Communities in Mangochi demand safe water


Bwananyambi community members in Mangochi district have demanded the Mangochi Council to provide their area with safe and clean water.

This was said on Wednesday when Centre for Social Concern, a social and research arm of the Roman catholic in Malawi, facilitated an interface meeting which involved Area Development Committees (ADCs) from sub-traditional authority Bwananyambi and office of water development in Mangochi.

One of ADC chairpersons from Bwananyambi 1 ward Flora Jackson told the duty bearers that things are worse in their area and they need more boreholes.

“We need safe water, we need more boreholes, imagine, ratio of boreholes in our area is one to 150 people, access to safe drinking water is everyone’s challenge,” said a concerned citizen.

In his response, Mangochi District Water supervisor Hassan Maluwa admitted the fault and outlined that inadequate funding to his office has been a major challenge but was quick to mention that such kind of projects do depend on development partners.

He further promised the community to consult available partners to construct some boreholes in the area.

The facilitator of the interface meeting, Centre for Social Concern programme officer Benard Mphepo commended the community of Bwananyambi for demanding transparency and accountability on funds that are meant for development projects.

He said people have the right to access safe drinking water because early this year the country had an outbreak of cholera due to unsafe water.

“Lack of water can be a root cause of outbreak. This prompted us to intervene so that people should have a full access to safe water. We are happy that the outcome of this meeting has given a warning shot to Members of Parliament not to politicize developmental projects,” said Mphepo.

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