Catholic University cracks down on indiscipline students


The Catholic University of Malawi has taken stern action against students who engaged in various forms of misconduct, with 11 students facing disciplinary action and some receiving severe punishments including expulsion and suspension.

The charges ranged from academic dishonesty, such as bringing reference materials into examination rooms and using smartphones during exams, to behavioural issues like physical assault, defamation, harassment, and cyberbullying.

The outcomes of the disciplinary hearings were severe, with some students receiving suspensions ranging from one semester to one academic year, while others faced expulsion.

Specifically, students found guilty of bringing reference materials into examination rooms and using them during exams have been suspended ranging from one semester to one academic year, while one student charged for defaming and harassing fellow students and use of obscene language has been expelled.

The university’s management has taken a strong stance against misconduct, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a conducive learning environment and upholding the institution’s values.

By taking decisive action against errant students, the university aims to promote discipline and responsibility among its student body.


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