APM spits venom at MCP


Former president of the Republic of Malawi who is also a torchbearer for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the 2025 presidential race, Arthur Peter Mutharika has strongly condemned the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) from orchestrating a plot to bar him from contesting in the presidential race on the pretext of advanced age

During the DPP elective convention held last week at COMESA hall in Blantyre, delegates to the convention endorsed Mutharika to represent the party in the 2025 presidential race, earmarking him as an outright competitor to MCP’s and incumbent Malawi leader, Lazarus Chakwera.

However, Mutharika, 84, has faced a backlash from some concerned Malawians who believe he is too old to hold the highest office on the land.

But, speaking inside a Times exclusive program aired on Times Television on Saturday evening, Mutharika brushed off the concerns and urged Malawians not to take them seriously.

A highly charged Mutharika attempted to answer all the questions from host, Brian Banda with all the necessary precision and conciseness.

He went straight at pointing at the Malawi Congress Party as masterminds of the plan to bar him from contesting in the race but instead, went ahead and labelled himself as a ‘fierce’ candidate in the race.

Mutharika wondered why they [MCP] are worried about his age and challenged that, no matter whatever circumstances that may come on the way, nobody can manage to stop him from contesting in the race.

“Why are they worried now? Have they ever wished me well? My supporters are happy with me and I feel very strong. Again, no one can predict the future now but I can assure you that I am very strong and ready. All the nonsense is from MCP. They know that once I am in the race, they are out,” explained Mutharika.

Defending his age and his prowess to efficiently run the affairs of government, Mutharika likened himself to Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a Roman General who, in 17 BC, at the age of 89, managed to defeat his attackers within 16 days.

The DPP leader stressed that he is physically, mentally and psychologically fit to hold the office of president and take Malawians from the wrath of poverty, which he said has worsened under the watch of Chakwera and the MCP government.

Mutharika, a lawyer and politician, served as president of Malawi from May 2014 to June 2020 when he was defeated by incumbent Malawi leader Lazarus Chakwera—who led Tonse Alliance in a court-sanctioned fresh presidential elections. 

The 2019 presidential elections, which declared Mutharika as a victor, were nullified by the court amid irregularities surrounding the use of Tippex on ballot papers.

MCP publicity secretary, Jessie Kabwira was not available for comment as we went to press.


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