Over 10,000 households survivors in Phalombe at risk of contracting Malaria


Over 10,000 survivors living in camps for Cyclone Freddy survivors in Phalombe South Constituency are at risk of contracting Malaria due to congestion.

In an interview with this publication, Member of Parliament for the constituency Mary Mpanga said that the situation at the camps which are over 24 is very pathetic saying the survivors are sleeping without blankets and mosquito because the floods washed away all of their property they used to depend on.

She also said that the food items that are being given to the survivors are not enough to cater for the number of people living in the camps a situation which she said is forcing her to be using her own pocket money to add on to what they are receiving from Department of Natural Disaster (DODMA).

“For example, the camp of 300 people is receiving 10 bags of Maize flour. I am talking of 200 households not individuals but households so it’s not enough. We are expecting government to do more on what they are doing now, because as an MP I have tried my best.

“The frequency of the donation is a one time thing probably after 3 or 4 days. I know they have so many places to take food to because of what has happened but we still need them to come at least to give at least more according to the number of households or individuals at the camps,” she said.

When asked if the camps have registered any cases of Cholera outbreak, Mpanga said they had cases of Cholera before the cyclone but they have not registered any cases.

She expressed worry that the situation has forced learners in the Constituency not to resume their classes because all 24 primary schools are now camps for the survivors.

She continued saying that she has been pleading with DODMA to provide the camps with tents so that the leaners can resume classes but to no avail.

Phalombe is one of the districts which was hit hard by Cyclone Freddy living people devastated, others lost lives , properties and roads were washed away.

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