Shocking: Prophet Ed Citronnelli sprays liquids on woman’s private parts


…”he slept with me, and now my private parts are itching”

Prophet Ed Citronnelli sprayed some ‘liquids’ on a woman’s pr*ivate parts ‘to cast out’ a demon which he alleged was  sleeping and having oral s*ex with her.

“Look at the demon, look oral s*ex demon” pronounced Prophet Citronnelli.

The woman, Rosemary Daniel, told the congregation that the demon put his p*enis in her mouth and started having oral s*x with her.

While being prayed for, Miss Daniel started behaving in a manner as if she was having oral s*x with the said demon.

She then started oozing out thick whitish liquids as the Prophet continued to cast out the said demon.

“A demon came with his p*nis and put it in my mouth. And he came again and slept with me last week and I told the pastor that I need deliverance again. Since then [after sleeping with the evil spirit], my pr*ivate parts having been itching” narrated Miss Daniel of her story before being prayed for.

“Come out from her pri*vate parts…demon in the pr*ivate part” prays Prophet Ed Citronnelli.

During the course of being prayed for, the televangelist started spraying her pr*ivate parts with what he said to be Holy water.

As seen int he clip below, Miss Daniel declared later on that she had been delivered, saying 15 minutes after being prayed for by Prophet Citronnelli, “white stuff came out with the blood” from her pr*ivate parts.

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