wina ndalama zambiri kenako mzatseka. chifukwa mmalemba zinthu zongomva osati zimene munthu wa nena kapena wa chita. ndithu mundivomereza ife tinakuzolowerani koma zimene mwayamba pano aaaaaa
manoma bwezani dolayo basi mwaishosha ng’anga muiwona 1-0 kuluza BB woye
pajatu amalawi kudana ndi chilungamo!misinkhu yonseyo u think mpilawu umangomenyedwa no muti?kwa omwe timatsatila bwino mbiliya mpila ku mangalande david beckham anabwela poyela kunena kuti anali ndichikonzelo chopita mdziko la china kukasaka muti kuti atchukenso munthawi ya mpila wake.mongokukumbutsani katswiri ochinya dzigoli ku brazil Ronaldo 9 ankati akagoletsa chigoli anali ndi mphini pa nkono yomwe imawala monyezimila akaimitsa nkono wakewo m’mwamba posangalala!nanga pali petert fote waona mbonaona zingati kuti akatinamize?zinaz osamangotsutsa musanaganize.mankhwala a mpila alipo ndipo mateam wa ali ndi muti ndithu wampila!kaya muisova!team mauleeeeeeee BB woyeeee!
Peter fote plus malawi 24 ur very stupid kumango falitsa nkhani zopanda pake zitsiriu zeze mwandikwiitsa agalu inu ooooooo ndikadakutukwanani makape inu.
Peter Fote is a disgrace to journalism! So in this age and era someone can believe in this trash! Shame, shame, shame!
Enanu mukulankhula chifukwa chakusaziwa. Kt muwine game nd Mulengi amatsogolela. Osati zomwe mukulankhulazo.
Pano musitha dzina frm nyelele to nyongolosi!,.hahahaha,koma neba uzmangiliratu ndi ulusi wosokera zovala!, chaka chake n’chno
kape iwe boma linakuchokocha…..ogulitsa game yadziko lake sham on u
Mukunama inu chifukwa wakuululan ndi ntchito yake kunena zomwe wamva ndi kuona.
Iwe pitala ngati wasowa zonena ungokhala chete
Iwe pitala ngati wasowa zonena ungokhala cheyenne
Peter,Peter,Peter akupatsa timadollars tingati
The same peter 50 said Chiukepo was unable to use his Juju at the same encounter….then who used juju then. I have never heard any western jounalist saing christiano ronaldo is like this man u is like this. What type of jounalism is Petulo Makumi anayi is following!
Wagulidwa ameneyu!!!!!!! mun2 oipa ngati anagulitsa zinsinsi za national team wat mo club????
Tak care of yr job 40!!!
umenewo ndiye mwano, wamva iwe 44
Big up Fote,if ayaya dies which means Ngoleka Fc will be ending up of loosing,neba matama usova
Alore-alore akane-akane
Kukamwa kwako pitala 40 ukuchita broadcust zinthu zomwe sizili choncho bwa? Wangodananayo noma mphaka iwe kagwere uko
amasoa zokamba ndicitsiru kdi ma radio enawa bwanji sakukamba tidziti khani yafika ku joy kokha pangani za job a4o musaipitse zithu pamalawi muyamba kuona za 2olo mwaiwala bt inakudziwani ndikupepha samalani pakamwa samalan job udzalira
Ayayawo ndi omwe akuonekawo kkkkk
ukuwona ngati ungabe ndalama za b4ward mwachunyengo wangosauka ukhaula. ndi BM
ukuwona ngati ungabe ndalama za b4ward mwachunyengo wangosauka ukhaula. ndi BM
reporter wachibwana uyu uthela mswayilesi omwewo ndiutola nkhani opusawo.
Hahahaha ayaya avuta
Kodi manoma mukudandaula chiyani ngati mukuti nkhaniyi ndi yabodza? Just wait, the truth cannot be hidden. It will pop up one day and nobody will be able to hide it.
Nde amanama?
Kp da fire burning Mr 40
Chitsiru cha munthu,chayiwara kuti chinali chimulonda.
ndi psych yomweyo kkkkkkk
Fote aululenso ngongole yomwe flames ili nayo kwa sing’anga ndicholinga choti nyamilandu akapereke kuti tiyambe kupambana.
mayina a Peter amakhala ofoila en asamusiye choncho!
By clinging to fote joy tv will lose viewers. He is practising 20th century journalism. A former mbc bad apple
it z a must.
Shit can mankhwala play a game Mr , you are shaming Malawi….next time we play a big team and win what will people over say
Anthu amene apanga NOMA ndi ake enieni ana a MULUNGU. Iwe Petulo 40 ndi using’anga wakowo Mulungu akukhululukile
Wakwiya ndi mfiti!!
I 4llowed d program 40 never said its noma that owes “ayaya” 250,000………. go n watch d program again inu a Malawi24 musamuipitse munthu uyu ngosalakwa
fote uli nane mwayi kuti uli kutali nane otherwise ndikanaku pasa chimbama kma mwachidule ndingoti machende ako mwana wa hule opusa iwe
timuocha ngat police ya chilomoni
Ndikape Ameneyu
kkkkk,koma si psy imeneyi kkkk,he nids assesment ndithu sichoncho eti @ Milly Kumwenda
Anthu amene mukumutukwana peter fote munayiwonera program ikunenedwayo. He never mentioned any team. Vuto ndi amene walemba nkhani imeneyi. Sindikuziwa kuti malawi 24 imawatenga kuti atolankhani ake. Why reporting things basing on hearsy? You need to investigate first b4 u report, otherwise, mukumuyipisira munthu mbiri. We watched the program and he never mentioned noma mukunenayo. Am a nomad fan koma tisamangosekelera zilizonse
Let him brief us what he knows,what he heard and what he see.
Peter Fifty mwayambanso munaipitsa mbiri ya Silver Strikers ikusewera ndi Epac zaka ziwiri zapitazi pa Silver stadium, chaka chatha chomwechi munagwidwa mukufuna kugulitsa game ya pakati pa Flames ndi Benin mpaka anakuchotsani MBC Radio 2 pano mwati mulimbane ndi Noma tsopano, kodi khalidwe wanu ndi wotani? kodi mumafuna kuzitchuka kamba koipitsa mbiri ku matimu ena, plz Peter Fote zipatseni ulemu kuti anthu ena akupatseni ulemu otherwise muzafa imfa yowawa.
Dikilani game ya Reds.mukaluza ndekuti sizowona akutokota foty,koma mukawina ndekuti mwakapeleka ndalama.ndinkadabwa kuti bullets inaluza bwanji ndi anawa.kkkkkkk.
Koma a Fote ndinu ovetsa chisoni ndithu zamasewera zomwezi mpaka ng’anga mxiiiiii gwabodza uyu mxiii
Anthu anyanga inu kumangoziwa kutenga juju osakalipila muziona mwaputa olakwika ameneo ndi ayaya ine ndangomva
am a bullets fun koma pta fote usamazitenge ngati ndiwe doollo!! u better mind ua bizness.
Ngati simudziwa mudziwe lero,amene adapangapo za utolankhani sangamunyoze Peter coz Mtolankhani ndiye wabodzayo.Ukazitape,ugogodi ndiye utolankhani umenewowo.Peter keep it up mtolankhani sakhala wachinsisi koma wowulutsa chobisika chichichonse.Ngati mukuti peter ndiwabodza Mukuneneranji kuti atolankhani asamawonerenso mpira wanu ANOMA????????????????????
Fote is an embarrassment to the journallist flaternity!! He has to learn to tame his rotten mouth or else he is digging his own grave at JOY TV!
aaa ndi wachibwana anaudzidwa kut ndi mmene zili
Kungala kuti ndimakhala pafupi ndi 40 ndinampanga izo ndinachita ku Chiladzulu
If juju really works, why does our national team fail to reach world cup finals?
If juju really works, why does our national team fail to reach world cup finals?
it z weak my friend
fote ndiwe wa bullets,mboli ya baba ako wamva,ukusowa chokamba eti
a fote usilu mwayambaso kuti mwina anthu aziwe kuti mulipo ukape
thats how silly he is always,, he thinks in that way he can show h z a good or best 1 but yet akuzidesera cv ,,i blamed Mbc for sacking him last time and now i c how gopd was Mbc to do it that way
Barcelona ndeikusamuka ku spain kaya tiziona
Amen Peter Fote. Preach on!!!!
kodi?? kani?? Ndimadabwatu
ayaya omeweo kuti wawawawawa………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tandimasulilani Mchichewa Kapena Chilomwe Nkhaniyi
Ine adha awawa ndilibe nawo ngawa….amandiwazhaaa
stupit peter fote osangopanga zoti udye bwanji? hav ever take money kuipatsa? shame on u
so he thinks mpira ndi mankhwala? Chelsea pakatipa simachita bwino basi ndi mankhwala?? even our national team sikuchita bwino basi mankhwala? ok you are telling us kuti ma teams amene akuchita bwinowaso alibe ngongole kwa sing”anga awo? mpira wavuta tivomereze kuti wavuta basi.
mpakapano sukuziwabe kuti mpira ndimankhwala? osati kumalawi kokha even overseas.
Kape wausiru uyu akulephera kuthandiza makolo ake ku Madzi Abango uko koma kumaipitsa Team yaikulu ngati imeneyi. Galu
kkkkkkkkk komaaaaaaa
Heeeeeeey!! shame on you Nomads. Calvin Chiwaya
Ndi kape akatero nde kut wasowa kogulitsa game-watch out mr b4 u get sacked again-u r an insult 2 the profession…
Ngati zili zoona ndi nkhani imeneyo ndipo palibe chovuta apa.
Akutitheraso Panadol manoma mmashopumu
Afote mwasow chokamba, olo mutamankhara deyir kunena za manoma mungotop cz manoma nd dhilu, mtolankhan wopand nzeru, ndmkono anakubana ku mbc, b 4 wad ndi dhilu kambani ina mr fote
peter stupid jounalist munthu wopanda nzeru ngati iwe omatenga zopanda pake mbuzi yolephera
Mkuluyu ndimaona ngati ndiwabwino bwino aaaaaa ndiopenga
Peter Fote akulida lyf ya Chitrad heve ngati ali 1940
Sukulapa takuonjezelaso zaka zina 70
Iyeyo ngati sports yake simakondedwa nde anawona kuti mwina anthu akopeke zimuvuta. Asamale ntchito akazitengera mwamba akakhalaso pasi.
Iyeyo ngati sports yake simakondedwa nde anawona kuti mwina anthu akopeke zimuvuta. Asamale ntchito akazitengera mwamba akakhalaso pasi.
team yathu kuchititsa manyazi
Ikanakhala ngongole bwenz anapereka kale, Nyerere zili ndi dola. A Journalist like Fote saying such stories just shows his stupidness.
kkkkkkkk kazibweze Neba usanapenge ohoooo
kuwina kwa team kumakhala kut mulungu walemba not diz “ayaya ting…” Shame on yu pete fote
peter fote a bullets fan,u expect gud storiz from him???
Yes,as ajournalist he find such stories like thatone.NOMA FLOATING.
Nomads ndiya Juju… Precious Precious Bright Kulidzuwa Wixy Chicox Wadi Mervin Tiyesi Gladys Binoss Vanessa Ka
Kkkkkkkk zoona zimenezo zithumwazake akusunga ndi #yona_malunga
Van Pa Chimimba
Wis Iam Gondwe .. kalipileni basi.. kkkkk
wat a shame to our beloved Nomads
Akufunanso suspend ina?
hahaha what?…unbelievable
a Peter fote inu za mpira mwaziyamba liti? ngati ku Malawi kuli journalist yemwe ndi mbuli ndi peter fote.Unapanga za mwanyi kumapereka imfo kuti a malawi tiluze game. sitimayiwala chibwana ubapanga. Apa ukubweresa nkhani yoti singathandize chilichonse kutukula mpira ka Malawi. SHAME! bola udzikangolima nyani!
Malawi 24 do you mean that investigative and objective journalism brings shame to the journalism profession? I am now seriously doubting the journalism credentials of the author of this article and his understanding of the queen’s language should be questioned as well.
Honestly speaking, fearless sports journalists like Peter Fote are the ones we need if the country is to be given authentic sports news. The author of this story is not critical in his approach to trade and littlewonder, therefore, that he writes on mere hearsays instead of digging the news.
I can only advise the gentleman who has written this horrible and miserable article to go back to an authentic journalism school and sharpen his new gathering and writing skills, if at all he has any. I am afraid, this is pure schoolboy journalism.
Malawi24 Malawi24 be objective pliz. Ndinaonera programme ine, sanatchule team inu inu inu eeeeee. Musiyeni Fote agwire ntchito yake yokomayi, musamupase minyama abale. Pliz Pliz sanatchule team. Kapena azapangeso replay programmeyo muzamvesese. FOTE WOYEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU COZ UMATIUZA ZENIZENI. MORE FIRE FOTE. IWE NDI NGWAZI ZINA ZAPADERADERA KU MBALII YA MPIRA.