Parliament adjourned early to allow MPs to watch football


Parliament has adjourned early to allow the members of parliament to watch the game between Malawi and Burundi at Bingu National Stadium this afternoon.

Member of Parliament for Mzimba South, Emmanuel Chambulanyina Jere, moved a motion to allow for an early adjournment, and the whole house agreed.

Earlier, the house defeated a similar motion which was moved by MCP Legislator for Dowa West Abel Kayembe.

Some MPs were against the motion saying it is not proper to adjourn parliament because of football.

Member of Parliament for Nsanje Lalanje argued against the motion, saying that if some MPs wanted to watch football, they should not drag the whole Houseinton that.

” We should not waste taxpayers’ money by going to watch football instead of staying in the House and conducting business, which we came here for,” said Ganda.

Leader of the House, Chimwendo Banda, suggested that if MPs needed to go and watch football, let them be. After all, it was a private members’ day.

“Today it’s not our day. It’s private members day, and the government did not prepare any business, so it’s up to members to decide,” he explained.

The Malawi national team, also known as the Flames, will face off against Burundi at the Bingu National Stadium in the 2025 African Cup Qualifiers.


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