Lower Shire political heavyweight Sidik Mia has said that the October 17 by-elections showed that Malawians trust the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP).
In his remarks, Mia said the elections showed that Malawians are seeing MCP, under Dr Chakwera, as the only hope for the country .

According to Mia, the elections revealed that Malawians are ready to usher in Malawi Congress Party as their next government to transform the country for the better.
“Malawians are seeing MCP, under Dr Chakwera , as the only hope for the country. I therefore appeal to few individuals within the party to stop putting their effort on petty and trivial issues.
“The by-elections outcome have sent a clear signal that Malawians are ready to give MCP a chance in 2019,” Mia added.
He further said all MCP members are united for a common purpose and stand strong against corruption.
“My fellow Malawians, MCP under Dr Chakwera, has and will execute a zero – tolerance policy against corruption. MCP under Chakwera will not harbour or shield corrupt individuals or cartels ,” Mia said.
The October 17 by-elections saw Malawi Congress Party winning 5 seats out of 6.
The country’s oldest party won in Nsanje Lalanje, Lilongwe City South East and Lilongwe Msozi North constituencies.
The party also won in Mtsiriza ward in Lilongwe and Ndirande Makata ward in Blantyre.
The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won in Dedza Makata ward only.
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JC inatha paja eti?????
indeed dis gvt ignores opportunity to rule pple by not listening to voice of the poor
Idon’t See Mcp Winning In2019
Mpaka heavyweight
Exactly people love M, C, P, 2019 woye
2019, ife tonse!!!! Boma!!! Ngakhale mfumu Farao anavutanso mmene ana Israeli ankafuna kuchoka mu kapolo Ku Egypt. Anawakakamila mapeto make anakathera mmadzi. God of Mercy!
Mcp 2019 ilibe opikisana naye apapa m,pang,ono, dziko lisamakhale lakuti azisangalara onthu ochepa okha basi, aliyense kumangodandaula, tiyeni a malawi 2019 tisinthe boma
I think in malawi we need change of our laws for this country to move forward for example the appointment of director of acb but mia cannot be asavior of Malawians his hands are too dirty to claim that
Zoonadi ndithu MCP taikhutano tatopa ndizatsilu zomwa madzi ometela ndebvuzo
Ine ndwa pitala uyu wa dpp bt bcoz he got nothn to offer to malawians there4 frm 2dy on wardz im no longr a pitala supporter there z nothn tangible dis guy has dne, so lets giv a chance to big man chakwera u knw mcp is the party of developments believe mi malawi will change for de bettr with chakwera lets all join hands in supptin mcp kwaaaaaaaaaaachaaa
And you… don’t be cheated to think that people wants you…its the DPP that people don’t want…mbewa zikatha anona ndi swiswiri..
hello everyone am happy sharing this with you, am not suppose to be doing this but i can’t hold back my joy so i have to share with you, you too can be help just as i was helped by Dr Odudu who cured me the HIV virus after suffering from it for some years and CD4 count was very low i was depressed, i was desperately in need of getting rid of it, but the ARVs were not helping so i was eager to contact Dr Odudu who gave me his herbal medicine, today as am posting this i am HIV negative, don’t hide your sickness or else your sickness will hide you, contact Dr Odudu today so that you see a reason to back through the years of your depression and smile to yourself, you can call or whatsap him with his number (+2349067902914)or email [email protected] , pardon me i offend you with this post, but i must share this good news
That’s true Mr Mia
2019 mcp ikutenga boma,anthu kumudzi azindikira kuti Dpp ndiyakhanza,kuba,kudzikonda komaso sakuva zamavuto awanthu midzi.komaso ngati Dpp itakawina ndekuti mwaba popeza zintchito zanu ndizakuba.
eeee. tatopa gyz ndi dpp. with ful of recycled politician. this by election it was jst awarning to you that pple they can’t be cheated any more. ngat dpp idzawine ndiye kt yabera. MCP. bomaaaaaa!! Dr. Lazarus Chakwera 2019. Bomaaaaaa!!!
eeee. tatopa gyz ndi dpp. with ful of recycled politician. this by election it was jst awarning to you that pple they can’t be cheated any more. ngat dpp idzawine ndiye kt yabera. MCP. bomaaaaaa!! Dr. Lazarus Chakwera 2019. Bomaaaaaa!!!
Pardon! U just said recycled politicians? I guess #Mia is nt one of them!!
Fisi anakana nsatsi
Fisi anakana nsatsi
Fisi anakana nsatsi
Fisi anakana nsatsi
m’malawi ozndikir savutka ndzmenez zonse m’zakutha
ndikangokumbukira mbiri ya kongeresi,
100% true
Nyasi Za Zipani, Ine Ndimakhulupirira Mwa Yesu Basi ,muuzane Palibe Angapikisane Ndi Yesu,wamva Youth ,cadet! Go To Hell!
Point of collection mia and his family not Malawians
Mvelani MCP will never rule again this country! Nzanu zinapita!!!! DPP moto buuu 2019!!!!!!
The point is what change mcp members of parliament have brought into their constituencies even Chakwera himself that can on tell you that mcp will achieve anything if they will make it in 2019 don’t be blindfolded with noise of opposing seeking power from voters.
Malawi ndi chimanga UFA osati sidiki mia timadya pakhomo pa sidiki mia ife angadyetse Malawi yonse sidiki wanuyo olo achakwerawo zoti anali abusa palibe tambala wakuda lero
I have got a friend from nsanje where MCP won the election, he told me that people were already admired the winer and he have lost 2times . The past election was the third. Nsanje lalanje historically have never vote an MP twice since 1994. Therefore MCP shouldn’t relaxy believe that.
Mcp zoti izalowanso Boma muyiwale mwina tima Mp tomweto basi ,Dpp inachoka Boma ndipo inalowanso after two yrs of Joyce Banda , chakwera sangakwanitse kulamulira dziko ngati zimamukanika kumulira kachipani kakeko .Dpp 2019 Boma
Paja malawi 24 ndi ya Dpp nde mulira simunàt Mcp paçhiongolero
Imva izi 2019 DPP boma wins afune olo afune Mia palibe angamufune Ku lower shire,kungoti DPP Yachitaya yokha.Inu Samu Ganda anaonesa kuti anali waku Mwanza maliro ake anatikwiyisa ife a Sena choncho palibe munthu ombwambwana angavotele munthu wakumwanza mwana wamudzi ali pomwepo SITOLO(2)kumtuma George mbava Chaponda kukapanga ayi kampeni mwano ndithu weniweni.Ine ndine weniweni was DPP koma sindinavotere Kenya DPP mwai ulipo koma mukapitiliza kusamvela anthu oyenelerafe iiii mumpasa matama Mia tizawina upulezidenti basi koma u MP oima paokha tamamumvelani Patrish Kaliyatiyo inu amakuuzani nzelu inu kunyalanyanza.
De election of october 17 terfy wat balometer say abt 2019 eĺection ďat Mcp wll win de poĺlz
Change is needed munthu wanzeru ndi kuvotera Dpp pali cha nzeru chanji chomwe apanga anthu onse amene anali ankhaza kale Ku MCP,pano Ali Ku Diphiphi.its new MCP with young blood,zakhalamba tatopa Nazo.
AMia dziwani kuti amalawi mwina akungofuna kusintha koma sikuti inuyo muli bwino. Mukukangana nokhanokha zomwe zikusonyeza kuti ulamulilo suli bwino. Ulamulilo ngati ukukanika nkati mwanu kuli bwanji kulamulila dziko.
Mulungu alinafe MCP will never rule Malawi again
I already solved the jigsaw puzzle.Mcp was once in gvt,then UDF,then DPP,then PP for two yrs.DPP is the first opposition party to go back in gvt.So DPP is there to stay believe me.
I already solved the jigsaw puzzle.Mcp was once in gvt,then UDF,then DPP,then PP for two yrs.DPP is the first opposition party to go back in gvt.So DPP is there to stay believe me.
Ngati mukunamizana choncho mwatchera kumwezi nkhanga zaona! musawapange a Malawi kuti avotere munthu yemwe sangawathandize! ngati mukuti Dpp yalephera koma mukuona ngati mcp ingatani inu! kodi mukuyesa ngati kutumikira mtundu wa anthu okolawu nkophweka? ask the rate K Banda,B Mutharika, or B Muluzi and J Banda akuwuzani kuti a Malawi onse ndi a mfiti! a Chakwera ngati mukufuna kulila nenani! vuto lake mukufuna anthu avotere mantha! koma sizitheka! ife tizavota zomwe tikudziwa!
john bande mp wabwino analuza chifukwa cha chipani kusonyeza kuti amalawi ambili ndiosazindikira kofunika ma radio ndi ma bungwe azitiphuzisa mene tingasankhire aphungu athu
kaya zilimbanani ine president wanga ndi yesu salephera sadzalephera chifukwa palibe wopikisana naye ndipo sadzapezeka satana ankafuna azipikisana naye analephera mmalo mwake anangowaponyera padziko kudzasokoneza anthu.zachipanizi tinatopa nazo chifukwa palibe ndikuonanso wodzakhala president ndikudzakondedwa aliyense amayamba bwino kutsiliza ndizoipa.palibe president anachoka pampando popanda chifukwa.achakweranso ngati angadzapeze mwayi waupresident adzayamba bwino koma adzamalizanso ndizoipa.president wamkulu ndimulungu kudzela mwa yesu khristu wamoyo
Muzinena bwinotu Malawians ngati enafe mwatifunsa ine ndiwa DPP no mata what
Dpp itmeans Dizilo,Petrol Palibe wy malawian does not believe mcp, Mcp u should win 2019!!!!!!!!
kaya tamalimbanani ine president wanga ndi yesu salephera sadzalephera chifukwa palibe wop
You the malawi24,can bring wth you a good camera and take photos on sidks developments in nkombezi constituency, you wll never call him a giant. plz follow him
You the malawi24,can bring wth you a good camera and take photos on sidks developments in nkombezi constituency, you wll never call him a giant. plz follow him
koma ndisayiware kuyamikira DPP ya a bingu inali ya masophenya osati akabwaziwa iyayi president opanda masophenya
Akatundu awa!
Lets wait and see 2019 its too long
OK tiyeni tiwone kuyanbira nthawi ya mcp,UDF, DPP, pp,DDP tiyeni tiwone amene anachita zowoneka and chitetezo tiwoneso,akuba samapezeka athu amazilimbikira okha,bvotu ndiloti athu mumadana ndi msonkho ndie tawonani pano msonkho mesa ulipenapalipose ndipo ndimene athu tikuberedwa ndalama zathu za misonkho komaso zipatala mankhwala kulibe olongosoka,amakuuzani kuti pitani ku private ,kodi wa private ndi boma woyenera azipezeka ndi zoyenerera ndindani amalawi no matter i was not there in the error of doctor HK Band koma history yokha ndimasiyanisa kuti bola MCP, tiyeni achinyamata titenge gawo posabvomereza omwewomwewo kumangitibera komaso tisamabvitere kulemera kwa muthu kapena kuchuka koma khalidwe lake la muthu ,,,,,,,,go youth go with our country
I declare the winning with landslide victory for DPP in 2019. Nothing in the hands of DPP other than blowing wind come general elections!!
Linda madzi apite uziti ndadala,chepetsan phokoso
Which Malawians or u talking about Malawians in MCP strong hold? Mia, u confused or u trying to confuse Malawians?
We are busy pointing finger to each other why dnt yu pray hard so God can help us. DO u think Government can manage to solve this issue??? Ndinkhondo ya kuuzimu iyi, and presdent pa iye yekha sangakwanitse koma inu ndi ine ndiwomwe tingagwilane mmanja ndikupephela zolimba kut devil achite manyaz.
i think now people has realize
Zoonadi ndi momwemo ndithu
i think now people has realize
Speak for yourself… he who trusts in any political parties is a fool. They are all batting for Satan. All of them in all countries.
Sukumvetsa pati Cardet,MCP will win the 2019 election. #Declaimer former Cardet
Those who hate mcp, immigrant to must nation. Wandale is waiting for you.
Tione zina 2019 nkhalambazi tatopa nazo zimangokhalira kuba ndi kugona mu parliament. Pitani mukalere zidzukulu ndi zosiirana izi, ngakhale Kamuzu tinkati ndi wa muyaya ndipo sadzafa koma anapita
Mwanena zobona amia DDP yatizuza mokwana tikufuna 2019 Yizachoke ife tikufuna MCP BASI
Osamanamiza anthu DPP chipani chakuba anthu atopa akufuna as in the kuluza kunsanje munaluza mmati ndikwanu zavutazavuta vomelani anthu atopa kubeledwa chipanichi chapanga phase out
People voted against DPP not voting for MCP.
mcp ine ayi
There is no need to belittle MCP’S victory over other 50+parties, the ruling party(DPP) inclusive. If the DPP will not change the way it is governing the country,MCP could easily take over the reigns of power. Makata ward shouldn’t be omitted as one of the areas where MCP has rooted its grip in the southern region.
Muiwale inu a mcp mwina idzawina ndikadzafa koma ndili moyo 2019 DPP bomaaaaaaa Mcp izapse mtima
ndimaona ngati ndikuona ndekha sir
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk sir akunamizidwa ndi mdima sakudziwa kuti mwezi uwala
Akufuna kunamiza anthu kuti adziti DPP inatha aah. Atsala pang’ono 2019 tidzamva ‘atibera ngati amagona?
Noble country men look at Mia as a Saint in MCP camp. UDF, DPP and PP missed this opportunity.. We can’t be suffering like refugees in our own land because of DPP?! We need change by all means! Mia has seen for himself how Malawians are suffering today and how best to help them and chosing MCP was what God made him.
Malawi will only develop if we start asking wht can i do for my family to develop.development starts at household level
Only Mia believes in MCP
Me too I now believe in MCP that makes us 2 and that makes u 1 kwaaaaaaa
I doesn’t support any party & don’t believe in any party.
those who don’t know,what happened during their time
Mr mia , let me tell you this and keep it in ur mind . MCP will never ever win this coming election (2019) and its too early to say Malawian, they trust MCP chifukwa ine ndi mmozi wa a Malawi omwe sitikuifuna ndipo lindani mazi aduse muziti mwadala.
Never say never…..dpp is not undisputed….after all it won by 36% in 2014 which is not a majority
Osamatha mau…. aliyense ndi voti imodzi. It’s about the majority
Mwina Musangobera Koma Dpp Singazawine
People will say on ballot paper and don’t say never i always vote for MCP and i will never change
Muzangobela kuti muzawine koma pachilungamo dpp ndi chipani choti amalawi ozindikira atopa nacho
man musapusisike ndi ma social media muyende mupite ku mizi kweni kweni ndi ndiye mukawauze anthu kumeneko za mcp ndiye mukamve zomwe akayankhe ngati simukachita manyazi. moreover ngati mumawaziwa masamu mupange ratio muone kuti ikuyenda bwanji. muzifuse kaye kuti ndi zipani zingati zidaima pa chisankho ndiye mupeze ratio yake then after mundiuze kuti MCP muli ma share awo angati , ngati DPP yatengamo 36%.
Midzi yake iti iwe mwina ukunena zakumwera koma pa ground anthu ayankhula kale iwe usanditayitse nthawi
ngati umangolimbikila politics ndiye ndikhonza kukutayisa tym komano enafe timangobwelapo kupanga refresh mutu basi ndiye ngati tym yanu yopanga refresh sinakwane please log it out and log in again when you are free ndi macheza awa kaya kkkkkk
@ panjiwa ndichoncho a mcp .anger always.kukonda za u dictator
@ panjiwa ndichoncho a mcp .anger always.kukonda za nkhanza.fisi ndi fisi yet mcp is an easily to decampaigh party.this time.look at your candidates.cant convince Malawi ans in majority for a win
chisilu iwe go 2 hail sikuwona momwe zinthu zilili anthu akuvutika mbuzi yanu izigomba ndalama zaboma!
@ chioni.zosadabwitsa paja inu kutukwana ndi chinkhalidwe.zoyamwira.uli phee blind following. Ku chitipa kwanu kunali nseu wa tar ? People there appreciate for the road and will vote for dpp
mmmmm zomwezi paka kutukwana. ndiye ngati ufika potukwana kulibwanji ndikanakha pafupi nawe kkkkkk . okay anyway mwina Mulungu akazadalitsa ndipo nyengo ndi tym ikazakwana tizakumana kaya ndi pansewu kaya ndi ku Parliament komweko kkkkk zizawoneka.
Keep it in mind William Panjiwa…..ovotowo 2019 ndife pano and yyu just wait my brother,we only have 19 months to tripartite elecetions, mark my words bro,this time around,no room for Dpp in 2019
iwe ofunika ku mental,akakubaye nyereti.
Says who??
Kkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk. William Panjiwa ndi Rabson Chisale tsopano.
mia is closer to the truth
Sindikufuna kumva za zipan apa dziko lathu lilibe president tikungophana kupopedwa magaz agalu inu
Ukukhala Ngat anakupopakotu. Ife tikufuna umboni sizankhutuzo apa. Ndani amene Anabwela poyela kuzapeleka umboni??? Tingolozana zala mmalo mongogwilizana ndikugwada pansi kupephela zosweka mtima kut chilichonse chikuchitika mmatsenga chibwelele Kwa ochitumiza but we are busy pointing finger to each other. This battle is in spirt ndiye mukufuna imenyedwe ku thupi how????? That’s wy government ikut kulibe chifukwa zikuchitika musatanic, zingofunikila me and u mama kugwilana manja bas sinthawi yomtukwana munthu kapena kunyoza munthu, remember we are in last days so be careful with your naked mouth.
Wakhonza mama khala pansi
MCP my foot!!!!!!@
Siinu nomwe mumkati #DPP siingalowenso m’boma 2014? Mumkati chipani Chatha,lero tili pa chiongolero sindikumuona otigwetsa manyaka okha okha awa #in_DPP_I_trust.
Don’t cheat yourself greedy Mia
thats very true our hope is back in MCP
mwawaonetsa kale anthu manufesto anu mu zitsakho za 2019 ? by winning in your bases in lilongwe and the unpredictable nsanje lalanje then you have concluded that malawians want mcp in 2019 ? hate Dpp but this party is a nice party with good ideology and development conscious.who knew that malawians will have national id? who knew that food security will be a priority for mother Malawi. come on dpp tried to switch diplomatic relations with good and profitable countries like china and other contries and we are benefiting alot.roads being constructed across Malawi without bias.nkhoma road namitondo road.akalota kudzakhala ndi tarmac ku kasiya ? its dpp.ma locations a mu lilongwe tarmac .wait mr mia malawians in majority cant and will never trust mcp.you think of roses in mcp think twice.soon you will be labelled nkholokolo.
Ndimanena nthawi zambiri kuti #cadet ndimunthu wamakani kwambiri! poyamba mumati MCP sigawine ma #by_election ,ndepano ukuti #mcp 2019 sidzawina.chomwe sukuvetsa ndichani iweyo cadet kut if anthu tikufuna kusintha.mark my words the 2019 #elections wil be vote 4 a change. thaks cadet
Truly speaking, a dpp tatopa nanu, mwatizuza kokwana. Chakudya chilipo koma dziwani zoti alimi sitikupindula. Sizikusiana ndi utenanti. Tidzalankhula one day, come 2019!
Munthu akatsala pang’ono kufa mumayamba ndi nkhutu kugotha,,,,the writing is on the wall and u still insist that dpp is vry jst bcoz it has government machinery at its disposal….. Ife a opposition tagwirizana zopanga unite against common enemy dpp in 2019….believe it or not your days are numbered
Come rain ,come sunshine MCP will win 2019 election by landslides.
Anamapopa Amenewa Osawa Voteraso
Mcp woyeeeeeeee
@daudi nkasa spare your anger on those with dissenting view.I understand you pedegu.school njee.but who votes? malawians.so what makes you conclude that mcp will win ? the by elections.who didn’t know that mcp will at nathenje chadza and lilongwe area 23 ? those are strong holds of mcp.nsanje lalanje has voted mcp and independent candidates since democracy. dpp with massive votes from the south will win with landslide. thyolo mj cz zomba voting mcp kkkk study the voting pattern .kuno mcp number with a difference of hundreds of thousands. mcp number one with dpp trailing with few votes.kumpoto voting mcp.impossible
ndi zenizeni zimene mukunenazo abwana simukunama.
Bright future is coming towards MCP whether you like it or not nowdays pple are wise enough they can’t think of DPP government which their task is yeilling and cheers the bottles of the responsibilities they are.we need mcp to governing us not manyakawa.
Dikilani convesion ndipomwe muzawone kuti Mcp si chipani a mia muwasankha vice koma kumpoto ndekuti mwadya zilo kumwera ndi komko mwawinako koma eversince that constituence imeneyi imapita ku mcp kapena independent nde wait 2019
nosence Dpp blood suker
Very true people now believe in MCP any Region
Amalawi Atopa Ndi Nkhanza Za Dpp, Mpaka Liti,
Takawineni ku mulanje ndiye muziti mwadala,osamangolongolora apa
NDIZOONA CHIFUKWA ANTHU MZAKA 23 Taona UDF DPP PP and DPP again ndiye tikupusisidwa ngati amalawi aona chipani chomwe chili chokhazikika ndi MCP, komaso UDF DPP muone anachita wina kutenga mwana wina brother ndizopweteka kwa munthu ozindikila
A mia campain kuti awasankhe u vice kkkkk alemba mmodzi analephera bwanji Ali ku PP
Its True
Kodi DPP ndi church kapena football club?please ndiwuzeni coz ndimangomva dzinalimeneli kwa tiana tikamasewera
ma cadet mutu sukugwira palibe champhavu chomwe mwachita mukungoba basi tatopa nanu ndi ulamuliro wanu odzikondawu
Akumpoto tonse tagwirizana kuti 2019 tizavotera mcp tioneko kusintha dpp sichinthu
Who do u think will manage to change things in this country?what iknow is all the political parties are the same.ngakhal aMCp itazalowa mbom,palibe chomwe chizasinthe.pano anthu tikudandaula zakuthim kwa magetsi,kubedwa kwa chimanga ndi izinso zopopa magazi kudula kwa zinthu ndi zina.nde Mcp izafika ndikuonjedzerapo zina
Ukunamatu iwe kwabasi, ukudziwa kuti maso mphenya a anthu amakhala osiyana? Ku Tanzania panopa dziko lija zilibwino kwabasi kusiyana ndi zaka za utsogoleri wa mmbuyomu panopa Magufuli wasintha zinthu kwambiri zilibwino, ku Zambia kugonja komwe adadzagonja lupia bwezani banda amene adali mtsogoleri wachipani cholamula kumeneko mkudzapambana ndi otsutsa amene alipo leroyi zinthu zili bwino kwabasi anthu akunjoya kumeneko ndipo ngakhale ndalama yawo panopa ndiyamphavu kuposa Rand yaku south africa ndiye ambiri muli busy kumadzinamiza pa za utsogoleri ine yanga vote ndi straght ku Mcp basi tionepo zina
Man;mark my word,Mtsogoleri amatha kukhala wabwino.koma omuzungulira ndiomwe amamusokoneza just becoz of manipulation kwa ena anzawo osauka.
Kd A Mia Mcp Ikazaluza Adzajoina Chipan Chiti??
Mia Osawanamizatu anthu tieni tionane Ku 2019 Ku
Symptoms of Aids is loosing hair, kamwazi, mphepo, and loosing weight. Symptoms of DPP loosing 2019 violence, loosing by elections, members joining opposition instead of ruling. Hy these are symptoms of DPP loosing.
People are tired with DPP empty promises.VIVA MCP
Tsopano Mia alibe tsitsiyo ndiye ndichani tiuzeni
The original DPP went together with the founder, the current one is just abusing the deceased estate. It has no core values, no mission and vision. Mzimu wa malemu ukusowa mtendere ku ndata because of the rot in the party.
Thts true,tht guy had vision not this?
Musafala a MCP wait 2019 DPP pepetiuate
mcp ????? my foot dpp my vote
Am tired of D P P
Its true, mcp will win come 2019
Real and serious lovers of the DPP are and must be worried. Only scavengers who survive through lies see no problem since after the loss, they will again jump off the ship as have done many times before… To them, stretching roots where there is moisture and not creating moisture is their way to live.
Thats true my dear.
Yes MCP will carry the day…DPP idapita ndi Bingu
Udapsa mtima eti? Usadati uona 2019 Mcp ikulowa m’boma anthu atopa ndi bwampini ameneyu angolonjeza koma osakwanilitsa kwaiwo koma kuba ndalama basi tionepo zina awa aba mokwanila zawakanika izi
#mcp siidzalamuliranso whether you like or not.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ayi achimwene pajatu mimba ndichipala a Peter Muthalika ayilephera dziko ndi osiyana ndi mkulu wawo uja mphatso ya usogoleri alibe ndiye kulibwino ayese ena osati yemweyi peter zinthu zikhoza kufika worse ukakhara nsewu sanamange ndiyeyu ndi mkulu wake ndiye anthuwa ndi osayana zochitika
That’s the point
Kudzigulira malo munthu wankulu kaya MCP mukuwona ku convention kukavuta wina ali madzi.
No more Dpp ,MCP boma
I still wonder y MCP is celebrating this victory?
17 October elections were done in there strong hold.
Wait for 2019 and say that he is heavy weight
In your thinking Nsanje and Ndirande are also MCP stronghold? swallow your pride and open your eyes
Nsanje lalanje MCP or independent imawina MP waboma sanawineko mudziyba mwafufuza zaithuzi.
Sam Ganda anawina ngati independent kawirir konse and later joined DPP.
Game inathera draw ija MCP won ku Ndirande DPP inawina ku Dedza
Dont 4get DPP won with 36% in 2014…..dat means anything can happen in 2019 coz 64% is just too much……its 50-50 game
If Dpp got 36% it means mcp got less than that.
cant mcp see that dpp is encroaching their stronghold of Dedza.nathenje msozi is their strong area but look at the figures? lilongwe area 23 constituency is always 50-50.winning by mcp was becoz of enthusiasm of their voters. wait in 2019.nsanje lalanje a dpp sanawineko.this election has put democratic forces to guard against autocratic mcp which voted NO to democracy in 1993 and massively we will prevent it winning with massive votes.
100% MCP will win , people are tired with those empty promises.VIVA MCP.
Tell them kumaona kuti chisankho chachitika madera ati?muonenso kusiyana kwamavote ndiye kudzakhale madera enawa mcp anthu sanaiwale bale anachita zinthu zonyasa ngati sakupanga amalawi azawo
Nsanje Lalanje has been a strong hold for MCP since 1994. Check history.
The Big man himself is worried but the gate man is composed. Reason is obvious..His place the gate does not require paying rent
Lazaro ndamene ali worried kti akaluza what next now
Mukuona ngati mcp siizabanso? Taivoteleni muzalira yambani mwathesa mavuto apanyumba panu ndikukonza moyo wanu wauzimu chifukwa azibusa alero ngokonda chuma
DPP yinapita ndi mwini wake bingu koma MCP Kamuzu anasiyila Ife and 2019 tilowa basi we gave you chances to run Government instead you robe from those voted for you anthu a chabe inu a DPP na 2019 munya.or butaba mavoti muli mumanzi Mesa chufukwa chobela ndi izi zakukanikani.
Muzimuyamiko muluzi mwalamulilapo zaka zonsezi though palibe chasintha apart from rooting our tax and donors money
Are you not worried that DPP is able to win with a wide margin ku Dedza coz ku Ndirande waz just a matter of less than20 votes
Ndani analowa m’boma osaba? Wasnt Kamuzu a thief???? Even if Chakwera wins today, he will still rob us of our taxes. Why? Malawians are prone to abuse by olamula.
I personally dont believe in MCP but I will vote for change, giving you a second chance. Im too tired of seeing old men stealing
Thats true bro #elias
Change not FALSE promises
Me too looking for change munthu asakhalise pamalo
Amajaila kwambiri
This guy has been saying this for every party which has been in govt, and someone is calling him a wise man, since when?
Wait 2019, you will see!
Wise people will vote for mcp and anthu apenya tsopano ndipo ayamba kulankhula mogwilitsila ntchito vote yawo. Tichedwelanji ndi mbavazi? Azathu pa zambia pompa apa akusangalara kwabasi koma ife nkhani ikhale yakuba ndalama? Ndi enanu mkumasangalara kuti ndiye zili bwino kkkkkkk kuganiza kumakhaladi kosiyana eti?
I will choose to be unwise person
You hv a political harlot in ur party
U political harlot anayambisa ndi Bingu anabwera bwanji kukhala president, anachokera ku chipani chiti?
And do u know why Bingu dumped UDF, besides kod nd zpan zngat zomwe Mia walowa?
That’s politics Mr u can do what u want also
No Room For Mcp Boss ! Dpp Got My Vote
Yes we believe in MCP now,i was a member of Dpp but since 2015 i left it and joined MCP forever
Osanamiza wanthu kape iwe a Malawi ake aku central?
M’mene zilirimu nkumati DPP my vote?? MCP is the answer
Mcp is for only wise people, while mbava is for Dpp. MCP 2019 boma 5- 1 osaiwala
mcp ????????????? my foot dpp my vote
Mcp ndi moto.we r tired wth this fool gvt DPP,LETS JOIN HAND AND HAND SO THT MCP ITENGE BOMA 2019.MCP WOYE……..
Pipo are tired of this corrupt government led by DPP.
Its too early to shout victory… Please spare that and focus towards 2019 otherwise you may fail miserably
Malawians want change and we are tired of Dpp’s fake manifesto and lies.,hence rude behavior!Dausi,chaponda and gelezeda jeff are talking nonsense to malawians all the time
Chala changa chakonzeka kukachonga pa MCP kuti chonguuuuuu!!!!!
People are tired indeed, people are fed up with these big crooks.
A Mcp muzaziona dikilani 2019.Chosangalatsa amzanu sanapite ku court.2019 PALIBE KUPITA KUCOURT PANO.
Mbava izi inu, empty tin always makes a lot of noise
Hai Malawians,,am A Zambian Of Malawian descent Living In Zambia,,wu Z Da Leader Of MCP Uko?.
Iam A Zambian As Well Living In Mafinga Neighbouring Malawi! Its Rev Lazarous Chakwela.
Ok Thanks Man,,kansi He Z A Clergyman…Me Am In Copperbelt,chililabombwe In Particular..
All thanks should go straight to you Simwaba
Yah u hv to come and vote in 2019.
Come and vote u guys its tym for MCP
One Malota Phiri,,so In Wich District Of Malawi Do U Stay??,as 4me My Great-great-grandparents,uncles,aunties,cousins Frm Both Paternal And Maternal Ar Frm chitipa District Their.
MCP will never rule malawi again.. hw long did john tembo became opposition leader?brutal killers go in hell..
If God says, it’s tym for MCP to take over no one can say “no” pipo will be voting thinking they are voting the party of their choice not knowing they are voting MCP. It will be the same as the by -election. Who was knowing MCP will beat DPP in such a way?MCP, bomaaaaaaaaaaaa.
kumpoto kwanuko muvotera mcp si muliko ambiri?
I will vote for Mcp this time
zomasapota one party system zazii
Its time to engrave the thieving DPP. This 5 – 1 victory has come to stay. Mwatibera kokwanira, RIP.
pls remove the “never” because u not the one who created this world, ndipo mulungu amakhala ndi chisisi choopsa
never re-rule
#Kubheka, Iz God Toid U?? Zachamba, Zakayesala Zipite Kwa Kayesala Za Mulungu Kwa Mulungu, Mukt Chan! Frendly Yokha Kulongolola Oky Dikila 2019
Smith Prince George II have you ever heard any madness that is happening in southern that in northern we also do? No blood sucking southern, counting money after withdrawing from ATM its only in southern. Even girls in southern asked me when is my birthday, I told her she asked me what I am going to buy her on my birthday. Malawi is a laughing stock because of people from south. Fisi,blood sucking, umbuli its all for southern. So leave us in peace or come here and work for us in tobacco fields mapara.
kkkk i wonder someboday is still talking about tembo while we r talking about chakwela.
Kkkk Ur Saying Mcp Are Brutal Killers.
Ok! Did Robert Chasowa,Mr Njaunju Killed By MCP Boma .Be Wise And Wake Up. We are tired With this Boma.
2019 MCP Boma
Smith prince mukhulukireni wakomedwa ndi ma kuponi aneneyi za mcp regime sangaziziwe koma za dpp zomwez coz pano akutha 20 years nde akudziwa zaka 10 za bingu ndi pitalayu bas
Mukuchedwa ndi kukamba za a Tembo, ife tikuyang’ana za Chakwera. Ma player opanda mbiri yoipa. Kumwera kuli nsanamila (Mia), kumpoto kuli nsanamila ( Msowoya) pakati wasenza denga Dr . Chakwera (mzati). 2019 kuli kanthu
at mkandawire ask your parents how mcp brutalized the north.it was labelled dead north .the mzuzu you see is because of udf constructing two ways, court house, clock tower, misika, central hospital Taiwan built, mZuzu university old teachers college. dpp came and added beauty with reserve banks not forgetting ma robots kkkkkkk.what about roads to be constructed .nkhatabay mzuzu road.njakwa road.chitipa road.the university of mombera.dpp is for every malawians no bias including the north.satified mkandawire ?
@ nyerere. your profile says you are from Mozambique. if so keep quite Mozambique man.aphwitikizi kulowerera za ku Malawi
Prince George,, mwatelo dzinalo eti..? There is more truth that you’re blind to
MCP to rule again Odds 1/15 ….DPP 20/5
Nyonyonyo ….. Mboli yako nawe iwe ukuonapo tembo pa ma election apitawo, think about Chakwela
chiyambi choluza ndi kunditukwana kod president amachokera ku northern or central region? apart from that one party ndiuzen ngat president wa kumalawi anachokera madera anuwo
i can’t. do that
I don’t see any victory since those constituency has never voted to DPP before. The election was normal.we waiting for 2019 general election. Don’t make noise.
shiiii! then y positioning a candidate there if history tells u that no DPP candidate has ever been voted?
That’s the meaning of democracy.
ok nkhani ndi imeneyo Bonjesi
Mphwanga victory was their but people’s change of mind is what affecting you,people are now wise you can’t decieve them get me right there.
Not just noise but unnecessary noise. A Mia za ziiiiiiih
Was the Late Sam M’ganda MCP candidate or DPP? come 2019 DPP will park and GOOOOO.
Kma mcp yokha ndiye ayi kodi afford mulikuti mcp inationetsa kale zakuda iyyyyyyaaaaaa
Iweso chipiliro ukanali chogona inakuonetsa zakuda zanji,tseka chimbudzi chakocho anthu onse amene alimu boma ndimbava palibeso chifukwa chovotera dpp pakena pp afford ndiye kuti chani,panopa anthu atopa ndi mkharidwe oyipawu anthu akumamidzi akuvuti kwambiri chifukwa chanchidwe opusa oba ndalama m’boma zachamba eti tiyeni tione mcp kuti ichita zotani.
A Chiluzi sindikudziwa kuti mukulembera kuti koma anthu wonkhala ku state house ngati a votera MCP who are you? am asking
Moses Brave Ngwenya then MCP could not also have a presidential candidate in 2014 if history counts and it has not to bother itself to have a candident coming 2019 kkkkk
Mcp singalamule mmalawi muno zinachitika kuti anthu anatenga mkazi w Malemu Ganda zinalakwika kwao sikumeneko muona awo a mcp akuchoka 2019 ndi kositiwesi ya dpp imeneyo kukubwerako mayi ganda saimaso kuima namatetule mwini nthaka wakumeneko mcp ikhala mmadzi chitukuko chaima kumeneko
Magetsi Kuchita Kuposedwa Ndi Jb Kkk Dpp 2019 Chaka Chakutha Chipanichi Idzakhala Mbiri Ngati Pp Tione Zina Ife Mwatikwana Enanu Simungawone Kukakwika Coz Simunazione
Ndiye komweko kwanu mwasintha koma ife kuno nganga basi inu mbuli kabwererani ku mcp
Koma ife ndi DPP basi chifukwa or mufune musafune peter alamura 10 years .Dpp woyeeeeee
Kkkkkk anthu a DPP mantha kkkkkkkkk
Wise words from wise man, Mia is indeed game changer MCP 2019 bomaaaa