As one way of protecting children from polio, the Government of Malawi in collaboration with its partners plans to conduct supplementary immunization campaigns targeting all children under the age of 15.
This is in line with the World Health Organisation recommendation to boost the children’s immunity against the disease through supplementary immunization.
According to a statement released by Principal Secretary in Ministry of Health Dr. Samson Mndolo, the first round of this new set of supplementary campaigns will run from 12th to 15th July 2023.
“Vaccination will be conducted from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm through a door-to-door approach. The vaccination services will also be made available in all Government and CHAM facilities, in private clinics that already offer immunization services, outreach clinics and other temporary sites,” explained Mndolo.
To make sure all children are protected from paralysis and death due to polio, the Ministry of health has urged all parents and caregivers of children to have all their children under the age of 15 vaccinated against polio during the campaign regardless of whether they were already vaccinated or not.
Polio is caused by a virus and is spread from person to person mainly through feacal-oral transmission for example by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Everyone is at risk of polio though children under the age of 15 are more at risk. The disease can only be prevented through immunization and as well as by practicing food, personal hygiene and proper disposal of feaces and waste.