Socio-Economic Support Project Comes With Strings Attached


Malawi Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of the Karonga Diocese has issued a stern warning to beneficiaries of socio-economic support projects, stating that those found guilty of violence or involved in killings related to witchcraft accusations will be removed from the program.

During the launch of the “Integrated Support for Orphans, Vulnerable Children and Youth” project at Chipwera, Bishop Mtumbuka emphasized that all beneficiaries will be required to sign a MOU to acknowledge the consequences of such actions.

Programs Manager at Lusubilo Community Care, Kondwani Kapombe Nyasulu, explained that the project aims to empower targeted participants to escape poverty through sustainable livelihood interventions.

The project will benefit 3,000 households and 44 Community-Based Organizations in Karonga, Chitipa, and parts of Rumphi district through graduation and community-level interventions.

The initiative is a collaboration between Lusubilo Community Care and Catholic Relief Services, funded by the Coppels family to the tune of $6.7 million.


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