Sex Workers in South Africa decided to offer free services as a protest intended to force President Jacob Zuma to address the needs of young people in the Rainbow nation.
“We want to use this privilege to beg the president and his people to look into the welfare of this people” reported one of South Africa’s tabloid papers.
According to the reports, the special service run for 24 hours across the country yesterday to mark South Africa’s Youth Days.
Bizarre protests are becoming a trend across the region with one of Malawi’s parliamentarians, Bon Winiko Kalindo, set to stage a naked protest to force government to bring back the death sentence for suspected albino killers.
Malawi Law Society have however warned Mr. Kalindo that he risks arrest should he carry the naked protest.
angoyesera kupanga zimene awone momwe anga wadyere ,aseeee ndipo muyese kutipa malisechewo mwawulere mubereka muwona
hehehe ali kuti tinyenge nawo!
Search….,,. Bodza.co.za
Wabodza iwe uzikanamiza anthu akwanu zimezo wava
dis is a much better way of forcing authorities to meet our needs i dont see why sex worker here in malawi cannot take dat good xaple
Osasiri. Ikakhara jiga timati inakumba pangamvu
Stupit addmin
No wonder ku zambianso tinaziona….. Itatenga african cup of nations, mahule anachindisa ulere kwa 2 weeks
Koma ya
Koma eee This world is at a turning point 360degrees
Free data
zikuchiitika dera liti ndi vaye komko!
Ukufuna adye capital chan
Stop aids
Iiiiiiiiiii mahule wo ndawafunsa akukana2 inu mwazitenga kuti
hahaha kodi free data ndi mahule omwe kkk
Mmmmmm guyz samalan the world z going to end eesh!
Enafe tili mkokuno bwanji sitinave boza M24
bt admin….no boo …this pic is on mzuni magazine…these were students…..
Lovemore Inkosi Hill, Sam Kapalamula, Fri-Tee Yazz Zaboza goat.com
aaaaaa nde zaubakhatu
Malawi24 mbuzi za wanthu
ayi nkozi bwelani basi kuno
ayi nkozi bwelani basi kuno
Zaboza izi mkozi
mmmmmmm galu wankota sakandila pachabe,,,,
Inu timveleni ife man
kkkkkk inuyo anuwake theba?
Hahahahahahahaha ai, koma mbudzi za malawi24 zikunama heavy
aaaaaa malawi 24 imaonjeza mbuzi zenizeni
Ndikuthekadi mwina chaku ujen kuja uko
Aaaaaa kuti Kulirangwe kapena
ok ndikukapangisa pasport ndipo nane ndikubwela tizadye nawo manawo kkkkkkkkkk
Bodza zakumalawi izi wati utinamize tsopano!
Free virus
Eeeeeeh God forbid…….ambuye chitani nafeni …
which part of south africa
ine ndingomvetsera sindilankhulapoyi
Tili pa ulendo tisiyana manyamukidwe
Bodza@its Best http://www.zabodza.com
So who is going to loose?
May God have a mercy on us!!
Munthu waboza ngati iwe sindinamuwone ayi, ukuwona ngati anthu amenewa ndi mbuzi kapena ndiwopepela kuti azigonedwa ulere? Sizingatheke zimenezo poti nawonso ndi business.
osakwatila bwanji? simuvakupweteka ndi june iyi?
Mahule awa, kuyang’ana m’bowo okhawo, ndithu ungasithe maganizo……sungatote nkomwe!
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Chiphwisi chamazilatu
ndie ndimakaladi okhaokha kwathuko amapezeka ndi achina SIDIK MIA basi theba ķudya mahala basi
yabooka kkkkkkk,ichi ndi chisanzo choti aliyense ndiofunikila ena amawanyoza lero akumenyela ufulu
hihihi koma nde zaphwekatu
Green Lies!!!
no comment z my comment
iwe ndimbuzi nzeru ulibe which southafrica are u talking simakwacha2
It sounds strange !
Ku malawi ndye timahule take ngat ma patient,tovetsa chisoni.
mbali yake iti adm mwayamba bodza
Ndipo tikugona nawo for free bola umugulire volosi basi kkkkkkk
kudya zopitanazo basi
What type of services?
If i could have a visa,ndikanaswatu
Yaaa! Dzulodi ku capital Inn kunalinso sadaka.
Kkkkk kaya okonda ma take away kkkk
Kkk Koma Kumeko Week Iyi Mphepo yawonjeza Kwambili
every s.a living with hiv pliz brothers becareful dn`t give up
Fanz ikuphaka zaulere? Mahule angaphwanyitse ulere zoona ozisaka ngati amenewo? Ali pa kampeni yogawa aids ndiyetu.
true end of the world and jesus coming soon
Mukakhuta nsima zanuzo muziona nazo kopita bodza lakeli bwanji??
Hahahahahahaha malonda abvuta
Kkkkkkk ma garden boy mumipandamo tulukani akuti zaulele pano kkkk
Popeza akuchitira muzipinda mwao nde Zuma awona bwa! Senseless.
Kkk kma kumenekoooooo
Kkkkkkk zomwe umachata ikaweluka ku job kkkklkkk ndimadabwa2 cming home late
kugawana matenda
kkkkkkk ine kudabwatu dzulo kulowa mu Majestic ndikumva akut ndisalipile kkkkkkkkkk oky?????? lelo go konko ndikasosolenso kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Kkkkk! Watsopano Ameneyo?
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk wa china uyu kkkkk
Uko ku alexander kwama 20rand basi wamwa madzi, zuma mukunenayo anavomereza kale ndipo anthuwa ngokhala ndi mantha kamba ka apolice , koma apolice omwewo akumawagona anthuso omwewo koma osawalipira moti wapolice wina anafa cha ku orange farm mwenz wapitawu wa may koz sanalipire amakochawo (mahulewo)
Jesus pardon sin pliz!!!! lolani ulosi ukwanirisidwe bt tsoka kwa okwanilitsayo…
Hello there!!!!!!!!!!!
Nc deal.
ma picture awa akale a 2012 kma lero mukuwayika kt munamize anthu
End of the time, jesus is coming soon,
dont mention Jesus on silly issues.. and Jesua in small letters?fuck u!!!
I forgive you, because I can see your not normal, something is not right in your head,
Admin, kodi mukadasutabe zijizi eti!
dziko la mkaka ndi uchi south africa
Zokudya Alesi!
Clear ur phrase!!!!!
kklkk why not malawi
Admin wapenga iwe rand mmene amaimvela kukoma angalole zimenezo ndipo mahule ake ambali iti and zikugwirizana bwanji?????
Ey my brather what is the name of this language…. It sound familiar to venda language here in South Africa
Kkkkkk unazionapo ndakuona
My bra its Chichewa all de way from warm heart of Africa (Malawi)
kkkkkkk,they ar going crazy.
Zausiru basi amalawi
kkkkkkk i don’t understand this
Ndibwera konko mawa
HIV ready to infect without charge! Scary
ayifenso apange zomwezo kuti Albion asamaphedwe!!!!!
the equation is parallel free service to clients to force Jacob Zuma’ for the drillers it was good
Unamanga Admin.
HIV/AID for free.
kwa iwe okonda ma plain iwe zakoooo
Ndi dil