Flames head coach Ernest Mtawali has revealed that midfielder Robert Ng’ambi refused to come in as a second half substitute during Malawi’s two-all-draw against Swaziland in the 2017 African Cup of Nations some weeks ago.
According to information sourced by Malawi24, Mtawali submitted a report to the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) of what exactly happened before and during the match.

It is believed that the Platinum Stars midfielder complained of a knock when he was about to be introduced, forcing Mtawali to use Chawanangwa Kaonga.
But after the game, Ng’ambi vented his anger on his coach for warming the bench throughout the match.
He told reporters that his snubbing was a clear indication that he was no longer in the plans of the mentor.
“We could have won the match had it been that some of the players were serious enough. Every coach has his own strategy but then we shouldn’t make hasty decisions,” he told the media just after the match.
Commenting on the latest developments concerning the row between the duo, FAM general secretary Suzgo Nyirenda said he was yet to meet Mtawali to discuss the submitted report.
“The report is indicating that he (Ng’ambi) excussed himself from being used as a substitute because he has a knock. I cannot pre-empt everything now, let me meet the coaches first and find out what exactly happenned,” said Nyirenda.
Prior to the match, Mtawali had dropped senior players including captain Joseph Kamwendo and it was only Ng’ambi who survived the chop.
Currently, the Flames squad comprised of local players is in camp preparing for their 2018 FIFA World Cup preliminary first round qualifier away to Tanzania on 4 October before a return leg on 11th the same month.
It is not known whether the midfielder will be called for the clash or not.
Robert Lewandowski scored 5 goals when he came on as a substitute. He only needed 9 mins to score all of the mentioned goals………….its not that when u r benched then you are nt good enough for the coach it might mean the coach wants to study the game n feature u at a particular special juncture to rescue ur team……..Pity that big players are always furious when they dnt start a match! Ndalalata apa?
Z tru dat ng’ambi ndwabwno bt jst bring ur emotional change to the national team.
nyumba sungayambe foundation ndi zidina zosawotcha kumaliza ndi zowotcha palibe chochitika,awa akadzimva kwambiri ziwakanika,Ng’ambi ndi akatundu ena,olo ndikanakhala ine sindikanolowa,zinali zachibwana chanchombo lende.
Gud 4 him .he is De best so far in Malawi
kukasia atusaye nyondo oti ali game time .amene mukufanizila messi inu mpira simauziwa.Robin ngalande aliku plantinum koma sanamenyepo game pamene ng’ambi 90 mins ndezisapweteke mumati?
heee kamwendo and bajo are de best midfielders here in malawi i wonder why ntawali amadana nawo last time anamusiya kamwendo ndikufunaso kuti bajo asayiyambe hhhhmmm what kind of a coach z he
Drop him and fine him we dont want arrogant players who want to be on top of the coach
Anachitabwino kukana ng’ambi z great player with all his proffetionalism then shud start on the bench whats that #Mtawali?
his a chicken
kodi pa bench po analipo yekha?enawo nanga sanadandaule bwanji?Ma player aku Joni kuzifila u star kwambili.amadya bench madala John Terry iyeyo nde ndindani?
Azake ayeseko mwayi asaaaa nanga ataduka mwendo b4 2017
Don’t call him again. Wausilu
bullshit ngati sakufuna kusewela muchoseni mu timumo…..and find pple whu can
Anachita bwino kukana olo ndikanakhala ine sindikanalola kukwela a sinking ship
He did right to refuse bigup Bagio
i dont blame ng’ambi
Kodi ngati Baggio ali wa bwino sanamenyeko Top team ku Joniko bua???? olo osapita ku Europe…. Munthu wa Diski azititopetsa
Tisalephere masewero chifukwa cha dzina ayi,ngati sakuchita bwino ayenera kupatsa azake mpata womwe ali bwino. aliyense ali ndizochita zake ngati iye anayikidwa pathabwa ayenera kuvera asazikonde ayi chifukwa amasewera ku joni iyeyo ndani,a mtawali mwagwira ntchito yanu yowoneka kuti simukungwira ntchito ya mayina ayi koma kudziwa pa zochita.
mmm ma coach ku malawi amanyozedwa nchochi!!!! ku looser ku pali ndale zambiritu zimachitika , kufuna kumutha coach eti?
Let the coach do his job well. And Ng’ambi must think as other most good players like Kanyenda. If u r a good player, does nt mean u play good football all the time.Ma Team otchuka kuno ku SA akuluza ndi ana. That does not mean matimuwo atha koma pasikulo zinawavuta. Learn that our players plz. Kochi akakuona kuti suli boh in ur perfomance nthawi imeneyo, there is no need to use ur name in football.
eish!! my
Messi azikhala pa bench,inuyo a Robert kutani,mwakhala mukumayamba Malawi nkumaluzabe,idont lik ma players odelera coach,mixew
Robert iz a good prayer Enerst iz agood coach but he musnt trust in local prayers chimenechi ndichimene chikuchititsa BAFANA BAFANA kusachita bwino no need to put BAJO on the bench pomwe ku club kwake amamenya 90 minutes..
Manager take him out we don’t want old player, in our nation team.
Chelsea 2-0 asena
azkachokera panja messi; ronaldo; anthu odzwa mpira nd ndniso iyeyu
Osamunenanso Coach apa ,osewera athu ndi ozikonda ozimva kwambiri sadziwa kufunika kosewelera dziko lawo.Iyeyo ndiwosewera wabwino komanso Coach amakhala ndi chiganizo chake ndichifukwa chake timaona achina John Terry ali pa thabwa.Kuzikonda si kwabwino ndizosiyirana izi sitizakhala ndi osewera alipo lerowa mpaka kalekale ayi.
he not good coach
Ya anapanga bho heavy,,,
l accept Ngambi is a good player but he shound not grow wings on national team coaches; The nation team is not a club in south Africa; He should behave like Esau Kanyend, he can be left on the bench he does not grow wings he still behaves; Dont discourage Ernest Mtawali he is a good coach we are tired with recyled coaches; Even if we dont qualify it will not add an iota to our footballing status;
Good move Robert don’t come the Coach must learn a lesson
I don’t blv ntawali y did it tek him so long to say what happened? He z planing of dropng him again n this wil b his xcuz. Sikubadwa kale koma kuyendausiku komwe kupangisa kuona fisi a ntawali simungaziwe zonse
Pa Ambuyake Mpila Wake Wakunyasaland Omwewu!!!
akumazifila ernest coz wamenya ku joni and wz the best but ng’ambi is the best in this generation
munaonako messi or ronaldo akuyamba benchi..ng’ambi one of our best so he need to guide de tteam which is ful of local playerz
munaonako messi or ronaldo akuyamba benchi..ng’ambi one of our best so he need to guide de tteam which is ful of local playerz
Nanga two minutes left mukuti ng’ambi alowe zachamba basi
Nanga two minutes multi ng’a
Kukula ntima ndi mpila siziyendalana,,,,kumamvera zimene wanena coach nde chofunikila,,,,,,Ng’ambi you have to change makhalidwe ako……
Kwalimwe bola yapamalawi ok nizawona naye vochita
ng’ambi wachita bwino coz ntawali wachulutsa kusala ma player akale waiwala kut masache akale ndiamene amasesa bwino m’makona.alilira kuutsi coz akuluakulu ndimdambo mozimila moto
whatever who cares even he was inside it would have not change anything papa.
Palibe chimene coach analakwisa de de future of de national team belongs 2 de youngstar, sitinaluze palibe cho malilira.
Bullets 4 Inayo 2 zingayambe kuiwarika
Vuto la ma player a ku Malawi ndilimenelo mumazi3la baaad
koma amatha playeryo wava
Kufuna kumuthetsela ntchito mzanu basi mxiew! After all who is you?
Even neymar adamuuziratu coach wake kuti sadabwerere kudzaonera mpira koma kuzachita nawo
Olo ndikanakhala ine sindikanalola za manyizo
the best midifilder in Malawi ng’ambi left on the bench mu chikho chofunika kwambili friendly ndi league mzosiyana mtawali ganiza bwino ng’ambi alibe size sangafanane ndi achina chester akowo
A Heavy, zitayeni basi.
Even Tevez anakana zimenezo y kumusiya panja player wabwino ameneyu olo peter mponda amadziwa ubwino wa N’gambi
Ma player akumalawi 2much kuzimva eish
koma iweyo he good player
Lembani zomveka kkkk koma iweyo he good player hehehe chichewa chomwechi mpaka chibwibwi shame !
The coach made a mistake,,leaving this gy panja.
Messi ndi ng’ambi dolo ndindani? Popeza tawonapo messi akuchokela pa bech. Popanda ng’ambi mpila ku Malawi uzatha eeti. Idiot ng’ambiiiiiiiii
Hehehehehe usova ,,,kalowe iweyo
Mbuli zampira
ma players akuno akamamenya pa jon amazifira,nanga atamenya Premier league nde tingavutiketu
ngambi sangakane nzaboza izi,enest ndimwana sangakwanise kukocha national team,mulandu ngwa nyamilandu amene analandilapo kangachepe pa mpando wake
Are you going to edit this post. You are saying the games with TZ is in September 4th and 11th respectively and yet we are already after those days. If it was an examination pater you would have received a 1 over 10.
Mukungolimbana ndi ng’ambi adakuwuzani kale kuti olo osamuitanaso ku nation team sangadandaule, iye kutimu kwache akumenya bwino ndipo akuchinya zigoli zabwino zabwino.
Anachita bwino kukana
kkkkk Robert muli vuto inuso mufuna kukhalaso coach. Mudzivera coach
khalan pansi ku mupange sort out vutolo osat zamikangano mukupangazo ayi sizithandiza ok
He iz jst a player,he must respect coachs ideaz kaya ndikukala kaya kutchuka zsat khudxe!
tina kale musatinyatse
The coach needs to be respected. Team’s success also relies on players’ good behaviour. I have now come to conclusion, are the players that make coach’s job to be difficult.
why putting ng’ambi on bench? Who z better than him? Aaa olo sinakalowa
From previous reports that indicated FAM wants to meet the player & the coach.What does FAM wants to discuss?This report says FAM GS wants to discuss the match report.What do they want to discuss?Adminstrative/Technical?Zimenezi ndi zomwe zikusokoneza mpira ku Malawi coz ma coach alibe mphamvu zenizeni ku mateam.Had it been I was Mtawali I could have completely droped the player.Remember the coach complained about players attitude.Sizimenezi nanga!!!
ndimumene timuchosera ntchito..
akagwere uko
if it is so ; the player needs disciplinary action