The Malawi government has come under fire from Amnesty International for putting little effort in protecting people with albinism in the country.
In a press release titled “ritual murders of people with albinism in Malawi must end” that was published by the organisation on 3rd February 2016, the body expressed dissatisfaction with Malawi’s input towards curbing the atrocities against albinos. The increase in cases of killings and abductions of people with albinism has raised great concern to the human rights organisation.

“It is deeply worrying that there is poor security for people with albinism in Malawi despite an increasing number of attacks against them,” said Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International Director for Southern Africa, as quoted in the press release.
Muchena added that the Malawi government must engage an extra gear in protecting rights of albinos.
He said: “The government’s human rights obligation requires them to protect everyone’s right to life. They must ensure that the police have resources to protect those at risk of attack.”
Malawi President Peter Mutharika issued a statement on 19th March 2015 condemning attacks on people living with albinism. He vowed to take legal action against all perpetrators and called on police to protect albinos. Part of his statement continues to be rebroadcasted on state owned MBC Radio.
Last year a total of 45 cases of killing, attempted killings, abduction and attempted abductions, were reported by local activists. The latest case involves the killing of 53 year-old Eunice Phiri whose mutilated dead body was found at Kasungu National Park on 28 January 2016.
Body parts of albinos are believed by others to bring good luck. The killing of albinos was very common in East Africa but recently it has overflowed to Malawi thereby putting lives of the concerned group at risk.
winayo wa mu parliament angomusiyasiya bwanji? kkkkkkkkkk
Boma likumapezako kenakake
a river does not flow in the forest without bringing down small trees ,time will tell
Misika yake amayiziwa ndi akuluakulu omwewo asatipusise
It’s not as simple as you think, Tanzania has been experiencing such killings for more than 15 years now despite the major efforts of the government. In some cases it was discovered that the closest relatives are the one taking part in killings. In one district a father sold his own son ( with albinalism) to the killers. So you may blaming your own government in vain the protection should be within your community.
Dj ika matafali anasiya unthenga kondi? Tidanilananji.
I guess the perpetrators are those so-called officials.
I mean people like, the President himself, ministers, MPs and all those who have their pockets well oiled.
I doubt if a poor person can know that there is a market that is involved in buying human beings in UK,or somewhere within Malawi.
Simply, one knows only to make fishing nets but can’t go in the lake,so a fisherman will buy that net,and go in the lake,therefore, the most dangerous person who contributed largely for that fish to be caught is the manufacturer of the net.
Bolani lero nzungu wanenako zanzeru osati kuyikira kumbuyo amathanyula omwe amangopanga exist in pple’s minds, abstractly!
Jonathan# Thats is gud i dear bro. But not just give humanbeings example. Whithout do it.
The professor better not have a hand in this issue.. i dnt trust him
Onesa chikondi tonsefe ndianthu,kusiana nkhungu ndibvuto?Bwanji simunyoza amzungu,mukawaona mumawathamangira?Mulungu alinawo cholinga.
What security measures do you want govt to put in place to protect albinos? Building a kroal for the albinos in Malawi? You are the first person to protect albinos because they live with us in our communities. Please, provide solutions, not critism. How do you think govt should protect albinos? Assigning a police officer to each of them wherever albinos are living? Is it possible?
Is only Goverment who bring that kind of thing.
Pofunika Zilango Tidzipereka Tokha. Ngati Munthu Wagwidwa Naeso Aphedwe Chifukwa Boma Likudziwapo Kanthu Mkutheka Ndiomwe Akukhudziwa.
The races of the wmrld lates unite
Haayina,inu mumati goverment ingalephere kudziwapo kanthu.
Indeed our government is doing nothing to end this malpractice coz u will find a judge sentencing an albino abductr 4-7 yrs IHL instead of a stf punishment to scare would be offenders
Do they want govt to take all albinos and keep them @Area 30? What special security do they need pot ifenso tikumaphedwa kusendedwa nkhope
Aaaaaah za khanundu basii
Goverment cannot do anything on killing of these pple, it shows the goverment leaders, unknowingly endulges themselves in this malpractice, no wonder they are not eager to protect the alobinos
I agree
atsogoleri andale ndi akuluakulu aboma ndinu amene mukukhuzidwa ndi nkhani zimenezi,chonde onesani chikondi kwa amalawi azanu,albino nawonso ndi anthu ngati ifeyo.
What Is Amnest International?, They Want To Rule Malawi Or Not. If The They Have Seen Some Evil Doing They Have To Advise Us
leaders are the one killing the albinos ,so who isgoing to defend them ,we need prophet who will come and end this mess
This is due to the poor leadership which is governing nyasaland